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Re: BearTrap - Early age game (Looking for one more land nation player)
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. We're full. Starting up soon.
So, I shall swap Corinthian (TNN) -> AngelSong (Hel). Both of you seem to agree to this.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. We're full. Starting up soon.
Game is now accepting pretenders. None of the UW players really showed much interest in UWGIM so I didn't add it into the mix, so other players don't have to download it either.
See the situation here. |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Upload your pretender today - recieve a cookie!
Atlantis pretender uploaded.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Upload your pretender today - recieve a cookie!
I've been looking for a game for a while. Haven't played dom3 in quite some time. If somebody drops out or has issues during the pretenders upload stage, or if you would accept another player for any reason, let me know!
:) |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Upload your pretender today - recieve a cookie!
I'll let you know if we find ourselves missing someone :)
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Upload your pretender today - recieve a cookie!
Wonderful! . . . now if somebody wouldn't mind just dropping dead, that'd be great, thanks.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Upload your pretender today - recieve a cookie!
We're still waiting for two pretenders :) (cba to check who they are atm)
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
As its my first multiplayer game can I ask a couple of questions.
1) Does the server host every 27 hours or when everyone gets their turn files in? 2) Are there any restrictions on who you contact diplomatically i.e. do you have to have met them in game first? Good luck every one! |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
But if someone don't send his turn file in time(now ,it's 27h),the server will host 27h after last hosting. 2.Look at this on the first page "Machiavellian diplomacy. Backstab whoever you want, but don't expect them to like it - though I'd like to request that whatever happens in this game, stays in this game." So,just do anything you want. |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
You don't have to have met someone in the game in order to message them, no. I guess you have to imagine that all the pretenders can detect and contact each other by some kind of crystal ball system.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Early on in one of the Newbie games I am currently running, one of the players wasn't too happy about two of his neighbours chatting before they had met in-game, since as the game developed, these two players were also the same two neighbours who ended up rushing him. I looked into the complaint at the time, and concluded the original contact was more-or-less harmless. But at the same time I could certainly understand the player who got rushed feeling a bit aggrieved, as it appeared to him his two neighbour agreed to rush him just a few turns after the game had started, and well before they even got close to having in-game borders, or finding out where each other was on the map. Indeed, the rushed player hadn't even met one of his would-be rushers in-game at the time, which didn't help matters, as it only aided his opinion that one of his rushers might only have known about his cap location from the other rusher he had contact with pre-meeting in-game. So again personally, in future newbie games I run I will likely have a rule that contact between players inside the first 15 turns must be limited to those you have in-game borders with, as I want to avoid unwanted drama in my newbie games. (although this particular game isn't a newbie game of course. So you can likely expect more 'advanced' settings on all options. But just thought I'd point out that I don't think llamabeast's quote should be automatically accepted as the standard norm on the "making contact before meeting in-game" issue for all games) |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
While Calahan has a point there, this game does not limit people from communicating with each other, no matter who the players are, have they met, and so on. Let the information flow freely!
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
first turn blind attack failed miserably, remind me never do it again :/
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Thanks for the answers about diplomacy. What Calahan talked about was what I was concerned about, but glad to know I am clear.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Nozshand, don't first turn blind attack.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Anyone interested in trading me some earth gems for water gems or cash? Since we don't need them for hammers thought I might try a thugging experiment.
Have very limited quantities of other gems if you prefer. PM or in game mail. thanks. |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Can you enable PMs? :) |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
OK, it has been done and sorry for the late reply ;)
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
I'm having a little problem. I noticed the turn has been processed on llamaserver, but for some reason I haven't gotten the new turn file. How do I fix this?
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Go to game page there and request resend for your nation.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Thanks, much appreciated. That worked just perfectly :)
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
TC is interested in selling gems for gold at fair (water, nature, fire, earth) to somewhat exorbitant (air, astral, death) rates, depending on type. Contact me either by PM or ingame mail if you have an interest. Thank you.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Since there'll be a player gone for the weekend (and xmas generally around the corner), we'll be extending the host by 48h or so after next hosting.
