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Silence0 February 9th, 2011 11:24 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Hi not a total newb but sp experience mostly... Big fan of cbm latest version souds pretty cool...ThereĀ“s still room for Tirnaog?

iRFNA February 9th, 2011 11:31 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Only problem with crown5 is that we'd need 3 more people now to hit 16. Of course, who knows when the CBM patch will come out... And I don't want you to swap from a water nation. It's weird when there isn't at least one and having MA/LA r'lyeh in a game is basically a requirement as far as I'm concerned.

Ya, there's room, gotcha on the list, Silence0.

Silence0 February 9th, 2011 11:34 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Thanks..Time to practice fairy dancing...

Samhain February 9th, 2011 01:54 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
To help things along, I'd be happy to switch to Oceania. I'll have to get back to you on which era.

iRFNA February 9th, 2011 02:03 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Just play what you want, what we're waiting on is at least one more player and the release of fixes for the current version of the CBM. One water nation on cradle of dominion is sufficient, I think. Not that there's anything wrong with more.

Finalgenesis February 9th, 2011 09:49 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
If we're going cradle, I'd be okay giving the water spot to Samhain if he wants to try out water.

Oh you should clarify EA or MA Oceania too!

Torgon February 10th, 2011 03:29 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Any chance the magic site frequency would be up for debate. Been playing a couple single player test games with the settings. Adding the uniqueness of hammers in the new CBM and the reduced site frequency together leads to real restrictions on the amount of forging possible.

If this is intended or if those setting aren't up for debate please ignore this comment.

Admiral_Aorta February 10th, 2011 03:34 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I think a higher site frequency wouldn't be a bad thing. More magic gems for everyone!

Finalgenesis February 10th, 2011 04:11 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Nothing too drastic, let's say 50% site freq? EA is 45% base anyhow so 50% won't be too drastic a change. But actually I'm okay with whichever site frequency, as I've never played with a low site freq before.

Otherwise I look forward to trying my 1st hammerless game so I can accrue some actual experience on the debate...

Admiral_Aorta February 10th, 2011 04:21 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
50% sounds good. :)

bbz February 10th, 2011 05:11 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I'd prefer 45-50% aswell.

Soyweiser February 10th, 2011 08:17 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]

Originally Posted by Finalgenesis (Post 770651)
Otherwise I look forward to trying my 1st hammerless game so I can accrue some actual experience on the debate...

Same here :). Not that the lack of experience would stop me!

Also, higher freq is rumored to raises the chance of a successful slave hunt. (I think it is 10 + sitefreq*blood level, in the manual sitefreq is 40).

But remember in a higher site game it mostly means that the endgame is reached quicker. As a gold based economy is easily destroyed by remote attack spells, raiders, overtaxing etc. And gems are forever. (And waaaayyy shiny).

Soyweiser February 10th, 2011 08:57 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Ps, I heard a CBM bugfix release is very close. If you have any bugs post them in the cbm thread.

iRFNA February 10th, 2011 11:00 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I'm sorta wanting 35, cause I honestly think people overreact about the need for more gems cause omgnohammers. Especially with the various discounts added in 1.8. On top of this, as soyweiser noted, gold quickly becomes obsolete as the scorched earth policy takes effect and magic rules all. Personally, I think 35% is about right for an all ages game, giving early/mid default gem income more of a relative boost vs the typically considered "more powerful" LA nations (due to their increased armor). Plus it's just less micro later on. Anyway, we're doing 35% in newbsgonewild even with CBM 1.7 (no added item discounts!), and people are forging and ritualing and such fine.

Another thing to note is that cradle of dominion contains quite a few "more magic sites" provs, and they are conveniently marked for your site searching pleasure. I find their obvious appeal and the fight to control them quite interesting.

Good news on the upcoming release, soyweiser. We just need one more player and we'll be good to go. Well, once you guys have all finally settled on your nations.

Samhain February 10th, 2011 11:08 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I like higher gem frequency myself. But, like everyone else I understood it to be 35 when I signed up. Keeping it there seems fair to me.

iRFNA February 10th, 2011 11:13 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I'll admit, I assumed most people would want more than 35%, however I'm trying to convert some of you to the dark side. I like the idea of SCs being more of a commitment than a requirement.

