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Doo March 5th, 2011 02:11 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Your castle that is being sieged, there are more troops on their way to siege. I know because I'm trying to assassinate their leader ;)

endomorphious March 5th, 2011 09:57 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
New turn up. Thanks for the gold and especially those gems Doo. Can you use any Water gems or a few nature gems? Next turn I will be putting the smack down on Niefel in his southern fort. I don't have access to alot of summons yet, but will be finishing research on alt 8 this turn and can then focus on conjuration for some better summons.

I do have 3 wizards casting arouse hunger in my northernmost city. Have 40 corpses. I could use some feedback on how effective you guys think that spell is.

NTJedi March 5th, 2011 02:34 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running

Originally Posted by endomorphious (Post 772469)
I do have 3 wizards casting arouse hunger in my northernmost city. Have 40 corpses. I could use some feedback on how effective you guys think that spell is.

I would save those gems for other spells such as spirit mastery or summoning a bane lord to equip with items. I don't think arouse hunger is worth the price of gems.

Hrum March 6th, 2011 05:48 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
It is early summer in the 4th year of the ascension wars (Turn 39 is up).

Kailasa reports a great victory in the south! Niefelheim's southern capital has fallen.

An earlier attempt was repulsed when our sacred Yavana crushed all the inhabitants of the castle but were unable to put an end to a malevolent Collossal Head. A high powered death mage (d9!), and greatly resistant to magic attack (MR25), the most formidable things about this giant stone head were found to be it's hardness (prot 25) and it's solidness (HP 825). In this earlier fight our Yavana pounded on it for quite a length of time with little to show for their efforts, while the head ignored any attempts at magic coercion and cast death spells at our troops. All the while the defenders of the castle in the surrounding towers hurled down boulders on the Yavana, causing great losses on our side.

This time, the Yavana were again sent forward, blessed and many made ethereal as before, but also enchanted with the spell weapons of sharpness. Our researchers just uncovered the secret of this wondrous spell, and it proved to be the decisive factor. The collossal stone head has been reduced to gravel, and now decorates the pathways of a garden dedicated to peace and enlightenment. The fort is ours.




Endomorphious, thanks for the water gems you sent a couple turns back! They were most appreciated.

Man those collossal heads make taking these forts a lot more challenging! In my case, he was also Niefelheim's prophet, so his HPs were through the roof. Weapons of Sharpness really made a huge difference; if you guys have some access to earth magic I highly recommend it. A handful of thugs equipped with AN or maybe twice as many with AP weapons could work as well.

I suppose a cloud-load of lightning could do the trick too, since it is AN, but given the HP these things have you'll need a bunch of casters spamming to bring him down. One or two guys isn't going to do it. If you don't send enough casters they'll fatigue out before they kill this guy.

endomorphious March 6th, 2011 07:09 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Well. Launching my attack on Niefels other capital. Wish me luck.

Doo March 7th, 2011 06:27 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Well done on the castle busting story, Tien Chi has a massive head too except its strong in Astral, it spammed I think Stellar Cascades and fatigued my army to its doom.

Sorry guys, I'll be another 24 hours from time of posting before I do my turn.

While you wait I suggest you read a couple of Order of the Stick's for amusement.

Doo March 8th, 2011 05:47 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
New turn is up...

Thanatus del Dragos March 8th, 2011 10:22 AM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I killed the God of Tien Chi! Fear the Irish crippled giants!

Hrum March 9th, 2011 05:54 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
Turn 41 is up (as of last night, but I was slacking too much to post about it).

I probably should've submitted my next turn right away, but it was late and I needed to check on some stuff about how to equip my golem thug before I sent him out.


Originally Posted by Thanatus del Dragos (Post 772758)
I killed the God of Tien Chi! Fear the Irish crippled giants!

Kailasa congratulates our Fomorian brothers in arms! Was the battle hard fought? How goes the war?

My current plan is to clean up my eastern flank a little before turning my attention to Atlantis. Abysia's southern lands may not be extensive, but I don't want him getting any ideas when I'm already distracted dealing with the fishmen.

The time for war beneath the waves approaches.

Thanatus del Dragos March 9th, 2011 06:03 PM

Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope - Running
I crushed him and his feeble army!

My war with Atlantis will be a long one, starting on land. But Tien Chi is still much alive, so that still takes precedence.

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