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-   -   MP: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=46491)

Tryfan November 2nd, 2010 12:35 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Okay I asked to back up to last turn so Hylobius can get his turn in. I am not sure if Hinnom got his turn in or not but I seem to remember seeing him as a + just after it rolled over - he might have gotten it in. He has to activate his account, though.

Do you guys want to try to find a replacement for Vanheim?

Gandalf Parker November 2nd, 2010 01:09 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
A backup to previous turn is simple for me. But not for you.

So far 4 people have done new turns. They would have to delete their files in order to download a replacement turn file for last turn or the game can get really FUBAR'd

Hylobius November 2nd, 2010 01:11 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
It's not necessary to re-do the last turn for me. I'm more concerned about getting Vanheim and Hinnom running every turn. I think we should try and get a replacement for Vanheim and get Hinnom onto the forum.

rotarr November 2nd, 2010 03:23 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
I was a bit hesitant to say this since it's in-game information and not really positive for me, but Vanheim is almost out of the game. Unless he has a massive stealth army hiding somewhere that is. I suppose Blackguard or any Vanheim sub would give this info out sooner or later anyway. Vanheim conquered only 2 provinces on turn 8 or 9 so I took the liberty of taking him out; he only has a capital under siege now. IMO best to set him AI.

Hylobius November 2nd, 2010 03:27 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
If Vanheim is almost done then there is no use in looking for a sub. Shall we just go ahead and play the turn as it is?

rotarr November 2nd, 2010 03:32 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
I'm also willing to restart if people think that Vanheim deliberately threw in the towel too soon (although I have to say that I didn't have an ideal start and expansion either; barbarians and cavalry all over the place). I guess he hit a snag while trying to expand or something.

Tryfan November 2nd, 2010 04:57 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Let's play it as it is. Game on unconditionally once again.

CthulhuDreams November 3rd, 2010 03:57 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
So after TWO BLOODY WEEKS I can finally post


Anyway yeah I staled a turn for personal reasons, but it wasn't a big deal - my luck with misfortune is a bigger near term issue.

Happy to restart or whatever you guys want to do.

Also, you should be able to PM me now!

Niefel: I will PM you ASAP, but first I need to get dinner.

Tryfan November 3rd, 2010 12:22 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
We aren't restarting, everything is a go as normal.

Finalgenesis November 5th, 2010 08:02 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Since a few nations have asked already and we have just begun production on said item:

We can spare 2 hammers for now on trading, we seek primarily D and N gems, we are also interested in 2 pairs of Flight boots and air boosters. For flight boots / boosters we are willing to make arrangements where we provide hammer(s) now for your boots and/or boosters on a fixed future date (due to research requirements), taking the time value of ... hammers into account of course.

Finalgenesis November 7th, 2010 01:32 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
We now need only N gems (desperately so), and are offering a hammer at 14N, or 2 hammers at 25N

CthulhuDreams November 7th, 2010 02:25 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
I just backstabbed someone through a NAP.

Rest assured that they had it coming, or they only had a land border with me so I figured I may as well start the party before the inevitable counters were researched.

Sorry dude, but thems the breaks in the big city.

Tryfan November 7th, 2010 03:09 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Let it be known that Hinnom has wilfully and irrevocably broken a NAP 3 this turn, with no excuses but greed. Certainly there was no "they had it coming" beyond choosing a target to betray.

Any agreement with them should be treated as non-existent as no agreement can be binding with someone who cannot and does not abide by them himself.

Furthermore, as this is Hinnom, without a doubt one of the top two most powerful nations in a magic weak EA game, it is in the best interests of every nation on his borders to stop him now. Should he gain control of the NE corner of the map, where his betrayal happened, none of you will ever stop him and he will roll the map fully secure on three sides.

This is your one and only chance. Join with Caelum now to break the oathbreakers lest you be the next target of betrayal, and rest assured they will be much stronger than you will be when the time comes. Don't cower in the corner waiting for your turn to fry. He is distracted north. You will not get a better time.

Anyone who does will be handsomely rewarded. If you don't, after I am gone, I will remind you of your opportunity lost when the giants come marching to YOUR gates...

Anyone willing to coordinate feel free to PM me.

Finalgenesis November 7th, 2010 05:20 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Deja vu

Finalgenesis November 7th, 2010 03:51 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
We have some need of astral pearls (though nature much more so).

Hylobius November 8th, 2010 07:22 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details

Originally Posted by CthulhuDreams (Post 762141)
I just backstabbed someone through a NAP.

