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Re: Probem on the Army Set-up screen
I am not sure if this is a bug or WAD.
Undead suffer afflictions from old age, despite the description of undead saying they are uneffected by old age. This is usually not a problem but with Burden of Time up you start to see afflictions on LA ermors bishops and others with 500 max age. |
Re: Probem on the Army Set-up screen
It's not a problem with undeath, it's a problem with lifelessness.
The aging mechanic priority order is 1) lifeless, 2) undead, 3) demon, 4) other, so lifeless undead are considered lifeless first, undead second, and aging mechanics are applied accordingly, which is why lifeless undead do not get maxage increase from death magic, but earth magic, and also why they suffer from old age afflictions. Non-lifeless undead should be unaffected. Unfortunately, a good many undead creatures are lifeless, among them all liches and the Ashen Empire Ermorian priests. The problem would probably go away once and for all if the priority order was changed from the current one to 1) undead, 2) lifeless, 3) demon, 4) other. EDIT: amended last statement to probable, because I do not know for certain. Earlier unequivocal statement was a mistake on my part. |
Re: Update To Version 3.08 Of Dominions 3 Today!
No one have the same problem??
Re: Probem on the Army Set-up screen
Ermorian priests are not lifeless
Re: Probem on the Army Set-up screen
Hmm, memory playing tricks on me again, I see. Should have checked that one. In any case, I've brought it up with IW.
Re: Probem on the Army Set-up screen
Ska, can you give a bit more detailed descriptionb of your problem with non-responsiveness? Do the shortcut keys not work, or does the problem appear in some different way? Your current description is a bit unclear, it could be interpreted in more than one way.
Re: Probem on the Army Set-up screen
ska, search in this very thread. I think it happened before.
Re: Probem on the Army Set-up screen
In a MP im in some of last turn's report messages had the question mark that ussualy goes on a deceased mage casting a spell. And without the goto commander instance.
I thought they were dead, but they were all alive. odd. |
Scrolling problem
Can you restrict the search feature in this forum to a single thread? How?
Anyways, I looked in the short list and didn't see the following. You know how you're supposed to be able to scroll by moving the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen? When I have that option enabled, I only get to scroll in two directions, that is, north and west. To be clear, the keyboard scroll works perfectly fine, but the mouse scroll doesn't. So, is this something that just happens to me and likely caused by a software conflict/driver update required, or has this happened to other people? |
Re: Scrolling problem
Mouse scrolling in all directions works just fine for me in full screen mode, but not in windowed mode.
Re: Scrolling problem
I have had the same problem with scrolling, but I have to run on a coarser resolution (640x480) because my computer is slow.
I don't know of a way to search within a thread, other than by searching on [+"Short List" +whatever] (without the brackets) for the "Short List" thread. Doesn't work perfectly because people do change the subject as the thread progresses. -Max |
Re: Scrolling problem
Is there a bug with the "Wind Ride" spell? I have been trying to use it to grab my opponents immortal leaders and bring them to a province where they can be killed. I know where my opponents leaders are, I know there are no domes. Yet, I have cast the spell 6 times and have snagged 0 leaders. None of the leaders are large, none are earth mages. About half are ethereal.
Is this normal, or is this a bug? |
Re: Scrolling problem
In the same scenario. . . I have been trying to spread my dominion to counter my opponents large collection of immortal leaders. My opponent has dom 10 and 3 temples, I have dom 8 and 4 temples. I have moved into a province adjacent to the edge of my dominion and built a temple and started to preach.
I have 15 level 1 priests and 5 level 2 priest preaching and I have a temple in the province. The starting dom of the province was -10. The way I understand the manual, each level 1 priest would have a 10% chance to raise the dom by 1 per turn, and the level 2 priests would each have a 40% chance. The temple would have an 80% chance of making a temple check and then would have a 40% chance of raising the dom in the province (for a total of 32%). I mention all these probabilities because I have been preaching solidly for 4-5 turns and have not changed the dom by even 1 point. The chance of this happening (discounting passive dom spread, which should have very little effect in this situation) is (0.90^15) * (0.60^5) * (0.68) = aprox 1% per month. The chance that this happens 4 or 5 turns in a row? Very small indeed. I am wondering if there is some sort of bug with preaching? Or some bug with random number generation (I am using a mac which may make a difference)? |
Deleted for fear of multiplayer exploit.
Re: Nevermind
1 Attachment(s)
I've got a big SP game going, primarily to test out late game functionality. I reached a point where every time I end the turn it CTD and gives me the error message: dnf: bg area 0 Is this the battlefield bug with too many units? I haven't done any troubleshooting (saving the game, removing all actions but 1, ending turn) yet. Wanted to see if this was a known issue with a known fix. Thanks, I'll try to attach the files, but don't know if they're working yet. |
Master of the Iron Crutch
Dunno if it's a bug or WAD (as it's the way with most things in Dom3), but Li T'ieh-Kuai, the master of the Iron Crutch, doesn't get any improvement with Winged Shoes, his movement stays at 1/7.
Shift Key
Whenever I'm in windowed mode, the shift key is disabled. Is this a known, common, or unique to me problem? Or, is it a feature.
