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-   -   Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - tratorix/Agartha & Valerius/Vanheim win (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47744)

BrodieSWR September 17th, 2011 06:54 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Ok, no problem.

But how did you change the filename? Did you do it like this:


Also, did you remove the spaces on the .tga file too? I hope not, because the .map files reference "Post Diluvium.tga" as their image file.

Valerius September 17th, 2011 03:27 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Yes, I changed the filenames as you indicated and edited the map files so they would reference PostDiluvium.tga. I've attached the renamed image and map files to the first post (everyone please download that so you don't get a message about a missing map image - or you can just rename your current map graphic).

Valerius September 18th, 2011 06:17 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Sorry for the delay. My pretender is now in and the game has started. Hope everyone has fun and again a big thank you to BrodieSWR for the nice custom map we're playing on.

Valerius September 18th, 2011 06:33 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Also, everyone please either download the renamed map attached to the first post or rename the files yourself to eliminate the space in the file names - otherwise you'll get an error about a missing map.

ghoul31 September 18th, 2011 08:31 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders

Originally Posted by Valerius (Post 783707)
As regards victory points, if you control 4 capitols for 3 turns then announce that you've won. If anyone would like that verified we can have a third party look over the turns to confirm it (please save those turns once you've taken your fourth cap).

How do you know which cities are capitals?

PriestyMan September 18th, 2011 12:46 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
If it has your crushed opponents special sites of course

Valerius September 18th, 2011 01:08 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
You know, I've only recently started playing no diplo games with caps as the winning condition and I have to admit that didn't occur to me. It looks like since the map specifies the province names the game ended up using those instead of marking caps with the nation's name.

The only good thing is that at least it's consistent. I'm noticing in another current game some caps are labeled with the nation's name and others are not. In YARG2, which I subbed in to, Ermor's cap wasn't marked but C'tis' was. I guess scouting will give you an idea based on the units there and casting a remote scrying spell will narrow it down even more since you'll be able to see the kind of magic sites. And, like PriestyMan says, you'll of course know for sure once you conquer it.

This is something I'll have to keep in mind, though. My preference would be to have the caps labeled with the nation's name so I'll have to make sure that names aren't specific in the map file in future games. But at least everyone is in the same boat, rather than some caps being labeled properly and others not. And, if people really don't like it we could always reveal the cap locations after the first year when people don't have to worry about a flying pretender rushing them on turn 3.

PriestyMan September 18th, 2011 01:16 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
I've played a lot of games without marked caps. its not hard to remember who conquered who's caps and knowing how many they have. especially on a small map.

Valerius September 18th, 2011 01:33 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
That sounds reasonable. I guess it's trickiest in larger games where several nations have already been eliminated by the time you get good scout coverage and with forts all over the place and the eliminated nations' cap only units no longer being recruited you'll have to rely on scrying to figure out which provinces were their caps? Of course if you conquer everything you'll find them but let's say you're trying to target those provs in order to increase your own count and reduce an opponent's.

LongBrodie September 19th, 2011 10:47 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Hate to do this early in the game, but I'll be traveling (and without internet access) for the next couple days. I'd appreciate it if we could delay the next turn by 48 hours.

Valerius September 19th, 2011 05:52 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Sure, no problem. Hosting has been postponed until Thursday.

PriestyMan September 26th, 2011 02:31 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Ugh. can't believe i missed this. and now its annoying. 77 and 76 are not connected up at the top

Valerius September 26th, 2011 03:55 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Darn it, I missed that as well when I randomly checked some province connections before the game. The only thing I can think to do is put the game on hold, fix the map file, and PM llama asking him to replace the one on the server. If this were a land province I'd be inclined to play through a missing connection but given the structure of the water provinces on this map this doesn't seem fair.

Note: since this is no diplo everyone please be careful of what you say about which provinces are owned by which nations.

BrodieSWR September 26th, 2011 04:04 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Wow, I apologize for missing this as well...

Please forgive me.

It is ironic, though, seeing as how 76 is called "The Broken Ocean".


Anyway, I agree that we should have this fixed.

Valerius September 26th, 2011 04:41 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
No worries, Brodie. It's very easy to miss creating a province connection. And you did all the work to create the map; I should have checked it thoroughly. Truth is, after some random checks I got overconfident (and perhaps lazy as well ;)) and didn't go province by province as I should have.

