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-   -   I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - WINNER IMMACULATE(Mictlan) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48942)

Tiavals June 28th, 2012 06:38 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Okay, people, we need to decide if we use the fixed Parganos or fixed Desert Eye map.

Everyone post their opinion here.

Immaculate June 28th, 2012 06:57 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
fixed paragos. you roll the dice... if i get a bad start location then thats just what i get... there is lots of chance already in this game- a bit more isn't going to kill us.

My vote anyway.

Calahan June 28th, 2012 07:09 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
1 Attachment(s)
I'll upload my Desert Eye map in case you want to use it (and in case I'm not around to do it later if you decide to go with it). You don't need the .map file, only the image file, which you should all have already (as it's a map that comes with the game).

Just in case though I've attached the image file to this post (just unzip it into your Dominions3/map directory.)

Archmage June 28th, 2012 08:12 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
I'd like a balanced map and am in favor of trying out the Desert Eye map with fixed starts as supplied by Calahan.

Lumix19 June 28th, 2012 11:54 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
I really don't mind what map we play on. <s>By the way, I checked llama server and we seem to be missing a character. Did someone drop out?</s>

Edit: Nevermind, fungalreason dropped out.

Tiavals June 29th, 2012 03:30 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!

Originally Posted by Lumix19 (Post 807359)
I really don't mind what map we play on. <s>By the way, I checked llama server and we seem to be missing a character. Did someone drop out?</s>

Edit: Nevermind, fungalreason dropped out.

Also, the mysterious Chelms player has upped his pretender again. Ulm on the other hand is missing his pretender.

Ragnarok-X June 29th, 2012 10:48 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
I didnt upload my Ulm pret yet, correct.
What happens if i upload him now ? Is Chelms in and i will Ulm / me be in ?

Lumix19 June 29th, 2012 01:26 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Chelms is in but since fungal dropped out there is one more space, so if you send in your pret now you will be in.

Immaculate June 29th, 2012 01:55 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
The Chelms player should none-the-less post and introduce themselves here. Please send him an admin message to that effect please.

Tiavals June 29th, 2012 02:13 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
Yup, both Chelms and Ulm are in. Unless Chelms doesn't post here and remains silent, then I'll have to remove him, since an unknown player isn't good reliability wise, and I'd prefer no one dropped prematurely.

Any other opinions on the maps?

Immaculate June 29th, 2012 11:26 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
May i recommend that you just make an executive decision and that we start?

Tiavals June 30th, 2012 06:22 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!
I'd rather do this properly, since this game'll probably last for weeks if not months, so a few more days of waiting shouldn't be so bad.

If there's no answer from Chelms and no more opinions about the maps, I'll start the game in 36 hours.

Lumix19 June 30th, 2012 07:17 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 - Game started!

Originally Posted by Tiavals (Post 807420)
If there's no answer from Chelms and no more opinions about the maps, I'll start the game in 36 hours.

Sounds good.

Tiavals June 30th, 2012 01:18 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 7/8 - One slot left!
I put one slot open in case Chelms doesn't say anything. I'd like 8 active and reliable players. :)

So, the person to post here first gets the slot, if it's not Chelms, then Chelms will be booted unfortunately.

Anaconda June 30th, 2012 01:26 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 7/8 - One slot left!
herehere... so, if you allow me in, I would like to play C'tis.

Tiavals June 30th, 2012 02:24 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start

Hope you aren't too experienced!

Send your pretender to the llamaserver game so we may begin.

What's your opinon on the map?(read the last page or two)

Anaconda June 30th, 2012 02:33 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
I am experienced - in a good way (cant use it to my advantage :doh: ).

The character is done. Sending it to the server in a little bit...

Desert Eye looks nice good, Pretender in!

Anaconda June 30th, 2012 02:51 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
We can start?

Tiavals June 30th, 2012 04:27 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
The game has begun. We have the Desert eye as the map. If anyone has issue, don't be afraid to post. We've already had a handful but we can handle more. :)

Oh, and should we use in-game messaging for diplomacy, and this thread, or emails and whatnot?

Anaconda June 30th, 2012 05:18 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
Well, its Machiavellian diplomacy so diplo can happen using what ever method suitable? Even with sword and spear, if you dont find the common tongue?

But one question: This game is about the capitals, so the one to conquer all 8 and keeping them at the beginning of any one turn is the winner?