I'm glad that you don't see any need to honor NAPs; otherwise I'd feel just awful about this.

CthulhuDreams November 9th, 2010 04:41 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
It gets the blood flowing.

Kobal2 November 10th, 2010 09:47 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
A friendly note to our dear brothers of Hinnom : those big bad Rephaites of yours might rock Caelum's world, but as you may have noticed they're not much of a threat to a people who's got true Warrior Spirit.

And a truckload of sacred giants of their own. But really, it's more about the spirit thing.

Tryfan November 10th, 2010 12:45 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Hey we have warrior spirit! Only 95% of my troops ran away, instead of the usual 100%.

Tryfan November 11th, 2010 04:44 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
First global comes out. How can the mother tree be underwater!

Finalgenesis November 11th, 2010 06:06 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
All life springs from water!

Stealing our tree will be considered an act of war.

Our F/E/W combination forge welcomes patronage in exchange for A,S,N,D

Kobal2 November 11th, 2010 06:28 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Wait, you want *moar* N gems ?!

Finalgenesis November 11th, 2010 07:40 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Our inhabitants have the inexplicable habit of crushing pearls and "green smoke" into powder and snorting (or it's watery equivalent) them, the lack of which makes them extremely cranky.

I fear for my status as their god should I not keep them supplied with... refreshments.

Tryfan November 12th, 2010 02:15 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Looks like Gandalf's server may have bit it.. not sure if my last turn got through or not. I think it did though.

Kobal2 November 12th, 2010 04:33 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
The server seems back online, got my turn without a hitch. Hinnom's set to AI (predictably, it's not like he's got much to go on anyway)

Gandalf Parker November 12th, 2010 04:52 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Actually the server was fine (running hundreds of games) but the SiliconWolves game stopped because Hinnom went AI without Tryfans pre-approval. When Tryfan said he could go ai without sub, it came back up

Tryfan November 12th, 2010 04:56 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Yeah the server was always fine. The game itself crashed because "set to AI" is actually disabled serverside.

Hinnom will most likely be gone this turn. That or I suck. Possibly that AND I suck.

You can be the big bad wolf, or you can be the snake biting people in the butt through NAPs, but if you're a big bad wolf biting people with NAPs, you can't expect any other outcome really.

rotarr November 12th, 2010 05:44 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Exactly, Hinnom was too big to try and pull off what he wanted to do. A bit better diplomacy and who knows how things could've turned out?

CthulhuDreams November 12th, 2010 09:59 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Lesson learnt ;) GG

Kobal2 November 18th, 2010 09:06 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Whelp, almighty Sinann is fairly comprehensively screwed at this point.

In hindsight, letting Atlantis gain a beach head in the early game was a big mistake, which let him complement his already powerful units with even better magical beasts. His thugs are numerous and well equipped. I'm not sure what to do at this point, nor what the other nations could do either. I'll of course make taking my forts a costly proposition and make as much of a nuisance of Myself as divinely possible, but without real means to either damage his home or threaten his raiding parties, my end is but a question of time.

The Deep Ones have risen alright. They'll swallow you all.

Finalgenesis November 19th, 2010 07:55 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
D-day came and went, and we were lucky enough to beat plain PDs all along the coast, hurray! :fish:

Our massive horde of equipped thugs that have landed on the coast can be counted on one hand with two fingers chopped off (or 1 finger chopped off if you count a half gimped thug)! Truly this is a frightening horde that will overwhelm all opposition!

Our strategist suggest that much of Fomorian resources are diverted to defense against other nations, hence the surprising lack of defenses on the coast; or that this is a ploy to draw us in before counter-attacking. Nonsense the queens say! All fear the might of mighty reef dwellers (okay there's a sprinkle of pillars and magical beasts :D).

Kobal2 November 19th, 2010 02:45 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Phoenix Pyre on 13 reinvig and 20 magic resist is kind of a dog of the female persuasion to crack ;)

The real problem, however, which any of your future enemies will also inevitably face, is that I can't damage you. I can't lay siege to you, and any goons I bring into the water will get slaughtered by the Ironbane/Friendly Currents/lots and lots of Deep Ones combo. SCs face significant penalties underwater as well.

I hope, for their sake, that the other nations realize this.

Kobal2 November 22nd, 2010 08:40 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
So, today I learned about gems ! Namely, that the "can't burn more gems than your path level" thing includes the gem consumed to go up the path. And no, that one upgrade gem doesn't let you burn a second gem.

Which in short, means : crap, crap, crap, I'm even more screwed than I was before, it's not even funny.

