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endomorphious February 1st, 2011 11:16 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Win Xp and it says i need the Mod installed. When i look for it under options the game isnt seeing it.

Gandalf Parker February 1st, 2011 12:11 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Very strange.
Dont be offended but my first question is... where did you buy the game from?

You shouldnt HAVE to turn on the mod manually. But you might try going starting Dom3, going to Preferences, then to Mod preferences. You should now see a list of every .dm file that the game can see in your dominions3/mods/ directory (notice that its mods; not mod, Mod, or MODS)

if you put this in your web browser
does it show you the .dm file? Can you click on it and view it?

Hrum February 1st, 2011 02:42 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Endo, can you .zip up your Dom3 mods folder and upload that to the forums here (attach it to one of your posts with that paperclip button)? Then we can see what you've got in there.

Also, do you have more than one install of Dom3 on your box? Ie. did you make a backup copy of your Dom3 install when you went to patch up to 3.26 (or at any time previously)? Basically, you should confirm that when you're launching Dom3, you're launching the instance of Dom3 that you've been installing the BI mod to, and not some alternative copy of Dom3 (check the path in the Dom3 shortcut you use to launch the game).

Mauxe February 1st, 2011 02:51 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Also - it has to be a fully "installed" copy of the game.
I know that with WoW you can make a backup of the game folder, drop it on any other computer, and play fine. It really helps when moving machines or re-installing an OS as the update process for a fresh install can be... tedious.

I tried the same with Dom3 (copied the game folder and dropped it onto my laptop) and the game would load but I could not do certaion things. My mods were already part of the package so I can't speak to that - but I was not able to complete a turn in the game I was playing. Once I installed the game from the install file everything worked fine.

Doo February 1st, 2011 04:21 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
The only thing I can offer is this.

Try what has been suggested here and keep us informed of whats going on.

endomorphious February 1st, 2011 07:53 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
1 Attachment(s)
I'm running a legit copy of Dom 3 I bought direct from Shrapnel and it runs flawlessly except for this mods issue. The contents are in the "mods" folder but the game simply isn't seeing them there. I don't use a short cut with this game i load from the programs menu but I checked that path and it reads correctly (I believe..."C:\Program Files\dominions3\dom3.exe"). There aren't any other copies of the game on the computer and its a full install.

NTJedi February 2nd, 2011 02:23 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope

Originally Posted by endomorphious (Post 769888)
Win Xp and it says i need the Mod installed. When i look for it under options the game isnt seeing it.

The *.dm file should exist within the Dominions_3\Mods folder and then another folder should list the mod itself. When Dominions_3 first starts click "Preferences" and then "mod preferences" is where you should see it listed.

If my work was not so busy I would release a new version of my AI mod and also finish my Arabian Nights nation mod. :)

Doo February 2nd, 2011 03:03 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Yes, you should have the .dm files in the Dominions\mods folder, and then there should be a Dominions\mods\better_independents folder with three .tga files.

Is yours like this endomorphious?

endomorphious February 2nd, 2011 09:00 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Yeah its independant folder and then 3 TGA files inside. I have patch 3.26 installed. Frankly, I'm just getting really frustrated. It SHOULD be working, everything seems to be right. So I'm just wondering if this is a weird WinXP quirk on my machine. I'd probably blame the anti-virus but that shouldn't interfere with the program seeing it under its own Preferences option. Sorry guys maybe you can get someone else to pick up Ctis so you can get started.

Hrum February 2nd, 2011 01:05 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Well, it might take us a while to find an alternate (this game is a kind of special format and all). Besides, it would suck to have to replace you like that.

If you're game, maybe we can tinker a little more? I'm sorry you're frustrated (totally understandable) and I know you're not big into mods, but one test would be, can you successfully install other mods?



Doo February 2nd, 2011 04:44 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
I agree, it wouldn't be nice to have to replace you under these circumstances. Try as Hrum suggested and see if any other mods work.

I'll advertise for another player this time tomorrow should you still have trouble.

Try uninstalling and then re-installing.

I just thought, technically you may be able to still play. The mod only effects recruitment costs of indies, thus if you don't recruit indies then you won't have any conflicts. If you do want to recruit indies we could tell you if you can or not (basic rule is if they are archers, yes, if they are crap melee, no, if they are good melee, yes. I believe all AI recruiting will be done at the server side and its the AI who recruits indies the most.