Tiavals June 30th, 2012 05:26 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
What I implied was that if people want emails of the other people, it'd be easy to gather them to one place, if no one fears spam.
Of course, any methods as such are allowed. ;)

Actually, there are 8 VPs besides the capitals scattered around the map, and you need 8 to win, so you roughly need 4 capitals and 4 VPs or any combination thereof. At least if I understood it correctly myself. :)

So if anyone has the majority of the map(or uses cunning like long range summons if the VPs are defenceless) he'll likely have enough VPs to win. So it's a good plan to guard those VPs in case someone uses stealthy units or such to surprise attack and take them.

Tiavals July 1st, 2012 07:16 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
Given that we're on turn two and no one has said anything, I guess there's no complaints and everything is good to go. Great.

Anaconda July 1st, 2012 08:36 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
I was wondering about those VPs, looking at the map it seems there is a cluster of 5 in the "middle" while the VPs around "borderlands" are really scarce... So are they like active or how does VPs dictate the winner? Honor-based, third party declares a winner or what?

Tiavals July 1st, 2012 09:07 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
No clue. I assume it's the game that determines it, so when a turn arrives where someone holds 8 VPs, it says roughly "Player X won".

If not, we'll just decide it. This isn't a super-competitive serious business game, so I would hope that people can play along without rules carved in stone. :)

Lumix19 July 1st, 2012 09:27 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start

Originally Posted by Tiavals (Post 807509)
I assume it's the game that determines it, so when a turn arrives where someone holds 8 VPs, it says roughly "Player X won".

This I think.

Anaconda July 1st, 2012 09:39 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
So that was enabled with Llama when the game was created? Just wanting to make sure in order to adjust my aim and orient it for the game :typing:

Tiavals July 1st, 2012 09:42 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
Given that the VPs are on the map, I'm quite sure I didn't forget to put it on. :)

So, VPs should be one way to win. Of course, the normal ways apply too, like defeating everyone with dominion or military force.

Anaconda July 1st, 2012 09:46 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start

Originally Posted by Tiavals (Post 807514)
Given that the VPs are on the map, I'm quite sure I didn't forget to put it on. :)

Well, some maps seem to have VPs even if they are not enabled?

But, I copy to the info shared herein. Cheers!

Tiavals July 3rd, 2012 11:29 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
Official diplomacy start!

Dear dojango-Utgardt, should you enter my Bogarussian lands, be aware that I will counter with the full force of my army. However, should stay in your own lands, I have no quarrel with you, for now at least. The same, of course, applies to other nations as well, such as Ulm who lives some distance from my lands.

Anaconda July 3rd, 2012 01:40 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
Will we get a new turn soon? I am submitting mine in a little bit!

Tiavals July 3rd, 2012 02:19 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start

Originally Posted by Anaconda (Post 807675)
Will we get a new turn soon? I am submitting mine in a little bit!

Who knows. You can see how the turns progress over here:

Anaconda July 3rd, 2012 02:58 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start

Originally Posted by Tiavals (Post 807678)

Originally Posted by Anaconda (Post 807675)
Will we get a new turn soon? I am submitting mine in a little bit!

Who knows. You can see how the turns progress over here:

Yes, I know, lol.

I was targeting Ragna and Immaculate, because they both were online. Now its only Mictlan who is missing.

Immaculate July 6th, 2012 03:26 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
From Mictlan to Pythium,

We offer a non aggression pact with three turn warning of break (NAP(3)). Basically you (and I) would be guaranteed (as much as possible depending on trust levels) not to be attacked by one another without first providing a three turn warning that you were going to do so. If you want to discuss this further, please activate your PM system or go to http://widget02.mibbit.com/?server=i...goon_%3F%3F%3F

From Mictlan to Midgard,

Your suggested division of lands does not seem acceptable. We require the two lands you suggested that are along our border. If you want to discuss this further, please activate your PM system or go to http://widget02.mibbit.com/?server=i...goon_%3F%3F%3F

Tiavals July 6th, 2012 05:34 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
From Bogarus to Pythium,

The Province of Glanis(37) has been claimed for Bogarus. If you want compensation for not being able to add it to your empire, we can discuss it, but I recommend that you not move to the province. We had best talk about our relative borders soon.

Lumix19 July 7th, 2012 04:53 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
From Pythium to Bogarus

The province of Glanis belongs to you however please be aware that I am moving forces into the Yellow Mountains (51) this turn. Please also note that I wish to claim Druid Land (58) but may not be able to do so for a few turns. If this is unacceptable please notify me and we can discuss this at length.


From Pythium to Mictlan

An in-game message has been sent to you, please read carefully. I will not be attacking you this turn. If there is a more efficient way for us to communicate please inform me and instruct me on how to use it and we can continue our negotiations.