I'll fix the file and PM llama as soon as I get a chance.

I also added 24 hours to the clock as a precaution and will add more if necessary.

PriestyMan September 26th, 2011 06:44 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Its not *that* big of a deal honestly. i can play around it. I'm pretty laid back about these things

Valerius September 26th, 2011 07:44 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
I don't like to bother llama any more than is necessary since he already does so much. But I also don't want you to be put at a disadvantage. So, it's your call. I'll have a chance to fix the map in a few hours in case you want to go that route.

llamabeast September 27th, 2011 06:07 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
As I understand it, the .map file is only used to start the game. From then on the connections are built into the game itself. So there's no way to fix such an issue without restarting the game.

Valerius September 27th, 2011 03:35 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Thanks llama, I wasn't aware of that. I was thinking of it being like mods that can be altered during the game. But thinking it over it makes sense since mods are in a sense external, while the map connections are built into the turn files.

Sorry about that, Priesty. Are you ok with continuing? We're kind of far into the game for a restart...

PriestyMan September 27th, 2011 06:21 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Yeah its fine by me.

Ossa September 29th, 2011 03:03 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Yomi'S troops are freaking unstoppable. I cant kill more than 5 of his troops if our armies are of the same size.

tratorix September 29th, 2011 03:20 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders


BrodieSWR - Yomi
ghoul31 - Hinnom
LongBrodie - Tir na n'Og
Ossa - Ulm
PriestyMan - R'lyeh
tratorix - Agartha
Valerius - Vanheim
I believe I have discovered your problem sir.

LongBrodie October 6th, 2011 04:55 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Well played, Vanheim, well played. Just out of curiosity, how many Seeking Arrows did you cast there?

Valerius October 7th, 2011 01:35 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
I went with five castings. Four could have been expected to do the job (and did) but the way my luck has gone this game (I had to double check my scales just to make sure I didn't have turmoil/misfortune ;)) I figured since I had already spent 16 gems and four turns of mage time I might as well add one more casting as insurance. It was all very expensive but that that was also a tough target and wouldn't have been cheap to take out through normal normal attacks either.

Valerius October 7th, 2011 01:40 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Also, I changed the hosting interval to 48 hours (forgot to do so at turn 20). We've been moving at a good pace and likely won't usually need the full 48 hours but there is now some extra time if needed.

BrodieSWR October 9th, 2011 08:52 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
I, for one, appreciate the 48 hours because I have just recently moved to a different city here in Brazil, and it has been difficult because I don't have interent now, and have to rely on my father-in-law's internet down the street. Ugh....

tratorix October 22nd, 2011 01:45 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
Any chance I can get a 24 hour extension this turn? Probably not going to be home in time to do it.

Valerius October 22nd, 2011 02:38 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
I submitted the extension request but there's something strange going on with the server as games aren't hosting and it doesn't yet show any sign of the postponement having been processed. I will keep an eye on it.

Valerius October 25th, 2011 07:28 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
LongBrodie, that battle was a nail-biter. I enjoy fights like that where every unit counts. Comhghall the Ri was really annoying, though. Glad he's finally dead.

LongBrodie October 26th, 2011 08:12 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Closed, design pretenders
There are plenty more where he came from. I'm starting to think this war is going to get both of us wiped out, though. :P

Valerius October 31st, 2011 08:07 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Stupid game admin let me stale. :mad:

Valerius November 8th, 2011 02:03 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
That's not good: two stales last turn (actually the second in a row for TNN). I'll PM tratorix and LongBrodie.

tratorix November 8th, 2011 02:07 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I'm fine to continue. Was just procrastinating on sending my turn in and managed to miss the deadline. :doh:

LongBrodie November 9th, 2011 05:04 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
My computer died and it'll take a while to get it back. Find a sub for me or something. :(

Good luck everyone, and Valerius, I hope you win. :P

PriestyMan November 9th, 2011 12:22 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Ryleh is looking to buy astral pearls (of course). I have like everything else but slaves to trade for them

Valerius November 9th, 2011 03:26 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running

Originally Posted by LongBrodie (Post 788249)
My computer died and it'll take a while to get it back. Find a sub for me or something. :(

Good luck everyone, and Valerius, I hope you win. :P

Sorry to hear that, LongBrodie. I enjoyed our fight. And thanks for the vote of support. ;)

I'll postpone hosting and look for a sub.


