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-   -   Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Finished (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=46213)

Valerius October 1st, 2010 12:14 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Hosting interval has been changed to 48 hours.

Squirrelloid October 1st, 2010 04:40 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
reminder interval to 12h, eek eek?

Valerius October 1st, 2010 06:23 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Sure, 12 hours it is.

Squirrelloid October 9th, 2010 01:21 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
So, i'm out of town for the weekend. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but i forgot my external harddrive with dominions3 on it. So Valerius, can you extend hosting to some reasonable time on Monday? (I'm in GMT -6 iirc, so a 60h extension would be nice.)

err... make that 48h, not 60. Got this game's hosting time confused with momentum's...

Valerius October 9th, 2010 02:38 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Sure, hosting has been postponed until 11:53 GMT Tuesday.

LDiCesare October 12th, 2010 01:15 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I just sent my turn, but I won't be able to play the following turn before saturday, so if the turn after this one could be postponed, if needs be, to saturday 10:00GMT I'd be thankful.

Valerius October 12th, 2010 06:11 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Sure, will do.

Fantomen October 13th, 2010 06:56 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I'm done for, thanks for the game everyone. Kudos for the kill goes to Caelum.

I messed up my strategy big time by getting my pretender killed turn 2, but it was still great fun. I would gladly join a similar game in the future.

Valerius October 13th, 2010 02:37 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Thanks for playing. Tough break about your pretender but I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

It's been action packed so far. In fact, I'm the only one who hasn't been in war, which just goes to show that no matter the game settings or how pointless it is, I will find a way to turtle.

Squirrelloid October 19th, 2010 11:19 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
24-48h extension please. Travelling cross-country and my wife is a cruel taskmaster, which is making it unlikely that I'll actually get to even look at my turns by hosting time, much less do them.

Valerius October 19th, 2010 11:49 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Sure; I postponed hosting by 24 hours but if I don't see your turn in around 8 hours before hosting I'll add on another day.

Valerius October 29th, 2010 03:40 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I wish Lychantropos' Amulets would get added to the list of things that aren't picked up after battle. Really annoying having my mages end up with those after a fight.

Valerius October 31st, 2010 04:55 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I was just getting ready to send in my turn and noticed a couple of turns missing so I added some time to the clock.

Valerius October 31st, 2010 04:26 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Still no turn from Caelum, which is very unusual since he usually is one of the first to complete his turn. Delaying hosting again.

Valerius November 9th, 2010 04:42 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
That's really annoying - I can't believe I staled again. :mad: Which meant I also didn't see Shinu's turn wasn't in and couldn't postpone hosting for him.

Dark Kitty November 9th, 2010 05:54 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
It's ok :) I should have thought about sending my turn after doing it...:doh:

LDiCesare November 11th, 2010 05:21 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I hate it when it's alwyas the first magic duel that works for the opponent despite the odds. On average I could have killed about 4 of those damn shamans before one managed to win but I had no luck once more and got down on the first shot.

Valerius November 11th, 2010 08:16 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
That is painful, but IIRC there was a battle earlier in the game where I thought your pretender got pretty lucky, surviving 4 magic duel attempts from lizard shaman (any maybe also high fatigue in the battle?). For those of you who don't have scouts in the south Ulm and C'tis have been fighting almost the entire game. It's been a good show, though I haven't been following it as closely since attacking Caelum (C'tis' dominion keeps killing my scouts and I haven't replenished them).

Speaking of attacking, what's up with the surprise attack, Shin? If you wanted those provinces you could have just asked. ;)

Dark Kitty November 12th, 2010 05:24 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
But it would take the fun out of it:p

Plus it is time to act, or let you walk away with the game ;)

Valerius November 12th, 2010 07:06 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running

Originally Posted by Dark Kitty (Post 762799)
But it would take the fun out of it:p

Ha! As a sneaky bunch ourselves the Vanir can appreciate that. Very well: let's fight! :)


Originally Posted by Dark Kitty (Post 762799)
Plus it is time to act, or let you walk away with the game ;)

Hmm, maybe so. Though I notice that while I have more provinces than you, your income is almost as good as mine and your gem income higher. So I guess if you defeat me you'll be the one who has the game won. ;)

It'll be interesting, though - I've never fought (or played) Shinuyama.

Valerius November 13th, 2010 06:06 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
We've reached turn 40 so, as per the game description, the hosting interval has been changed to 72 hours.

