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Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 13/16 players left
Executor, you disappoint me.
You goad Caelum so that he'll tell you how much Shishis cost and how much gems he has. That's low. Is it not enough that you all but vanquished him and that he survives by fighting bravely and nobly against all odds - that you must resort to false accusations to get more info from him? Is it not enough that through manipulation you caused his ally TC to betray him to his death? Do you now try to do the same with me?- 2:1 (and thanks Mictlan now 2:2) odds not good enough for you?- R U concerned now you learn that your ally chooses to hide in his castles rather than fight? Also, your scouts are not blind, you're just lying as I have no trolls. No W. queens (just 1) at your borders and not my pretender either for that matter. Here, happy?- Your filthy lies bought you more info for you to abuse. Turns are kept on the server so all can be checked thus such lies are futile. Oh and "Good thuggish"? R U kidding?- I had Jotun in AT and those werewolves were a killing machine. With EN bless and cheapest of items they become. Well. Awesome. And you know that so don't play coy. Nobody is my puppet. Now you insult me and my friends. I treat all the players I talk to with utmost respect. I never lie and keep all my promises. I lay out the facts and let each decide. Did it ever occur to you that those that side with me do that out of their own choice and will and after much thought or do your habits for manipulation make you see all the rest to be the same as you. I'm not power hungry to win. Don't care much about the outcome but I do care about those nations I'm bound to and luckily, they know I will never betray them. You know what. You're not convincing anyone. The convinced are already convinced and I guess that's true for those who side with you as well as to the other camp. However, resorting to lies and insults is low. Sad that you'd choose to act in such dishonor. It doesn't become a player of your stature. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 13/16 players left
Oh Man, Why did they remove the edit button :confused:
I double checked my turn and I owe you an apology re. one sub-fact that you mentioned. You said that "massive troops on the Jotun - Ermor border, which include legions of undead, mages, Water Queens, Bane Lords, Spectral mages, trolls and troll Kings, and even their pretender." For the record I've only 1 WQ there, no spectral mages and no pretender. I don't have troll kings but I forgot that I summoned one sea king for BF water spell support :doh:. I checked all my border castles to try and figure out where that troll kings claim came from and found this one king. God forbid, as sea kings are known to dominate the late game :p So while your statement consists of a number of lies and exaggerations I do in fact have one sea king. While mentioning armies why don't you mention your armies at my borders? Complete with all the resplendence of NE bless woodsman and shrouded WW. Why don't you mention that prior to your 2:1 war declaration on me Pyth had more income than me and you had more gems and provinces?- Is it my fault that Pyth doesn't fight back?- or would you like me to raise a white flag :yield: ? ;) I say. Good riddance of Jotun. I want none of your provinces. All will go to my ally If things go my way. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 13/16 players left
Ah but we do not lie, your pretender is indeed there, one province away, in the reach of Pythium who will slay him!
Where one Water Queen is others may be found, that is a fair assumption. So, where are you hiding those spectral mages? Are they already in my lands? I know I saw some once you took over helpless Agartha. ;) Well maybe in your hands they would be SC. Not everyone knows how to use them. ;) TC chose well in not attacking me. We both saw the error of our ways and stopped spilling innocent blood! Sea Kings are quite good! People underestimate them I think. My armies at the border. 50 archers on the front where you have 400 troops with all sort of goodies, and on the other side only poor woodsman and werewolves that retreated from Cealum and lost their way! Are you so good that Mictlan even thinks it was his own choice to join you? Oh, how well you control the minds of others. Fear not good Mictlan, for you shell be liberated and guided into the eternal light! How can the good giants sit by in peace and watch while you mass your troops on our borders? No more good sir, no more. And did not the undead invite us to attack our beloved neighbor Pythium who stood by us and refused to join Cealums vicious attack on us? We are merely returning the favor. Ermor has broken our thrust but we took no hostile actions so far. Only now when your ally attack me must I declare war on you, as I can not idly sit by and let this pass. Really, Shishies are 2 for 30? How did I never notice that? Well, that was quite enough for me. I'll stop now before this gets out of hand and we start spamming this thread :) |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 13/16 players left
