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tmcc October 27th, 2006 10:13 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Regarding WPs for ground combat, IMHO I think one should be able to build some type of ground based installation to aid the troops in defending the planet. The problem as I see it now is that even a lvl 1 small weapons platform is 200Kt. Load this with armor, shields and a bunch of small DUCs and it will be a very tough nut to crack. Just a few of those on a planet would dramatically change the balance of ground combat.

Captain Kwok October 27th, 2006 10:28 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
I had considered the creation of "ground turrets" for the SE:V version of my Space Food Empires thing - they would be between ~20-40kT and use the same small weapons as fighters/troops. But for a stock-like mod? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

tmcc October 27th, 2006 10:39 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Another quick and dirty solution is to allow satellites to be active for ground combat and allow mounting ground capable weapons. Just a couple of quick adjusts to the data files.

Captain Kwok October 27th, 2006 10:46 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
If I do add another element to ground combat it would use the small weapons. I might throw in a mount for the weapons if its another unit type - but I don't want to edit any of the main ship weapons to have ground damage fields.


I'm still waiting on Aaron to get back to me on some research pathing/priorties questions I had. I hope to hear from him today so I can go ahead and finish off v0.93, if not I'll probably still release the update for the bug fixes but the regular AIs will probably be lax on directed weapon research.

Suicide Junkie October 27th, 2006 10:49 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
It seems to me that it is only fair that platform weapons which can shoot fighters in space should also be able to shoot them on the ground.

Targetting troops is another matter entirely.

tmcc October 27th, 2006 11:06 AM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Brings up another question though, is line of sight functional in ground combat and are facilities capable of being damaged by friendly fire? I assume if you start firing heavy weapons in the city somebody is going get hurt.

Dizzy October 27th, 2006 12:34 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Well, major difference for shooting ftrs on the ground and in space. In space, you can stream your bullets all over trying for a hit on an evasive group of ftrs. You try that on the ground and you're looking at considerable collateral damage.

That says to me that if the defsats dont catch the ftrs in space, then it's up to the ground installations and defenses that shoot skyward to finish the job. Personally, I wouldnt want my space weapons coming down on me out of the heavens trying to hit an attacking ftr... I'd take my chances with my shoulder mounted rocket or find a nice ditch to hide in...

Raapys October 27th, 2006 03:56 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
About the AI research Kwok, isn't it just a matter of, for instance, changing

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>call lst_Armor_Wanted_Tech_Level.add(1)</pre><hr />
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>call lst_Armor_Wanted_Tech_Level.add(10)</pre><hr />
in the Empire Main scripts to get the AI to research better standard armor?

Then doing the same with the normal weapons, i.e. Depleted Uranium Cannon, Proton Beam, etc. for those that doesn't have Cryst/Organic traits?

How does it work in relation to the Set_Age research calls and the general research files?

Caduceus October 27th, 2006 04:27 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V

Kana said:
there is no Satellite Layer on the list...might be helpful...

I emailed this to Malfaydor - but you can echo my sentiment.

Captain Kwok October 27th, 2006 04:30 PM

Re: Balance Mod AI Research
The armor and stuff of that sort is already prioritized and I can add weapons to the general pool, however since the races use different weapon techs for mid to late game, they would lose research efficiency by researching weapons they wouldn't use. I'll probably throw in DUCs and CSMs for now though as a temporary measure until it's fixed properly.

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