It's not worth browsing the forum for tips if I can't autocast my site searching spells. |
Re: Shift Key
Check your CAPS lock on your keyboard.
Re: Shift Key
Oh, I've done that. And even using that, I can't seem to acess the shortcuts. Even while toggling between capslock on and off, I can't get any capital letters while renaming a unit unless im in fullscreen.
Re: Shift Key
Known, but seemingly forgotten again and again.
Might be a problem with the SDL library, though ... |
Re: Shift Key
Thanks Arralen. I won't worry to much about it being a config problem then. Though if anyone else can weigh in on the issue, I'd appreciate it.
Stygian Paths
Over on the QT3 forum, someone suggested that Stygian Paths might actually be a viable spell for Helheim, due to their stealth. Thanks to Boron's "testmap" and mod it took about 2 minutes to try this out. The results made me go "hmmm".
I gave 60 Helhirdlings + 40 Valks to a D6 Allfather (yeah, right, like any test with a non-F9W9 Helheim pretender is "realistic"), and had him cast Stygia Paths. The message said that 14,445,592 troops had died in the attempt. What really happened was even stranger. The "Go to commander" button sent me to the target province, but the Allfather never made it there. All 60 of the Helhirdlings did arrive (but without a commander, so they were lost in the battle). All 40 of the valks were safe and snug at home, back in the garrison. -- by the way - I don't often phrase things as "the devs ought to...", but the devs ought to remove this spell until it is truly fixed. This discussion arose after a relatively new player lost his whole main army (and, thus, any shot at being competetive) in a large MP game. He's taking it rather well, but I could see feeling really jerked around by a bug this bad that has been in the game this long. |
Re: Bug Commentary
The LA Man spell "Summon Bean Sidhe" conjures a Tlahuelpuchi, the Mictlan blood summon.
Re: Bug Commentary
I made a mistake and summoned a Treelord in non-forest, and found the following problems:
Giving a Flying Carpet to a Treelord (U621) changes the description to "Move 1/2". Clicking on "Move 1/2" shows "Map Movement Speed 1". But the Treelord still cannot move on the map. Casting "Faery Trod" with a Treelord in non-forest gives the message "The caster is too immobile to use this spell." (the spell is not cast). Casting "Faery Trod" with any other unit in non-forest gives no message, but the unit orders are unchanged (the spell is not cast). |
Modding in Dom3 v3.08 is quite limited: There seems to be a lookup table for descriptions where unit descriptions and descriptions/summaries/briefs from mod nations are added. If you add a couple of things then you soon run out of space, though: Tests with mod nations seem to indicate that there's a limit for a maximum of 183 concurrent user defined texts added via #descr for units and nations or #brief and #summary for nations. After that number is reached, no other texts can be added in that category. If you want to do a greater deal of modding, you'll soon reach that barrier.
Interestingly, #descr tags from new spells don't seem to go into that same table, they don't interfere in this manner. |
Skratti shape change
I sent out a nice moderately equipped Skratti to solo PD. Scripted to Quicken Self, Breath of Winter, change shape, attack.
In werewolf form he won handily, but when I checked the province afterward he was in wolf form and most of his equipment was gone. Makes the nice werewolf form kind of useless. The Skratti should not go to the wolf form after changing shape in battle. I suspect that the code simply executes another change shape if the unit changes shape in battle. This works for other units, because they (all?) only have 2 shapes. Since the Skratti has 3 it just cycles to the next. Not only is the equipment lost, but this could cause serious problems if another battle occurs the same turn. |
Naga darkvision
I'm not going to go through the 70 pages to find out if this has been posted yet and I can't find it on the shortlist, but the Patalan naga troops (Naga and Naga Warrior) are lacking Darkvision, while the commanders aren't.
Re: Naga darkvision
Doesn't sound like an issue that has been reported so far, so I'll check that and add it to the shortlist later today. |
Re: Naga darkvision
Re: Naga darkvision
Ah, now I see why that is, yeah. Sorry, my bad.
Another thing, which I think was reported before, but I'm not sure: If somebody cast Astral Window in a province and there's a battle inside it then it shows up as battlefield enchantment. Bug or WAD? |
Re: Naga darkvision
I'm inclined to think that would be an oversight or a minor bug. Local enchantments that affect the whole province, such as domes, astral window etc show up as icons, perhaps because some spells indeed affect battles in the province. Some artifacts and items also cause stuff that appears as icons, so I suppose it lumps all local stuff in the same category and displays it. There's a related shortlist entry regarding the Ark in the CBT section, I suppose this would belong there.
However, no confirmation on the BUG/WAD issue. |
Re: Naga darkvision
Not really a bug but a little strange mod behavior I've found making the Greyhawk mod : if copystats of a marignon inquisitor is used to give the ability "inquisitor" to a new monster, it's impossible to suppress the magic skills of the monster, even non holy magic (#clearmagic doesn't work with inquisitors, #magicskill 0 0 do nothing)
Re: Naga darkvision
Did you enter #clearmagic multiple times?
