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iRFNA October 23rd, 2010 01:30 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
I like big frogs and I cannot lie

Gandalf Parker October 23rd, 2010 02:32 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started

Originally Posted by iRFNA (Post 761151)
I like big frogs and I cannot lie

Sounds like one for the Dom3 Parody Songs thread.

iRFNA October 23rd, 2010 10:40 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Live footage from eriu

Tryfan October 24th, 2010 05:02 AM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Having a sale on frog legs, 90% off. Supplies pretty much unlimited.

iRFNA October 24th, 2010 03:34 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Poor little guys... The tears aren't coming. The tears just aren't coming.

iRFNA October 28th, 2010 01:35 AM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
That's some dedicated hurricaning! I feel like New Orleans.

Also, hi vanheim! Nice to finally meet you

attackdrone October 28th, 2010 02:18 AM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
It is more like New Orleans than you realize! Blights follow Hurricanes... welcome to the Lower Ninth Ward.

Tryfan October 28th, 2010 11:09 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
The froogies and snakes approach once more... perhaps emboldened knowing that Lavren the Studly is not at the capital.

200 kills for a common thug!

iRFNA October 28th, 2010 11:18 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Give us what we want, or we will continue to die!

Tryfan October 30th, 2010 02:45 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Could be the end for me in a turn or two. How ignoble, capital resists every attempt to take it from Vanheim to C'tis, but only to get domkilled.

iRFNA October 30th, 2010 02:50 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
I liked your thug MIRV, though. I tried to hit it with ritual summons before it happened but somehow you evaded!

Tryfan October 31st, 2010 07:15 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Lavren crosses the 300 kill plateau, and C'tis's capital is beseiged!

iRFNA October 31st, 2010 10:07 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Lavren has AIDS. :(

Tryfan October 31st, 2010 11:26 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
I'll be domkilled before he dies, so IMO he will find a cure and live out his days happy in obscurity somewhere.

iRFNA November 1st, 2010 02:39 AM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
There is no cure for AIDS. :(

Tryfan November 6th, 2010 03:54 AM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
You just ain't gonna kill him C'tis...

Can you imagine how much fun you would have had had I been given enough time to make more than seven of those guys total?

Tryfan November 6th, 2010 07:32 AM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Aaaand there's the domkill. Eriu capital withstood every attempt to capture it, from Vanheim's turn 4 or 5 rush to the huge toad and snake armies later on. Might have held on longer but the god was killed by something silly (a horror maybe?) because she was scripted for large battle fighting rather than a one on one fight and that was a big dominion hit.

So, postmortem for Eriu:

The situation was realistically hopeless from the fourth turn on. Abysia rejected the NAP offer and took Utonshire on turn 3 (with its construction bonus), and Vanheim took the NW province to my capital on the same turn. I think a lucky provincial defense random event helped defeat Vanheim's rush attack because Eriu's regular troops certainly aren't capable of doing so on their own (Eriu was at 53 PD in the early going).

Vanheim stopped its attacks to concentrate on Abysia but the damage was done. Realistically I HAD to be the one to fight C'tis, no one else could even reach him, and severely crippling me with an early game double rush while failing to actually finish me off effectively should have handed the game to him on the spot as he had something like 20 turns or more to build up unopposed. Failing to kill me, a reasonably close second option would have been to finish off Abysia fast too; by that point Vanheim would have been at a disadvantage, but not a decisive one. But Abysia held out too. I never saw the battles at Abysia's capital, just the results, and they were flabbergasting; it must have occurred to Vanheim at some point that they needed to start using anti-mage tactics rather than just throw army after army of shapeshifters at it but I never saw it.

I'm happy to have held on this long but after C'tis declared war I should have been dead a dozen turns later at most. C'tis's armies moved very, very slowly. He also had an incredible reluctance to take my outlying territories; at one point I held territories inside his own island area with no defense for something like six or eight turns. I made a bad tactical mistake early on when the four thugs I had available moved in front of his main army; they routed because the PD routed and one died the rest scattered. I was careful not to let them fight in provinces with that much PD after that but that was a costly defeat. Luckily for me it was also the ONLY defeat any of my major forces had and that kept me in the game.

Twice, huge armies were butchered at my capital. Winds of Death won the first one while two thugs and the elemental summons held the hole in the wall. Wrathful Skies won the second though I forgot to script my mages for defending from it and a half dozen or so died.

All in all it was an entertaining game even if I was reduced to role of spoiler. I don't think I would want to play Eriu again, though. I dunno if I mismanaged their strategy but they played like a weak version of Vanheim to me.

That game might have been a LOT different if my capital had been just one or two provinces removed to the east...

iRFNA November 6th, 2010 03:09 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Just out of curiosity, did the death curse horror marks ever yield horrors?

And I was afraid of committing to battles in random, extraneous provinces because there could be a thug hiding behind any rock, any tree... I should have just went to your capital and preached you to death with my first army, honestly. Without that gate as a chokepoint, breaking sieges would have given the day to the snakes and frogs.

And hey, at least give me credit, I could have smashed you when you were all beaten down. I waited until your score graphs looked above average before I declared war, but I certainly wasn't going to let you build up forever until you overran me with thugs.

Tryfan November 6th, 2010 03:30 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started

Originally Posted by iRFNA (Post 762110)
Just out of curiosity, did the death curse horror marks ever yield horrors?

