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KeithZ March 14th, 2013 02:44 AM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming

Originally Posted by PsiSoldier (Post 818407)
Wow. I just checked the score tables on my phone for the new turn. Looks like Lanka has been very busy this turn. For a second I thought I was looking at the score table for a different game. Haha I can't wait to get home and see what has actually happened. Looks like things may get a Tad more interesting.

That hurts...

I nearly forgot lanka was still in this game before.

PS: Helheim got the second stale, what shall we do?

bbz March 15th, 2013 04:33 AM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
well Helheim stalling is not good neither Saro turning AI. I guess we just try and fight as much as we can, and thats that.

I have no doubt that Ermor is going to be able to stop me, (especially since they won't be hard pressed by Helheim) but I'm not gonna go down without a fight:)

Regarding Helheim stalling we could after this turn start looking for a sub I guess. Probably he got discouraged by someone dispelling his Ancient furnace, or I don't know what.

PsiSoldier March 15th, 2013 10:18 AM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
Didn't realize he was stalling. I just had someone set Saudi to AI ill do the same to helhiem if we have to

bbz March 15th, 2013 10:35 AM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
Last Activity: Today 07:03 AM that's Helheim , so I think he probably lost interest in the game. Might be worth PM him to see what he's up to.

Teraswaerto March 17th, 2013 01:27 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
I can take over Helheim. First time subbing, dreading what I'll see opening the turn. :)

KeithZ March 19th, 2013 01:05 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
Do you guys still want to continue this game? I think it's time to end it and declare lanka the winner.

Of course, I'm also ok to keep playing for a few more turns if Pan want to continue.

KeithZ March 19th, 2013 01:27 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming

Originally Posted by bbz (Post 818448)
well Helheim stalling is not good neither Saro turning AI. I guess we just try and fight as much as we can, and thats that.

I have no doubt that Ermor is going to be able to stop me, (especially since they won't be hard pressed by Helheim) but I'm not gonna go down without a fight:)

Regarding Helheim stalling we could after this turn start looking for a sub I guess. Probably he got discouraged by someone dispelling his Ancient furnace, or I don't know what.

I was not that strong as you expected... I have no preparation for your attack at all, and a bad event destoried a critical laboratory of mine on the exact turn you attacked me, it hurts me even worse.

IMO, Helheim had the best chance to win this game if he didn't abandon it. I dispelled the acient forge, but it cost me 120 S Pearl (probably I wasted a lot). And with the Well of misery global and many artifacts, they should have many things to do.

Anyway, very nice play, bbz

Teraswaerto March 19th, 2013 03:11 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
It seems Helheim has been set to AI. It was done after I volunteered to sub though, PsiSoldier never responded to my PM.

bbz March 19th, 2013 04:52 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
Ye I agree that Helheim had the best chance of winning the game. And I don't mind calling it a game either or if Pangaea wants to go on I wouldn't mind continuing either. Its up to you guys.

bbz March 23rd, 2013 11:31 AM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
Nice play, that Enchantment might just destroy me....

bbz March 24th, 2013 03:01 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
Would it be possible to make the hosting intervals 72 hrs. Since I have a trip and I'm not sure if I'd be able to do many turns.

PsiSoldier March 24th, 2013 10:11 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
This game is far from over. Lanka is hurting now and Pangaea is only getting stronger. If Lanka does what I expect him to do this turn I will pretty much destroy him if all goes according to plan. Not to mention that the AI seems to be taking a pretty good chunk out of Lanka as well.

Anyways sorry about setting Helhiem to AI but I didn't even feel like messing around finding a sub. And it was done BEFORE I had any offers.

PsiSoldier March 24th, 2013 10:13 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
As for changing the hosting period I prefer to keep it at 48 but if you need it temporarily changed for a trip I can do that. But I will be changing it back to 48.. Me myself I usually have my turn in in about 1 hour after receiving the new turn so I never understand why it takes other's so long to get turns in.

bbz March 25th, 2013 05:02 AM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
No its not the fact of how long it takes to make a turn, its the fact that I can be away from the computer doing other things for 72hrs then I can come do my old turn and the new turn and then I have another 70+ hours where I don't have to think about dominions or finding a place with internet, or if I cant find internet then I just stale and minimise the damage done.(because its one stale instead of 2) I am happy to put the game back to 48hrs after that the time period I'm talking about is from the 28th of march till the 6th of April. So that should be like 3-4 turns if you guys don't mind.