Its still worth a shot.

NTJedi February 2nd, 2011 08:55 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Two other ideas to help:

A) Start the Dominions game using the Dom3.exe file found directly from the Dominions folder. Let us know how this works.

B) Can you post screenshots of your Dominions directory, Dominions\Mods directory and the Dominions\mods\better_independents. Or even better if you can provide us a text file of your Dominions directory... if you don't know how to create one, then screenshots will work.

endomorphious February 2nd, 2011 09:22 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Alright then. NTJedi your trick with using the domexe directly worked. The program refused to see it until i loaded it that way. Strangely dichotomous behavior. It didn't see my previously made god for the game...like theres a shadow program or something. Anywhos's my god is posted and Im ready to conquer the world of the underpants.

Thanatus del Dragos February 2nd, 2011 10:03 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Sweet, I played my turn! Turn 1 done!

sansanjuan February 2nd, 2011 11:57 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Good luck gang! I'll be lurking to read those AARs.

endomorphious February 3rd, 2011 12:52 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
ARrrrrgggh! Fixed one problem and now another one. Now its saying I don't have the right version of the game. The program says it has 3.26 and I reloaded it JUST to make sure. To play network I have to load it from the manual exe file as Jedi suggested. Help. LOL this is why I stuck to single player for a year straight.

NTJedi February 3rd, 2011 01:19 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope

Originally Posted by endomorphious (Post 770005)
ARrrrrgggh! Fixed one problem and now another one. Now its saying I don't have the right version of the game. The program says it has 3.26 and I reloaded it JUST to make sure. To play network I have to load it from the manual exe file as Jedi suggested. Help. LOL this is why I stuck to single player for a year straight.

Well the reason the dom3.exe worked from that specific directory is because there's two installs of the game on your system. If you do a search on all your partitions for Dom3.exe you should be able to find two of them.

You should be able to install the 3.26 patch and specify the exact path directory of where the Dom3.exe exists(where you clicked) and this will resolve the issue.

endomorphious February 3rd, 2011 02:47 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
ok dokey. Jedi you were right. there were two versions ...one on each drive oddly enough. Deleted everything Dom3 and reinstalled everything. Working fine now and my first turn is done.

Doo February 3rd, 2011 04:48 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope
Excellent, we are underway....

Moonbabies: Sun AM

Thanatus del Dragos February 3rd, 2011 10:44 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
What do the little crowns on the map symbolize?

Mauxe February 3rd, 2011 04:07 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Apologies for the delay - my power has been out since Tuesday evening.

Hopefully I will be able to get my laptop to wifi this evening and I'll send my turn in.

Actually, hopefully the power company has me up and running and I will be home taking my turn.

Doo February 3rd, 2011 04:24 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
In the base map I think the crowns are victory points locations and the stars are provinces with better magic sites. For our game ignore them, they are just normal provinces.

Hrum February 3rd, 2011 05:04 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope

Originally Posted by endomorphious (Post 770008)
ok dokey. Jedi you were right. there were two versions ...one on each drive oddly enough. Deleted everything Dom3 and reinstalled everything. Working fine now and my first turn is done.

Huzzah! I'm glad we got this sorted out. :)

Got my turn in during the wee hours last night (thanks to Doo for the heads up).

Mauxe, sorry to hear about the power issues. :( Please let us know when you're back up and your turn's in.

NTJedi February 3rd, 2011 05:31 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I didn't place any victory points on the map. If memory serves me right... I recall Gandalf writing the crowns help spread dominion. So a province with five crowns will help dominion better than a province with one crown.
If the game was setup with a victory condition for crowns then a specific number of crowns could make someone win.

Doo February 4th, 2011 05:25 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
With five hours left before the turn plays Mauxe has yet to do his turn. I've emailed Gandalf asking for an extension of two more days.

In about four days time I have to go on a work trip and have asked Gandalf to extend the timer to four days to cover this trip.

*edit* just received a reply from Gandalf, the turn timer has been set by default to 80 hours. Cheers Gandalf :)

Mauxe February 4th, 2011 11:12 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Power is back up.. heat is on.. internet is running.
I'll get my turn in tonight.

