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parcelt August 31st, 2007 12:34 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Would it be possible to postphone or work with a 48hr hosting schedule over the labor day weekend?

Ubercat August 31st, 2007 06:36 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting

parcelt said:
Would it be possible to postphone or work with a 48hr hosting schedule over the labor day weekend?

When do you want the turn to process again?

Sensori September 1st, 2007 10:10 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
So now I have Abysia AND Sauromatia going to be breathing down my neck. Obviously the Abysian magmamen are too idiotic to realize that Sauromatia is a much larger threat than the Lankans, a threat that grows by every passing turn as they gain more and more lands which Abysia cannot even touch, but who has ever accused them of having brains in the first place? Indeed, I am quite sure that Abysia will succumb to Sauromatia just as Vanheim did, just as Yomi is, and just as I will. In fact, I hereby pledge that I shall fight the Abysians to the best of my ability, while letting the Sauromatians take over the heartlands of Lanka! If they wish to help Sauromatia grow even larger, I shall grant them that wish.

Well, I guess that's it for me. I'll be going AI... But not just yet.

parcelt September 1st, 2007 01:02 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
I'll try and get to a computer over the holiday, but can't guarantee it. I will definitely be back later in the day on Monday (eastern US). So either postphone until then or have a longer schedule (eg 48 hours) should both work, I just got turn 24 in.


Baalz September 1st, 2007 04:59 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
You left out Argatha, I'm eating them to, and I got a good part of Atlantis before he left. If you're gonna list my conquests, might as well make the list complete... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif Let me know if I can facilitate your egress in any way, I won't even shoot at the withdrawing monkey backs.

Baalz September 2nd, 2007 09:07 AM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Wait a second, these monkeys aren't egressing, they're attacking despite the fact that our NAP hasn't expired. Guess one really can't expect too much honor from a monkey, and worshiping demons doesn't help much in that regard I suppose. It is good you have decided to entertain with your struggling rather than presenting your urine soaked underbelly with tail tucked low as you promise, but the mild advantage you gain by lying not once but twice and abusing the consideration I've shown by giving you notice before attacking seems a meager return for molesting your honor and showing all how far Sensori's word can be trusted. Really, if you're going to bugger your own honor you really should milk it for more of an advantage.

Sensori September 2nd, 2007 02:30 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
It has expired. Technically. It was 3 turns ago that you sent us the cancellation demand. Three turns was the NAP's cancellation time. And what? You expect us to honor you when you, AND Abysia, the two nearly largest nations in the WORLD, choose to start a war against us? We only assessed our situation and came to the conclusion that our poison resistant armies are better served fighting against you and your poison filled filth rather than the burning insanity of the Abysians.

If you expected honor in a war which has no honor in the first place, you must be insane. Honor? Hah! All you want is to sate your insane lust for power, no matter the cost. And you should know this by now. The dead honor no one.

Baalz September 2nd, 2007 04:50 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Apparently monkeys can't count past two, your comic show of claiming to be withdrawing gives lie to your lunacy that this is not a sneak attack made possible by my honoring our agreement. Rest assured however, your counting skills will not again be challenged for the only warning you'll receive in the future will be the crash of an axe to the back of your skull. Much like you can have no faith unless there is uncertainty, you can have no honor until it is not pragmatic so justify not your sneak attack with sniveling about being outmatched by your betters.

In the end it matters not for monkey skin flays as well as any other and you have accomplished naught with your treachery outside annoyance.

Sensori September 2nd, 2007 07:57 PM

Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting
Where is the honor in bringing an ally, an ally which is practically as large as you, to a fight against a much smaller opponent, whom you know that you could've beaten on your own, even if at a slightly slower pace? You make us laugh. Tell us some more of your jokes.

Indeed, what do YOU know of honor? Nothing. You only deserve our scorn. The fact that you expect a "honorable" war, which in fact would in truth be a war which would suit YOUR needs the most, is laughable. In truth, there is no honor in your wars. There shall never be any honor in them. You only pick on the sickly and the weak, because you are scared that anyone even close to your level might actually hurt you. YOU have the luxury of "honoring your agreements", because YOU know that no one you are to wage war with cannot even hurt YOU once you are prepared for your war. To think that we would be that idiotic is lunacy. To honor you would be the same as stabbing one's own heart.

And you are still wrong. The attack itself happened on turn three of the cancellation, even though the orders may have been given on turn two of the same. The Abysians gave us the same cancellation a turn later you did, and this happened through a different medium.

Micah September 2nd, 2007 11:07 PM

Host delay?
Hey, Parcelt asked for an extension ahead of time and it's 4-5 hours til host and his 2h isn't in, so I'm thinking we ought to set the timer back. Anyone have any more info regarding that?

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