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Foodstamp June 14th, 2008 12:17 AM

Re: NEW Kingmaker Pretender Poll Available!

Lingchih said:
These mega-games can be very cut-throat. If you report you are at war, another neighbor, who might not have known you were at war, may take that opportunity to stab you in the back.

I like to stab people in teh phace http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Xietor June 14th, 2008 12:47 AM

Re: NEW Kingmaker Pretender Poll Available!
These games are very cutthroat? You don't say?

Wokeye Is the new owner of EA Vanheim! /cheer.

In other news, I am investigating the possibility of more
precise graphs so that there is no need for news reports. The evil deeds and ongoings will be apparent to all who care to read the new more complete stat sheets.

JimMorrison June 14th, 2008 01:13 AM

Re: NEW Kingmaker Pretender Poll Available!

Kristoffer O said:
...Tsunekage, voice of Tatsu Bosatsu, viceroy of Fudo, lord of Yomi

I had the distinct impression that title was going to continue, something along the lines of "consumer of children, trainer of poodles, expounder of tall tales, liquefier of prickly fruits, he who shall dance on your bones after flaying your flesh with a wet noodle and using said bones to make a nice soup to refresh his energy for the ensuing dancing....."


Wokeye June 14th, 2008 05:00 AM

Re: NEW Kingmaker Pretender Poll Available!
The new Seneschal of EA Vanheim has ascended to be at the right hand of the mighty mysterious god of mystery. And such.

If you had an existing diplomatic agreement with EA Vanheim, best to remind the new management.

atul June 14th, 2008 08:03 AM

That's what you get for being blind, not only the only time you meet your neighbours there's immediately dozens of archers at your border but then you get called names too! EA monkey people?!? Bandar Log has indeed advanced further than that, and we do demand to be called rightfully MA monkey people!

...not that there would be anything wrong with Lanka or Kailasa, but we still like to keep our distance...

But, when you're striving towards beneficial reincarnations, name calling is of little importance. Everyone is welcome to join in our meditation club to breath out the bad air and inhale the good spirit.


Xietor June 14th, 2008 01:12 PM

Re: Kingmaker
A note to the players of Kingmaker. My goals as Administrator, now that the game is up and running, are few:

1. Treat all players as fairly and equally as practicable, when it comes to subs, extensions, etc. And to avoid any appearance of unfairness. To do that i have adopted some rules about extensions early in the game(there are none for anyone) and a rule about staling which will be enforced rigorously early in the game.

2. To make sure as many players are actually in control of nations as possible, and to avoid setting races to ai if possible and not conflict with rule number 1. For the 1st 18 turns we are on a 24 hour host. So if your race has a stale, it gives me little leeway.

If you stale and just forget to send in a turn, let me know. But as in the case of EA Vanheim, if I think you staled and may be out of town etc.(ie you are looking for a sub but never contact me about finding one) then that puts me in a hard spot.

If i simply take the easy path and do nothing, and the race stales again, then i just set it to ai and it is done. But I have tried to avoid that. I sent numerous players pms about subbing for ea vanheim on a temp basis. Being on a short fuse, and not hearing anything back from temp. subs, late last night i sent 3 players, including velusion and wokeye, offers to take EA Vanheim over on a permanent basis.

Wokeye was the 1st to respond.

Aezeal sent me a pm today and was not aware of what had transpired, and obviously not happy about it. I feel bad-to a point. Just keep in mind that if you stale turn YOU put me in a position to possibly do something drastic that you may not like.

After turn 18, when we go to 48 hours a host, there will be more time to cnsider things. But for the next 10 days, if you stale turn, especially if your race has already stale turned before, I would advise sending me a pm and letting me know you intend to do the next turn.

3. To make sure the game moves forward to conclusion inexorably. Given the size of the map, and the number of players, we cannot have many delays for personal reasons.

There will be delays for holidays. The 1st of which will be the 4th of July. With Apologies to European Players, and others who reside outside the States, the 4th is a big holiday here. We will be on a 48 hour timer by then, and depending who is left alive and who needs a break for the 4th will determine if and how long the break will be(not more then a long wekend).

Zeldor June 14th, 2008 02:48 PM

Re: Kingmaker
Hmm... did timer move 1 hour? I am pretty sure next turn was due 17:30 GMT just a while ago. 18:45 now and I see no info about changes in admin log...

llamabeast June 14th, 2008 02:49 PM

Re: Kingmaker
It's cos the LlamaServer's having difficulty reaching the mail server. It won't host until it's made contact, in case someone sent in a turn at the last minute. In fact it won't host for a little while after it's made contact, in case it takes a while for all the e-mails to come through following the downtime.

Aezeal June 14th, 2008 02:52 PM

Re: Kingmaker
yeah only I had arranged to take my turn today and this happend after one stale and without notice while the official message in the first post was 2 stales.. seriously, you suck and are inconsistent

There should be no need to send messages if the friggin rules where 2 stales and you are out, I was replaced way before the 2nd turn was over, not 1 hour before but WAY before. I'm STILL not 2 turns stale!

Xietor June 14th, 2008 04:02 PM

Re: Kingmaker
When you posted you need a sub, but the thread reflects none is found, and I am not notified one is found, then there is a stale turn, i deduced you had not found a sub.

That puts a different spin on things. The fact that EA Vanheim was going to be given to a perm. sub, if one could be found, was posted on the game thread.

I truly regret the necessity or believing the necessity existed to do it. In the other 2 large games I hosted, this issue never occurred. Hopefully, it will be a one time occurrence here.

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