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Zereth October 27th, 2006 05:13 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V

Suicide Junkie said:
It seems to me that it is only fair that platform weapons which can shoot fighters in space should also be able to shoot them on the ground.

Targetting troops is another matter entirely.

Perhaps make PD weapons able to target fighters in ground combat as well. Possibly at reduced effectiveness so they don't kill the buildings as well.

Captain Kwok October 27th, 2006 08:46 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V

Zereth said:
Perhaps make PD weapons able to target fighters in ground combat as well. Possibly at reduced effectiveness so they don't kill the buildings as well.

That sounds like a good compromise.

aegisx October 27th, 2006 08:58 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V

Any idea when you'll release the AI scripts?

Captain Kwok October 27th, 2006 09:02 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Yes. I plan on posting the scripts once the research scheme is setup. Probably on Monday or something like that.

I have been trying to add in some documentation on the changes I made in each file to help others figure out what was changed/added.

Uncle_Joe October 27th, 2006 09:44 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Is Monday your projected time for .93 or for posting the scripts?

Would you mind posting what you have for .93 or is it in a non-workable state? I have a friend who I played quite a bit of SE4 with asking about SE5 and I'd like to try and test it with the latest and greatest Balance Mod before I try and give him an opinion. I've had the game for a week but havent even installed it yet as I've been more or less waiting for it to get to a more 'complete' state, especially with regards to the AI.

Thanks for your efforts either which way though!

Captain Kwok October 27th, 2006 10:00 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V

Joe, good timing for your question! I was actually just uploading the next version when you posted. You might as well install the game though - there's a lot of players who don't have much trouble with bugs and you can gain some experience with the UI etc. even if the AI isn't great yet.

I've just posted the next version for download:

<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>Version 0.93 (27 October 2006)

1. Fixed - Plague Bombs were not following their tech requirements
2. Fixed - Point-Defense Weapons accuracy at range values were accidently reversed
3. Changed - Drones can now be recovered
4. Changed - Added back Recover - Unit abilities for launch components
5. Added - Satellite Layer design type
6. Changed - Reduced Recreation Services cultural achievement to 5 levels
7. Changed - Cargo Facilities now include additional supply and ordnance storage
8. Changed - Increase remote cargo distribution for Resupply Depots
9. Changed - Point-Defense Weapons now do ground damage
10. Changed - Tweaked AI ship designs
11. Updated - AI research pathing
12. Updated - AI Scripts</pre><hr />

I'm going to take some time this weekend to play a few competitive games with the AI and see how it performs. Let me know how your games go.

Raapys October 27th, 2006 10:27 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Neat! Did you fix that organic weapon by the way? I'll try a new game now.

Can't remember if this was there before, but each flag and ship style come up twice in the empire creation flag/style selection.

Captain Kwok October 27th, 2006 10:44 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
The duplicate flags etc. is an SE:V bug.

I fixed the plague bug thing - but I'm not sure if it will be fixed for previously saved games.

Note the AI will now research most of the main weapon groups as I throw them in the global research pool. It should at least help most of them.

Shadowstar October 27th, 2006 10:59 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Would it be possible to assign certain weapon paths to specific AI personas? This way, you don't have to have every AI researching weapons they won't use, and you can have some that prefer certain types of weapons (energy pulse as opposed to projectiles), and can specialize in them.

Raapys October 27th, 2006 11:00 PM

Re: Balance Mod Available for SE:V
Not the plague thingy, I meant that Acid organic weapon thingy that had its range accidently set to 10-20.

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