Thanatus del Dragos February 10th, 2011 11:21 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
I want %5!!! And super-duper hard research!

Soyweiser February 10th, 2011 11:22 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
You are admin. You decide. :)

5%? Then I want to play a different nation :D

Thanatus del Dragos February 10th, 2011 11:38 AM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
Eh, I just like making demands and using exclamation points!!!

Torgon February 10th, 2011 09:41 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting]
This falls into the territory of "ignore my request": Legitimate design decision and well thought out.

I retract my request for higher site frequency.


Originally Posted by iRFNA (Post 770689)
I'll admit, I assumed most people would want more than 35%, however I'm trying to convert some of you to the dark side. I like the idea of SCs being more of a commitment than a requirement.

lwarmonger February 10th, 2011 10:32 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting, need 1 more player]
I agree with 35% (or lower) site frequency. I really like magic being interesting, and well kitted out thugs/SC's to be a concerted strategy to pursue, rather than one just being able to do everything at once by late game.

NaivePhilosopher February 10th, 2011 10:38 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting, need 1 more player]
The 35% over in NewbsGoneWild has been really interesting; I've enjoyed it. Though, I have been burning through pearls really quickly.

DarkAvenger211 February 11th, 2011 12:30 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting, need 1 more player]
Hey Guys. I'm new here and I would like to join in. One quick question though. Where it says 48 - 72 hours quickhost. Is that the time between turn hosts? Or the time expected to finish the game?

NaivePhilosopher February 11th, 2011 12:39 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting, need 1 more player]
48-72 hours means that you have that long per turn, quickhost means that the next turn will immediately go into effect once everyone playing has passed in their turn.

Soyweiser February 11th, 2011 12:42 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting, need 1 more player]
It will also be hosted on a direct connect server so you have to check in yourself. (I would really like to get an email, but I guess that isn't possible).

DarkAvenger211 February 11th, 2011 12:47 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting, need 1 more player]
Ah ok. Well I'm in then. Do I need to connect to the server now and set up?

iRFNA February 11th, 2011 12:50 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting, need 1 more player]
The server isn't up yet as we are waiting on the soon-to-be released update to CBM 1.8. You can claim a nation now that isn't taken and I'll put it in the OP, and I'll post when the server is up and such.

When the server is up, I will PM you the port. Make sure your PMs are enabled, as I believe they are disabled by default!

Soyweiser February 11th, 2011 12:50 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Recruiting, need 1 more player]
I don't know. I don't think yet. You'd better first determine which nation you want to use, and what kind of pretender you want to have. And test it out. In SP.

DarkAvenger211 February 11th, 2011 01:21 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
I'm a little new to this. But I would like to try LA Ermor.

I'm not sure of my god yet but I'll figure it out. I don't intend on being a huge player in this game :P. Gotta learn how multiplayer works

iRFNA February 11th, 2011 01:32 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
Well, you have some time to decide. Experiment a bit in SP.

Now I'm just glad I have lv 2 priests and cleansing water.

Btw, if you start messing around in SP thinking of how people might try to fight against you and decide you want to try a different nation, you are by no means locked into whatever your current choice may be until the game actually starts.

Soyweiser February 11th, 2011 01:56 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
Are you sure? LA Ermor is a bit of a "Please kill me quickly" nation. I'm afraid that it would be very hard for you to stay alive. Same as LA Rlyeh, also a, everybody get water breathing items and kill his horrible dominion.

No Ashdod in this game? Damn... :)

Finalgenesis February 11th, 2011 02:34 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
Deja vu, I'm in a MP game with LA rlyeh in a cradle of domination map, and I've been ganked to oblivion (stuck in a narrow waterway surround by land doesn't help!).

Agree on LA ermor, it doesn't play like most other nations and either dies quickly or rolls over everyone quickly, might not be the best choice for a 1st MP game nation pick

Soyweiser February 11th, 2011 03:06 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
1st mp game LA Ermor would just guarantee you would get killed quickly. Everybody know how strong it is, and everybody fears your dominion. First time mp player, so you would be struggling against some attacks. You should try Ashdod. It is considered overpowered. But not by a newbie player. And we have some other strong nations in the game.

