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-   -   Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=49530)

Gargouille March 1st, 2013 07:26 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Waiting for vlam, no problem for me too.

Gargouille March 1st, 2013 08:24 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Please, i would understand how a god can 8 dead in turn5? He must be immortal and... ?

Peacekeeper March 2nd, 2013 01:48 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Gargouille (Post 818084)
Please, i would understand how a god can 8 dead in turn5? He must be immortal and... ?

must be something wrong with showing revives on the hall of fame.

Trumelunki March 6th, 2013 01:14 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Yes! Finally got this account activated. Hopefully the private messages work too.

Peacekeeper March 6th, 2013 01:26 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Trumelunki (Post 818215)
Yes! Finally got this account activated. Hopefully the private messages work too.

they do.

Vlam March 9th, 2013 05:02 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Hello, I'm back!

Peacekeeper March 9th, 2013 06:23 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Vlam (Post 818296)
Hello, I'm back!

welcome back. you did amazing btw, almost kept up a turn a day on a 2x2. Id want to kill myself, lol.

Vlam March 10th, 2013 12:29 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I tried to :) !
I told everyone that if I was able to play my turn, I would play it. Fortunately, it was the case!

Trumelunki March 11th, 2013 03:23 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Not too much talk going on in this thread. Would anyone care to share some rumours. What is going on in the world?

Sadly, my corner of the world has been pretty boring during this first year of war.

An btw, shouldn't we move back to 48 hours schedule now that Vlam has returned?

Trumelunki March 11th, 2013 03:27 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 818108)

Originally Posted by Gargouille (Post 818084)
Please, i would understand how a god can 8 dead in turn5? He must be immortal and... ?

must be something wrong with showing revives on the hall of fame.

I heard the little birds sing. There is nothing wrong in revives.

Peacekeeper March 11th, 2013 03:37 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Trumelunki (Post 818365)

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 818108)

Originally Posted by Gargouille (Post 818084)
Please, i would understand how a god can 8 dead in turn5? He must be immortal and... ?

must be something wrong with showing revives on the hall of fame.

I heard the little birds sing. There is nothing wrong in revives.

hes using a phoenix is my guess.

Vlam March 13th, 2013 01:31 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
What about setting back 48h/turn?

Peacekeeper March 13th, 2013 03:25 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
i sent time a PM asking him to revert it, we will see how that goes.

TimeLegend March 13th, 2013 04:18 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Sorry It's changed. Sorry forgot to do that, myself. It's back at 48 hour turns.

Vlam March 13th, 2013 04:27 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Nop, my fault :) !

Gargouille March 14th, 2013 04:59 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Foul_play/Agartha play?

Vlam March 14th, 2013 05:01 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I didn't see your post trumelunki.
My expansion has been normal too (if we except our little frontier accident :p ), excepted with C'tis when his army and my expansion force met on indies!
By the way, regarding the graphics, it seems that Agartha is being invaded, maybe by Tien Chi :) .

I'm actually writing an AAR of our game, I'll give you a link when it'll be over, I may translate some parts in english (anyway, there are pictures :D ).

Peacekeeper March 14th, 2013 09:00 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Vlam (Post 818423)
By the way, regarding the graphics, it seems that Agartha is being invaded, maybe by Tien Chi :)

it is true. I offered him a NAP and when he was only willing to guarantee me until the end of year 1 it forced my hand. Unfortunatly i couldnt wait for a nation with big bless sacred and poor scales to get those free turns in order to invade me.

Gargouille March 14th, 2013 01:30 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Waiting Agartha Monday April 1st ?

TimeLegend March 14th, 2013 02:20 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Do you wish for me to host now?

Vlam March 14th, 2013 03:00 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
>Peacekeeper: I'm such a graphicwh*re this time :p . I prefer when they are set off.

>Timelegend: Knowing that it's supposed to be 48h a turn, you could host now. But beating a staling opponent may not be interesting for Tien Chi. Let's wait one more day?
Do as you want!

TimeLegend March 14th, 2013 03:22 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Vlam: I'll shall wait 12 Hours personally to try to be fair to Agartha. I think that's fair to everyone.

Peacekeeper March 14th, 2013 04:12 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
we should try our best to find him, if he stales this turn hes as good as dead.

TimeLegend March 14th, 2013 04:35 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I have PMed a message that informs him of the amount of time he has left to take his turn.

Vlam March 15th, 2013 05:55 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
So, it seems that Agartha is almost dead, applause Tien'Chi that earns a castle/a monstruous gem income/a monstruous income :p .

By the way, those perfids lizards just attacked me, killing my citizen, burning my temple, poisoning my wells, eating my soldiers...
They don't care of diplomacy, and never answer your requests.I wasn't even told they were moving this month
So I tell everyone that it should be know that the pacific magocracy of Mic'tlan is actually invaded by the horrible kingdom of C'tis.