I also learned I suck at predicting my opponents, defending my territory and raiding. But I already sort of knew that :)

PS : Hope it stings, Niefel !

rotarr November 22nd, 2010 02:35 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Lol, not exactly sure what stinging you're talking about there Kobal.

Although my assault on Hinnom a couple of turns ago was quite a big fiasco yes :)

Your prediction of being gone in 5 turns isn't quite true though!

Kobal2 November 22nd, 2010 08:31 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
The stinging bit was about the assault on Hinnom yeah :) Atlantis caught more of the same, but sadly their big guns all had thunder rings so they didn't lose as much as you did.

And I'm already dead for all intents and purposes : no money to buy new mages/kings to replace the ones I lose, and not enough gems to summon troops to protect the ones I got.
Not that troops matter that much when they get atomised by Basalt Kings left and right, but...

Hylobius November 24th, 2010 02:56 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
I'm unable to connect to the server. Is anyone else having a problem?

Hylobius November 24th, 2010 03:36 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
It's ok now, I got in eventually.

Kobal2 November 26th, 2010 01:40 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Huh. Pretty expensive day for you, C'tis.
Well rue the day you turned on Me, invader ! Rue it right to hell ! And hey, silver lining: those 100+ odd gems you just poured down the drain did end up offing four whole Morrigans. That's summin', right ?

-- Sinann, Once and Petty Queen

PS: neener, neener.

Hylobius November 27th, 2010 10:09 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Anyone else having server issues or is it just me again? I completed my turn, hit end turn, and was booted to the desktop with the cryptic error message "Nagot gick fel!". Is Kobal2 cursing at me in Fomorian? That was several hours ago and I have been unable to connect to the server since.

Kobal2 November 28th, 2010 12:20 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Yeah I'm having trouble accessing the server too.

Gandalf Parker November 28th, 2010 12:29 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
My apologies.
We have had multiple computer problems here.
The Dom3Minions server is in the shop. I paid extra for "fasttrack" service but it looks like Monday (hopefully, virtual crossed fingers) before it will be back.

Tryfan November 28th, 2010 02:59 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Thanks Gandalf, we'll do a 48 hour turn once its back up to let everyone get a hold on it again.

Hopefully the crash didn't cause any stales. I am sure Fomoria is just itching to see if he still has a pretender. :)

Kobal2 November 28th, 2010 06:22 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Considering she's the one and only piece on that particular board who isn't 100% shock immune, I do expect the old girl to act as a lightning rod. For those 40 or so Thunderstrikes per turn.

Yeah, she's not making it :).

Finalgenesis November 28th, 2010 07:07 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Little does Tryfan know:

"hidden nipple ring of shock immunity"


Tryfan November 28th, 2010 07:42 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Now that you mention lightning, I gotta admit, as I go through this first game as Caelum, they really are a one trick pony. Lightning, lightning, and more lightning. I fall to my knees in thanks for those few eagle kings that manage an earth random for the lofty skill of "2". Fire access? Pretender only. Nature access? Pretender. Death access? Pretender, or build up from Death 1. Astral access? Pretender. Just forget blood even exists.

Trying to build an army that can reliably fight when the opposition has mages or geared thugs is like fighting with both arms tied behind the back.

Oh, btw, Fom, she's just fine, I was not about to risk an all-out attack without seeing what you had in store for me first. ;)

Gandalf Parker November 29th, 2010 09:49 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
OK the Dom3Minions server, and the Silicon Wolves game, is back up and running (crossed fingers)

Tryfan December 1st, 2010 02:45 AM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Did she go down again?

Gandalf Parker December 1st, 2010 02:39 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
Hmmm.... it was running. I couldnt find anything specific but things did look strange.
Maybe it just got confused by something. I restarted it anyway.
(sorry for restarting the timer)

Hylobius December 1st, 2010 03:04 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
It seems to be ok now.

Kobal2 December 2nd, 2010 06:12 PM

Re: Silicon Wolves, GAME ON! (again) See OP for additional details
For My sake, you lily-livered ponces, will any of you put me out of my misery already ? I've thrown the towel a good 20 months ago and still you lot pussyfoot around ? In the time it took y'all to sort of maybe inconvenience mighty Fomoria, I assaulted and destroyed two of C'tis' forts.

Must I drown every defender I've got left and starve the PD too before you bunch of tiny codpieces try to maybe sort of perhaps throw a tentative option on a presumptive, provisional pre-invasion non-threatening manoeuver ?

I mean really. Send a bloody scout already.

-- Sinann, Once and Really Patient Queen.

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