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Xietor December 16th, 2007 12:15 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
My hat is off to Hadrian II as he was a good friend this game. But some of that is what we call "revisionist" history.

First, you did not "save" me from the LA Atlantis Alliance. I kicked their arse severely before you lifted a finger. In fact the same large armies that destroyed Tier Nog you permitted to move through your lands to attack me.

I killed all 400 of LA Atlantis invaders, all of MA Oceania's invaders, and beat LA Man's armies to a pulp all before you entered the fray against LA Man. LA Man was already defeated, but i did appreciate the help mopping him up as my hands were very full with Lanka. But I had large armies also in my Eastern lands fighting LA Man.

My pretender and 70 percent of my forces were in the west fighting Lanka and MA Oceania(who snuck into the water provinces in the nw corner and built a castle).

Hadrian_II December 16th, 2007 05:01 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh

Xietor said:
In fact the same large armies that destroyed Tier Nog you permitted to move through your lands to attack me.

Somehow i must have missed that before http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Zoshan December 16th, 2007 07:55 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
MA Pythium here.

Im ok with ending the game now. I had a blast playing and I want to thank Tichy=MA T'ien Ch'i who formed an alliance with me ealy on. Without him I would have never made it to the end.

I wish I had not been at war the whole game, all I ever wanted to do was build up my lil area and sit back and watch the rest of you guys fight.

In the end I can say I was at one time or another, the owner of EA Caelum, EA Arcoscephale, EA Mictlan, and EA Abysia(i think it was EA, might have been MA)capitals. Not too bad for a god that got Horrer Marked ealy in the game, and never resummoned.

My strategy with my god this game was to make him a sleeper take all good picks to max my income and the god was realy pointless used only to spread dominion and research. I didnt want to depend on him to do much cuz gods tend to die so easy. My god had like 2 air and I had given him one more air before he died. I was happy I didnt wast points on him as EA Mictlan caught out spreading dominoin and splat he was dead.

Well thanks for the game everyone good luck to you all.

Velusion December 16th, 2007 10:46 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
I guess the writing is on the wall. It's been very much fun. I'll go ahead and archive the game - if the new patch fixes things I'll see if there is any interest in starting it back up.

I had a running feud with EvilHomer (LA R'lyeh) pretty much the entire game http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif . We only put aside our differences for EA Oceania. I still think he was/is in the best position to win since I couldn't sway Agatha over to help me. Still it really could have gone either way...

It was alot of work bordering so many nations when it came to diplomacy. So many NAPs! I'm glad that my "Sinister Six" coalition basically survived (sans Baalz http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif ) until the end. Early on I had made a secret alliance/pact with 5 other nations and everyone seemed to really benefit from it.

LA Ermor is insane at this turn. In the last thirty or so turns I rarely even bothered to separate my undead cavalry - just lumped them all together to speed things up. I was summoning 7-8 Tartarians a turn and GoR about 2 a turn. With the forge I could outfit 2-3 a turn. I literally had a Tartarian army I could unleash. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I was really curious as to how the next 10-15 turns would have played out. I have a feeling some players might have been unpleasantly surprised. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Ahh well. Good game everyone. Definitely the most memorable for me!

Tichy December 16th, 2007 10:54 PM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
MA TC heartily enjoyed bringing our slingshots to the nuclear war.

Tea for all!

Xietor December 17th, 2007 01:02 AM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
It was not wise to let LA Ermor keep Well of Misery up. I asked all the clammers to dispel but none seemed too concerned by it.

I was thinking of trying to overwrite it with 350 d gems. How many did you have in it Velusion?

Lingchih December 17th, 2007 02:04 AM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
Although the Forge was a pain in the *** to operate, I found it amusing that no one paid any attention to me, or tried to attack me, until I became bored and decided to attack Tien Chi along with MA Ermor. Even then, until the final turn, no one lauched any really concerted attacks on me. I was continually pumping out items for LA Ermor and the rest of the Sinister Six. I had so many units forging, that I fell completely behind on research. That would have been my undoing, if the game had continued.

Great fun though, in retrospect. It was so cool to see the Nukes falling, and all the Tartarians, Seraphs, and other end game badasses in action. I doubt I'll ever play another game like this.

And yes, I think I would have lasted another ten turns, contrary to rumors.

Velusion December 17th, 2007 02:17 AM

Re: LA R\'lyeh

Xietor said:
It was not wise to let LA Ermor keep Well of Misery up. I asked all the clammers to dispel but none seemed too concerned by it.

I was thinking of trying to overwrite it with 350 d gems. How many did you have in it Velusion?

Like 90 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif (thats a reinforcement of 10)
Soulgate had a reinforcement of like 50.

The key is to cast them during the rare times that something was dispelled or removed (due to being killed).

I had about 600 fire gems I was saving to overcast purgatory so it couldn't be used against me (once I hit 999 and had a level 10 or 11 fire mage).

I was negotiating with my allies about putting Utterdark up (I always had 600 death gems in the bank). Every water province I got immediately got turned up to 200 taxes (and left there) so I had 15K gold sitting around that last turn.

All that said... I bet LA R'lyeh's gem income was giganto-normous. 2 wishes a turn for more gems from the clams I'm guessing? I bet his gem income was 3x-5x mine. He had to be sittign on 100K Gold in the bank as well.

Velusion December 17th, 2007 02:26 AM

Re: LA R\'lyeh

Lingchih said:
Although the Forge was a pain in the *** to operate, I found it amusing that no one paid any attention to me, or tried to attack me, until I became bored and decided to attack Tien Chi along with MA Ermor. Even then, until the final turn, no one launched any really concerted attacks on me. I was continually pumping out items for LA Ermor and the rest of the Sinister Six. I had so many units forging, that I fell completely behind on research.

You were my hero with that forging!

The moment LA R'lyeh made their alliance with MA C'tis known I flushed every NAP down the mental toilet as I was going to need every little bit of advantage to have things go my way. I was going to attack MA Tien Chi immediately and bury him in undead, along with attacking LA R'lyeh everywhere I could.

I was probably going to officially invite EA Pan into our alliance as well.

atul December 17th, 2007 03:30 AM

Re: LA R\'lyeh
Huh, an alliance between half the active nations, what's the fun in that?

Anyway, I wasn't too keen on going against R'lyeh with Ermor for two reasons. First, after R'lyeh would be gone, who is next? The latest recruit, quite probably. Second, R'lyeh had given me some support in time of need earlier (mind hunts here and there, nothing too big but a gesture nevertheless), unlike some other big nations. I'd rather have seen two big giant alliances hack into each other than be on the frontlines in conflict I don't have any part in. :p

And MA Agartha would like to thank Patala, EA C'tis, Jomon and Oceania for their generous contributions towards our war chest. I wasn't allied with any of those, but got hundreds of gems and loads of useful items with the farewell note "avenge me" from those nations when they were crushed. Most of you can rest peacefully now.

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