![]() |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic - 1 more player needed!
That would be great! I misunderstood his post to mean he wanted to get more experience before trying an experimental game like this - if his only concern was messing with the number of players I would have encouraged him to join immediately since it would have brought us back up to 10.
I'll stop advertising for another player until we hear back from him. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Damn, maybe parone is too busy to get into another game right now.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Maybe so. I'll wait another 12 hours and then I think we need to get started. I'll either use Bullock's 9 starts for Plane of Rusty Nails or the alternative starts shown in the JPEG attached to the first post (this JPEG also shows Bullock's starts [the numbers - not the red dots]). My concern was that start position 7, in particular, on Bullock's map has a large amount of uncontested territory. Any opinions on this?
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Ok, no word from parone so let's get this started with 9 players. I haven't heard any objections to the start locations I set so I'm going with my version of the map.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
I sent out a message on the server but wanted to also mention here that in order to avoid any mishaps please delete your .2h and .trn files from your savegame folder before saving your new turn file from the restart and working on your turn.
And thanks everyone for your patience! |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
just to remind people, this is a no diplomacy game
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Thanks, ghoul. I'll send out a reminder through the llamaserver as well since it seems someone (hopefully not more than one person) missed my comments in this thread.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Valerius, it might be beneficial to some of us to describe exactly what you mean by "no diplomacy". To me that means no sending gold, magic items, gems, or blood slaves to other players; no NAPs with other players; and no providing in game information to other players. Others might have differing concepts of the term, though.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Sorry. I just read the message from the admin. It looks like you covered it very well already.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Samhain, you bring up a good point about sending items to other players. Of course there's no trading, but please also don't send gems/items/gold to another player as your last act before being eliminated. Use everything you've got to defeat your attacker(s).
If anyone has any questions about the no diplo aspect of the game please let me know. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
My fault, sorry, I saved the game file in the wrong folder.
I wont harrass anyone with words again when alone steel should speak. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Hi im flying off again in a couple of hours and if the current turn 10 doesnt resolve yet I will likely need a 12 hr extension (depends on whether I can get internet at my transit hotel)
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Its fine, managed to get my turn in.
...Abysia on the other hand? |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Darn it. I noticed a minute before scheduled hosting that Aby's turn was missing and added some time to the clock. But it looks like tratorix staled anyway. He didn't mention being away for the weekend but I'm guessing he'll make the next turn. Regardless, I'll keep an eye on the server to make sure all turns are in.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Racking up the airmiles again until next week; would like to request timer extension just in case!
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Sure, no problem. Next turn we'll be switching to 48 hour hosting anyway so I'll just go ahead and make the change now.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Abysia has staled the past couple of turns and the last time tratorix logged in was a week ago. I don't know if/when he'll return so I'm going to see if I can find a sub.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Ossa has volunteered to take on Aby's position since Ulm is almost finished. Is everyone ok with that?
If so, then I'll just look for someone to set Ulm AI, or maybe play this last turn, since based on province count at this point I think it's more important for Aby to have human leadership than Ulm. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
I'm ok with that. Please let Ossa sub in and we can just continue
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
We're having some bad luck here. Caelum staled last turn and looked to be on track for another stale and shonuf is staling in another game. So, I'll post for another sub... Sorry for the delays.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Ok, we're back in business since Larz has agreed to take on leadership of Caelum.
Edit: I've added another 24 hours to the clock so he has a chance to familiarize himself with the position. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Just wanted to say I'm really sorry for dropping away like that. My laptop got drowned in beer, but I should have let you know I couldn't play. Sorry. And gl Lars. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
My turn file is 'corrupted'?
Tried getting a resent file but its still not working... |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
I found a few threads on this (link, link and link) but nothing definitive.
Maybe try deleting the savegame folder and then recreate it and download the turn again, try disabling all mods and quitting the game and then relaunching and trying to open the turn, and try resending the turn a couple more times, and maybe we'll switch to a different email address as well. If none of that works then the only two options are to rollback or for you to stale (whomever you're at war with shouldn't take advantage of the stale and there should be essentially a one turn ceasefire) and hope one of those approaches fixes the problem. The first of those links indicated a rollback didn't solve the problem so I don't know if that will actually work (rollbacks do involve some risk since if people don't delete all their old files you can get all kinds of problems). |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Do you have another computer on which you can play Dominions3? If so, try and see if the problem is duplicated there. If you do not, try renaming the directories that your Dominions3 application files (and savedgame files if it is different) are in and re-install.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Nothing has worked so far; I've tried loading up from a fresh install on another computer. Was there some update and I missed the memo..?
Its the only game I'm playing so it can't be the influence of a different game either. First time I've had this problem, other than the occasional 'Nagot git fel' crash. But this one I can't even load up the save game. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Ok, let's try one other thing. Delete the game mod from your mods folder, make sure all mods are inactive, quit the game and download the game mod again. If that doesn't work then the next question is how do you feel about a rollback vs. a stale? If you'd like the rollback I'll need to get feedback from the other players. If you're ok with a stale then I'll message everyone asking them to basically ignore you this turn and not attack any of your provinces.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Ok, shard has agreed to stale and hopefully next turn his, and everyone else's, turns will be ok. I just sent a message through the server but want to repeat here that anyone at war with Lanka should not launch attacks on them this turn since he can't respond. I will wait another 24 hours before hosting in case anyone needs to cancel attack orders.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
The game has (finally) hosted. Thanks everyone for your patience and especially thanks to shard for being willing to take a stale. Now I just really hope that you can open this turn file and it isn't corrupt...
