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Hadrian_II June 30th, 2007 07:49 AM

Re: Man

llamabeast said:
I don't know. Anyway, hopefully it acknowledged your turn in the end Hadrian_II?

yes it did

lch June 30th, 2007 08:17 AM

Re: Man

Sir_Dr_D said:
Using that many mages at the beginning I called a suicide rush becuase it will leave you vunerable later in the game due to low magic research. I have never come across that strategy before. It is as hard to defend against as an early Van rush.

Sounds like it is a viable strategy, then, having a second fort without paying to build it and with lots of income, and it should be paying off in short and long term.

Sir_Dr_D June 30th, 2007 08:37 AM

Re: Man
It is a viable strategy. It is quite a good one that I am impressed with, and probably the only that could have been used to cut through my defenses.It just has its risks. That suicidal mad rush statement was meant to be taken as an exageration.

Jazzepi June 30th, 2007 12:49 PM

Re: Man

Meglobob said:

Jazzepi said:Our only neighbor is the friendly Caleum, who is tied up in other wars.

Wars? Caelum is at war with 1 nation, the pious, religious fanatics of Marignon. Its hardly a war, however, when battle is joined the priests fall to there knees, nodding there heads in religious ectasy. It is there last act in this world as my mammoths send them to the next one.

I consider it a great act of benevolence bringing the priests of Marignon closer to there god... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Caelum, can confirm our good relations with the stalwart warriors of Man, however.

On a side note, we found gems, 2 to be exact, it only took 10 turns of searching! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/rolleyes.gif The great Caelum gem shortage!

Ah'em, our only neighbor Caleum is tied up in an act of witnessing to his confused neighbors. Surely they will soon repent from their wicked ways and turn towards the true god of air and thunder http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif


Jazzepi June 30th, 2007 12:56 PM

Re: Man
In particular giant bolts of armor negating lightning seem good at breaking big lines of Argathan heavy infantry. This is especially true considering how useless the longbow archers are against them.


Amhazair July 1st, 2007 07:55 AM

Ulm\'s sad demise
C'tis has the sad duty to inform the world of the untimely demise of the Ulmish nation. After all their claims about order being found in the rule of steel, they gave lies to their own words, and staged an unprovoked, unorderly and above all suicidal attack upon the C'tissian homelands. Today, their capitol and remaining army were destroyed by our valiant expeditionary force, and while fewer than a dozen men still try do defy us by barricading themselves in a small border castle in the high mountains, the nation of Ulm has effectively departed to brighter lands.

Let us pray for their redemption.

Sankriss, God of Invincible Power

Amhazair July 1st, 2007 08:08 AM

Re: Ulm\'s sad demise
The industrious people of C'tis are ever looking for new ways to enhance their nation, architecturally, socially, and otherwise. At this moment we believe that the advancement of our nation can be served by setting up trade deals. The following proposals are currently available:

* Through the contest of Ulm we have a decent income of earth gems at our disposal. An income we have little use for. Anyone intrested in earth gems, now or at a later date could do worse than approach us about the matter. Especially nations with the ability to forge items in the paths of earth, fire, air and astral might find lucrative long-term trading-relatiuonships possible.

* At this time we might be intrested in purchasing a Dwarven Hammer or two. Payment would be in earth gems.

* We are also looking for a small supply of astral pearls. 10 or 15 would be amply enough for our needs, though we won't disdain smaller quantities. We could pay you in earth, nature, or possibly small amounts of air and water gems. Or items forged by our national mages.

* Next turn our glorious nation will attain the necesaary magical knowledge to start forging greater magical items. (level 4) While our paths are somewhat limited, any and all proposals will be considered. (To Caelum: yes that includes the forging of those precious supply items. Unfortunately we are currently not in such a dire need of money that we would be willing to sell our precious magical gems for mere gold. )

* This might be a bit early, given the research and paths needed, but I'd also be intrested in purchasing an astral booster, preferably the crystal coin. While I'm currently incapable of paying in astral gems, if anyone able to forge said item contacts me, we'll try to find a way to arrange a deal.

The Royal Chancellor of C'tis

Sir_Dr_D July 1st, 2007 07:15 PM

Re: Ulm\'s sad demise

I resubmitted my turn for this round, but I did not get a confirmation back. Will the server in this case use the second submission, and just not send an email out.

Just to be clear I sent in my turn the first time and got the confirmation. I later decided to make a change to my turn and resubmitted, but got no confirmation that the revisions were received.

llamabeast July 1st, 2007 07:21 PM

Re: Ulm\'s sad demise
The server's been having a fit for the last few hours because a new player has an e-mail account that sends some format it can't understand. I've just come back from the cinema to find 42 error messages in my inbox! (It sends one every five minutes).

Anyway, I've just manually resent all the e-mails received while it was down, but as a side effect it's sent all the confirmation messages to me, so a few people will be missing confirmations. But I've just looked, and an "Armadillo: Revised turn received for Agartha" message was among the ones it sent me back. So all is good.

davegg July 3rd, 2007 02:49 PM

Re: Man

Greetings, if anyone is at war with anyone else and the armies of Anfar God of the Vans can help, we will gladly answer the call for the price of retaining what we conquer!

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