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-   -   Dreadful fates II - LA Ulm - Twobits Winner !! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=47875)

Jiggymike October 27th, 2011 11:28 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
People must have bid CRAZY high on those mercs last month to take them from me. I'm pretty much done in this game, Ulm is just swallowing me up and my mages refuse to follow their orders. Sure guys, just waste all your slave on summoning imps and then blink all around the battlefield, that should help! Don't cast all those great offensive blood spells in your repertoire or banishment against his army of ghoul guardians that basically took the north half of my territory with barely any resistance.

Fantomen October 28th, 2011 05:20 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Those blinking warlocks were an unexpected display of bravery, I'll give you that :p. Well, you did kill 17 ghouls, sieged a fort and horror marked my baron, that's something. I'll have to send new troops now and break that seige, which will slow down my building of a vampire defence by two turns at least. Outrageous.

About those offensive blood spells, could it be they don't work on undead, and that's why your mages go off script? Inexplicable mage behavior is usually tied to targeting issues of some sort or the other.

Blink should probably be removed from the game or given a gem cost, I don't see it causing anything but trouble and frustration. If you want a blinking commander/mage you can just forge sandals. And that's not very often, blinking assassins with magic bows are funny though.

Interesting thing there, that we could see in this battle, a master casting blink also blinks all the slaves. That can actually be useful in a linebacker communion storming a fort, I've used it that way, but that's extremely niche though.

Anaconda October 29th, 2011 10:23 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)

To my belowed family back home in the imperial city!

Yesterday I learned more lessons than I have learned during my time with the host so far. Our training at the imperial barracks was put in test for very first time at the fields of Wyndun. I can now assure you, my loved ones, most of the war stories one hears in taverns from here back to the imperial city --- its all just hydras' droppings. But first lesson of the day was that hour is so very long for the waiting men.

Only few days earlier we had became aware of monstrous, one-eyed worms from the deepest caverns of the earth crawling down on us from the north. Commander Titus ordered us to march north and meet them. Later we learned that commander had sent riders before us to muster men from the loyal towns. Our host was few in number, but we had got the best training the empire has to offer, and we were eager to test our mettle with these grotesque monsters. The commander was wise to hide the size of the enemy from us at this point, and our spirits flew high along with the colors of the empire.

When we finally arrived to the field, the commander chose not to try and hide from the enemy but wanted them to find us. So, we build huge fires, and sent out rides to scout surroundings. We didnt build any fortifications however, but we simply maintained our selves and slept. I shared the first watch with a comrade of mine, so we two had got our rest when the horns went off early in the next morning. The enemy was approaching from the north. They must have had some evil magic from the deepest caves with them, for our riders had not seen a hint of the precense of scouts.

As the worm-general spread his host across the field, we were stunned. The enemy had trice the numbers we had in our camp. Indeed we must have seem puny in their eyes. But from this point on, nothing happened for hours. They were simply waiting, and so were we. Commander Titus didnt let us know of he's plans, and therefore we just stayed put on the other side of the field. The enemy saw we had not prepared any defences what so ever, so they must have reasoned we might simply break after seeing theri numbers.

The host didnt break, however, no matter we were truly scared. Maybe more than we had ever been in our lives. What happened was the men grew anxious, and it started to show. The commander had instructed his underlings to keep the men in hand, no premature advance should be made. The stress symptoms are strange, I can assure. Some leak under themselves, some cant stop talking while others dont answer no matter how many times you speak to them... every man acts differently, and it only gets worse with each passing minute.

I believe, now that I think of it, we saw them at the same time with the enemy. A ragtac lot of men marching down a hill from wouth-west. The militia consisting of local men were finally coming to meet us. This made the enemy seemingly disturbed. It became finally clear they had not got outriders nor scouts of any sort. How sloppy, I remember my self thinking. On the other hand, we had the training of imperial war academy. We got these things – underground dwellers... well, most likely they did not.

The local men took the head and met the vanguard of the enemy. The imperial legionaries stayed back. This was, of course, understandable. Never send your best in first.

What hope the first appearance of our militia had sparked, it died out fast. When they passed through us, we saw them up close. The local were young boys with mixed training and equipment. We are young too, I admit it, but these fellows – they appeared so green they could s hit grass. The good thing was the militia had no time to be scared, for the enemy fell on them right away.

They broke immediatelly – it seemed, at least. Poor lads came back running. They threw down their shields and what ever weapons they had got with them. Commander Titus sounded off and we formed a thin, long line. This was also a sign for our horsemen, who were about to flank the enemy and fell on their archers and commanders behind the lines. Running militia was drawing the enemy after them. It was perfect timing; the premature joy of victory was taking over the enemy, and their flanks became vulnerable.

