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Executor August 20th, 2009 04:35 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 706391)
Says the nation whose research will soon be passing mine with half the number of forts.... I guess I am doing reasonably well though. But I would hesitate to say I am the strongest nation, despite my gem advantage. For one thing my nation is one of the least efficient with gems :P Alugra, haida gwaii, and nehekhara are all probably at least as strong as me. Nehekhara for example is fighting two nations at once right now and not doing so badly.

And yet you perceive me as the most aggressive nation here, at least I don't double team.

Got no money to build forts, one of the disadvantages with Stygia, they consume money like America does oil. And the fact that my dominion kills population doesn't help either, not that it's mentioned anywhere in the nation description.:mad:

rdonj August 20th, 2009 05:21 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Eh, not really. However, back when you were warring with tharoon you made a good scapegoat. Now that I've realized where you are I can see you probably won't be bothering anyone for a while. Me, I am finally at peace and would like to stay that way at least a little while longer :D

Oh, I thought you would have known about the pop killing. Yeah, it is a bit harsh. If it weren't for that stygia would be much, much easier to play. As it is I think you are more or less stuck with armies of yilan tanri. I bleed gold pretty fast too. You should see how quickly I can go 3k gold without even buying any troops.

Burnsaber August 20th, 2009 05:27 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I've been keeping an eye for this game. Seems like things are heating up. Hopefully the game will end with action instead of some usual Arcane Nexus forfeit. More gameplay testing that way.

Early on I was worried if Alugra is too powerful because Ferrosol got that awesome expansion start. But it seems that City of Wonders has worthy adverseraries in this game.

If any of you need a sub or last stander at any point, just call me.

Executor August 20th, 2009 05:37 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
I don't plan to make any wars in the near future, got my mind set on more important things for now.

Not only did I not know about the pop killing I took death too, and plenty!
Gold? Heh, I think I haven't recruited a single troop for the last 20 turns, not that I didn't want to.

As a side note Crime lords seem to be nice.

rdonj August 20th, 2009 06:40 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 706399)
I've been keeping an eye for this game. Seems like things are heating up. Hopefully the game will end with action instead of some usual Arcane Nexus forfeit. More gameplay testing that way.

Early on I was worried if Alugra is too powerful because Ferrosol got that awesome expansion start. But it seems that City of Wonders has worthy adverseraries in this game.

If any of you need a sub or last stander at any point, just call me.

Yeah, ferrosol has done pretty well with alugra. Even if his pretender died, he is almost finished with his first war and is one of the leading researchers. Alugra is a nation to be feared. But I don't think he performed unreasonably well. Perhaps once alpine joe is defeated he'll have a different opinion to share, however. Sombre's nations sure don't seem to be doing well in this game. It's just me and the ogres remaining out of 5 nations now.

Sucks about all the pop killing. Stygia has those very nice composite bowmen who would be handy additions to the undead horde you have assembled.

rdonj August 21st, 2009 05:02 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Alugra and Nehekhara both staled? Not cool guys.

Also, perhaps I spoke too soon abot stygia...

Alpine Joe August 21st, 2009 06:08 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)

Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 706411)

Originally Posted by Burnsaber (Post 706399)
I've been keeping an eye for this game. Seems like things are heating up. Hopefully the game will end with action instead of some usual Arcane Nexus forfeit. More gameplay testing that way.

Early on I was worried if Alugra is too powerful because Ferrosol got that awesome expansion start. But it seems that City of Wonders has worthy adverseraries in this game.

If any of you need a sub or last stander at any point, just call me.

Yeah, ferrosol has done pretty well with alugra. Even if his pretender died, he is almost finished with his first war and is one of the leading researchers. Alugra is a nation to be feared. But I don't think he performed unreasonably well. Perhaps once alpine joe is defeated he'll have a different opinion to share, however. Sombre's nations sure don't seem to be doing well in this game. It's just me and the ogres remaining out of 5 nations now.

Sucks about all the pop killing. Stygia has those very nice composite bowmen who would be handy additions to the undead horde you have assembled.

Well I'm completely dead now,so i'll feel free to comment a bit on relative nation strength.

First off congratulations to ferrosol for killing me off. He used a nice mix of troops, and managed to concentrate strength where I was weak. Other than a few small tactical victories (killing his pretender) he significantly outplayed me. Part of the reason was simply my over-confidence. I took a pretender focused on midgame, and took sloth scales. i didn't expect to get attacked with quite that much focus :)

However, as perhaps the first nation ever defeated by Alugra (or have they been in mod nation games before?) I will make some commentary on their relative strength.

Alugra is a powerful nation. I don't know if I would say overpowered, but they are very very powerful. The alugran smiths caused me no end of grief. 20 natural protection on an encumbrance three unit.....I was wracking my brain trying to come up with a way to kill those guys. My red achilleans, supposedly the finest infantry in the world, and balanced by gluttony, low map move and magic vulnerability, had their butts handed to them royally by the smiths, by virtue of the fact they simply couldn't scratch that huge protection stat. Eventually I just rushed researching Harm, and that was moderately effective, but by then it was too late, and I ran out of blood slaves because blood battlefield mages are idiotic with their slave use..... I can't imagine what a normal MA human nation without access to good (nonfire!) battle magic would do against the smiths.

Watchmen are also an extremely nice unit, and Ferro used them very well by mixing them with a GoR watchmen spamming shockwave.

I don't think either the smiths of the watchmen are overpowered, but both in the same nation, without that nation being the nation of WTFBBQ elite troops, might be a little excessive.

Also Alugra has access to a ton of magic paths, and thugs of various types, a unit with a forge bonus, and big communions.

Its a lot of really good stuff to cram into one nation, and Ferro used it all extremely well. Arga dis certainly isn't a weak nation, but in that situation I definitely felt i was playing with a much weaker hand of cards, metaphorically speaking (although a lot of that was my own poor planning:doh:) I've never been defeated so quickly after such a good early start.

Trumanator August 21st, 2009 06:27 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Sorry about that, it seems that I did my turn and then forgot to send in the turn. Hopefully nothing irrevocable happened.

Executor August 23rd, 2009 02:01 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Shouldn't we do something about Algura and Alchera? They seem to be staleing a lot.

rdonj August 23rd, 2009 05:20 PM

Re: Tourmaline - Mod Nations Game (Playing)
Yeah, I'm postponing the game 24 hours while I try to contact them and see what we can do about it. If I can't get in touch with them, then I guess I'll begin the search for subs. However I don't expect such a search to be very fruitful given the nature of this particular game. So if at all possible it would be best to try to keep the original players.

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