Peacekeeper March 15th, 2013 04:39 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Vlam (Post 818451)
So, it seems that Agartha is almost dead, applause Tien'Chi that earns a castle/a monstruous gem income/a monstruous income :p .

well hes almost dead but im still a long ways from taking his castle.

Vlam March 19th, 2013 06:08 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Noone must no longer ignore that Ermor and Mictlan are bound by a NAP-3.
Chiconahuiehecatl must underline their honor, and their respect.

Brain_Caster March 21st, 2013 04:43 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
The honorable Chiconahuiehecatl speaks true. An NAP-3 exists between the Ermoran people and Mictlan. The Senate is pleased to call this people our friend.

C'tis, however, has invaded Ermoran territory this turn, with no warning, cause, or provocation. Virtually undefended backwater territory, admittedly, but still, Ermoran backwater territory. To say that the Senate is in an uproar would be understatement. C'tis claims they're only passing through, trying to avoid Mictlan's armies.

Well, it's not just Mictlan's armies they have to worry about now.

We have given C'tis one chance to turn back their forces and pay us compensation. If they refuse, Ermor shall send an army to join Mictlan's in turning those lizards into handbags. Considering the rather underwhelming performance of C'tis forces against our province defense we don't expect that to take long.

Senatus Populusque Ermorus

TimeLegend March 26th, 2013 03:01 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Just to informed I've been away from home for a while, so I'm postponing the turn by 12 hours. Sorry for the wait.

Trumelunki March 28th, 2013 12:21 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Seems Agartha is dead. Anyone care to tell briefly what happened and why such an early attack?

Peacekeeper March 28th, 2013 01:40 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Trumelunki (Post 818822)
Seems Agartha is dead. Anyone care to tell briefly what happened and why such an early attack?

I ran into agartha in the 4th turn. In our negotiations for a NAP he said he would only be able to guarantee me no aggression until the end of the first year.

This left me in a tough spot, he was a heavy bless nation with strong sacreds and terrible scales (turmoil3, sloth3, heat3, growth2, luck3) who was intent on early aggression on his neighbours. I had good expansion up to that point and his was a bit lacking so I decided to fight him then and there rather than wait. With the sloth3 scale, he couldnt produce a certain mass of sacred units so I was able to swarm down his guys with high defense units and keep him down to 1-2 provinces which let me win out in the end.

Brain_Caster March 31st, 2013 07:56 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Let it be know, that of today (turn 23), the Senate and People of Ermor consider their NAP with Chiconahuiehecatl of Mictlan to have been canceled, and due notice given.

We do this, not because we wish for Mictlan's destruction, but because they have ignored our latest messengers. The crisis in the north threatens us all. Ermor can no longer wait for Mictlan to react - we must act.

Peacekeeper March 31st, 2013 09:50 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
its not much of a threat anymore, kailasa saw to that.

Brain_Caster March 31st, 2013 10:19 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 818865)
its not much of a threat anymore, kailasa saw to that.

Kailasa is the threat I am talking about. As far as I know they have broken an NAP with no warning or provocation, which is something Ermor opposes on principle, and their military budget is enormous relative to the size of their nation. Mictlan just happens to be in the way.

BTW, Kailasa / Trumelunki, if you're reading this, I am not opposed to discussing this like reasonable people before we end up fighting each other for no good reason. Feel free to send me a P.M anytime.

Trumelunki April 1st, 2013 11:59 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Seems I need to clarify what happened between Mictlan and Kailasa (me), so that you don't think I am just a dishonorable backstabber (though I did kind of backstab Mictlan, but he totally deserved it).

All this started around turn 8, when I get a message from Mictlan, that they will attack my province Fogyc, which I had taken a turn before. He hoped that I don't mind and maybe we can still be friends and all that kind of lies.

I proceeded to inform him that I will consider the action an act of war and he should reconsider. Well he was not going to back up, so I had retreat. I had no chance to fight those double blessed warriors. I obviously agreed on an non-aggression pact to ease his mind.

Let's go forward 10 turns. I have no chance to go anywhere, being sandboxed between C'tis and Mictlan. Mictlan and C'tis are at war. For a reason or another I decided to give Mictlan a second chance and informed that I will now take my province back. He refused. The province was actually controlled by C'tis at this point.

I did some diplomacy with him to make him believe he can bully me twice and promptly took the province by force. I then marched to his capital just to prove my point. I was pretty happy to get my revenge.

Now I will let you be my judge. Was I lying bastard or did I just do some clever machivellian diplomacy to take my revenge. Feel free to choose both options :)

Trumelunki of Kailasa

Trumelunki April 3rd, 2013 12:15 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Let it be known to all mortal world that the enlightened Naakka of Kailasa and mighty Caesar Aeternus of Ermor have signed a non-aggression pact (12 turns warning).

Let our holy lips never touch chocholate if we break our word.
Naakka of Kailasa

Brain_Caster April 3rd, 2013 12:22 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Let it be to all mortal world and their divine rulers that the august Caster Aeternus of Ermor and the enlightened Naakka of Kailasa have signed a non-aggression pact (12 turns warning).