It was my first call, and I remember thinking surely this was also going to be the last. There aint that many things I can recall from the battle itself, thou.

I remember us meeting the remains of our scattered troops as we advanced. Some were crying us to turn around. We had no chance, they shouted. My comrade pushed one of those pitiful things down to the mud and yelled at him that bring it on, we are not afraid! Commander Titus was right after us, furious. I recall him punching hard one of the militia commanders running into him, commanding the deserter to gather all of those capable of carrying arms, and come after us.

”The emperor's own are still here! The fight is not over yet”, he thundered waving the banner he had picked up from the slippery field!

At one point I remember wondering to my self how come there could be so many dead enemies already. When they had died and who had slain them? Later I understood my stress reaction had been playing a trick on me – the militia had not not given up right away after all. Indeed, they had done their part before showing their backs to the enemy. Unfortunately the cavalry got pinned down by missile fire and thus, the infantry was forced to work their way through the enemy lines a foe by foe. That cost us more men than the original plan had been, told commander Titus. The enemy stood bravely their ground. Blood left no room for rust on our blades that day.

Bullock October 29th, 2011 01:53 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Seriously gath's giants are amazing they wipe all waves of enemies whatever the nation is, with so few losses.
The sacred buff seems to be the right, working pretty well :)

it's quite a shame to fail at 3 (4?) Vs 1 like that :p

Scaramuccia October 29th, 2011 02:03 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
You guys are so fun to watch:)

Bullock October 29th, 2011 02:08 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
lol stop laughing and come help us :) we could use a 5th guy haha.

I'm also gathering any funds that northern nations would provide for this war !

Umsolfunolanis October 29th, 2011 02:56 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Those Gibbors are tough, especially with that bless!!

Just got rid of three spies in one province this turn.
Stop snooping around in C'tis land

P3D October 29th, 2011 03:13 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
There are troops better than the Gibbors, but for a cap-only giant sacred they are "massable". Without that E9N4 bless they are not that good.

You need to get more skellispammers.

Jiggymike October 29th, 2011 05:19 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
I hope I stay alive in this game as long as possible just so I'll remember to check for the AAR's (or whatever you call the narratives)...fantastic!

Jiggymike October 30th, 2011 02:40 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
I don't love to throw around accusations, but did anyone have spies in Mark for that last battle between myself and Ulm? Seemed pretty clear to me that his archers were firing at my commanders because they ran way up without releasing any arrows and then started dropping them directly around my [poorly arranged] commanders who weren't close to anybody else that that point. Not sure this was explicitly stated in the rules but I understand that it's bad form to use these commands, which can only be copied from Bogus or something. Can we please clarify this?

In any case I finally got the battle I wanted: our pretenders one on one (plus a bunch of imps and PD on my side). Au revoir Fantomen, highly afflicted PoD.

Anaconda October 30th, 2011 02:58 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
So what was the outcome, false god called with evil name of Fantomen got slain in a heat of the battle?

...about those archers, I understood order "fire archers" will make them missile troops fire mages also?

BTW, do I get forging bonus from steel ovens?

Jiggymike October 30th, 2011 03:17 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)

Originally Posted by Anaconda (Post 787374)
So what was the outcome, false god called with evil name of Fantomen got slain in a heat of the battle?

...about those archers, I understood order "fire archers" will make them missile troops fire mages also?

BTW, do I get forging bonus from steel ovens?

Yes, Gath'un, Lord of Fire and Blood was victorious, though he must be thankful for the good troops who sacrificed themselves by distracting the Prince of Death until he could land the final blow, as the battle took place within Fantomen's dominion and the outcome was certainly in doubt.

That may be possible but I've never seen archers directly target commanders/mages like that. If it is, that would be good to know. I did not have any archers on the battle field. This is why I said that I don't want to make any direct accusations, as I'm not terribly familiar with many of the mechanics of the game.

Jiggymike October 31st, 2011 10:41 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
The people of Abysia have held the nation of Ulm at bay for as long as possible, but we fear that they will soon overrun our capitol with sheer numbers. We have held them back with smaller numbers several times but they continue to grow as we stagnate. If anyone would care to attack them from the the West, where they are likely weakened while they concentrate their forces on us, we would be forever grateful. We will pay anyone who can prevent them from taking our capitol with a rare and dangerous artifact...a Soul Contract. Our scouts are concentrated in our own territory and we know little of the proceedings to our west and south outside of Ulm.

Bullock November 1st, 2011 09:56 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
It seems we have lost fantomen for 2 turns in a row. i will put the game on hold 72h and look for sub if we don't have news from her by that time.

Bullock November 1st, 2011 10:28 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Also, i'm trading my E A W F for some D gems.