Occasionally... because I didn't have much in the way of regular troops I maybe got a skewed look at them. I think one killed my weakened and counterscripted pretender at one point, but the thugs and mages usually just laughed them off. Not very often though.


And I was afraid of committing to battles in random, extraneous provinces because there could be a thug hiding behind any rock, any tree...
Very true but I never had very many of them. Perhaps I should have half-arsed equipped more rather than full equipped just a few, but I never had the gem income to ramp up.

Still it was cool having a bunch of guys rockin the 33 or 34 defense and 24 or so protection, mistformed and blessed. Maybe I should have not bothered with shields and just dual wielded my way through the frogs.


I should have just went to your capital and preached you to death with my first army, honestly. Without that gate as a chokepoint, breaking sieges would have given the day to the snakes and frogs.
Yeah, probably. There was no defense against your dominion, which is why the other players, Vanheim especially, needed to turn on you a lot sooner.

I fried every temple of yours I could get at but of course that is not nearly enough.


And hey, at least give me credit, I could have smashed you when you were all beaten down. I waited until your score graphs looked above average before I declared war, but I certainly wasn't going to let you build up forever until you overran me with thugs.
Sure sure, play with the mouse before eating it...

See you in the next game.

attackdrone November 7th, 2010 04:29 AM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
I started out strong but by the time I was heading towards Abysia Vanheim got caught with its pants down... well more accurately it was revealed that the skinshifters wear no pants!

Wearing no pants results in some pretty severe third degree burns, it seems.

It took me a while to scrape up a counter for Abysia's flying fire mage + demon squads. By the time I had done so, it was apparent exactly how threatening C'Tis had become. This meant that most of my resources went towards temples, priests, and hurricane / blights to try and hold off C'Tis, with a token force of six ungeared vanjarls plus two or three fire immune vanjarls (fire brand + shield of gleaming gold) to hold off Abysia. Every now and again I'd scrape up a few skinshifters to take a few provinces and rank up the tax to 200. In the last few turns I did wander a random pack of mages around, mostly for fun.

Those three stale turns certainly didn't help either! My other two games I am playing have moved to 72 hour turns, and this one is on a 24 hour timer, so I'd miss turns occasionally. Whoops!

Drog the Destroyer November 7th, 2010 05:37 AM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
I'm guessing I'll follow Eriu pretty quickly, I've basically been scraping by since turn 15 or something like that.

Thanks for the AAR Tryfan, I'll try to do one myself, when i'm eliminated.

Fun fact: 100% fire resistance doesn't protect the eyes - you can still burn those out of the sockets.

iRFNA November 9th, 2010 10:31 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Shine on, abysia, you crazy diamond.

Drog the Destroyer November 10th, 2010 04:21 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Note to self: Mages aim at the biggest block of troops, and dwarfs can't hit the broad side of a behemoth... So having those mages standing right behind the summer lions makes defeat a bit swifter than necessary..... :doh:

attackdrone November 10th, 2010 06:00 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
If you'd have scraped up a decent army of Abysian Infantry, my dwarves would not have done very well at all - magma eruption and blade wind are reduced by armor! As it is though, senseless blade wind chucking seemed to work all right, I will have to try that much earlier my next Vanheim game.

I suspect that C'Tis at this point is just going to let his dominion kill me, which it will at some point soon... We shall see!

iRFNA November 10th, 2010 06:32 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
My dom moves faster than my army, so probably

attackdrone November 10th, 2010 06:36 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Well, I can always sacrifice some blood slaves. I think I shall and force you to engage with your army!

iRFNA November 11th, 2010 07:52 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
I'm gonna die all over you!

attackdrone November 11th, 2010 08:06 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Poor toads. But there are just so many! I'm wishing I had found a source of independent nature mages before it was too late, my only nature mages are in a couple territories I just wrested from you (where those bloodhenge druids and dark vines were long ago). A single poison resist ring would make all the difference right now.

iRFNA November 12th, 2010 03:17 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
You really shouldn't have sent both your pretender and your prophet into battle considering the dom situation...

Drog the Destroyer November 12th, 2010 04:02 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Looking at the graphs, I guess last round was the final nail in the coffin.
Congratulations in advance to iRFNA for claiming true godhood.

I wasn't expecting to much when we started, but it was fun until I was reduced to 2 commanders, and I learned quite a bit about Abysia even though I never got a decent blood economy running (partly because of some very newbish misunderstandings on my part :o)

attackdrone November 12th, 2010 05:30 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
I am willing to call this one a win for C'Tis. The lack of any independent nature mages, no nature on my pretender, and a number of stale turns is a toxic combination.

To the Toad God, victory!

As for hurling everyone at you, I figured that there wasn't anything left to lose.

iRFNA November 15th, 2010 04:24 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Well, I finished it off. I really didn't think my strategy of a 9D9B bless with mass snakes and frogs to have a chance, even with the 20 turns at the start of being left out of the fun. My plan was just:

1. be least desirable target for attack with disease, horror marks, cripples, curses
2. ???
3. Profit!

Tryfan November 15th, 2010 04:34 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
Yeah, not sure how well that would have worked against enemies prepared for you.

Different starting positions would have changed that game a LOT.

Good game, we should do another.

iRFNA November 15th, 2010 06:04 PM

Re: Retold - CBM (Dom3minions blitz game), started
I was thinking of starting an all ages game with CBM 1.7, but I'm not sure if there will be a revised version of 1.7 released soon... Plus I'm not sure how to make a custom server on dom3minions. Ingame is a lot more convenient than PBEM.

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