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Kadelake September 22nd, 2010 06:48 AM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
I'm surprised that people would find Rome an example of avoiding mixing religion and government. What have given you that idea? That they refused the idea of a divinely appointed king? To me they seem like one of the most extreme example of government and religion combined.

Religious rites was a natural part of government and warfare. Decisions was made according to auguries, consulting the sacred chickens and so on. What's interesting with the Republic is that government itself was sacred. There where sacred offices making the elected official sacrosanct (Tribunes, Censors). The constitution and practices of government where venerated like religious rites. The Romans tolerated and even embraced other religions and most saw no problem in holding several contradictory beliefs. But they tolerated no opposition to the sacred rites of the foremost deity of them all: the Republic itself. Later this divinity of the state was transferred to the emperor.

Kadelake September 22nd, 2010 07:25 AM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc

Originally Posted by RadicalTurnip (Post 758843)
Christianity was very pro-women for its time.

I agree that you have to consider the culture around the religion. I don't know whether Islam or Christianity is the most "pro-women", I've seen people argue for both. But even though they improved women's conditions where they first arouse it becomes problematic when they spread to other cultures.

From my Scandinavian perspective Christianity seems like an "anti-women religion" since here it lessened women's rights. So I don't think it's possible to simply generalise and say that a religion is pro or anti women. It was pro in the Levant and anti in Scandinavia.

I do believe that religions in general are holding back women's rights today, in case anyone was wondering about my opinion ;)

SplendidTuesday October 2nd, 2010 03:45 PM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
I have no opinion on the whole Machaka mess, but I'd certainly like to see a Muspelheim nation.

I'd also like to see a Sumerian nation; maybe a version of Absyia that's more of that style?

A nation based on the Turks might be fun as well.

Zeldor October 3rd, 2010 11:06 AM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
We have Abysia, so I doubt we'd get Muspelheim in dom3. They are different nations, sure, but both fire based.

It'd be great to just get what was planned, so 2 more Machakas and Vanarus.

WraithLord October 3rd, 2010 12:27 PM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
Maybe IW could give us a xmas present with these nations :D

HoneyBadger October 3rd, 2010 07:01 PM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
Muspelheim was planned, actually. Kristoffer's talked about wanting to make it, sometime.

B0rsuk October 4th, 2010 03:22 PM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
Maybe it's time to talk Kristoffer into giving LA Mictlan some special units recruitable underwater ?* Rain priests' description mentions they would love nothing more than to return to the sea. Yet player has no particular reason to go there. They use people of Mictlan as means to the goal.

* I've inspired him to add the sleepless infantry and the astral mages to LA Atlantis. So it can be done :>

thejeff October 4th, 2010 05:02 PM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
On the other hand, LA Atlantis was arguably underpowered and LA Mictlan is a powerhouse. Giving them anything good in the oceans just boosts them even more.

On the gripping hand, more opposition to R'lyeh in the water is always good. As long as the new units don't add significantly to Mictlan's diversity (either new paths or combinations), I don't think it would be too much. No sacred units.

HoneyBadger October 4th, 2010 06:25 PM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc

Originally Posted by B0rsuk (Post 759928)
Maybe it's time to talk Kristoffer into giving LA Mictlan some special units recruitable underwater ?* Rain priests' description mentions they would love nothing more than to return to the sea. Yet player has no particular reason to go there. They use people of Mictlan as means to the goal.

* I've inspired him to add the sleepless infantry and the astral mages to LA Atlantis. So it can be done :>

What's the lore on Aztecs and the sea? My first wild thought would be to give them a really simple ability to shapeshift into a basic turtle. I like the idea of spellcasters having secondforms, fairly ubiquitously, even/especially if those forms seem to offer little other than increased flavour.

My second thought is that I'd like to see Fomorians, as kings of the drowned dead, have additional powers while underwater. Has anything been done with that, with CBM? Is there a good way to give them the demon priest ability to raise undead while underwater?

