![]() |
Re: De-Lays brand chip?
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Planning]
It looks like Llamaserver woke back up.
And ouch, that's a tough break for Atlantis. |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Planning]
What happened to Atlantis? And damn, water provinces in the mainland?
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Planning]
Resulting hypothesis: Atlantis had a combat pretender, went for a Turn-1 attack on indies, and forgot to script his/her pretender to attack. As a result, the pretender spammed L0 spells, got a few lucky kills, and then died. |
Owch. That is why you look before you leap.
Yeah, that is why I never charge on turn 1.
To my surprise I won the bid for the Armored Fist of God, and I have some easy neighboring provinces. I don't see anyone near me yet. Selling blood slaves for 10 gold a piece, though that won't matter for a while. I will agree to NOT sell blood slaves to people for 50 gold per embargo target. :D Man am I smug. EDIT: We might get a double turn today! |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Hold crap, everyone but Atlantis has gone, double turn Saturday anyone?
And Atlantis, mind telling us how your pretender died? That or take your turn. |
Just yakkin'
Double-turn would be nice. I am betting that Thranite (Atlantis) is away from home and will probably check when he gets back. So the turn will probably generate around 10:00pm or so...
Re: Just yakkin'
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Listing our time zones might be nice. EST here, I don't recall what that is in GMT. I think -5 or -6
Heh, accidental nationalistism...ish...thing...
I think I will cheat and just start going by Llamaserver time.
1:40 Llama time, my clock says 8:42pm. So I am hoping Atlantis is in by 3:00 Llama time. |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Saturdays are game days when I can break free. Non-computer game days, that is (miniatues, roleplaying, boardgame etc. :))
Wierd fight. I knew I was taking a chance going for the turn 1 push, but I'd tested a half-dozen games or so and it went fine each time...until now. Ancient Kraken and the starting forces, ended up against tritons and 2 triton knights, nothing special. I must not have scripted the kraken right, because he went from the flank to behind the line of peons, and waited for them to die. Then after one round tried to run away! The tritons that had chased off the deep ones were ahead of the kraken, so he ended up surrounded and lost 110 hit points in one turn. Very bizarre, but when you roll the dice sometimes they turn up snakeyes... |
I am in the lead. For now.
I checked the charts, and I am in the leads for provinces and army size. We'll see how long that lasts. EDIT: Also, I am recording my turns using FRAPS. I intend to cut my turns together and post it on youtube once I get knocked out of the game. If anyone else has FRAPS or is interested in screencaping with commentary that would be awesome, get the full epic of TheNooblies recorded for future generations. |
Re: I am in the lead. For now.
Re: I am in the lead. For now.
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Alright, everyone's moved but Mictlan. Anyone got something nice to report for turn 2 or 3?
Well no, but turn 4...
I am now officially nicknaming my core unit of Lancers, "the Breakers" because they have broken in every battle they have fought. I am used to heavy cav tromping my units, so I assumed they would stomp for me too, but when I checked the Lancer stats I realized that they were not going to live up to the expectations I had for them. So now I am changing my army build strategy and experimenting. Is now a good time to mention that I have never played Sauromatia before?
Also, someone manage to outbid me for the Elephant Corp. So much for mercenary control... Still haven't lost a battle yet; but I did have to turn on "neighbors" in the map filter to figure out how the map was configured. Less obvious then on random maps. |
Whining for fun
MagicDinosaur765!!! Waiting on Mictlan AGAIN! It is almost like he sleeps at night and doesn't camp his computer waiting for the next turn!
But yeah, a turn a day isn't bad. |
Wooo! I now have met two other nations! Pretty uneventful turn, the non-secret thing of interest was one of my archers shooting an independent archer for 67 damage. Gotta love open ended rolls.
Still trying to sell blood slaves. I will keep mentioning it, just because. EDIT: And I am talking the most in the thread...I'll calm down so others can post too... |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
This is odd. I've not yet received my .trn file, but I just got the 12-hour warning.