Dear Executor. I'll say it as politely as I can. You are making false claims. Here are the latest false claims that can be proven so by the turn files:
1. "your pretender is indeed there, one province away, in the reach of Pythium who will slay him!" flat out lie, ahm false claim. 2. "Where one Water Queen is others may be found, that is a fair assumption." If you knew that there was one why did say that all queens were there?- For dramatic effect?- Shows how credible your claims are. 3. "TC chose well in not attacking me." That is not entirely true. Combination of threats and a golden severance package got the job done :) 4. "My armies at the border. 50 archers on the front where you have 400 troops with all sort of goodies, and on the other side only poor woodsman and werewolves that retreated from Cealum and lost their way!" Man, you so enjoy misleading. Where you have archers and one or more Skratti your ally Pythium has, what is probably, the strongest single army on the map. Masses of the elite of the Pythian legions backed by "goodies" are present so naturally I had need of strong military presence in the region. on the other side you have two armies at my borders and a 3rd on the move. Those armies contains woodsman, Skratti werewolves and Gygjas, certainly not paper tigers. 5. "Are you so good that Mictlan even thinks it was his own choice to join you? Oh, how well you control the minds of others." Pure nonsense. Your cynicism makes you blind to values of common sense and interests, loyalty and friendship and so mistake them for some magical mind control. 6. "And did not the undead invite us to attack our beloved neighbor Pythium who stood by us and refused to join Cealums vicious attack on us?" That was, a- after Pythium broke his NAP with me and before you did and b- I smelled a rotten fish between you two so I wanted to flush out the truth. I was 99% sure that you'd join Pyth and I was right. Maybe this is the time to mention that you were perfectly content to let me have my way with Pyth if only I allowed you to slay Mictlan. Ho, you didn't say so explicitly, you're too shrewd for that but you asked me whether I'm willing to let Mictlan be slain by you (and didn't attack me up to that point). Once I said that I wouldn't abandon Mict. then you started with your holy war in earnest. As you may notice I didn't start this spam storm (that dubious honor belongs to you) but I will respond to propaganda, lies and false accusations. Well, at least until I get too tired of that. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 13/16 players left
Dear WL,
1. Was your pretender not located in 226? :), maybe you moved him now, I can't see as you are patrolling in most of your forts. 2.(4) As for credible claim, the armies on your border, isn't the one with the werewolves and some woodsman sieging a Cealum fort, and has been for quite some time now? And besides, you're patrolling and placing troops on your border, I just did the same this turn by splitting that army, and that army is in no way capable of defeating your army on the border. As for another army on the way, that was an army sent to siege the second Cealum fort, hm, and it's not exactly true to say Gygjas in plural, or maybe you mean the ones in the Cealum capital doing researching? 3. Why is that a false claim? We made a truce, under what conditions it was made is a private matter. I just stated we stopped fighting which we did. 4.Pythium army is unrelated to mine. I still only have about 50 troops with some mages in that fort. And besides, you stand between me and Pyths army so it's not like I have his protection there. 5. How conviniant to have Mictlan join you at this very moment and declare war on me. 6. You are right about this. I did need to join Pyth, but only because he can't beat you on his own as you are too powerful. So it's either watch you take over Pythium slowly and than probably everyone else, or join and try and deal with you along side Pythium. I'm much rather not go to war with you, but I can't let you take over Pythium. I think this is a very logical reaction on my part. If you and Pyth make peace I'd be more than willing to do the same. I had no intension in attacking Micltan before he attacked me, which he did this turn. I even waved the last turn of the NAP once he asked when hostile actions could be taken as there were not supposed to be taken this turn but I don't mind. And as you see I've mobilized nothing against Mictlan and taken no actions what so ever. Mictlan can still have peace if he so wishes. I don't spam, or make false claims, lies or propaganda. All of the above is true. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 13/16 players left
Yet yo do :)