Archmage July 7th, 2012 08:12 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start

Originally Posted by Immaculate (Post 808008)
From Mictlan to Midgard,

Your suggested division of lands does not seem acceptable. We require the two lands you suggested that are along our border. If you want to discuss this further, please activate your PM system or go to http://widget02.mibbit.com/?server=i...goon_%3F%3F%3F

Midgard to Mictlan:

As of now, I have both activated my PM system and joined the aforementioned channel, though I will be away nearly the entire weekend and therefore idling. You can leave me messages and I'll read them at the earliest convenience, however.

Tiavals July 7th, 2012 11:41 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start

Originally Posted by Lumix19 (Post 808032)
From Pythium to Bogarus

The province of Glanis belongs to you however please be aware that I am moving forces into the Yellow Mountains (51) this turn. Please also note that I wish to claim Druid Land (58) but may not be able to do so for a few turns. If this is unacceptable please notify me and we can discuss this at length.

That is most acceptable. Let these be our official borders. There is also the matter of province 74 that might be of interest to you, see below.

From Bogarus to Ulm and Utgardt:

I wish to discuss the ownership of the forest between the three of us. That is, 67, 64, 52. I would be pleased if I could get 67 without any hostility from either of you. In fact, I propose each of us take one piece of the forest. If either of you feel strongly of this, let us discuss it.

I also claim the mountains next to the forest(62).

As for the province 74, the one above the mountains, does either Ulm or Pythium know whom it belongs to? I intend to conquer it as my own in time. I am willing to negotiate it's ownership and might refrain from taking it if a deal is made.

Tiavals July 7th, 2012 12:18 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
Attention WORLD!

Let it be known throughout the land that the Gods of Frost have decided upon a Non-Aggression pact. Until two winters have passed from now(twenty turns), Bogarus and Utgardt shall refrain from entering each others lands or performing any sort of hostile actions, be it spells or military espionage upon each other. Before the pact is about to end, a new agreement might be negotiated(3 turns before the end). Should either side wish to cancel the pact, they shall inform the other(3 turns before hostile actions are taken).

Should either betray the pact by hostile actions without informing the other before the pact is over, let the whole world know of their treachery so that they may re-think their pacts with the traitor, should they feel the need to.

May snow cover the lands!

-God of Bogarus

Lumix19 July 7th, 2012 10:05 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
From Pythium to Bogarus, Ulm and anyone else it may concern

In regards to province 74. I am moving forces to capture it this turn. If this is unacceptable to anyone please notify me and I will redirect my army.

Lumix19 July 9th, 2012 01:14 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
NAP(3) between Pythium and Mictlan

In spirit of Tiavals' announcement of his pact with Utgardt I shall inform you all that an non-aggression pact has been formed between Pythium and Mictlan. For an indeterminate amount of time both Pythium and Utgardt shall refrain from military action directed at each other. If either Pythium or Mictlan wish to break this pact then 3 turns notice shall be given etc. You guys get the gist.

Anaconda July 11th, 2012 04:20 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
There was some announcement of possible stals... I would say delay host, there shouldnt be need for stals if its only couple of days delay.

Tiavals July 11th, 2012 04:27 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
You are quite right.

Change of plans:

There will be no hosting between Thursday and Sunday, after that things will proceed normally. Thanks for your patience.

Tiavals July 15th, 2012 04:21 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
Game proceeds. Sorry for the delay again.

Tiavals July 25th, 2012 04:26 AM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
Seems like Anaconda is going to stale.

Archmage July 25th, 2012 02:39 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
Midgard is in the market for some fire gems, say 10 or so. We're prepared to offer air, earth, or water gems in exchange. We can also offer forging services and are willing to negotiate on prices.

Anaconda July 25th, 2012 03:25 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
Sry about that, missed the deadline with few hours - delayed was it?

Tiavals July 25th, 2012 04:16 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start

Originally Posted by Anaconda (Post 808797)
Sry about that, missed the deadline with few hours - delayed was it?

Yeah, I delayed the deadline by some 5 hours, so you technically missed it by quite a few. :)

Next time try to announce that you'll stale so we can see about delaying for a bit longer. After all, you're the one that's probably the most annoyed by the stale. :)

Ragnarok-X July 26th, 2012 05:06 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
I need a 24 hour extension. Sorry.

Tiavals July 26th, 2012 05:14 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
So it shall be.

Immaculate July 28th, 2012 05:19 PM

Re: I Would Be Sovereign - Newbie-intermediate game 8/8 Soon to start
I'll be away from Sunday afternoon until Wednesday, can i get an extension for that time?

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