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-   -   Are we paying more for less? (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=30607)

Bloodstar2 October 9th, 2006 06:35 PM

Re: Are we paying more for less?
sniped verbage http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I hope you appreciate that that was a rather ill-concieved joke. You are fully free to express opinions, but doing so on this forum is tantamont to suicide. Much as I hate to be accused of hampering open debate, I submit that the above post was not entirely uncalled for, but that circumstances will compell others to mock it.

Funny, really funnny. I just said that I wanted some down to earth discussion and now all this... Blah...
So expressing opinions is forbidden here?

I must make post "you are great etc"... otherwise many fanboys will lynch me here lol?

Great, really great. Than on to ban http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


Valandil October 9th, 2006 06:38 PM

Re: Are we paying more for less?
Actually true, however sad it may be. It was INTENDED as a joke, hence the fact that it SAYS SO.


Bloodstar2 October 9th, 2006 06:39 PM

Re: Are we paying more for less?

Leif_- said:

Last time I checked I had 10000 euros in my bank account, is that enough for a copy of Dominions 3? Man, and Nokia maker, you are funny!

Okay, now you're just trolling -- and not very well either.

I am not trolling. The guy have accused me for being cheap and that I am making noise for a mere 5 $. It's not about 5 $ at all.

I am not being cheap, I just don't like trends like this in the game industry. And why I cannot say this here?


Valandil October 9th, 2006 06:44 PM

Re: Are we paying more for less?
Because, as you noted, your tone, combined with poor logic and incoherant spelling, leads to annoyance and irritation. The population of most of civilization is constantly near the "boil-over" point anyhow, so the additional strain causes people to blow up in your face.

Additionally, there are people like me that like to post long rambling discourses replete iwht irony, hyperbole, and, sadly, hypocrisy.

In conclusion, dominions is good, you are bad, and I am stupid.

Valandil signing off of this thread. For now.

Bloodstar2 October 9th, 2006 06:45 PM

Re: Are we paying more for less?

Valandil said:
Then you are condescendingly advising a company that is doing perfectly well how to sell its products, without any desire for self betterment? Solely out of the goodness of your heart?

The era of saints and philanthropists is long consigned unto the dust. Altruism is, and always as been, dead.

I wish you luck on the streets.

Ah, ah, now comes psychology assesment mode?

You are wrong of course. You are wrongly only looking this through fan eyes only. That is only part of the picture.

Then we get down again to basic thing that I can have my opinion as you can have yours, that is perfectly clear and legal I assume. No hidden agenda or preparation for new thermonuclear war here. But again fans have been proved to be not very tolerant to other people's opinion.

Which is not nice because that tends to generate things like we against him. Childish.


Leif_- October 9th, 2006 06:47 PM

Re: Are we paying more for less?

DragonFire11 said:
I think major publishers make a mistake discounting their titles. I seldom purchase a new title because I know if I just wait a few months I'll get a steep reduction. I assume that the publishers are pressured into this due to the fight for shelf space at retail.

Well, there's several reasons for them to do this, I suppose. Partly, of course, it's not the publishers that discounts the titles, but the actual stores, who don't have the same interest in keeping prices high (as they have to bear the brunt of the inventory costs.)

Next, there's a question of time-limited marketing campaigns. Once the main marketing thrust around launch is over, I suspect most games see their sales taper off very sharply. To take some numbers out of thin air, if they sell 85% of the copies during the initial marketing blitz, it doesn't really make much of a difference to the bottom line if the remaining 15% sell for 100% of the original price or 50%.

Third, the large game developers share a product model with Hollywood, in that most of their products do not make a profit, but the cost is offset by the rare golden birds that make huge profits. They chase the blockbusters, and the fate of the other games, once it's clear they're not going to be a blockbuster, isn't really important to the bottom line.

There's probably a lot more factors involved. I'm not really that familiar with the economics of the industry or, for that matter, with economics in general.

Leif_- October 9th, 2006 06:49 PM

Re: Are we paying more for less?

Bloodstar2 said:

I am not being cheap, I just don't like trends like this in the game industry. And why I cannot say this here?

Because you're being uncivil, rude and uncouth about it. In other words: it's not your message, it's your delivery.

Meglobob October 9th, 2006 06:49 PM

Re: Are we paying more for less?
Just a couple of points:-

A small company usually has to charge MORE for there product than a big company, due to economies of scale. A small company usually is more customer focused and focuses on better quality. Those points apply to Dom3/shrapnel/illwinter.

I think shrapnel/illwinter could be shortchanging themselves as to the potential sales they could get for there dominions franchaise. Stardock a small company like illwinter (only 2 developers more and a few other staff), achieved huge sales with Galactic Civilizations 2 (100,000+, heading towards 200,000+), GC2 is a TBS, comparable in quality to dominions 3. The market for TBS is a resonably sized market. If they did ever release via retail there price would after be lower $49.99, probably and there profit % would be smaller. If they achieved sales like GC2 however, they would make lots more $$$.

I used to work in retail computer games and the biggest profit goes to the retail outlet on software (or did 10 yrs ago), a $49.99 game, retailer takes $20'ish. This is why retail can discount games so heavily.

Bloodstar2 October 9th, 2006 06:51 PM

Re: Are we paying more for less?

Valandil said:
Because, as you noted, your tone, combined with poor logic and incoherant spelling, leads to annoyance and irritation. The population of most of civilization is constantly near the "boil-over" point anyhow, so the additional strain causes people to blow up in your face.

Additionally, there are people like me that like to post long rambling discourses replete iwht irony, hyperbole, and, sadly, hypocrisy.

In conclusion, dominions is good, you are bad, and I am stupid.

Valandil signing off of this thread. For now.

Buahaha. Sorry my logic is not poor. I can apologize for tone but if others cool down and try to respect my opinion my tone will get super friendly.

I am not bad. That is poor insult here. Again, defending something that don't have to be defended. I have also bought this game. Please don't spoil the fun for me.

I am not agressive at all or want to be irritant. That is just your herd forum logic and bullying. Mature fan would accept ANY opinion on a face value and respect it. Immature fan will act like you or some others here. I didn't offended anyone for saying my opinion. Ende. U boot emerges on the surface.


Valandil October 9th, 2006 06:53 PM

Re: Are we paying more for less?

Ah, ah, now comes psychology assesment mode?

Huh? look up some definitons before you decide what I'm posting. I said that your desire to help shrapnel will be repayed only with hostility.

You said That I was being narrow-minded, seeing part of the picture, and doing something that you refuse to disclose wrongly. Then YOU say that fans are being hostile. Which is what I said.

I can only assume that you did not understand my english. Which is fully acceptable, but is not an excuse to accuse me of narrow-mindedness.

Sorry for OT, moderators, but I am being wrongly accused.

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