Kristoffer is a very nice man, and a wonderful Dev, but my personal experience is that he seems to run away from the idea of player suggestions directly becoming official content, due to concerns about legality and copyright laws (a concern which I don't really understand). So, if you've managed that, my hat goes off to you, B0rsuk.

B0rsuk October 5th, 2010 03:34 AM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
To be fair, my suggestion was far less specific, I merely highligted the disconnect between nation's flavour and player strategies. That player doesn't want to conquer water. Next thing I know there are some new units recruitable underwater. I think Kristoffer is an amusing developer. Not caring much about multiplayer or balance (although he does make progress), focusing on flavour, yet unstoppable. It's clear he takes his time to make Dominions, and he enjoys it.

I probably shouldn't mention I don't really love Dominions as a game. I like it. I treat it more as a book than a game. It's a game you can explore and study. It has absolutely the best descriptions I've ever seen.

Either way, I'm very curious about Illwinter's new project. I'm almost certain I'll buy it. I can't blame them for not making Dominions 4. The game has some fundamental issues, like balancing of national troops. They are either rush material or forgotten. Deep Ones from EA Atlantis would be okay in late game, I guess, if it wasn't for their awful MR. The "best", biggest forts are actually the worst and people prefer to build in swamps, etc. Anyway, Another dominions game could really feel limiting for a person this creative. Maybe it won't even be a strategy game ? That would make me sad.

name thief October 23rd, 2010 01:22 PM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
This thread seems to have drifted. My question though is what do we know about the unmade nations. Muspelheim I think is a nation of fire giants or something. I have no clue about Vanarus, and Machchaka Lion Kings is clearly another African nation. What other information is there?

Gregstrom October 23rd, 2010 03:19 PM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
Vanarus is the predecessor nation to Bogarus, so think Vanir in Russia. Lion Kings is a bit of an unknown. Look up the African white lion legends, think 'noble warriors of the plains' and you might get some ideas.

Zeldor October 26th, 2010 12:53 AM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
Yeah, Vanarus is about nordic tribes arriving at Russia and taking over. So probably some cap-only Vans and human pre-Bogarus troops as the rest. Someone should look up details behind it, mythology that is, to find out what we should expect :)

Kobal2 October 26th, 2010 03:04 AM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
I'm not aware of any specific mythology or folklore associated with them, but Scandinavian vikings did historically displace to and eventually ruled a good chunk of western Russia way back when.

Considering the Kievan Rus military history and its on-again, off-again alliances with steppe nomads (Khirgiz, Kazhars, Cumans, Pechenegs...) I wouldn't be surprised if Vanarus had a horse archer component to supplement the Vans.

ETA : It'd also make sense in purely Dominions terms - Sauromatia's barbarian cavalry doesn't figure in Pythium's roster. My guess : they moved somewhere else (Vanarus) before winding up lording it over T'ien Ch'i :)

Spendios October 29th, 2010 06:19 AM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc
It's true that there would had been room for plenty more nations, too bad we will surely never seem them :(

African mythology would make for a few different nations I suppose + an Arabian Nights Themed nation. Tibetans, Khmers and South-East Asian mythology have not been explored too. And there is still room for plenty of Chinese/Japanese foklore. And Australian Aborigines Dreamland and Maoris. And the Incas and Northern American mythology.

Let's wish for a Dominions 4 when Illwinter finish their secret project :)

Gregstrom October 29th, 2010 07:22 AM

Re: Vanarus, Machaka Lion Kings etc

Originally Posted by Spendios (Post 761488)
African mythology would make for a few different nations I suppose + an Arabian Nights Themed nation. Tibetans, Khmers and South-East Asian mythology have not been explored too. And there is still room for plenty of Chinese/Japanese foklore. And Australian Aborigines Dreamland and Maoris. And the Incas and Northern American mythology.

When you have the time, take a trawl through the mods section. Many of the themes you mention have been explored there.

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