Like this - #clearmagic#clearmagic#clearmagic#clearmagic Ever since they 'fixed' the #clearmagic command I've had to do that in order to get it working. |
Repel formula
The multiple attack reduction for repel attempts doesn't seem to be working properly, at least in relation to the Swarm spell.
One unit with a 24 attack value cut through 120 Swarm dragonflies in 3 rounds with repels in one game I'm in, which is clearly close to a statistical impossibility if he was at a -78 attack skill penalty for the 40th fly on each round. |
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
1 Attachment(s)
Favoring pans for their huge call of maenads (sp?), ability to do blood sacrifices and great ability to research, I've ~7 at my capitol creating an overwhelming number of the missile fodder. I've also an army abroad with a little over 1000 units, majority maenads (maenids, maeneds? maneids? bah...) attacking what's left of C'tis' nation. But, while cleaning up, I keep crashing. I'm not sure if it's the huge number of units or what... It crashes around the time the CPU starts handling battle loading (on turn "hosting", not actually watching battles).
I can post the savegame if you care to look at, fairly annoying and especially distracting. Edit~ 2 mods running, both mostly cosmetic with only minor stat changes to pretenders. Posted savegame with mods I was running in a rar as attachment. |
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
1 Attachment(s)
Splitting up my biggest army seemed to fix this... =/
Posted attachment of game after split (w.o. mods to save Shrap's BW) |
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
Gooles - do you use the latest patch or an older one like 3.06?
A bug was fixed in 3.08 that crashed the game when too many units were on the battlefield. |
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
3.08, that's why I was so surprised. I can have thousands of units in Ermor but for some reason crashes on Pang.
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
That is not related to the battlefield overcrowding bug, but is another issue where there are so many units in one province that the game experiences some sort of memory error or something when you try to select too many via shift-click or doubleclick, because it needs to check all the units at once.
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
It isn't when I'm selecting units though, it's when I end a turn
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
Probably a different problem then. Please provide an detailed description of when and how it happens.
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
The random map generator never makes mountain provinces, only border mountains.
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
I created a random map once where two to three thin provinces were sandwiched between mountain ridges, it looked really weird especially because those provinces were basically tunnels, but it looked like a solid mountain mass. I manually removed their neighbors and set a few border mountains or cave province tags to their former neighbors and had a nice impassable terrain. |
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
No idea if changing the setting affects the map you get when you choose random map during game creation. edit: the setting isn't saved. Perhaps it should be, or the default should be normal mountains? |
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
Things that don't work in weapon modding commands:
#aoe (number) - simply doesn't appear to do anything #secondaryeffectalways (weapon/effect number) - it does assign a secondary effect to the weapon, but it doesn't always go off, nor is it even the effect/weapon which corresponds with the number you gave. For example I put in #secondaryeffectalways 183 I should get the snake bladder stick going off every time I swing that weapon, or every time that projectile lands. Instead I get a shortsword as a secondary effect and that only happens if I hit/wound someone, or not at all. Things I thought worked properly: #secondaryeffect (weapon/effect number) But now I doubt that too. It works fine for effect/weapon 50 and 51 - weak and strong poison. But when I was trying to make my plague censer weapon, I ran into a problem. Here's the code. #newweapon 695 #name "Plague Censer" #dmg 8 #att 1 #twohanded #def -1 #len 4 #rcost 6 #flail #secondaryeffect 183 #end That should (I believe) fire off an aoe 4 snake bladder hit every time I land a blow with it. It doesn't. It doesn't appear to do anything, although the weapon /says/ the secondary effect is 'snake bladder stick'. I've also tried it with,.. #secondaryeffect 167 - poison sling, which has aoe 1. #secondaryeffect 342 - poison ink, aoe 2, which is actually listed in the mod manual as a suggested secondaryeffect. Neither of those worked either. I don't think they even work against the single guy you do hit. I've never seen them get poisoned by them, for instance. Sorry if this is a little bit disorganised, but I wanted to be clear about exactly what seems broken/buggy to me. Can the devs shed any light on this? |
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
#secondaryeffectalways will be fixed in next patch, it is already listed as such on the progress page. The #aoe problem has been shortlisted.
Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
When playing mp on a network server in two games Velusion's tempest and perpuality, I can download a turn fine and play it, but when i hit "End Turn" the game freezes and I have to use the task manager to force the dominions (3.08) to end. Yet, when I go back to the server, after restarting the game, the server reports the turn uploaded. So far I have discovered that as long as I don't move any units I can exit from the game properly, but if move anyone the game freezes as described above. Hope this makes sense and helps, D. |
Hama Dryads
Unit U932 Hama Dryad
Both the description of Hama Dryads and the description of the Spirits of the Wood spell says they can never leave their home province. But they have map move 2, and are able to leave their home province. They do appear to lose HP outside their home province. The spell description "they never leave the land of their home." The unit description is "they never leave the province they are summoned to." Maybe the descriptions just need to be updated to "slowly die when they leave their home", like the Contact Naiad spell. |
Re: Hama Dryads
I've just discovered (to my great cost) that fire resistance from Phoenix Power and Army of Gold don't stack. Why? Why, I ask? My poor mages...
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