May frogs crawl out of our mouths if we break our word.
The Senate and the People of Ermor, and their divine ruler Caster Aeternus.

Peacekeeper April 3rd, 2013 06:40 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
12 turns warning? i see that one ending in a machiavellian way.

Brain_Caster April 3rd, 2013 07:13 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 818943)
12 turns warning? i see that one ending in a machiavellian way.

There shall be no betrayal. Kailasa can be sure of that. Our oath is sacred to us. When we declared an NAP with Argatha, we kept our word. When we declared an NAP with Tir na n'Og and Tien Chi, we kept our word, and shall continue to do so. When we declared an NAP with Mictlan, we kept our word even in their most vulnerable hour, and when we declared an end to that NAP, we did so openly and in accordance with the conditions of our pact.

And should we ever declare an end to our NAP with Kailasa, we will stand by the same principles once again.

Ermor believes in honor. We believe in remaining true to our word. We believe in being fair and just to those who are fair and just to us. We believe in carrying grudges against those who betray us, even if it's to our disadvantage, just for the satsifaction of having hurt the betrayer. And we believe in the value of having the world know that this is so. Rest assured, the NAP-3 between Ermor and Tien Chi is as sacred to us as this new pact between Ermor and Kailasa.

But never mistake our honor for naivety. There is pragmatism in honor. By proving that we are dependable, we invite others to do the same. The fact that we shall not commit betrayal ourselves does not mean we will not prepare for betrayal from others, it just means that we give them an opportunity to show us honor in return and benefit from the security of having a neighbor that actually abides by their pact.

Peacekeeper April 3rd, 2013 07:31 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
it wasnt a comment on your honor, it was a comment on just how long 12 turns is. Thats half the game weve played so far and a very very long time to wait for a NAP to end.

Brain_Caster April 3rd, 2013 07:38 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 818945)
it wasnt a comment on your honor, it was a comment on just how long 12 turns is. Thats half the game weve played so far and a very very long time to wait for a NAP to end.

Certainly, this pact will ensure peace for both our nations for quite some time. That's its purpose. ;)

Peacekeeper April 5th, 2013 08:05 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
so i had a feeling TNN staled last turn, then they did indeed stale again this turn. Has anyone heard anything from Time recently on whats going on?

Brain_Caster April 5th, 2013 08:24 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 819004)
so i had a feeling TNN staled last turn, then they did indeed stale again this turn. Has anyone heard anything from Time recently on whats going on?

I'm not entirely sure, but I think he may be having internet trouble. A few turns back, he responded late to a PM of mine and mentioned something about having had no internet for the last 2 days. Could be it happened again.

Peacekeeper April 5th, 2013 08:26 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by Brain_Caster (Post 819005)

Originally Posted by Peacekeeper (Post 819004)
so i had a feeling TNN staled last turn, then they did indeed stale again this turn. Has anyone heard anything from Time recently on whats going on?

I'm not entirely sure, but I think he may be having internet trouble. A few turns back, he responded late to a PM of mine and mentioned something about having had no internet for the last 2 days. Could be it happened again.

i sent him a PM asking whats going on. If hes having internet issues, we need to get the admin password so we can pause the game until he has them figured out. If i havnt heard from him in the next day or so, ill send llama an email and see if we can get admin of the game moved to someone else.

TimeLegend April 5th, 2013 08:55 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I'm sorry I don't have access to my game and I have limited access to the internet at this time. I do apologies for this inconvience. I'm at my Brothers house for Spring Break. I'll go ahead and pause the game for now.

Sorry again.

Peacekeeper April 5th, 2013 09:03 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)

Originally Posted by TimeLegend (Post 819008)
I'm sorry I don't have access to my game and I have limited access to the internet at this time. I do apologies for this inconvience. I'm at my Brothers house for Spring Break. I'll go ahead and pause the game for now.

Sorry again.

dont need to apologize to us, it was only you who was being hurt by it.

Brain_Caster April 12th, 2013 06:42 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
Let it be known to all the people of the world that there is now an NAP-6 between the nations of Oceania and Ermor. Let peace reign.

Senatus Populusque Ermorus

Gargouille April 14th, 2013 02:29 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
We confirm the NAP-6 with honorable nation of Ermor.
Ambassador from Oceania.

Brain_Caster April 24th, 2013 09:31 AM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
As of this moment (Turn 34), Ermor hereby cancels the NAP-3 between itself and Tien Chi. We consider due notice to have been given, and will begin hostilities in turn 37.

We take this step because Tien Chi's recent invasion of Abysia, as well as certain other factors, have convinced us that we are their next target.

Senatus Populusque Ermorus

Gargouille April 25th, 2013 04:51 PM

Re: Furious Noobs -EA- (Newbie Game, 10/10, Running)
I leave Friday morning (tomorrow) and return Sunday evening (maybe Monday). Sorry, I could not play during this time.

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