EDIT: Oh hey, a turn-resend button. Still wondering where the first one went off to, though. |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Ghill, please relax.
I'm sending my turns as soon as I can. ^^U |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I think your turn ran away Afro, you must be doing something to make the game not want you to play.
So yeah, my army got destroyed. I must have put the indipendant strength too high or something because a bunch of barbarians just curb stomped a handful of Skinshifters with a priest and a mage. Stupid bad decisions. |
Speed in communication.
Okay, I am going to start using PM's for diplomacy. It is faster and easier to keep track of.
Nothing of interest to report this turn. |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
From personal experience.
I learned a lesson about barbarians a long time ago, "never estimate barbarians".
They have mediocre Morale and stats, but they have really good weapons and with berserk they can be deadly to even heavily armored targets. 30 berserking barbarians can kill 40 heavy infantry in a round or two, but they can be routed by a pair of vine arrows. If you rely on them they will fail, and if you don't take care they can easily kill you. The clean solution to independent barbarians is to blast them from afar, a couple dozen archers or a few castings of fire flies will generally kill enough to ensure victory in melee and almost always cause them to break anyway. |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Ranged weapons are nice against barbarians, but the 'roadkill' school of thought is not to be overlooked. Put some throwaway units in the front to draw the barbarians' attention, and then have your elephants (or whatever) flank-n-squish them.
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Y'know, guys, there are more polite ways to greet your new neighbor than promptly attempting to invade...
In other news, there is no such thing as too much gold. Or enough, for that matter. |
AAR fail.
A bit of advice to anyone who wants to record their turns, check you sound and video quality after each recording. Oops.
Also, if you plan to go back and record later (like AfroSquirrel) I suggest that you save your .2h files as well. I don't think most people will remember what their plans or action were on a turn, and figuring it out by comparing each turn with the next would be a pain the in the but. Also, everyone should have a complete record of .trn and .2h files in their e-mail (unless they purge their inbox and outbox constantly). |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I can pledge not to go on occupied land for the foreseeable future, if that helps, and I understand if anyone is tempted by the treasure of the sea to try and claim it for their own...just know that I'll be seeing you on the field of battle if you do. :) |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Well crap, I missed my turn, had to nurse my cat back to health (don't ask) and today I was out with my friends. I know you guys probably don't want to roll back a turn.
Also, turns out skinshifter spam doesn't work as well for early expansion in this map. |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Right now, my past records are just every third turn with a couple screenies and some text commentary, nothing major. Probably around turn 15 or so I'll have enough events to warrant more detail.
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Dragos, check your messages amigo, the Warlocks only have so many couriers.
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I think my computer is having a spat with Llamaserver. Now both of the games I'm a part of say "14:18 GMT on Saturday May 28th ". Exact same time; I'm not sure which one changed to match the other, though.
Turn 10, plenty of "Agression"
So, uh, Laddwr disable PM's. Watch out for a little "scuffle" in 215. I think my in game message should be pretty clear though.
AfroSquirrel, I already have 40 minutes of video...I guess that is a testament to my verbosity. Currently (in my esteemed opinion) the three most powerful and dangerous nations are- 1) Hinnom (AfroSquirrel) 2) Mictlan (MagicDinosaur765) 3) Sauromantia (Evilkritter) based on provinces, income, and army size. I suggest that if you neighbor two of these nation that you make a secret alliance with one against the other, or if you neighbor one of these nations you should secret ally with one you don't and double team the sucker! I don't just say this because all of my neighbors border on Hinnom, Though it may have been a factor :D |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Army size literally means nothing though. Half of that could be Militia for all we know. But yeah, Hinnom is going to be a problem. Because Hinnom is always a problem, every time.
