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Janlm April 25th, 2008 06:29 AM

Re: From now on, I will stay in character.
The attack from Tien Chi? As I recall it, it was niefelheim that decided to make any questions of alliances easier on us by declaring war.

However you have our promise that the people of whatever province of niefelheim we may conquer will be treated with utmost respect. There will not be much looting or unnecesary violence of any kind.

DrPraetorious April 25th, 2008 09:39 AM

Re: From now on, I will stay in character.
We promise the exact opposite! In your lands, when we conquer them, the subjugated giants will be forced to toil needlessly as part of our unspeakable mental experiments.

Those who do not work fast enough - or maybe those who work too fast, just to mix it up - will be paralyzed and slowly eaten, fully aware but unable to move! Also, we will have cappucino machines in all our temples and our religion will be much more fun than yours, everyone will say so because we will brainwash them.

Tuidjy April 25th, 2008 07:24 PM

Re: From now on, I will stay in character.
> The attack from Tien Chi? As I recall it, it was niefelheim that decided to
> make any questions of alliances easier on us by declaring war

We do not remember declaring war. We do remember withdrawing from a NAP,
because, in our opinion, you were acting in bad faith by building an
uninterrupted wall of temples on our border, at a time where we were in
a real danger of dominion death, and your dominion was already one province
deep into our lands. And we did not attack when the NAP expired. You did,
a number of turns later, without a declaration of war.

> However you have our promise that the people of whatever province of
> niefelheim we may conquer will be treated with utmost respect. There will
> not be much looting or unnecesary violence of any kind.

Of course not. Do you really think you will have time for looting? You
really believe that you will be able to stand against Fomoria or R'lyeh once
they have beaten us? I hope we are still around to laugh at you by the time
your turn comes.

> Also, we will have cappucino machines in all our temples.

Hot drinks? Is there nothing you'll stop at? That's it. Between liars
and hot drink lovers, and fellow giants that are just better at conquering lands
than we are, is there a wonder we do better against Tien Chi and R'lyeh that
against Fomoria?

Come on, Fomoria, say something to upset us, so that we give you some fight!

Corwin April 25th, 2008 08:23 PM

Re: From now on, I will stay in character.

Tuidjy said:
> The attack from Tien Chi? As I recall it, it was niefelheim that decided to
> make any questions of alliances easier on us by declaring war

We do not remember declaring war. We do remember withdrawing from a NAP,
because, in our opinion, you were acting in bad faith by building an
uninterrupted wall of temples on our border, at a time where we were in
a real danger of dominion death, and your dominion was already one province
deep into our lands. And we did not attack when the NAP expired. You did,
a number of turns later, without a declaration of war.

> However you have our promise that the people of whatever province of
> niefelheim we may conquer will be treated with utmost respect. There will
> not be much looting or unnecesary violence of any kind.

Of course not. Do you really think you will have time for looting? You
really believe that you will be able to stand against Fomoria or R'lyeh once
they have beaten us? I hope we are still around to laugh at you by the time
your turn comes.

> Also, we will have cappucino machines in all our temples.

Hot drinks? Is there nothing you'll stop at? That's it. Between liars
and hot drink lovers, and fellow giants that are just better at conquering lands
than we are, is there a wonder we do better against Tien Chi and R'lyeh that
against Fomoria?

Come on, Fomoria, say something to upset us, so that we give you some fight!

Hmmm. Well, if you insist... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif

I think I could disclose the real reason behind our attack on Niefelheim this turn. All this talk about 500+ earth gem Forge of Ancients, and massive blood stones and clamming operation of Giants is just a pretend for unwashed masses in our nation, as well as arguments for our neighbors. Don't get me wrong - all this is true, but it's nothing compared to the real reason for this war.

