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Firewalker June 23rd, 2009 08:08 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [game started]

Originally Posted by hoo (Post 697595)
I'd like a 6 hour turn delay. Workign late and won't be home till turn hosts.


Lavaere June 24th, 2009 10:06 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [game started]
Thanks for the battle punkzip, kinda sad I couldn't kill your pretender though. I'm guessing thats why you had him there.
:) Now wheres that pointy stick I had for poking people in the eye

thejeff June 26th, 2009 10:43 AM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [game started]
I'm going to be away from the internet this weekend, so I'd like to request a delay.
I'll have a chance to play one more turn tonight, but probably not the next unless it hosts early.
I'll be gone until some time Monday night US east coast time, which makes it early Tuesday morning GMT. If you give me until 100 GMT on Tuesday, I should have a bit of leeway to cover anything unforeseen.


the Vanishag June 26th, 2009 01:33 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [game started]
Seeking a loan: Agartha is now facing the brunt of the Niefel Giants that made forum news earlier, and is looking for war capital.

A total of 2000 gold is sought before turn 20, in any multiple of 100 gold (to keep the bookkeeping easy). For each 100 gold lent, Agartha is prepared to repay 12 gold/turn over 10 turns, e.g. 20% interest, after a 2 turn grace period (e.g., no payments will be made turns 20 or 21).

If you're interested, please PM me with the amount you are willing to loan. I will PM lenders confirming the amount lent, and, if asked by the lender, post the amount lent and/or by whom to this thread for accountability's sake.

On my personal honor, unless I am ousted from the game, I will repay the full sum on the proposed schedule. If lent the full 2000 gold (presumably not all by one player), my payments would come to 240 gold/turn, a significant but entirely managable amount.

If anyone would like Earth magic items (such as Dwarven Hammers) I am willing to negotiate that in lieu of interest.

majuva68 June 26th, 2009 01:52 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [game started]
Agartha attack Niefelheim.Niefelheim and his allies respond to attack.Agartha can`t respond to loan because his income is very low.He has only 4-5 provinces.

the Vanishag June 26th, 2009 04:03 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [game started]

Originally Posted by majuva68 (Post 698116)
Agartha attack Niefelheim.Niefelheim and his allies respond to attack.Agartha can`t respond to loan because his income is very low.He has only 4-5 provinces.

I don't want to start an argument on this thread, so I'll confine myself to saying that everything majuva68 said is wrong. Obviously, its his word against mine, so you have to judge for yourselves. I'll try not to make any more posts like this.

Firewalker June 26th, 2009 06:49 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [game started]

Originally Posted by thejeff (Post 698099)
I'm going to be away from the internet this weekend, so I'd like to request a delay.
I'll have a chance to play one more turn tonight, but probably not the next unless it hosts early.
I'll be gone until some time Monday night US east coast time, which makes it early Tuesday morning GMT. If you give me until 100 GMT on Tuesday, I should have a bit of leeway to cover anything unforeseen.


Okay, I was considering moving us to 48 turns at turn 20 anyway as I have started a new job and it will be sucking all my brain power for a couple months.

Firewalker June 26th, 2009 06:53 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [game started]

Originally Posted by the Vanishag (Post 698141)

Originally Posted by majuva68 (Post 698116)
Agartha attack Niefelheim.Niefelheim and his allies respond to attack.Agartha can`t respond to loan because his income is very low.He has only 4-5 provinces.

I don't want to start an argument on this thread, so I'll confine myself to saying that everything majuva68 said is wrong. Obviously, its his word against mine, so you have to judge for yourselves. I'll try not to make any more posts like this.

Try to view everything said on the thread as public "banter". It makes the game more fun, actually, if you take a role playing attitude. Obviously, a country is going to claim all sorts of things in public ... We are all just Pretenders contending to become the One True God, after all. :D

DakaSha June 26th, 2009 09:19 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [game started]
if anybody gets offended because of in-game / in-character babbling then he/she is an official dumbass :P

the Vanishag June 26th, 2009 11:14 PM

Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Newish Player Game [game started]

Originally Posted by DakaSha (Post 698180)
if anybody gets offended because of in-game / in-character babbling then he/she is an official dumbass :P

You're right, of course. I feel comfortable RP-ing in messages I send in-game, but I need to get more comfortable talking trash on the game thread. I think I'll start posting in-character.

Thanks everyone, and in "everyone" I very much include majuva68. The next few turns should be interesting.:)

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