Thanks :)

Mauxe February 5th, 2011 12:47 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
ok. finished :)

Doo February 5th, 2011 01:27 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Good to have you back Mauxe. Are you in bad weather?

Mauxe February 5th, 2011 02:17 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
had an ice storm for 2 days that knocked out power from Tuesday until Thursday night :(

Doing better now though.

Hrum February 5th, 2011 02:20 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Mauxe, awesome that your power is back! I guess your Eagle Kings got a little careless with their shockwaves around your breakers, huh? You gotta keep those guys in check! ;)

FYI, if you're the last to submit your turn you can submit another one right away. Well, that is, if you end your turn and wait a minute or so while the new turn generates (hosts, whatever), you can do the next turn right afterwards.

My 2nd turn is in.

As expected, I'm surrounded by archers! Maybe one of these provinces around here will have some decent arrow catchers... :re:

Doo February 5th, 2011 02:35 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
A bit of info about SemiRand.

The provinces around your capital will be have standard indies, outside of this the provinces can have tougher indies. The toughest will easily beat a "standard" early expansion group. Always check the scouting report as the picture on the map won't always show the worst in the province. The number of indies in a province can be higher than normal. Also if a indie castle is under siege you will have to beat the siege force and a force inside the castle. The force inside the castle can be larger than the siege force.

From experience, any indie province with Devils in it should be left alone in the early game. There can be mini-SC's, such as the dragon that regenerates too many HP per turn.

Caution is advised if in doubt. Send in a commander set to Retreat and positioned at the rear of the set-up box.

Thanatus del Dragos February 6th, 2011 06:40 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Haha, I think becasue my starting spot got moved from 200 to 186, it kinda of messed up my neighbors. I've got an anry of trolls next to my starting spot, but also, 200 seems empty. I can handle it, I think :)

Hrum February 6th, 2011 07:59 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Endo, please give us a heads up when you get your turn 2 in so we'll know the turn is cycling.

Probably a good habit for everyone to be in, posting here when you're the last to take your turn, unless dom3minions server can send people emails letting them know when a turn cycles?

endomorphious February 7th, 2011 09:14 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I thought there was gonna be a delay of four days? Anywho's just posted my second turn. On of the choke points near me has 210+ Ryleh troops...I can't take it but doubt anyone else will be anytime soon :}.

Turn 3 posted as well

Thanatus del Dragos February 7th, 2011 10:33 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
No need to wait the entire limit of four days every time, especially on these early turns.

Doo February 7th, 2011 04:39 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Sorry Endomorphious, probably my mistake. I will be leaving for a work trip tomorrow (at time of posting, I'm in Aus so currently eating my porridge before going to work :) ), it will last three days.

Just had the WORST battle ever. Standard Machaka looking indies, on the very first turn the indies shoot arrows and cast a single Vine Arrow. My guys retreat. Total and utter moral check fail. Also my commander was injured by the volley of arrows, gets the Limp affiction. Doesn't make it off screen. I'd cry if I were five years younger.

For the civilians back in the home province I'm going to say it was a battle-viewer fail, the commander actually bravely died in the first volley and thus the auto-rout. I'm the king of propaganda ;)

Thanatus del Dragos February 7th, 2011 04:52 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Holy crap, I hope my guys did a better job than that! Stupid work keeping me from checking!

Doo February 8th, 2011 04:58 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
It might be a good idea to have a think about our general strategy.

Apart from Mauxe (Caelum) at 195 and myself (Tir na nOg) at 157 everyone else is separated by AI.

Thanatus del Dragos (Fomoria) at 186 has (possibly) a harder chance of linking up with Endomorphious (C'tis) at 18 due to essentially passing through 2 AI's, than linking with me through 210.

Hrum (Kailasa) at 36 possibly is the most hemmed in of the humans.

Mauxe probably has the best start with a shared border with me at 157 and a single AI target south.

We can hope Atlantis gives some strife to the other AI's.

If any human is aiming to cast a global they should declare it to everyone, thus saving research races between players.

Is there anyone unable to forge Hammers. Does anyone want specific items they can't easily forge? (Pendents of Luck for non-Astral nations?)

Thanatus del Dragos February 8th, 2011 10:20 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
My kings have sailing, so I might be able to jump over Atlantis. But I have more immediate threats. Like I said earlier, my starting spot got a little messed up since I was moved from 200 to 186 and half of my adjacent independence to my castle are of the unusually powerful sort. How tough is a draco lion? How about 50 trolls? My growth might be a little stunted for a bit.