In the heart of our war against our giant cousins is a breeding program. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif

You see, after unsuccessfully trying for many generations to get rid of the dread Curse that is affecting our nation, the High Council of Fomoria was getting desperate. They have tried dreadful magic rituals, forbidden alchemy of Ancients, blood sacrifices of tens of thousands strong - nothing worked. And then, just few years ago, our divine Lord had come up with a wonderful idea.

If we can't break the Curse, perhaps we can fool it by mixing our blood with other similar race. Top secret experiments performed on Giants's prisoners have confirmed - our nations can produce offspring. And these half-breeds were indeed free of the Curse! What even better, these half giants half fomorians can breed with native fomorian, and their offspring is also unCursed! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/evil.gif

Apparently this Curse only affects 100% pure Fomorian, even small fraction of other blood will make person immune to the Curse effects.

After that stunning discovery the fate of Giants was sealed. We are going to conquer your race, than we are going to select 10.000 strong and healthy Giants females. The rest of the population will be exterminated, to prevent possible future uprisings. Selected females will be brainwashed and transferred to breeding farms. There they will be impregnated by Fomorian males, and gave birth to the offspring, after which they will be impregnated again, et cetera. The Giants is a strong race, so our scinetists have estimated that each female will be able to give birth to 20-30 halfbreeds before her body would fail.

So you see, it's a pity that your race must die, but in doing so it will save our own race. In other words at the end it will be for a greater good. I am sure you will apprecaite it.


(out of character) Was it upsetting enough, comparable to capuchino machines? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Corwin April 27th, 2008 03:48 PM

New turn

Hmmm, perhaps I should keep my mouth shut about breeding program earlier. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Nifelheim's counterattack was very effective. He teleported more than half dozen tartarians and his pretender, all equiped with powerful battle gear, on top of many uncastled provinces that I have raided last turn.

In all but one province he won battles easily, since my tartarians were scripted to cast returning or retreat.

But I have prepared nice ambush for him in one province, teleporting two of my best tartarians there to add to the one HOF tartarian who already was there. Together my three tartarians were scripted to ambush and destroy whatever counterattack team Niefelheim would send against them.

Well, the ambush had worked, all right. They caugth up the great Seraph of Fire, Uril. (Seraph! In service of Niefelheim. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/mad.gif Got it?)

7F, 8S, 5A, equiped with 2 unique artifacts - Mage Bane and Solar Brilliance.
The bloody thing had destroyed my kickass tartarians, all three of them, without breaking a sweat.

All I can say - I am glad I have decided to go after giants now and not later.

Well played Niefelheim. I will have to be more carefull in the future.

Tuidjy April 27th, 2008 09:25 PM

Re: New turn
Actually, he was sent to negotiate peace, and the mage slayer was meant to
be tribute, but you had to go and cast Rage at him.

By the way, what happened to our agreement that we will be making war on
each other, not on the peasant population? You are killing off the
peasantry in Port Hexx, Trisia, Pharaexa country. Stop it, or we assure
you, we have plenty of population killer magic of our own.

zlefin April 29th, 2008 10:18 AM

Re: Signing up for DangerPudding
please delay the turn processing, it may be needed.
this mornjing when i went to do my turn dominions seems to be freezing at the waiting for game info stage when you log on.

This isn't like the old problem of that, where if you opened a second copy of dominions that one would work.
second copy is freezing just the same.
Logging in worked fine yesterday or the day before (i forget which) when i looked around to plan.

And i suspect i'm gonna be attaccked soon so i don't wanna stale another turn.

DrPraetorious April 29th, 2008 11:08 AM

Re: Signing up for DangerPudding
I can't log in either. I assume that the server is down.

lch April 29th, 2008 06:26 PM

Re: Signing up for DangerPudding
The game server didn't crash (to the command line), but froze up, dunno why. I have restarted it now.

Tuidjy May 2nd, 2008 12:39 PM

Re: Signing up for DangerPudding
I would like to have the clock stopped, and that we look for replacements for
Tien Chi and Pangaea. It seems to me that we are getting too many stales.

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