Dem cannibal giants, man. |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Well, my first game is as Tir na n'Og, which is generally considered underpowered, so I wanted to try one of the 'upper-tier' nations. I was actually thinking of doing Sauromantia, but once I noticed a theme developing I chose Hinnom instead.
I'd really like to know where Mictlan is (or over half the players, for that matter). I've yet to find a single indie province with Scouts, and I do not like this feeling of blindness... |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Well crap, I keep missing turns. Friends, school, that sort of stuff. I refuse to hold you guys back, so I will get my sticks together and hammer this out.
Also, who ever is Sauromantia needs to learn when to step off. |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Remember to "enable private messages", PM's are great for diplomacy, since messengers in the game are too slow and turn-dependent.
I feel the same, I don't like this blindness feeling. |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Well, if I came across someone who was staling, I'd not hesitate to take advantage of the fact (unless there was some major excuse, such as a family emergency). |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
That was kind of my excuse the first time, lazyness the second. And for what ever reason my 2h file from the last turn didn't go through.
To put that in perspective for Sauro, I had bought over 40 PD for the tile across the river. I feel a bit irked. |
Turn 11: Oooh, bad luck.
Man, what kind of douche must Sauromantia be? Oh wait, the me kind of douche...
Laddwr, make sure to check for confirmation e-mails or just check the llamaserver occasionally. That should help you catch those nasty surprises. Also, I tried to cut a deal, but your PM was off so I couldn't contact you. :( I am going to be super aggressive because I can't afford to give up any more land, though I might be willing to make a deal to ensure peace. :D |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
PMs are on Ghill, and if they weren't I can't change them this far in game. And for what ever reason I'm surrounded by cannibals.
Turn 12: Working it out.
Laddwr, I meant your Forum PMs. I sent you an in game message.
Slow turn this turn... |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
My PMs are on aren't they? I swear I got a few of them already... and I encourage ingame messages I guess.
Also, what nation's the flaming horned skull? Because they need to check they selves, lest they wreck they selves. |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Turn 13: The Vice Tightens.
Neifleheim is in a bit of a bind, it looks like they neighbor two of the most powerful and aggressive nations in the world. I believe I gave some relevant advice previously. :D
Securing borders, building armies, and trying to figure out how to overcome my self induced gimping. Sauromatia has weaker magic than I remembered, and I didn't give my pretender enough Astral to go for any of the magic strategies I am used to using. Also, master thief jacked a bunch of my gems. :mad: |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
*pokes Llamaserver with a stick*
Turn 14: Consolidating.
Since the server when down for almost the exact same time on Sunday, I am just going to assume that Sunday is standard maintenance day for the Llama.
Sauromatia is trying to trade for some air gems, we have an access of blood slaves and enough death gems to trade some. I am curious, how many people are at war right now? |
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
I am going to keep fighting hard as long as I can in this game, but I am secretly hoping I am ddead soon. I have made so many dumb mistakes in this game starting out.
Re: Nooblies - EA [9/8] players [Runing]
Niefelheim has now become the third nation on the distinguished list of "Nations who introduce themselves via invasion". Furthermore, they accompanied this attack with a warning to 'withdraw or be attacked'...
Also, I'm having the same Air gem shortage as Sauro. I can trade pretty much any other type that isn't Astral, though. |
Turn 15: Epiphany.
So, last night I had an epiphany. My entire national strategy changes, and so did all of my scheming. We'll just say that I realized I have a lot of Death 1 mages, and a lot of archers. :D
Also, there is NO WAY I am going to try and outbid Hinnom for air gems. I am, however, now interested in fire gems. I have excess blood slaves, and some nature gems if anyone is willing to trade. Unfortunately for you AfroSquirrel, hyper aggressive neighbors is the price of being one of the two most powerful nations in the world. You and Mictlan are going to get a LOT of grief, no one will want to risk you getting stronger. I suppose you could both team up to conquer the world, then go to war when only two remain...but I am sure that won't happen. ;) |
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