Umsolfunolanis November 1st, 2011 05:36 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
I will be away from thursday to saturday morning. So this little brake suits me well.
If you sort out the problem with Ulm/Fantomen before I'm back it would be great if you could wait till saturday anyways.

And plese everyone trade your D gems with me. I have F W N and A. And for every 5 D gems received I will give you 7!! gems in return.

Bullock November 1st, 2011 06:08 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
I give a free alliance against Ctis for any deal of D gems. ;)

EndymionAsleep November 1st, 2011 06:31 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
OOC: I am assuming that the Shambler City site that allows the recruitment of Wild Ettins for free is considered a bug an not to be used by honorable gentlemen. Otherwise I'd in short order be rampaging the land with free SCs.

dojango November 1st, 2011 08:47 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)

Originally Posted by EndymionAsleep (Post 787586)
OOC: I am assuming that the Shambler City site that allows the recruitment of Wild Ettins for free is considered a bug an not to be used by honorable gentlemen. Otherwise I'd in short order be rampaging the land with free SCs.

Correct, good sir.

Anaconda November 2nd, 2011 12:37 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Ah, EndymionAwake changed his name to EndymionAsleep. Well, soon it well be AnonymousDead anyways.

Anaconda November 3rd, 2011 02:25 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Did you get an answer or only dead silence?

Umsolfunolanis November 4th, 2011 06:01 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Did the frost giants come upon this world??

TwoBits November 6th, 2011 11:20 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
All right. I'll be the new Ulm player. It looks to be a bit of a disaster (among other things, the pretender appears to be dead - wonder if that had anything to do with the previous player taking a walk?).

Oh, and my prophet is gone too - can anyone give me a hint as to what sort of blessing, if any, Ulm has?

Anyhow, feel free to commence diplomacy, or an invasion, or whatever :cold:

Anaconda November 6th, 2011 11:46 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
I would say strike down 1-eyed heretics of Agartha, that would serve the realm as whole!

Jiggymike November 6th, 2011 02:49 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)

Originally Posted by TwoBits (Post 787987)
All right. I'll be the new Ulm player. It looks to be a bit of a disaster (among other things, the pretender appears to be dead - wonder if that had anything to do with the previous player taking a walk?).

Oh, and my prophet is gone too - can anyone give me a hint as to what sort of blessing, if any, Ulm has?

Anyhow, feel free to commence diplomacy, or an invasion, or whatever :cold:

PM sent.

Bullock November 6th, 2011 07:36 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
It seems that Soyweiser has also some problems =(
i will postpone next turn to give him some time to shows up or to find a sub.

dojango November 6th, 2011 09:53 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Mad props to the nameless soldier who passed out from fatigue and terror on the battlefield. As he bravely lay there, the enemy mages were so disturbed by their inability to harm him that they broke and ran.

A new monument, "the statue of the comatose soldier" will be built to honor him in Bogarus.

Bullock November 7th, 2011 05:21 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
timer switched to 36h as it should have been.

Btw RIP comatose soldier.

Jiggymike November 13th, 2011 12:55 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
TwoBits, just so we're clear, it's generally considered bad form to send one diseased commander at an army. I have no idea if it was a mistake or what your intention was but it's because you can use that to prevent an entire army from moving (just a bit of a foible of the game). Fortunately I was planning on maintaining the siege.

Umsolfunolanis November 13th, 2011 02:07 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
I'm sorry but I cannot go on playing this game. I will be away for the next 5 to 8 weeks. This has nothing to do with getting a terrible beating this turn!!
Please find a sub for me or whatever it takes for you to go on.

It was fun playing with you all.
See you next year!

Bullock November 13th, 2011 04:24 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
And a sub is already found !
Welcome to Hylobius who takes the Ctis ownership.

Hylobius November 13th, 2011 05:13 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Please let me know of any agreements with C'tis.

Umsolfunolanis November 13th, 2011 05:57 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
pm sent to hylobius

TwoBits November 14th, 2011 10:37 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)

Originally Posted by Jiggymike (Post 788467)
TwoBits, just so we're clear, it's generally considered bad form to send one diseased commander at an army. I have no idea if it was a mistake or what your intention was but it's because you can use that to prevent an entire army from moving (just a bit of a foible of the game). Fortunately I was planning on maintaining the siege.

Oops, sorry about that! I had just noticed this diseased commander, and figured I'd pull the typical suicide move to save a few gold on upkeep, and maybe gain some intel while I was at it.

But looking at it from your perspective, I can see how it might appear to be just another variant of the 'scout blocking' exploit.

Truly wasn't my intention though. I'll have to pay more attention to those kinds of details (and maybe try to use someone's PD to 'shed payroll').

