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-   -   MP: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN] (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48613)

Peacekeeper April 5th, 2012 07:42 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [RECRUITING 1 MORE REQUIRED]
his account says he checked the forums this morning, id give him another couple hours. I dont know what time zone hes in but its very possible that he checked from work or something and hasnt got a chance to enter the pretender from home yet.

Angry_Hominid April 5th, 2012 07:45 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [RECRUITING 1 MORE REQUIRED]
Thats fine and he can still upload his pretender if hes quick but he hasnt replied to my email at all so I dont feel like we should discount the possibility that he doesnt want to play.

I want to get the game started.

Procyon Lotor April 5th, 2012 08:03 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [RECRUITING 1 MORE REQUIRED]
I just sent it in. Waiting on confirmation . . .

Procyon Lotor April 5th, 2012 08:04 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [RECRUITING 1 MORE REQUIRED]
Confirmation received. I'm in. Thank you for your patience!

mattyburn7 April 5th, 2012 08:10 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [RECRUITING 1 MORE REQUIRED]
Welcome Procyon!! Can you turn on your private messages for the board?

bobskizzle April 5th, 2012 09:57 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [RECRUITING 1 MORE REQUIRED]
Let's go woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Angry_Hominid April 5th, 2012 10:17 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Welcome back Procyon :)

Game started goodluck everyone and have fun...

HoleyDooley April 5th, 2012 10:24 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [RECRUITING 1 MORE REQUIRED]

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 800803)
Welcome Procyon!! Can you turn on your private messages for the board?


Read above message Proycon. Very important.

bobskizzle April 5th, 2012 10:30 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Boo, renaming is off

Peacekeeper April 5th, 2012 10:32 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]

Originally Posted by bobskizzle (Post 800812)
Boo, renaming is off

oh god, i see a lot of time spent looking through mystics in my future.

Angry_Hominid April 6th, 2012 02:52 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Damn that was unintentional....... restarting now before it gets WAY to painful later...

Apologies guys I honestly thought it was set to on!

Procyon Lotor April 6th, 2012 01:50 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Err, how do I turn on "private messaging for the board"?

Procyon Lotor April 6th, 2012 01:52 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Nevermind, I think I got it.

I am dumb. Please enjoy stomping me into the ground.

Knai April 7th, 2012 03:52 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
C'tis, what the hell happened to your troops?

bobskizzle April 7th, 2012 03:05 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
He tried to take a province blindly and lost?

Austen April 7th, 2012 07:12 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Indies seem unusually tough for 5s where I am.

Peacekeeper April 7th, 2012 09:12 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
seems they rewarded you with a free gem site too.

Lunaje April 7th, 2012 11:56 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
I agree, there seems to be some indies on steroids around

Knai April 8th, 2012 12:13 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Some of them are pretty nasty where I am as well. Fortunately, Sauromatia is pretty good at dealing with nasty.

Peacekeeper April 8th, 2012 12:50 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
ive got a couple trouble provinces around me, mainly a stack of 100 barbarians which i have no idea how im going to deal with in any reasonable amount of time. i am still confident that ill be ahead of the province graph after this turn though thanks to the mercenary pick up in the first turn.

Knai April 8th, 2012 01:13 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 800966)
ive got a couple trouble provinces around me, mainly a stack of 100 barbarians which i have no idea how im going to deal with in any reasonable amount of time. i am still confident that ill be ahead of the province graph after this turn though thanks to the mercenary pick up in the first turn.

As someone with way too much Arco practice, I'll just say this:
Slingers are surprisingly effective against low protection, no shield, mediocre movement units. They are also cheap, easy to mass, and capable of providing siege fodder.

Angry_Hominid April 8th, 2012 02:27 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]

Originally Posted by bobskizzle (Post 800918)
He tried to take a province blindly and lost?


The indies do seem tough... it was on 5 but then again I thought renaming was on too so if its higher...:confused:

HoleyDooley April 8th, 2012 02:38 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
I think its set higher.

I am getting my arse handed to me big time. Plus I am attacking the "easy" pickings. The others, the BIG ones, will certainly take some beating.

Austen April 8th, 2012 03:01 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
I just checked and it's on 5...

HoleyDooley April 8th, 2012 04:56 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
LOL. Well if we were playing on 7 in that case, it might be into the 2nd year b4 I got my 2nd province.

Russian_Comrade April 9th, 2012 03:16 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Acro is really good on expanding... It is 11 provinces right now?

mattyburn7 April 9th, 2012 03:28 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Yea. Everyone else is about even on provinces. Arco is pulling away a bit.

Knai April 9th, 2012 04:48 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]

Originally Posted by mattyburn7 (Post 801112)
Yea. Everyone else is about even on provinces. Arco is pulling away a bit.