Hrum February 8th, 2011 11:40 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Turn 4 is up!

Agree, wouldn't hurt for us to talk about strategy.

Globals: I'm not beelining for any globals, though given that all my best summons are astral based I'll be looking to put up the astral gem generating ones (Stellar Focus in the medium term, and ultimately Arcane Nexus). That plus clamming should give me a more than healthy astral income, which will power my late game.

Tackling AIs: My medium term goal after grabbing as many indies around me as possible will be to stomp the AI on the southern continent that sits between me and C'tis (endomorphious). I want a border with someone friendly, and I think this will be the easiest way to get it. From the monkey perspective, the southern AI dies first. Or at least gets marginalized. If he gets stomped down to a tiny size, then he can be contained and ignored.

I don't like the submarine Atlantis AI. I don't have a plan for him yet (it'll probably be thugs / SCs), but those amphib nations can be a real pain. I'm just hoping he doesn't cause too much trouble until our research is high enough to provide some solutions.

Hammers: I can make hammers, once I've researched some constr. It wasn't the first thing I was going to research, but it's obviously on the list of things I must have. If noone else has easy access to earth paths, I can make hammers for you guys - I'll want some gems from you guys for them though. No markup though, I'll trade them to you at cost (which should be 12 gems once I've got my own hammers). :)

Trolls might be a problem. Or they might not. The trolls you get from the earth summoning spell are meh unless you buff them (big bags of regenerating hit points, with low att/def values - like 10/9 ?). The AI ones in Semi-Rand might be less crappy though - they might have some stars, or be a better class of unit to start with. And even the crappy ones can be a problem for units that don't have high enough def; Str22 + decent weapon means they will one hit kill most human troops. You went with a bless approach though, right? If you send enough sacreds you'll probably do well against them, but scouting might be in order. I like Doo's suggestion about sending a commander to attack with orders to retreat. Get some info - find out what you're up against before going after a (potentially) tough province like this one.

Thanatus del Dragos February 8th, 2011 11:46 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Well, I'm worried, becasue they also have those Moose knights? Is that what they are called? the trolls with the heavy armor that ride the mooses. Is mooses the right plural? Anyway, those guys are kinda scary to me, but I think I might just get a few blessed Giants in there and stop their asses in a few turns...what could go wrong?

Hrum February 8th, 2011 12:46 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Moosen! :D

(Moosen bit starts around 1:35)

I think moose is the plural of moose, but thanks to Brian Regan I have trouble resisting saying moosen. :)

The Troll Moose Knights can do some damage (flail is 2 attacks I think, plus antlers and moose kick, that's 4 attacks from that square), but they aren't that much buffer than the other guys, and there probably aren't that many of them.

Don't go in until you feel you have enough guys, but when you do, you might want to set your line way back on hold and attack. Ideally their fast guys get to early and give you a couple rounds of seriously outnumbering* them to take them down before the rest of their line gets to the fight. You probably will take casualties in this fight (especially if the trolls have stars), but hopefully just a couple guys.

[Edit: And by seriously outnumbering them, I guess I actually mean not being horribly outnumbered yourself. What's your bless again? F4 E4 N6?]

Disclaimer: I've never played Fomoria before, so I'm not the best for gauging the strength of your dudes (your sacreds do not look like crap to me though - they look like they can kick butt actually). What's the prot of your Unmarked?

Are there other weaker provinces you can go for before the troll one?

What's your bless again? F4 E4N6?

Thanatus del Dragos February 8th, 2011 01:32 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Yea there are two weak provinces next to mine, one was completely empty, took it first. My sacreds, even the size 4 ones, are in fact, bad ***. My Bless is a F4S4E4N6, which makes them even more bad ***. I think they have a prot of 16. A single Unmarked, even unblessed is better than a troll, and a blessed one is at least equal to moosen troll. But, I really want to keep casualties to a minimum.

Hrum February 8th, 2011 02:33 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
That's a pretty nice protection. Sounds like those guys would even warrant an E9 bless, but I guess that probably wouldn't be a huge improvement against these trolls - they do enough damage to get through even a prot 19-20.