Originally Posted by PriestyMan (Post 788268)
Ryleh is looking to buy astral pearls (of course). I have like everything else but slaves to trade for them

Uh, no diplo? :p

PriestyMan November 9th, 2011 06:04 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Ah ****. That was sneaky! i didnt even notice that. its not even in bold! no problem though

why is it no diplo anyways?

Valerius November 10th, 2011 07:21 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running

Originally Posted by PriestyMan (Post 788301)
Ah ****. That was sneaky! i didnt even notice that. its not even in bold! no problem though

Of course; all my favorite nations are sneaky. :p Well, except for MA Aby. Can't explain that other than to say warlocks are awesome.


Originally Posted by PriestyMan (Post 788301)
why is it no diplo anyways?

I hadn't really played no diplo games until this year and I got on a kick for a while where every game I joined/started was no diplo. Definitely saves time not having to engage in diplo but I think I've now got it out of my system and will split future games between diplo/no diplo.

Larz November 10th, 2011 11:37 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I just want to let everyone know that I have taken over for TNN. I've never played this nation, so should be fun!

Valerius November 11th, 2011 01:22 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Welcome Larz and thanks again for subbing! TNN is very fun, my favorite nation actually (along with Eriu under the current CBM). Certainly a very different style of play from MA Pythium that you played in Celebrities.

Valerius November 14th, 2011 12:15 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
It looks like we may need another sub. Yomi has staled twice and BrodieSWR withdrew from another game.

I don't know much about Yomi's position. It looks like the odds are against him but it's not yet a last stand situation. It seems to me it's too soon to turn the nation AI unless we can't find a sub.

Valerius November 14th, 2011 05:10 AM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Welcome to Korwin, who will be taking over Yomi.

Also, a reminder to our new players (and myself since I tend to forget this ;)) that this is a VP game (control four caps for three turns).

Valerius December 20th, 2011 08:57 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
Korwin, thanks for subbing and making the best of a not ideal situation.

Also, we are on a 72 hour hosting interval but if anyone needs extra time over the holidays let me know.

Larz January 16th, 2012 04:12 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I need a 72 hr delay for this turn. Sorry for the late notice (and delay).

Valerius January 16th, 2012 07:39 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I figured we'd need a delay this turn since with three hours to go there weren't any turns in. :p Hosting has been postponed 72 hours.

Valerius January 19th, 2012 04:49 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I see Agartha's turn is in but the others are still missing (including my own of course). Also, Ossa seems to have disappeared so we may need to find an Ulm sub. It appeared a few turns ago like Agartha might be on the verge of winning but has since suffered some setbacks, so looking at it now this will likely go on for a while yet. What is the level of interest in this game?

tratorix January 19th, 2012 06:58 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I'll keep playing if everyone else wants to, but my only goal now is to make this as miserable for everyone as possible, as there is no way I can recover from pretty much everyone dogpiling me.

Larz January 20th, 2012 12:10 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running
I would like to keep playing. I've still got some troops ready to die for my cause!

Valerius January 20th, 2012 05:42 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running

Originally Posted by Larz (Post 792975)
I would like to keep playing. I've still got some troops ready to die for my cause!

Ok, let's play on then. I'll post for a sub for Ulm. Ossa may return but if we can at least get a temp sub we can keep the game moving.


Originally Posted by tratorix (Post 792950)
I'll keep playing if everyone else wants to, but my only goal now is to make this as miserable for everyone as possible, as there is no way I can recover from pretty much everyone dogpiling me.

I wasn't planning on getting involved as I haven't had good experiences fighting all the way across the map (even when playing A/S nations) but when you took that cap from Ulm and had R'lyeh's under siege I figured it might be game over if I didn't try to take a cap from you. It only worked thanks to the gate stone.

tratorix January 20th, 2012 07:58 PM

Re: Myth - EA, CBM 1.92, no diplo - Running

I wasn't planning on getting involved as I haven't had good experiences fighting all the way across the map (even when playing A/S nations) but when you took that cap from Ulm and had R'lyeh's under siege I figured it might be game over if I didn't try to take a cap from you. It only worked thanks to the gate stone.
Yeah, this is the second game I've been in where a stealth attack has kneecapped me like that, I've got to start taking precautions against them.

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