Will anyone need more than 3-4 days for their holidays next week, say, from thursday to sunday without hosting? |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Well, I think that standard [from previous year] is to pause pretty much all games 23.12 - 2.1 ?
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
So, 23.12->2.1 it is. Quickhost will be on, so if people submit their turns, it'll host.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Umm ...,
I got turn 20 half an hour ago, but llama says we're still on 19, waiting on Niefl. I don't think I've seen this before ... :bug:? |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
llamaserver's probably just lagging behind with the web interface. It'll probably update sooner than later.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Merry christmas everyone!
Although of course the Basalt city looks down on these puny human festivals decreasing faith in our god :) |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
I am amazed at the lack of diplomatic decorum by the Abysians. They have launched an assault on the peaceful nation Acrocephale violating our NAP as well as assasinating our peaceful leadership. I encourage all who are honorable to band together to send these invaders back to the Smouldercone from which they have come!
I am willing to work out any deal with any of Abysia's neighbors to trade gems and or information. |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
The TC Gem shop is still open for business.
Hordes of useless indies don't pay for themselves, you know! Ask about our after solstice sale, now in its waning quarter. |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
We have contacted you for the NAP treaty,but you don't give us any answer.And now ,you cheat everyone that we have NAP. Only coward need lies to cover up their weakness. Just fight like a ture man. Abysia mscfish |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Ermor has gone MIA on the christmas break. I'll postpone the next hosting by 48h to see if he's coming back - if not, I'll look for a sub.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
How much tie do you want to give to nozhand/to find a sub? |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a runner in a running competition.
Well, there has been no word from ermor - I'll start looking for a sub. If there's anyone who knows someone who might be interested - ask them.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
Mauxe will be kindly subbing in for Ermors position. Divert any threats (and why not any trade requests too if you have any) to Ermor to him from now on.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
With some odd 6 hours to host or something, half of the players had still not submitted their turns, I postponed the host and about doubled the hosting time so people can catch up after this break we had.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
TC seeks air/astral boosters and 80 bloodslaves. PM with potential terms if you are interested. Thanks.
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
Well, this was probably my worst showing yet, and that's sayin' something! In over 30 practice runs I never had close to the trouble I had with indies in the actual game.
Thanks Quitti, for the game. And thanks P3D, for efficiently dispatching my poorly led minions. Good luck to you all! |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
I think Turmoil is not a good idea for Hinnom. And you should have used chariots and not dawn guards for initial expansion. |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
Hiya all.Just a short note, it's a much longer story, but my toddler just got home so I'll have to be brief.
I've been ambivalent about this game for some time, mostly because Yomi (Zeldor) has spent the entire game trying to shake me down for territory in exchange for "peace". By which he meant pay him off not to dogpile me after Ulm declared war. Really just been a tiresome jerk about it. Constant nagging, threatening and self-justification. The friendly extorter who just can't bring himself to behave less unreasonably because of "the graphs". Really makes me dread his every diplo. He's also been in violation of our nominal NAP for almost the entire game. So I'm attacking him. I will probably lose because I've left it too long. But I encourage everyone else to attack him too, because he is an annoying jerk. I gave Ulm a very generous peace treaty because he was very forthright in his reasons for declaring war, and admitted he was losing. Also I figured demonstration of generosity of spirit would piss Yomi off. Agartha is attacking me as well (likely at Yomi's instigation) but I bear him no ill will beyond that due a noncommunicative neighbor who invades you. He won't get far. Oh and since Yomi has been so concerned with graphs look at the research and castle stats. I will be tying up his army for the foreseeable. I encourage everyone to help prevent his magery/research lead from becoming insurmountable. Also he is a jerk, I assume not just to me. I'm not that special. But I'm enjoying the game more now that my only goal is to kill Yomi. Hoping the rest of you are having fun too. Rabe |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
Nice attempt at doing some propaganda there. Quite poor though.