Valerius November 22nd, 2010 05:38 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Caelum went AI this turn. Good run, Graeme Dice, until you ended up the odd man out in the sequence of dogpiles in the north. Honestly, this will help me out by not having to deal with a human defender on Caelum's cap and other fort I'm besieging. Eriu also benefits in besieging the third and final Caelian fort.

Another benefit is that if Shin's army of thugs continues south they'll reach Caelum's cap this turn and can fight Caelum for me. ;) We've got kind of a thug exchange program going - Shinu's thugs continue their path into Vanheim territory and this turn several Vanjarls toured the Shinuyama countryside. :)

Valerius November 25th, 2010 01:45 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I added 12 hours to the clock since I needed a little more time and also noticed C'tis' turn wasn't in yet.

Valerius November 28th, 2010 06:42 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Sorry, I need more time again and C'tis' turn is also outstanding so I'm adding more time to the clock.

Valerius December 1st, 2010 04:57 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Sorry for the continued delays in hosting. Squirrelloid asked me to postpone hosting over Thanksgiving and I haven't heard from him since. It looks like he logged in yesterday but unfortunately I didn't PM him until afterwards. I'm waiting to hear back (or for him to just send in his turn).

Valerius December 1st, 2010 11:22 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Well, after all that I lost track of the hosting time and forgot to extend it again, resulting in a stale for C'tis. Sorry about that, Squirrelloid. :(

Valerius December 4th, 2010 01:38 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I've thought it over and Bloodletting doesn't belong in this game so I won't be using it anymore. I don't have any memory of it when I was going over the spell lists so I don't know if I just missed it or thought maybe it would be ok. Regardless, it's a battlefield wide offensive spell and won't be in the next game.

Another spell I wonder about is Iron Bane. It doesn't do direct damage but is battlefield wide and I'm not sure we want to make it that easy to eliminate armor. But for now I'll still use that one since both my opponents can cast it as well as buff their own troops with wooden warriors so we're on equal footing.

Valerius December 4th, 2010 01:39 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I'm going to need a little more time to plan for Eriu's attack. Adding 12 hours to hosting.

Squirrelloid December 5th, 2010 12:32 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
stop extending it, you're just letting me procrastinate longer =P

Valerius December 5th, 2010 01:08 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Ok, once I finish my turn I'll walk away from the computer and not check it until after hosting time - so no last minute extensions. ;)

Anyway, at least here you're in a fight to the death - but you're killing me in Momentum as you're finally at peace and are still procrastinating. :p

Squirrelloid December 5th, 2010 01:27 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I totally submitted momentum already!

Valerius December 8th, 2010 03:30 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
We are missing three turns (including my own) with four hours until hosting. I'm also going to need more time to figure out a defense against Eriu's VQ, given my failure to stop her dominion from spreading into my territory (wish I had jade knives ;)). So I'm adding 24 hours to the clock.

Btw, as you may have already noticed, Shin may need a temp sub or perhaps just some extra time over the next week.

Valerius December 9th, 2010 04:59 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Well, that was embarassing. The AI Caelum kicked my *** when I tried to storm Caelum's cap. I guess it had more left than I assumed and I guess I should taken a look at what was inside instead of being in such a rush to redirect those forces towards Eriu. Now those forces no longer exist (see Van army graph). :p

Eriu, that was quite a show of force. I was wondering if you were just going to rely on your VQ - apparently not. It will pretty much put a stop to my push against Shin as I'll need to pull back in order to defend my homeland. However, there is some good news: the unstoppable Eater of the Dead (at least temporarily under the control of Van) continues his reign of terror from the previous game.

This has been a fun war - lots of back-and-forth. :)

Valerius December 15th, 2010 04:30 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I'm going to need a little more time this turn - 12 hours added to hosting.

Valerius December 18th, 2010 04:01 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Sorry, need more time again - hosting postponed by 12 hours.

Valerius December 23rd, 2010 04:01 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Our next hosting time falls in the middle of this holiday weekend so I've postponed hosting 48 hours, until 9:20 GMT Monday. If anyone needs more time let me know.

Valerius December 31st, 2010 07:45 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Hosting postponed 72 hours due to the holiday weekend.

Squirrelloid January 8th, 2011 04:00 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Ulm, do i want to know how many pearls you blew on your pretender? It looks an awful lot like 180.

LDiCesare January 8th, 2011 10:02 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Yes, I blew up a lot. On the other hand, I couldn't do much with the gems. I mean, I can forge stuff, but I have noone to put it on. I don't think it would have helped much so I decided to try and threaten the magic duellers.
I think I'll lose no matter what, but I couldn't think of something actually clever to do with my wonderful mages.