Jiggymike November 14th, 2011 02:34 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)

Originally Posted by TwoBits (Post 788541)

Originally Posted by Jiggymike (Post 788467)
TwoBits, just so we're clear, it's generally considered bad form to send one diseased commander at an army. I have no idea if it was a mistake or what your intention was but it's because you can use that to prevent an entire army from moving (just a bit of a foible of the game). Fortunately I was planning on maintaining the siege.

Oops, sorry about that! I had just noticed this diseased commander, and figured I'd pull the typical suicide move to save a few gold on upkeep, and maybe gain some intel while I was at it.

But looking at it from your perspective, I can see how it might appear to be just another variant of the 'scout blocking' exploit.

Truly wasn't my intention though. I'll have to pay more attention to those kinds of details (and maybe try to use someone's PD to 'shed payroll').

No harm done. :) Basically all I can due for the time being is try to make you as miserable as possible (in game).

EndymionAsleep November 15th, 2011 03:04 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Our children have informed us that we have collected much of the essence of the hottest flame, as well as much of the essence of the deepest water. We wish it be known that these may be available for trade for other distilled essences or whatever other things you other beings may wish to attempt to barter with.

Anaconda November 15th, 2011 03:18 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
The empire has fallen, the towers in ruins lie. His grace, the king of kings, Basileus, has been driven to exile. Now abominations reign what once was called the cradle of civilization and enlightment.

Scaramuccia December 1st, 2011 05:13 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
We have no server update for last 4 hours. Is it a llamaserver bug?

Bullock December 2nd, 2011 01:40 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
yeah the server is down atm.

Jiggymike December 7th, 2011 03:33 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Damn, I was looking forward to an epic, yet futile, battle to save my capitol, but I guess I got dom killed. Oh well, gl to those remaining.

TwoBits December 7th, 2011 12:31 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Well, I wasn't looking forward to an "epic" blood bath there ;)

That was the first time I've tried for a dom-kill. But then this is also the first time I've played LA Ulm, and their inquisitor mage-priests, in MP.

Anyhow, many thanks for sticking it out and making things interesting!

Soyweiser December 16th, 2011 11:24 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
I cuold really use an extension towards monday! It is one of those weekends again... sorry.

Bullock December 17th, 2011 01:01 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Turn extended for Soy.

Btw excellent war Endymion, i needed at least 4 or 5 tries to finally get rid of your main army ! However i was wondering if you have also a discrepancy between the fight of this turn and the report?

Bullock December 17th, 2011 10:37 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Was wondering if some people would be interested in a break between the 24th Dec and the 2nd of January ? if so i'm planning to set a 8days length turn during this period but quickhost still on (so the game isn't stuck if everyone can finally play)

TwoBits December 17th, 2011 10:44 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
That's a very good idea. In fact, I might be starting my holiday travels on the 23rd, but I'll see if I can get in that last turn before the 24th and the 8 day hiatus.

EndymionAsleep December 17th, 2011 03:09 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Well if the host himself is willing to break the rules with useless douchebag attacks, I guess I'll play a douchebag card as well.

I'm AI everyone. Soy: eat me up.

Bullock December 17th, 2011 04:09 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
lol what a sore loser ... What was my douchebags attacks ?? i ve taken most of your lands with my small armies so don't talk about some moveblock or stuff like that !

TwoBits December 18th, 2011 02:30 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Huh? I thought I had pretty good scout coverage of the area, but I guess I must have still missed something :confused:

Here's what I did see:

Ermor attacked and captured Kseftia (25) from the sea, thus cutting off Agartha's escape rout.

Ermor attacked the Agarthan force that had him under siege at Pythium (8). This force was expendable (no mage support), but large enough to convince the Agarthan AI that it was OK to burn gems (saw lots of elementals summoned). As Ermor had three forts in provinces bordering Pythium, full of his undead chaff, such a move could have been easily anticipated.

For the storming of the fortress at Pythium itself, I had the Battle Replay Bug. In my version, Agartha won a very Pyrrhic victory, capturing the fortress, but losing most of its army in the process, while Ermor's pretender and mages retreated safely. So, what really happened there, I'm not sure. But in my version, Ermor cast both Wailing Winds and Winds of Death, so that likely happened in the real battle - again, something one might anticipate from Ermor.

So where was the douchebag move? :confused:

Bullock December 18th, 2011 11:09 AM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
Thanks for your testimony Twobits !
i was expecting congratulations for getting rid of his army with his 60 commanders against my 3 mages & my pretender =p

after some thoughts i think it s prolly the fact i ve sacrificed
2 or 300 undeads before he storms the castle to burn his gems that pissed him.

Anyway it sounds like a clean victory to me.

dojango December 18th, 2011 12:29 PM

Re: Dreadful fates II - (Running)
If it was the bug where the replay is different from the actual result, yeah, that's annoying. I had that happen in a recent battle and posted about it in the forums. The consensus seems to be "it happens".

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