Ps: I have some MP tips:
- First, use diplomacy. Try to speak to your opponents, if you see a player, send a message. And not a one word message. The more time you take in diplo, the more likely people are friendly to you. (Don't overdo it, one message each turn is more than enough). I don't trust players who don't react to diplo. (And you shouldn't trust them :) ). Haven't heard anything from me ever? And I have large armies next to your lands, expect a communications blackout :). Unless we have a NAP. I wouldn't break those. That is a wanker move.

- Second, look at the battle reports, adjust your tactics to the tactics your enemy uses. If he doesn't have any archers, skip the anti archery spells. If he constantly sends flanking units, put some strong blockers at the flanks and a quick attack rear in the middle. (So you could kill his commanders). Does he use fire closest with his archers? Put fliers with attack archers up front (Somebody was bragging that he used this against Baalz in a MP game, and it worked). Sure, it won't win all battles, but it could win some, or reduce your losses, or make it to expensive to continue attacking.

- Don't break NAP's. Unless the other guy casts a I WIN spell.

- Province defense is mostly useless. Always buy one. (So you get a battle report when somebody invades). But most of the times more than 1 is useless. (Not a true rule of course, 1 pd of monkey defense cannot stop a call of winds attack, but 5 can. But 1 pd of Jotunheim pd can easily kill a call of winds attack. But higher PD will be dangerous is you use normal armies. (The pd is to weak otherwise, so easy to kill, so you reach the 75% kills -> your army flees point. Really sucks if you use strong thugs).

- Scouts, use them. Important to at least see some enemy forces a few turns in advance, you know where your enemy has forts, temples etc.

- At war with an enemy but you cannot win? Go for max damage, over tax his lands, use raiders to take out temple's. Use scripting to take out his sacreds/mages.

- Keep your supply lines clear! An enemy doesn't have to totally kill all your units if your units have no place to retreat to. Mid game this can happen without you knowing it, if your opponent has access to teleport spells or flying/hidden thugs/units.

- Mid game: put domes on your important provinces. A flames from the sky on a undomed research province can be deadly. (And remember, while AI might cast one every once in a while, a MP player will casts not one but a dozen in one turn killing everything, never expect just one casting, always expect a lot). (Thanks goes to Dragonrider for allowing me to learn this trick. :( ).

And my final hint. The monkey demons are your friends. Trust us. Would we lie to you?

iRFNA February 11th, 2011 03:18 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
Never trust a monkey. It's one of the two rules I live by.

Oh, and on the "scouts: use them", don't forget indie scouts. They are recruitable in about 10% of provs or so, so you can pump out 20 gold scouts without tying your precious forts up with it. Unless your scouts are really awesome like caelum or pangaea, then you have a conundrum.

Soyweiser February 11th, 2011 03:26 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]

Originally Posted by iRFNA (Post 770818)
Never trust a monkey. It's one of the two rules I live by.

Oh, and on the "scouts: use them", don't forget indie scouts. They are recruitable in about 10% of provs or so, so you can pump out 20 gold scouts without tying your precious forts up with it. Unless your scouts are really awesome like caelum or pangaea, then you have a conundrum.

Never trust a monkey, you go to bed with this:
And wake up next to this:

Yeah I meant indie scouts. If you have a choice between a mage or a scout. Always choose mage. Mages are mucho importante. (That is why I gave the advice to go after the mages if you cannot win, target large monsters works against some type of mages :))).

iRFNA February 11th, 2011 03:29 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]

Originally Posted by Soyweiser (Post 770819)
Never trust a monkey, you go to bed with this:
And wake up next to this:

No, that's alcohol.

Oh, and use mages in battle. Lots of mages. It's probably the biggest difference from how the AI plays. Mages break things.

Soyweiser February 11th, 2011 03:45 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
Also, seduction, assassins, usually not worth the time. There are exceptions. But look at this unit:


A 350 gold unit who can turn into in a seducer/assassin. Cap only. Not that strong in a assassination. You could use her as an assassin, but the chance of losing her to bodyguards, a well scripted mage, or even patrollers is just to high. It would be hard to get a good return on investment on the 350 gold. By using her in a assassin role you also lose a capital fort turn, a research mage etc.