I think your guys are going to take that fight, but send more if you're worried. Also, if you're using Unmarked (size 4 looks like), you could include some ablative size 2 dudes (Firbolg?) in the squad to take some hits. It'll lessen the number of attacks against your sacreds (~1/3 of the attacks on that square will go to the shorty), which will keep the def on your Unmarked from dropping down into scary land. The human sized troops are there to die, and if they provide any offensive assistance along the way that's a bonus. If you have some smaller guys with decently high def, they might even manage to duck that moose kick once or twice.

Thanatus del Dragos February 8th, 2011 03:00 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I could produce some Nemedians, they have a really high def and glamour, along with magic weapons with a solid attack...I'll deal with the trolls later. I need to research what a Draco Lion is.

Edit: Apparently the Draco lion is a big monster that regenerates with a crappy def. I can handle that, but going to send a commander in first.

endomorphious February 8th, 2011 03:14 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
completed turn 4 and posted turn 5...sigh didnt take a province last turn. It wasn't even a tough one, but the woodland archers chased of my supposedly scary PoD...pfaugh. At least he didn't die. I sent out a scouting party as suggested earlier in the thread...Thank goodness..found another HEAVILY npc owned site. A bloody red dragon with a horror helmet a lifelong protection and some other nonsense...I don't expect anyone to be plowing throw those two indies near me anytime soon.

Strategy for me is a skull mentor a turn once I hit con4, two of my good mages site searching instead of wasting gems on it (which is something i nearly ALWAYS do) but i have a feeling gems will be a scarce commodity soon enough. I plan on trying to get into the water soon as possible. Skellispam first and then leviathans. Globals..hmm I may target Well of Misery early on, I just wont get enough of them to do Behemoths, Leviathans, and skull mentors, and all the other goodies I could use.

I need to read up on thugs.

I could use input on taking out the dragon. Do you think 5 indie commanders with Botulf bows could take out that dragon?

Doo February 8th, 2011 04:37 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Hmmmm.... You risk the time investing in the bows, plus the gems, plus the lost research and its not a certainty.

I'd like to get Con-4, forge some Nature magic boosters and cast Mother Oak or Gift of Health. I'm aware of the need to get some Thunderstrike or Orb Lightning spam action first.

Be aware that the AI could be a serious early game threat, even if its not a rush nation. If they have an awake SC pretender (already decked out in forged items like the Red Dragon in below post), coupled with starting with two forts and the gold bonus of the difficulty level, we will need a counter to that threat.

I'm thinking of aiming for the AI province of 210, Thanatus del Dragos and I could both strike at it. My other AI threat of Abysia on the southeast corner of the map has low strategic movement, I could send in some stealths to harass and delay in support of Mauxe.

I have no idea what Atlantis will do. I kinda think it should be ignored at the moment because it is not allied with the other AI's so we can assume it will drain their resources as much as ours (more so early as it shares closer borders with two other AI's). Those land AI's with two castles and buffed pretenders (and possibly buffed research potential) should be regarded as our main initial threats.

Of course it all depends on how Atlantis plays.

Doo February 8th, 2011 05:18 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I'm off on the work trip, I've played my turn, see ya all in a couple of days!

Hrum February 8th, 2011 05:24 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
That dragon sounds nasty. In your shoes, I'd probably work around that province until in the course of achieving other objectives in the game I found that I had stuff to use on it. The dragon isn't hemming you in / keeping you from expanding is it?

I have to agree with Doo on the strategy of worrying about the land AIs first. No land nation is likely to perform well against a water nation for ownership of the water early in the game, even a land nation that has easy to come by amphibious units. And it isn't like the land AIs are going to ignore us. Speaking of which...

FYI, All, Niefelheim is the southern continent AI between me (Kailasa) and Endo (C'tis).

If Abysia is the SE AI, that means the Fomorians get to tussle with TC.

Thanatus del Dragos February 8th, 2011 05:26 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
My initial goal is to take the area West of that long river that goes from top down to the Atlantis sea. This area can be easily defended with just 3 more forts While I concentrate on that, I will be stealth preaching and maybe raiding 210/133 and harassing them, scouting them. And when ready, they will be my first target. Now, depending on how strong Atlantis attacks from the south or if 55/22 and Atlantis goes after our friend in 18, I may need to send troops that way.

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