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-   -   MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - WL Ctis wins (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48819)

Executor June 1st, 2012 06:03 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Should have set the game to autostart WL, won't have time to play the turn until tomorrow evening the earliest now. ;)

WraithLord June 1st, 2012 07:50 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Game is on. GL all and have fun :)

WraithLord June 1st, 2012 07:53 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
I stopped doing auto starts due to past issues w/ outside players sending pretenders. I prefer more control and less hassle.

Dogged57 June 2nd, 2012 09:25 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
I really like the north/south divide on this map. The only problem is that from the south, there's only one land passage to the north. That spot is going to be a killer choke if someone can hold it.

dojango June 2nd, 2012 10:30 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
some of the landmarks have teleporting sites; look at the province connections.

Dogged57 June 2nd, 2012 10:45 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by dojango (Post 805746)
some of the landmarks have teleporting sites; look at the province connections.

Provinces 26 and 27 in the south have connections to the central island and the three northern teleporters. Province 26 is underwater. 121, 88, and 97 have teleporters in the north. So, unless we have the ability to send water-breathing armies, getting to and from the south can only be done through province 26. Seems a bit unbalanced. Should be an interesting problem.

WraithLord June 2nd, 2012 12:21 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Let us see how the game develops and whether it would turn out to be problematic or not.

Dogged57 June 4th, 2012 12:27 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
I really hope C'Tis is on the other side of the divide.

WraithLord June 4th, 2012 02:22 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
C'tis nation is interested in peace with it's neighbors. War is against the principles of the desert religion who sacrileges life in all it's forms.

Life in C'tis are so good that the surrounding desert tribes sing its praise as follows:
If you're looking for bliss
Then head straight for C'tis
Where you'll find wonderful things
That you just can't miss
No wonder the tribe leaders willingly join C'tis :up::up::up:

More cause for alarm is the "one minute you have a kingdom the next poof and it's gone" doom days weapon - yes dom kill I'm looking at you :eek:

But all this talk is premature. The world is young and magic is strong. Peace prevails and hopefully will for generations to come.

CUnknown June 4th, 2012 05:07 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Ulm also wishes peace with its neighbors, and we will happily send our legions of diplomats to meet with you. Don't be offended if they happen to wave their swords and axes about menacingly, it is the way we greet strangers in our culture.

Conan the Diplomat rides up, dismounts, and delivers this message:

"What is best in life? To 'love' enemies, see them 'grow and prosper' before you, and to hear the 'friendly banter' of their women. Yes, indeed. :D

Wait, you don't seem convinced. Ehh.. enough talk!!"

*draws weapons*

I guess my barbarians aren't very good at diplomacy, sigh. :doh:

Dogged57 June 5th, 2012 12:00 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
We just have trouble not squishing the littles when they come strutting around in our neck of the woods. And then there's the balmy weather around here. We have no idea why anyone would want to be melting all the time.

Executor June 5th, 2012 09:02 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Abysian bastards!

Dogged57 June 5th, 2012 09:07 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 805933)
Abysian bastards!

I thought it'd be Abysia getting all fired up, not the tree lovers. Did he burn your forests down?

Executor June 5th, 2012 09:11 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Fight like a man, don`t steal my mercs!

BTW, this map has some issues.

Dogged57 June 5th, 2012 09:18 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 805935)
Fight like a man, don`t steal my mercs!

BTW, this map has some issues.

Merc stealing. A time honored tradition usually saved for actual war time. I've never considered stealing another's mercs during expansion. That's actually not a bad idea...

dojango June 6th, 2012 03:09 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
I think you should examine the fine print of the contract that you signed with the mercenaries. "theft" is such a specific term.

Executor June 7th, 2012 11:08 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Heads up to Ulm and Lanka, you do not want to clash with Yomi expansion party...

CUnknown June 8th, 2012 04:21 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Let me be the first to welcome our new Oni overlords to the neighborhood...

Catquiet June 8th, 2012 07:18 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Looking at the score table, the Oni have 666 income this turn...probably just a coincidence.

WraithLord June 10th, 2012 10:39 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Just a head up. Turn 13 is available, if you didn't get it (like me) then go the game page and ask for a resend.

Niefelheim, Why did you stale?- Did you require an extension?-Next time plz give me a heads up (as in ask for an extension) so you would avoid staling.

Dogged57 June 10th, 2012 11:42 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 806239)
Just a head up. Turn 13 is available, if you didn't get it (like me) then go the game page and ask for a resend.

Niefelheim, Why did you stale?- Did you require an extension?-Next time plz give me a heads up (as in ask for an extension) so you would avoid staling.

Considering I was home writing and watching tv last night... Wow. I had no idea a turn was due. I received no warning email and I didn't check on my games before heading to bed. Thanks for the heads up on turn 13. I haven't received that either.