Arco is doing well, and I suspect some sloppiness on the part of other nations (myself very much included. I need to remember to test new strategies more thoroughly).

Peacekeeper April 9th, 2012 06:34 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
11 provinces, but that growth will be slowing as i have neighbours who obviously want to lay claim to land now.

mattyburn7 April 10th, 2012 12:56 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Procyon: When I click on your name the dropdown gives me an option for Private Messaging (which wasn't there before so that is good), but then I still get a message that either you won't receive PM's or you aren't allowed. Not sure what's up.

Anyway. I got your message in game (Caelum). Wanted to reply back here so we don't have any unfortunate conflicts (I'll send more detailed message in game).

I am fine with spirit of the post. No need for hostilities between us.

The province on the other side of the bridge from you. I am next to it and will attack into it this turn since its on my side. If you are unsure what I'm referring to, send me a post back.

Cheers Mate!

Peacekeeper April 10th, 2012 01:32 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
byrs guide to turning on PMs:

at the top of your screen, just under the thread title, there will be a list of options in white with a black background (user CP, forum rules, chat, etc). Click on User CP. Once there, under the "settings & options" section, open up "edit options". The second section will be Messaging and Notifications, find the Private Messaging and make sure your "Enable Private Messaging" is checked. Once checked, please dont forget to scroll down to the bottom of the page and Save Changes.

Procyon Lotor April 10th, 2012 01:53 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
. . . and do NOT check the box that limits your private messages to folks on your contacts list, which is right below the "enable private messaging" box. I sort of checked boxes willy-nilly, which is why people couldn't PM me.

Problem solved.

Notice how stupid I am? You should let me live, and not prioritize me for destruction.

Peacekeeper April 10th, 2012 02:24 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
make sure the box thats "only receive PMs from mods and admins" isnt checked too.

Knai April 11th, 2012 02:41 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Regarding game rules and borderline exploits, what's the policy on sticking slave collars on mercenary mages?

mattyburn7 April 11th, 2012 02:47 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Good question. I don't know if I've seen that listed as an exploit. Any opinions from any others?

Peacekeeper April 11th, 2012 03:01 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
if you really want to spend the slaves, go for it.

Peacekeeper April 16th, 2012 06:16 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
so this thread got quiet. Hows everyones game going?

mattyburn7 April 16th, 2012 06:46 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Pretty well so far. As suspected the attack plan against indies doesn't work against other pretender armies! Good bunch of chaps in the game. I"m enjoying it!

Peacekeeper April 16th, 2012 07:04 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
hehe, sorry bout that eagle king. =)

so far my expansion went well, only real run in with other people over it was your king. I lucked out and found a province i could recruit scouts in so its given me a good idea of what the world looks like. And so far everyone has been a pleasure to deal with, ive been enjoying my time here.

mattyburn7 April 16th, 2012 07:14 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Yea. Scouts can be scarce in EA. I lucked out also. Last province I grabbed produces scouts. That's a big bonus. The Caelum native scout is nice with the Move 3 - Flying.

Hats off to the Pegasus. They were on me faster than my King could say Blessing :sick:.

Lunaje April 16th, 2012 07:47 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
People seem to be busy teaching their all true religions to so many still not converted stubborn indies.
A task in which you two are doing well :rolleyes:

Peacekeeper April 16th, 2012 09:21 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
ya, i think weve all but stopped now though so people are probably going to be catching up.

mattyburn7 April 16th, 2012 09:27 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
HD(Abysia) hasn't sent his turn in and I believe he is out for the next couple days. Can we delay 72 hours until he gets back (or gets his turn in).


Russian_Comrade April 17th, 2012 11:16 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Oh. Is it the same for BSoD?

mattyburn7 April 17th, 2012 11:22 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Yes. But he got his turn in + LL extended the turn length.

I think all of Holey's other games got extensions also or he got the turn in.

Lunaje April 17th, 2012 11:49 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
It is Hooley Dooley you're talking about?
He is in another game I'm in, but as far as I know he has not asked for an extension. The deadline is in like 4 hours. I'll give notice anyway.

mattyburn7 April 17th, 2012 12:12 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Yep. Yea. If he hasn't gotten the turn in you might want to. He's away for 3 days, but was hoping to get to an internet cafe or something to get a turn in if need be.

Angry_Hominid April 17th, 2012 01:25 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
ok i'll extend the turn timer to 72 hours for now

mattyburn7 April 17th, 2012 01:50 PM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
That should be enough..then one he posts his turn we'll be good to go again. THanks!

Angry_Hominid April 19th, 2012 02:08 AM

Re: NEWBIE GAME - EA - Stumble onwards to Victory! [STARTED 12/12 REMAIN]
Ouch Caelum, thanks for teaching me how to eat electric death! Nice units :)

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