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Austen April 3rd, 2012 04:32 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting

HoleyDooley April 3rd, 2012 10:07 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting

bobskizzle April 4th, 2012 12:59 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting

shard April 4th, 2012 03:45 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
This colour:

Bullock April 4th, 2012 11:26 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
OK guys the password is : "forthebest" without quotes

Is everybody fine with that splitting ? any comment welcomes

You can also propose your own map splitting since mine is far to be perfect.

Austen April 4th, 2012 12:32 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I'm mostly looking at ours (red), but I think the eastern cap would be better bumped NE one square. Where it is now puts it a pretty good haul from those bridges.

Also, green seems to have a turtle position. Haven't looked up who green is, but that seems diff than everyone else..

HoleyDooley April 4th, 2012 12:53 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
LOL, I am green but didn't bother to look at the map.....I just like green.

Bullock April 4th, 2012 04:38 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
i don t think there is a spot better an than other for turtling everybody will have only 1 direct opponent.

However i just noticed that i haven't taken in consideration harbors access ... for instance green is kinda advantaged on this point. So i'll do some minor starting change so harbors are at least 2 prov away from any cap.

Mightypeon April 4th, 2012 06:36 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
-Red and Green have to share provinces of their cap cycle, I think in reds case it can be avoided
-Teal with have issues supporting each other with 3 movement inhibiting provinces between their caps. On the other hand, slighlty more flexible early expansion
-Green has unmatched Island access, as it will have to contend with only one (usually strong indie) port site to reach it.

Btw, I wish to play with MA Ulm.

Nightfall April 5th, 2012 01:05 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I'm not sure what colour we end up with, but 2 observations.

Each pair of capitals should be exactly 3 provinces apart from each other so they are minimum distance without overlap.

You need to adjust your own capial into the water.

Bullock April 5th, 2012 12:03 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
alright i ll try to take in consideration most of comments and will do the work tomorrow evening.

HoleyDooley April 7th, 2012 12:48 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
Change of nation for me thanks.

I'll try LA Ulm.

Bullock April 7th, 2012 01:51 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Mightypeon (Post 800744)
-Red and Green have to share provinces of their cap cycle, I think in reds case it can be avoided
-Teal with have issues supporting each other with 3 movement inhibiting provinces between their caps. On the other hand, slighlty more flexible early expansion
-Green has unmatched Island access, as it will have to contend with only one (usually strong indie) port site to reach it.

Btw, I wish to play with MA Ulm.


Originally Posted by Nightfall (Post 800768)
I'm not sure what colour we end up with, but 2 observations.

Each pair of capitals should be exactly 3 provinces apart from each other so they are minimum distance without overlap.

You need to adjust your own capial into the water.

i ve moved caps for red & green. For green it will render access of big island slightly harder.

I do agree that teal have a hard position to help each other. So if people don't mind i ll take the water nation which solve the problem. It also solve the problem problem for yellow who had a little less territories than others "in theory".

However if some people don't want a water nation, which i can understand, i ll try to figure out where to place a land nation with teal.

I might also move yellow cap one province on the right if i have a water nation.

Bullock April 8th, 2012 07:14 AM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
I haven't done the map yet so you can still make comments.

The game is up though, so you can send pretenders.


Bullock April 9th, 2012 01:54 PM

Re: For better or worse - Single Age - Teamplay - Recruiting
The map is barely done, however there is no EA Pythium. I put you in LA Pythium instead, Bob tell me fast if you were expecting something else. i also have trouble to find EA LAnka nation ID.

But after that we are done.

bobskizzle April 9th, 2012 07:05 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Sounds fine

Nightfall April 10th, 2012 09:48 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Bullock, please link the downloads for the mods your using to ensure that everyone is all on the same versions.

bobskizzle April 10th, 2012 09:58 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
The mods are linked on the llamaserver.

Bullock April 11th, 2012 06:32 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)

Here are the links for mods.

And the map is ready and uploaded (nothing to do on your side if you have lands of legends already)

Mightypeon April 11th, 2012 08:11 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Till Lindemann is in!
For the Hard Rock Revolution!!!

Mightypeon April 14th, 2012 07:22 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
So, whose pretenders are missing?

Austen April 14th, 2012 03:16 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
We're missing two.. I'm one of them, but I will have mine up in the next hour or so..

Austen April 14th, 2012 04:22 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
OK.. mine's in.. just need on more..

bobskizzle April 14th, 2012 11:37 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Final pretender is in it looks like.

HoleyDooley April 15th, 2012 01:20 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
I think there is an issue with the starting spots.

I am in #148 and my partner is in #48. We are 12 provinces distance apart.

Bullock April 15th, 2012 06:03 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
damn i was hoping we could go one shot.
I ll check that fast and restart the game. Normally there will be no need to resend pretenders.