Executor June 10th, 2012 11:56 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Yeah, me neither. Also, missed warning email in some other games.
WL, you might want to use the admin option to email all players. Some people don`t tend to check the thread regularly, and it seems no one got the current turn.

Executor June 11th, 2012 02:38 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Errrr, I have a fort which refuses to be built for some reason. It`s been 3 turns of construction and it should have been done this turn but it says two more turns. Any ideas as to what the heck this is would be nice.:confused:

As a side note, with luck 3, turmoil 3 I`ve been having 2-3 bad events a turn for the last couple of turns...:rolleyes:

WraithLord June 12th, 2012 04:21 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 806243)
Yeah, me neither. Also, missed warning email in some other games.
WL, you might want to use the admin option to email all players. Some people don`t tend to check the thread regularly, and it seems no one got the current turn.

If I spot such a glitch again I shall email all. Thanks!

Edit: "As a side note, with luck 3, turmoil 3 I`ve been having 2-3 bad events a turn for the last couple of turns"

I hate L3T3. It's supposed to work like a charm and every turn you expect that 1.5K gold event or some other fabulous stuff but most what you get sucks.

Dogged57 June 12th, 2012 07:47 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 806330)

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 806243)
Yeah, me neither. Also, missed warning email in some other games.
WL, you might want to use the admin option to email all players. Some people don`t tend to check the thread regularly, and it seems no one got the current turn.

If I spot such a glitch again I shall email all. Thanks!

Edit: "As a side note, with luck 3, turmoil 3 I`ve been having 2-3 bad events a turn for the last couple of turns"

I hate L3T3. It's supposed to work like a charm and every turn you expect that 1.5K gold event or some other fabulous stuff but most what you get sucks.

I have fallen out of love with L3T3. There's a ton of gem events, but also the chance for barbarian attacks, hurricanes, cursed troops. Every bad event makes you feel cheated. And don't get me started on the upkeep causing militia events.

dojango June 14th, 2012 06:24 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Quiet thread... how about some Abyssian jokes?

Q: Why did the frost giant cross the road?

A: Because he was afraid of the chicken on the other side!

Q: What do you call a frost giant who pushes you in the water and laughs as you struggle?'

A: A loyal ally!

So, a frost giant and a jaguar warrior are walking along and they see a gold coin on the ground. The frost giant picks it up, throws an arm around the jaguar warrior, and says, "Come! Let us share this bounty like brothers!"

But the jaguar warrior says, "Nah, how about we just split it in half."

An Abyssian, a Mictlanese, and a frost giant are walking along. They come to a river that is too deep and wide to cross. The Mictlanese says, "I shall pray to my god for the power to cross this river."

The Abyssian says, "I will study great and powerful magic to cross this river."

The frost giant suddenly picks up the Mictlanese guy and throws him into the river, where he drowns. "What did you do that for?" asks the Abyssian.

The frost giant replies, "You can solve any problem by throwing more mictlanese at it."

Dogged57 June 15th, 2012 02:35 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but I like the way you're saying it!

Amhazair June 15th, 2012 12:22 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
I think He's saying I should build more Mictlanese, which I will try to do. Thanks for the tip.

Dogged57 June 16th, 2012 06:09 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
If my prophet didn't have 132 HP to start with...YEESH.

Abysia cast Rage on my prophet on turn one, before he could cast Divine blessing...insane. I can't believe we won anyway.

dojango June 17th, 2012 12:05 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Probably shouldn't have told all though nasty jokes about frost giant'ts momma's. Wanted them riled up enough to attack but not so much they'd win.

ghoul31 June 17th, 2012 06:33 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Well I'm being attack 3 on one as usual.

I guess I need to work more on diplomacy

Dogged57 June 17th, 2012 09:30 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by ghoul31 (Post 806642)
Well I'm being attack 3 on one as usual.

I guess I need to work more on diplomacy

You did bust out the early game thug/SC chassis.

Amhazair June 17th, 2012 11:46 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Also your research graph doesn't really inspire fear, to be honest... :)

Dogged57 June 18th, 2012 10:20 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
dojango, are you receiving my PMs?

dojango June 18th, 2012 11:29 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
I had thought my post on the forums had made it clear, but I'm not interested in your proposal. I won't let you cut and run and abandon Mictlan to his fate... you will share it.

Dogged57 June 18th, 2012 11:33 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by dojango (Post 806689)
I had thought my post on the forums had made it clear, but I'm not interested in your proposal. I won't let you cut and run and abandon Mictlan to his fate... you will share it.

I knew you wouldn't take the deal, but thought you might come up with a counter offer.