I guess everyone should know that TC is played by unhonourable leadership that does not respect NAPs. NAP that you signed and now you violated. It's clear who is game leader. Ulm saw it too - and he was the only one brave enough to face you. Well, it's time for others to see it. Game leader that does not respect NAPs, insults players [ha, ha, let's laugh at ghoul31 and insult him - great diplomacy] and feels that he can do everything. Time to check it. So if anyone wants to take down game leader - please contact me. If you have signed NAP with him join too - he does not respect them, so you will be next on his list. Let's fight arrogance and childish behavior. Let's kill TC. |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
See, this is what I find so offensive about your behavior. Almost everything you say is a calculated lie. I have a lot of respect for your guides and general game knowledge, but you should be above this kind of wanker bull****. But perhaps that's why you play the game, for the opportunity of exploitation and the mind****.
Plus you pull the classic Rovian shtick of throwing the exact same accusation back at the person who criticizes you. This isn't your first game. People have seen you pull this crap innumerable times before. I told you privately and now I'm saying publicly, that I would rather go down in flames than put up with this. And that's the thing about Rove (and implicitly you?) everyone knows he lies, everyone knows he's a jerk and no one likes him or thinks he's an honorable person, even among those who agree with him politically. Anyway if Ulm, or anyone wants to chime in about our respective characterizations they certainly may. The more light on this the better as far as I'm concerned. And for the record, I didn't insult Agartha. I just said I didnt think his invasion would work out as well as he hoped. I have no hopes for my invasion other than making someone else benefits from my throwing my chaff hordes against your flaming arrow bakemonos. There will be other games. Let's hope you act differently in the next one. |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
See, you should really learn how to talk to people. We could have civilised chat, but you decided to pick a language like here, in last message. Hard to come to any agreement.
Sure, I wanted to make a deal. Deal good for me. I offered reasonable price. You had your own opinion. I did not say you are a jerk, because you don't to agree to my offer. I simply stated the facts. But it looks like my approach with telling the truth did not work. I doubt any would work - you are just too much focused on yourself. So instead of organising smth with my neighbours, or helping someone fight me, or just trying to win the game you decided that the best solution is to violate NAP and attack me like that? And now you are saying you are the one with better approach to MP? |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
We have had a very very very long civilized chat. I even made you several offers to resolve your issues with my having multipath flying site searchers and having expanded in a straight line. This despite your ridiculous shakedown/harassment.
You have been in violation of our NAP for over 10 turns. You took 116 while the NAP was in effect. Abysia and others can verify this. My taking back the province you illegally stole does not constitute *my* violating the NAP. Your offer was extortion. You never simply state facts. You are the one who is cavalier about NAP's This is well known in the community. In any case you seem to think our NAP was ending this turn, even though I never received your cancellation notice. But I will stipulate to that, particularly since it means I am free to actually take your territory, as opposed to taking mine back. Rabe |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
116 was always mine - and you confirmed that long time ago. So you have violated NAP and took my territory.
So let's see how people in the game feel about having superpower that does not respect any agreements and that cannot be trusted. You can tell a lot, but I have a reputation of always keeping my word and never breaking NAPs. Too bad some people have lower standards... |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
This is a game.So show your power in the battlefield.
Sign an NAP treaty and then extort the other when they are attacked is unhonorable.(although it is a strategy,especilally in this game within Machiavellian diplomacy) |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
Everything's allowed in this game (Except the extreme cheesy tactics like scout blocking and crap like that). I do not border either of Yomi or TC so I will not opportunize this moment.
Oh and llamaserver seems to have become upset. Maybe it's lover left it or something. Anyway, the game's due to host 10.40pm on TUESDAY now, even though the game page does not show it. At least that's what I've postponed it to (+36h). This is to give llama some time to fix his server - which is awesome work. If you got a few extra bucks/euros, donate them to him to help the incentive to keep the server up :) |
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
The game is postponed more to prevent it from hosting while llamabeast is looking into the issue. Games seem to be dissappearing when hosting currently, and we wouldn't like to add this into llamabeasts problems, would we?
Re: BearTrap - Early age game. Running like a cripple in a running competition.
I am hoping to have my laptop connected to wifi tonight.
Currently my power has been off since Tuesday. My house is sub-40 right now and we have had to relocate. I'll post as soon as I'm able to send in a turn. (I'm at work now - internet but no Dom3) Mauxe (I had internet access Tuesday evening and should have sent in a turn then... but I really never expected this amount of downtime.) |
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