Bullock April 15th, 2012 06:20 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
OK the problem is your mate has changed from Nief to an other nation. Starting loc are dispatched between nations rather than players.

Tigercub what nation are you playing ?

HoleyDooley April 15th, 2012 06:32 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Ah sorry, I wasn't clear when I changed to LA Ulm that I was Neif.

I did check a few times to see the change was made you correctly, but you must have changed the first post after i had forgotten about my change.

Tiger is playing EA Abysia.

Bullock April 15th, 2012 09:16 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Well i have made the changes but for some odd reasons my admin password stopped working so i have to wait for Llama.

Bullock April 16th, 2012 10:25 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
sry for such a slow start but we already need a postpone for holey.

mattyburn7 April 16th, 2012 10:28 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
And I apologize folks for being slow on getting my first turn in...One of those days/weekends/weeks. I'll get it in soon folks.

Bullock April 16th, 2012 10:33 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
no need to hurry anymore it seems !

Angry_Hominid April 17th, 2012 06:46 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Hrm. It seems my starting position is not where it should be (going for the JPEG earlier in the post). Its not the end of the world and im happy to keep playing, but I feel its at a disadvantage in that my cap is only boarded by 2 provinces and will nerf my early expansion.

Bullock April 17th, 2012 11:12 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
i might have made a mistake.
Give me more info, where is your cap?

Redfive April 17th, 2012 10:34 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
whoops..my capitol is in 27...fish out of water

Bullock April 18th, 2012 11:57 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)

Originally Posted by Redfive (Post 801951)
whoops..my capitol is in 27...fish out of water

I m waiting for more info from Angry_Hominid and i ll do corrections.

Angry_Hominid April 20th, 2012 02:39 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Im in province 151... sorry for the late reply!

HoleyDooley April 20th, 2012 03:44 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)

HoleyDooley & Tigercub (LA Ulm & EA Nief)= wrong

should read

HoleyDooley & Tigercub (LA Ulm & EA Abysia)= right

In case there is any confusion. Sorry I have not had much of a chance to check the forums lately.

Bullock April 20th, 2012 11:07 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)

Originally Posted by HoleyDooley (Post 802167)

HoleyDooley & Tigercub (LA Ulm & EA Nief)= wrong

should read

HoleyDooley & Tigercub (LA Ulm & EA Abysia)= right

In case there is any confusion. Sorry I have not had much of a chance to check the forums lately.

yeah i forgot to refresh the main post but it should be good in game right ?

i ll do map corrections asap for 2 issues.

Bullock April 20th, 2012 06:50 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
ok so i have:
Redfive, who is playing EA Fomoria, is spawning at 27 (instead of 135) where it should be Angry_Hominid with LA Pythium ? and LA Pythium get a random spawn.

Is the sentence correct? at least concerning nations ?
Because if it is i don't understand why it's not working properly eveything looks fine.

Angry_Hominid April 21st, 2012 08:37 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Yeah, im in province 151 which is right up the top squashed in against 2 provinces only... doesnt look like the jpeg you uploaded earlier

Mightypeon April 21st, 2012 05:46 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Nearly everybody is staling, could be get a clear word on wether there will be a restart?

Bullock April 21st, 2012 06:22 PM

Yeah i ve put the game back to start.

I don't understand what's happening, maybe the singleage mod is changing some of the nations ID.

I think i ll host the game on GP server, it would solve the problem.

I ll send him a request asap.

mattyburn7 April 22nd, 2012 06:48 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Ok. So can ignore the Turn 3 that just came yesterday?

Redfive April 23rd, 2012 09:10 AM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
I have ignored all of the turns as I started across the map from my partner.

Bullock April 23rd, 2012 02:24 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
i've sent the game request to GP so the game should start soon on his server.

It is strongly recommended to play with a password which can be set at the pretender creation.

I'll give you the server IP soon.

Bullock April 23rd, 2012 06:03 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
The server should be up & running at :


Before selecting the nation be sure to have the proper pretender you want to play (with password)

You can connect directly through the game via the "network" option in the menu. No need to bother with mail here.

Also be aware that there is no reminder about the incoming end of the turn like on llamas. There is also more delay to postpone a turn.

If you have any question about the use of the server you can have a look here:


or post here.

bbz April 23rd, 2012 06:13 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
I don't think its a good idea to declare the port publically. Anyone can join this way, what people do is usually send it via PM.
(thats just a word of caution)

Bullock April 23rd, 2012 09:01 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 802584)
I don't think its a good idea to declare the port publically. Anyone can join this way, what people do is usually send it via PM.
(thats just a word of caution)

It's the same thing on Llamaserver and i have never met the problem.

Nightfall April 23rd, 2012 10:06 PM

Re: For better or worse (Sending pretenders)
Um, went to join and the game status page lists turn 2, can connect but EA Caelum is not open to join...

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