We'll just continue to grind you under our heels. That's a mighty fine fortress you have...

dojango June 18th, 2012 02:09 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by Dogged57 (Post 806690)

Originally Posted by dojango (Post 806689)
I had thought my post on the forums had made it clear, but I'm not interested in your proposal. I won't let you cut and run and abandon Mictlan to his fate... you will share it.

I knew you wouldn't take the deal, but thought you might come up with a counter offer.

We'll just continue to grind you under our heels. That's a mighty fine fortress you have...

It will look even better once we put a few frost giant heads to counter-balance all those jaguar warrior heads (I do like how they shapeshift when you poke them eith a stick).

Dogged57 June 21st, 2012 11:10 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by dojango (Post 806700)
It will look even better once we put a few frost giant heads to counter-balance all those jaguar warrior heads (I do like how they shapeshift when you poke them eith a stick).

Sorry to disappoint.

CUnknown June 21st, 2012 07:14 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Fritigern, what is best in life?

To crush Dai Onis, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the Bakemono.

Yes, this is good.

ghoul31 June 21st, 2012 08:25 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
The memories of Ice

My memories are being ganked 3 on 1 and being done on turn 22

Such fond fond memories

P.S. those books suck

Dogged57 June 24th, 2012 12:22 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
I'm going to be out of town and most likely in an area with no wifi or cell service for about a week. Would it be possible to put the game on a long timer?

I'll try to get turns in when I can, but service will be intermittent at best.


Executor June 26th, 2012 07:42 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
That's a nice army down there it is, Wl! I'm waiting to see what Amhazir tries to smash it with!

WraithLord June 27th, 2012 02:56 AM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Thank you Executor. I had my soldiers bath in the swamps for three days straight and then clean their scales claws and fangs before marching.
Good to know that the great eye of Sauronutor is always watching ;)

Amhazair June 27th, 2012 01:32 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 807176)
That's a nice army down there it is, Wl! I'm waiting to see what Amhazir tries to smash it with!

Yes, that. Not too shabby an army that is. I'm getting on it though. It's good you mention that army so everyone knows I'm serious. My current plan is: "Dump my complete gem stockpiles as fast as possible for anything even remotely useful and hope it's enough." Unfortunately, the only gem-type that's really going to make a difference (Due to research-and-especially-casting-time-constraints is Nature. So, I hereby declare a crash fire-sale of everything else.

Who has a use for FIRE gems? (Up to 66)
Who craves some WATER gems? (Up to 60)
Who'd love some AIR gems? (Up to 19)
Who admires the purity of ASTRAL pearls? (Up to 29)
Who's addicted to those excellent DEATH gems? (Up to 18. And yes Wraithlord, I might even be temped to trade with you, allthough I will think twice about any offer.)
(Unfortunately I don't have a single EARTH gem to offer.)


We accept NATURE gems, and can allways be tempted by fresh virgins. Trades probably need to be concluded this very turn, so come on in and sample the products, but don't dally over your choises, for tomorrow it might be too late for you. (And especially for me.)

Amhazair June 27th, 2012 01:34 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Also, Wraithlord, could you keep an eye on the turn timer for me? I went home to my parents straight from work today since my sister (who lives near them) had to go to hospital, (she'll be fine) and since tomorrow it's my day off work I thought I'd visit. So I do have internet access, but no dominions.

I'll probably be home before hosting time, but if I'm not could you add a couple of hours?

WraithLord June 27th, 2012 03:19 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Hosting postponed for MemoriesOfIce by 12 hours. The game will now host at 05:16 GMT on Friday June 29th.
Just to be on the safe side.

RE. said army I've no doubt it will be smashed, I just hope that fateful battle would be glorious :)

OMG Amhazair, how much gem stockpiles do you have? :shock:
What the hell are you gonna summon from nature's offerings?-Now you got me real scared (I'm not cynical - just really scared).
Thank the gods it will at least take you some time to summon all those monsters.
I'd have traded w/ you but I need my N gems too. Hey, maybe I'll watch what you summon and summon the same?- Yeah a twisted eye for an eye will serve me well :p

Executor June 27th, 2012 06:23 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by WraithLord (Post 807195)
Good to know that the great eye of Sauronutor is always watching ;)

What the heck's a Sauronutor? Sounds like a carnivorous dinosaurus.

Amhazir, I might be persuaded to trade nature gems if the price is right.
Purely to balance out the war of course, not out of personal interest. ;)

Executor June 30th, 2012 10:21 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
Huh, transformed Pans don't summon Maenads...

Dogged57 July 2nd, 2012 04:19 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings

Originally Posted by Executor (Post 807488)
Huh, transformed Pans don't summon Maenads...

Don't you have enough of those by now?

Executor July 2nd, 2012 08:32 PM

Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - closed finalize settings
What? Never.
I like frenzied, drunken, intoxicated, man, children and animal devouring dancing women with uncontrolled sexual behavior.

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