Better (but not great, it takes blood 7 research to get one) is:
No seducer, but it is summonable. Reasonably cheap in CBM. ("only" 20 blood slaves). So cheaper, only uses a mage turn* and not a capital fort turn. Already has equipment. (The seduction mage above has no armor). Sure he cannot seduce, nor selfbless. But it is better at killing enemies. Also give him a Spirit helmet and he kills most enemies in one turn. (This tactics is especially great when you use it against enemies siegeing a castle. kill all the commanders and the sieging force autoroutes during a break siege. Also you can sneak the assassins in, so you don't need that many. (As Lanka is a nation with access to air, it can forge air boots).

Yeah, I'm giving away my own tactics here. :) But these are the kind of things you can expect. So if you expect assassins bring some cheap indie commanders along.

*: note that this isn't totally true. To get the 20 slaves you also need to spend a few mage turns. But even a few mage turns < capital fort turns.
Also note, not everybody has capital only mages. So not all the capital fort turns are that valuable.
Also note 3, I tested some stuff, and I'm not convinced anymore that the site% directly affects the blood hunt chance. At 0% sites it was still easy to find slaves. So there is that.

DarkAvenger211 February 11th, 2011 04:16 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
Heh I dunno now. But I'll make sure to let you guys know if/before I change.

I only read about them in the manual. I kind of liked the whole undead horde army.

Admiral_Aorta February 11th, 2011 04:20 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
You may also want to keep in mind that LA Ermor plays very differently from every other nation in the game, and later on there's huge amounts of micromanagement. Plus people are more likely to gang up on you. Edit: Nevermind, the other's covered it better.

iRFNA February 11th, 2011 04:29 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]

Originally Posted by DarkAvenger211 (Post 770824)
Heh I dunno now. But I'll make sure to let you guys know if/before I change.

Welcome to the unending indecision of picking a nation. It's torture.

Soyweiser February 11th, 2011 04:33 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]

Originally Posted by DarkAvenger211 (Post 770824)
I only read about them in the manual. I kind of liked the whole undead horde army.

I totally agree. The nation has a great lore and feel. Sadly a nation that eats everything and only leaves a barren wasteland behind has the kind of effect you would expect such a nation to have in MP. (Nuke the nation from orbit!)

NaivePhilosopher February 11th, 2011 05:11 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
First thing I did when I first got the game was start up a single player game as LA Ermor, so I know the feeling :D

That said, I don't think it's the best choice for your first MP game; I ended up as them in the first game I subbed into and I got steamrolled (though it had a lot to do with the position the nation was in already, to be fair.) Diplomacy will be very difficult, and it would probably drastically shorten the game either for you or everyone else. If you do decide to take on LA Ermor, though, make sure your Pretender is awake and good at Death magic, otherwise you won't be able to get your mages unless you get very lucky.

Soyweiser February 11th, 2011 05:23 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
Also if LA Ermor joins, everybody is going to get a lot of priests:

MA Ermor uses undead, main counter: Banishment using priests
Lanka uses demons and undead, main counter: Banishment using priests,
LA Ermor uses undead, main counter: Banishment using priests

Nations with access to blood, and thus demons:
Abysia (a blood powerhouse), MA Vanheim, Neifelhiem, Bandar Log, LA Pythium, Gath.

And perhaps I forgot somebody. :)

iRFNA February 11th, 2011 05:26 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
I don't mind, bring on the undead and demons!

Thanatus del Dragos February 11th, 2011 05:28 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
I've got powerful priest, I'm cool with the undead

Admiral_Aorta February 11th, 2011 06:12 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
I don't think I'll be too worried about undead, what with powerful priests and fire magic everywhere.

bbz February 11th, 2011 06:22 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
I just hope I'm not close to him at the beginning:D

iRFNA February 11th, 2011 06:33 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
Don't worry, you've got.. uh.. ..markatas.

Soyweiser February 11th, 2011 06:42 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
CBM adds a great markata hero. :)

Personally I love markata, they do all my diplo for me.

bbz February 11th, 2011 06:48 PM

Re: NewbsWithLowSelfEsteem: All ages! Madness! [Full]
xD yea if you want to get in war because the other guy thinks your pd of markatas is ****:P

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