bbz March 25th, 2013 05:03 AM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
I do agree that now Pangaea seems to have the best chance of winning.

bbz April 6th, 2013 10:01 AM

Guys, I give up I can't keep this up anymore, you can offer someone to sub in for me just the game is not enjoyable anymore, I've slaughtered insane amount of Pangaea's units and the position is still undecided, but the whole micro is taking its toll. You can look for a sub for me or I can just turn AI if you want me to. Let me know which one you prefer.(the whole point is that if I leave then Ermor wins because Pangaea has no answer for Ermor's SC's) I can not win an attiration war against the 2 AI and Ermor, and if Pangaea hadn't attacked me and attacked and finished Ermor on time, they would have had a chance of winning(if they managed to come through me).

I can still stop Ermor (with pangaea's help) due to my anti-undead power(given that he's gone heavy on the Wendigos) but I really can not be bothered with this game anymore its not pleasant at all.

PsiSoldier April 7th, 2013 11:23 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
I have a definite answer for Ermor's SCs It's called Life for a life And Horror Marks and let's not forget the lvl 9 blood spells that I'm more than capable of casting to send them off to hell. I already taught him not to send his King of Banefire's into my territory and I'm considering doing the same with his wendigo's The fact is His SC's couldn't kill my troops fast enough to prevent me from taking them out at my leisure. Soon as I see an SC in my dominion my immortal pretender gets teleported there to pop the SC a few good times and that's that although I'm not planning on doing it this turn since I'm curious what he's planning to do. Besides all that, Ermor's position is really hopeless. NO SC has any hope of besieging my forts on his own and Ermor has not got the resources to send a normal army to engage in that sort of warfare and if they did they would be facing an equal army of vampires each and every turn they were in my dominion. Of course that's not to mention I'm equipping my own gift of healthed SC's now too..

If you don't feel like playing any more I'd appreciate if you can find a Sub or give it a shot for a few days if you have no luck that I guess one more AI won't make a huge difference.

bbz April 8th, 2013 03:09 AM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
Ok fair enough, I don't think I can stop you then either:) My decision was based on what I've seen from your warfare. I'd be happy to declare you the winner:) The AI is grinding my forces down, and I can't stop any of Ermor's SC's roaming my territory.

Not to mention your vampires. I manage to take out huge chunks of your army every now and then, but I think you can replace those quite quickly. Well played and thx for the game.
I will play the game until we get a reply from Ermor, but I had the feeling that he didn't fancy continuing the game either.

KeithZ April 8th, 2013 10:37 AM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
If bbz is going to leave, then please end this game and Pangaea wins.

bbz April 8th, 2013 11:15 AM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
Ok congrats PsiSoldier, I forfeit, well played.

KeithZ April 8th, 2013 11:26 AM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
Well, congrats PsiSoldier. It's not a complete game but I still had some fun here.
I still remeber it was really a shock when I opened the turn that lanka started to attack me. Like an invisible man suddenly stab you from your back.

bbz April 8th, 2013 04:26 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
xD I'm glad that I made you feel this way! Fear me mortal!!! But ye you defended well, so I couldn't finish you before Pangaea joined in the fight.

PsiSoldier April 9th, 2013 04:21 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
Yeah it was fun. I actually think I have more fun in games that I loose where I can fight to the bloody end. Sadly it seems more games end like this or with too many people dropping to keep the game entertaining enough for everyone to stay.. but thanks for the game guys! And thank you for stepping in to subfor Lanka as well :)

bbz April 9th, 2013 06:19 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
You are welcome, I'm sorry for sitting this one out, but it became more like a Single Player struggle game than anything for me, too random to be enjoyable.

Congrats again and hope to see you guys again in another game:)

starcryst April 14th, 2013 12:20 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
Guys I wanted to apologize for going stale in this game. As a new player, I took on too many games at once and then real world stuff got in the way and I simply didn't have the time to stay on top of the games I'd committed myself too.

Anyway - Congrats to PsiSoldier on the win and hope to see you in another game.

bbz April 14th, 2013 01:00 PM

Re: Peace_and_Love, no diplo, gaming
No worries starcryst:) Everybody makes this mistake with dominions 3:)

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