The answer to #1 is no. The answer the #4 is yes, it's very related. For me it matters not who attacks me, you or Pyth. I need to defend myself in any case. So having a mega army at my border means I need to take counter measures. The answer to #5 is obvious, why would Mictlan or anyone else risk attacking you?- Your nation is scary but once you moved to war with me a lot of the fear factor was gone so now you're actually a fair target and I hope Mictlan would benefit a lot from expanding into your lands. The answer to #6 is that it's BS. How exactly was I slowly conquering Pyth when we were, a- at peace and b- I was constantly offering him better diplomatic ties. I had no intention of attacking Pyth whatsoever. Just check this thread to see how many times I offered to him to back out of his war declaration. Peace is always a good option. As I said I'm willing to negotiate for a peace agreement with Pythium if he is so willing. As for Jotunheim, I think too much blood has been spilled: Pangaean & Caelumite. Also, too much is in motion (Caelum is managing to survive and hit you back, Mictlan joining the fray). It will be difficult and possibly devestating to me, Mictlan and Caelum if we were to, now that things are too hot for you, back out. It will only give you time to regroup and restrengthen and pick us down one at a time at your leisure. I'm afraid such a move would be suicidal to us and we can't have it. You should know that a lot of what came to pass is the result of Caelums cry for help. It took a very long time for such help to come (due to fear factor that I admit to have shared as well :) ) but now that it did, it would be stupid to back off. I'm sorry friend, looks like the camps are made and the battle lines are drawn, now all that's left is to see how things play out. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 13/16 players left
I grow tired of you deceptions WrathLord,
after this you shall hear no more from me. It seems you have so much troops you keep forgetting where many are. I saw your pretender in Agarthas land, no need to deny that. I fail to see the reason in where you and Pythium keep stockpiling troops on the border to be in any way or sense related to me. This started even before I withdrew my NAP, in fact I think it started way back when you assimilated Agartha, and Pyth assimilated Man who were at war with each other. What is BS? I told you that I will not let Pythium go to war with you alone, that means even in the case in which he now attacks you, although you took the initial hit and now I've declared war, after the NAP expired. He might attack you first, but you'll still end up the winner, and I can't allow that to happen. I never stated you attacked as that makes little difference. Heh, you act as if I keep attacking everyone, when it was I who was attacked by Cealum, and now by Micltan too. TC also attacked me, but we worked out peace. So that's 3 nations so far that attacked me, and yet you portrait me as the aggressor. If it's war you seek, I will grant you that wish. We now go to war my friend. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 13/16 players left
"It seems you have so much troops you keep forgetting where many are. I saw your pretender in Agarthas land, no need to deny that." :lol, however that's still not true. Never has my pretender set foot in Agarthan lands. I'd be more than happy to send the turn files to you or any 3rd party once the game is over for close scrutiny.
"I fail to see the reason in where you and Pythium keep stockpiling troops on the border to be in any way or sense related to me. " It started when Pyth broke his NAP with me. "What is BS?" You saying you had to come to Pyth's help when, a- I was at peace with Pyth and even offered him a longer NAP; b- Pyth broke his NAP with me and c- you broke your NAP with me as well. If you hadn't initiated this I would never have attacked Pyth. In short, you made this brew and now complain that it's not to your liking ;) War has been forced upon us yet we shall not flinch nor fail our allies. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 13/16 players left
Unholy Jotuns!
You burned Caelum's millenarian library with its unique sum of holy knowledge, and you confess conducting unholy researches with hideous Gygjas in our most refined Citadel of Frozen Crystals. Who knows if you don't use captured Caelian virgins for your perverse rites!!! :shock: These are definitely your ultimate sins, don't be surprised if civilized Nations take steps against you! :mad: If you think this is too much for your poor Giants, give me back my capital and all territories once administrated by the wise rule of the Seraphs, and you -might- receive our forgiveness. |
Re: GotM: Gardens of the Moon, vets, busy, 13/16 players left
Your meek and mild utterances would be taken more seriously if you were not both a feared veteran player and in control of one of the most powerful MA nations :) Which I fear we have all let have far too long a time of peace considering your Blood potential :( I just hope I am not too late in striking. And even if this war goes badly I hope others are encouraged to throw their hat into the ring rather than meekly concede to you later on.... I dare say you might have stayed at peace. After all your Blood income and stockpile should already be very high. How much longer would you need before you turned that in to power and received everyone's concession? Why risk painting a target on your head by taking more lands when you can win with what you have as long as no other power grows large enough to challenge you? But we are all wise to your plan - except Pythium :p - and whether I fight you alone or with allies the rest of the world will be praying for a Mictlan not Jotun victory. For that way lies hope for us all :angel: |
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