Valerius January 14th, 2011 05:06 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Looks like the llamaserver is still having some issues: I postponed hosting by 24 hours and it set the new hosting time 72 hours later. So I guess let's try to get our turns in a little before that. ;)

Valerius January 27th, 2011 11:53 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Darn it, I had been postponing hosting because Shin's turn wasn't in but wasn't able to do so this time and he staled. We had a major battle this turn as I broke the siege of one of my forts. He already had his formation set as this siege has been going on for a while but I don't know if he planned on bringing in reinforcements.

Also, I've been meaning to ask what the interest level in the game is at this point. My sense is that it isn't very high. There's no point in continuing if nobody wants to. Note that I'm fine with continuing if people want to but I thought I'd throw the question out there.

LDiCesare January 28th, 2011 03:31 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I'm pretty happy keeping fighting C'tis, even though I know the northern realms will smash us both as soon as they decide to.
I finally got rid of all the marshmasters he sent against me. Now just to finish the shamans and I can strike back with my army of steel-clad crippled infantry!

Valerius January 28th, 2011 08:17 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Lol, that's quite a fight you two have going there. :) But I have to agree that once Shin and Eriu defeat me (as they almost certainly will) they will roll over you two. That's ok; sometimes it's fun to have a good 1 vs. 1 fight even if it does take both parties out of contention. And who knows, maybe you'll be able to fracture the Shin/Eriu partnership and manage to get back in the running.

Squirrelloid January 28th, 2011 10:03 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Ctis is kind of crippled in this game, since all my useful spells for army clearing are post level 6. Oh well, our unending conflict has doomed us both no matter who wins.

zlefin January 29th, 2011 12:05 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
hey, we're not THAT tough up here in the north. i know my interest has been waning for some time; but i can easily keep playing, not like turns take long.

Dark Kitty January 29th, 2011 12:02 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running

Originally Posted by Valerius (Post 769565)
Darn it, I had been postponing hosting because Shin's turn wasn't in but wasn't able to do so this time and he staled. We had a major battle this turn as I broke the siege of one of my forts. He already had his formation set as this siege has been going on for a while but I don't know if he planned on bringing in reinforcements.

Sorry about that, I thought I had actually submitted my turn :doh: (I already submitted the one for this turn, just to be sure^^) (I shouldn't have procrastinated to storm that castle :P)

I have lost a little interest too, since it feels we've been playing the middle game for a long time and I don't see anyone getting a clear advantage (the graphs are a little deceiving I think), but I don't mind keeping playing either, it is an original game and we have plenty of gems to have fun with

Valerius January 30th, 2011 07:05 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
Yeah, this is a game that begins and ends with the middle game. :) It occurs to me that capping magic at level 6 and then having almost all of those spells available from the beginning of the game eliminates research as a way to get an advantage on an opponent - and to that extent increases the chances of stalemates.

I think the main thing needed to decide this war is for Eriu to go on the offensive. When he entered the war I thought I'd have to deal with him first (and quickly) since he's my neighbor, while retreating as needed through Caelum's lands when you attacked. The problem was that all my attacks on Eriu were complete failures (I really like playing glamour nations - I'm not having as much fun fighting one ;)). But he didn't take advantage and so I was able to put together the force I just used to break your siege.

You aren't kidding about having lots of gems - I can kill those shuras of yours but there's just so many of them (fully equipped, no less).

So, I guess we'll keep playing for now and see how things go.

LDiCesare March 12th, 2011 07:24 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
What a cripple fight!
Ulm and C'tis pretenders are a good match for each other. C'tis climate is quite good for growing afflictions...

Valerius March 18th, 2011 09:20 PM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I was asked about taking a vote whether to continue the game, since interest seems even lower than last time I checked (this is apparent from the multiple postponements every turn to avoid stales). I'm fairly certain LDiCesare would like to continue, and I don't like to cut a game short when someone is still interested in it, but keeping it going when nobody else is interested also isn't a good solution (btw, I give everyone credit for continuing to play even though they may not be into the game). So, what do you all say?

Edit: If we do continue I'm going to stop postponing hosting unless I am asked to do so. Normally I will postpone hosting if I see someone about to stale, but in this case it is really dragging the game out and making it even less likely to ever come to a conclusion (we're probably averaging a turn about every 5 days).

LDiCesare March 19th, 2011 05:55 AM

Re: Battleground - CBM, max lvl 6 magic, no site search/research - Running
I'm still interested, but if noone else wants to continue, we can just stop it.

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