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Just back from travelling again; I have managed to open the file ok.
However being deprived of knowing what happened last turn is a major blow; I am still trying to run the previous turn file since there were some pretty vital battles, sieges and troop movements where the intel will have a bearing on the rest of my game (youtube video anyone?) |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
That's three stales in a row for Lanka.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
I got the current turn in but won't be able to take another until Monday the 26th.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
More seriously, thanks for mentioning it. I'll update the "looking for a sub" thread now. This game has been kind of jinxed with needing so many subs. Also, due to RL circumstances I have not been at all focused on Dom 3 and completely lost track of recent hosting times. If anyone is willing to be backup admin please let me know. Quote:
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Thanks to Samhain for volunteering to be backup admin. I'll PM him the password now so either of us can handle any admin requests.
Unfortunately, we've had no luck yet in finding a sub for Lanka. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Ok, we've reached 4 stales in a row from Lanka. I think it is safe to assume that Shard is not coming back. A sub seems unlikely as well. Is there any support or rejection to just setting that nation to AI?
Furthermore, I suggest we go ahead and set the hosting interval to 72 hours. It would just be a few turns ahead of schedule. And, if we can keep that pace, it will actually be quicker than what we've been doing. Perhaps getting back on a regular schedule will help TNN and Sauromatia, both commanded by players with a proven track record for finishing, get back in the game. Please chime in with your yeas, nays, or whatever dudes. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Thanks, Samhain. I think you're quite right about just setting the clock to 72 hours (I'll make the change now). And lets just let the game host on schedule unless someone actually asks for a delay.
And I *will* make sure to get my turns in on time. :p As far as Lanka goes, should we set them AI or just force hosting when Lanka's is the only outstanding turn? Undoubtedly Lanka has a pile of gold, but we may be better off leaving shard's commands and formations in place rather than letting the AI kill itself off with poor decisions. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
I prefer AI to a leaderless myself, at least for a nation that still has forts and provinces to recruit new troops from.
I wouldn't count on any of the currently surviving units to have any useful scripting attached to them anyway. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Ok, I'll change the sub request to an AI request and hopefully we'll get a volunteer.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Thanks to AreaOfEffect for setting Lanka AI this turn. Also, and amazingly, my turn is in as well. I've PM'd KeithZ so hopefully he can get Sauro's turn in and we can get this game back on track.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
I've got the current turn in but won't be able to take anther until January 1st. I hope everyone is having a good holiday (if you celebrate one).
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Yes, happy holidays all around. I just sent in my turn and the game hosted so I've postponed the next hosting to Jan. 2 to play it safe.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Something seems to have gone terribly wrong with my turn file. The descriptions for my own provinces read like scouting reports. For example, I see "This province contains about three hostile units. The army consists of mainly Unmarked Champions..."
Worse still, the results of a major battle (in province 138) were reversed. While the battle shows my army quite victorious, the province is owned by my opponent and containing a large number of his units. My army, other than a handful of commanders who appeared in neighboring provinces, seems to have disappeared, however. I have resent the turn and tried reading it on two separate computers. Does anyone have any experience with such an issue? I don't suppose there is anything that could be done to fix it. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Sometimes the replay doesn't show what really happened.
So you actually lost the battle. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
That's weird. I've never had that happen before. And, in my version, it was actually a pretty decisive victory.
Should I be concerned about my provinces descriptions reading like they are enemy provinces, or is that a known oddity as well? |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Valerius has staled 3 of last 4 and about to stale again. Plus Sauro is about to stale for the 2nd time. Val mentioned some RL issues, do we need to find a sub?
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
They've each got two hours. Fortunately, I'm in a position to monitor the turn this time. So, if either is about to stale I can add time to the clock.
But, I do feel if Valerius doesn't either get his turn in or request for a delay before the currently scheduled hosting we should advertise for a sub. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Well, that's two stales in a row again for Tir Na N'Og. I emailed Valerius basically asking him if we could just sub his position out. The last time he staled twice in a row, 6 turns ago, I emailed him asking what his situation was. He didn't respond but managed to get the following two turns again before going AWOL again.
I'm not really good at handling these situations, in part because I have little tolerance for staling. This is why I don't normally admin. I only did in this case as a favor to Valerius. I'm a busy guy myself but never let myself stale. I've managed to get turns in from a compound in the remote corner of South America over a pirated internet connection amidst rolling blackouts and a grueling work schedule. I bought the on-line distro once just to get my turn in on time using a borrowed computer. If I ever miss two turns in a row, I guarantee you that you should find a sub for me with no questions asked. So, I guess I'm saying that I should not be the only arbiter in this case and needs some input from others, preferably others in the game and most preferably from Valerius, on how to proceed. |
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
I'm really not comfortable with making a unilateral decision at this point. So, as no one else is offering any suggestions, I guess we'll wait out the clock and see what happens. If we get another stale though for TNN, I will advertise the position.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
Yeah, we need to fill the nation if Val is gone. It's too big to go AI or leave to stale out.
Re: Legends - EA, no diplo, CBM 1.92, limited magic
A request for a sub for TNN has been posted.
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