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Reay September 12th, 2008 01:38 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I am back home and have taken over EA Tir Na N'Og once again. Any communications should go to me now, thanks.

Falkor September 12th, 2008 06:49 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Originally Posted by Xietor (Post 637880)
History repeats itself from the last Big Game, with Lanka killing Kailasa.

Very thematic war for both nations. Although, following the story of Dominions Kailasa should win to enter MA.


Originally Posted by Xietor (Post 637880)
Will history repeat itself further and MA Ctis kill off Lanka?

Herewith the High Circle of Lanka is sending warm greetings to the new neighbours of MA CĀ“tis. :D

atul September 12th, 2008 07:38 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Originally Posted by Falkor (Post 637920)
Very thematic war for both nations. Although, following the story of Dominions Kailasa should win to enter MA.

Bah. During the time of Bandar Log the unscrupulous monkey sorcerers have just found some style and aren't blathering about their blood dabbling everywhere they go. Blood and death summons are still available, fortunately there's a lot to go around.

Remember, where there's a bloodhunting scout, there's a way.

Hadrian_II September 12th, 2008 10:18 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Originally Posted by Falkor (Post 637920)

Originally Posted by Xietor (Post 637880)
History repeats itself from the last Big Game, with Lanka killing Kailasa.

Very thematic war for both nations. Although, following the story of Dominions Kailasa should win to enter MA.

Kailasa is only in tactical retreat to gain time to rebuild our forces after a long and hard war against Midgard, but soon we will be ready to punish Lanka for its cowardly move against an exhausted neighbour.

DonCorazon September 13th, 2008 01:22 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
There is nothing worse than the Utgard postal service. It seems some air gems were delivered to the wrong nation. We appreciate the honesty of the recipient who notified our postmaster of the mistake. Since that nation has not since responded to the PM we sent, this message is to let them know we are asking them to forward the gems to their LA brother, and we will send them a reward for their good deed and they will forever be considered a friend of Utgard.

In other news, Two-Eyes is back in shape, having worked off some flab in a recent clash. The Savior of Utgard got to demonstrate his awesome prowess when a slight pin prick triggered his legendary bad temper, causing him to charge alone into a force of 300ish enemy warriors. While Utgardians watching the combat held their breath in horror as Two-Eyes found himself alone and surrounded by the horde of foes, he miraculously emerged unscathed and ready to defend his crown in the next arena match...

Xietor September 15th, 2008 11:39 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
As most of you know, Jazzepi is now running the game and has been since about 10 or so turns ago. He is having some power issues. Llamabeast changed the admin. pw when Jazzepi took over as admin., and i asked both of them to do that since it is best to only have 1 person able to change host times etc.

With LLamabeast on vacation, and Jazzepi without power(temporarily due to a storm), we are on autopilot until power is restored in Jazzepi's area.

Good Luck.

Jazzepi September 15th, 2008 02:38 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I'm still here! I'm only going to have internet once or twice a day, though, when I drive over to the Panera and use theirs.

I'll do my best to honor any requests for extensions, etc, but expect some delay.


Zeldor September 15th, 2008 02:56 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
It could be good to extend hosting by 24h. It looks like llamas mail server is down - it is not accepting turn files.

Meglobob September 15th, 2008 04:58 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Please extend the timer. No one can get there turn in, only 3 nations so far, I completed my turn and sent it ages ago.

Xietor September 15th, 2008 07:18 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Jazzepi sent me the pw since his power is unreliable.

I will go ahead and postpone hosting. Jazzepi can tinker with the timer as he see fits when he gets back to a coffee house.

Since he is est, i will postpone hosting by 20h so it will host while he is awake. if he wants a different time, he can adjust it when he logs in.

Ouch. I think llamaserver also postponed hosting when i did it. I got an unusual message saying the hosting was postponed twice in a very short period of time. Be sure this is what you want to do.

In any event, if it was Jazzepi, my apologies. I added 20 hours. So you can just subtract 20 to get what delay you wanted. Too many cooks spoil the broth, but we do not want everyone staling or stressing out either.


Another edit-Llamaserver is not updating, but it did acknowledge the 20h delay i put in. So when it comes back online i think it will delay the game, and not host. That is my best guess.

Zeldor September 15th, 2008 07:30 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

That looks bad:

20:30 GMT on Monday September 15th Hosting delayed by 48 hours.
20:33 GMT on Monday September 15th Hosting delayed by 48 hours.
21:07 GMT on Monday September 15th Hosting delayed by 48 hours.

I hope it gets switched to max 24h after server getting back online.

Jazzepi September 15th, 2008 11:53 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Okay, I now have power.

Llamaserver is pooping a proverbial brick. It's unable to take turns for some people, and it seems to be repeating commands like crazy. I requested a resend of my turn for a certain game, and I got 15 different copies of that resent turn like 3 hours later.

I'm going to keep extending the game timer until llamabeast returns or the issues with turn submission get sorted out.


Meglobob September 16th, 2008 08:22 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Llamaserver could well be down until the Llama himself comes back, he is due back on the 20th.

Apparently, it could well be the victim of hurricane Ike. The mailing account used by Llamaserver is down due to damage caused by Ike.

Even if it comes back, it will likely be chaos, as it gets bombarded by emails and whatnot.

Darkwind September 16th, 2008 12:33 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I was afraid I'd stale! You see, I live in Ohio. Ohio just had a hurricane (albeit a minor one) and is currently in a state of emergency (or so I've heard) due to said hurricane. My power was out for two days. Fortunately I haven't staled, since that would spell the end of Ulm. :)

Ike really did a lot of damage.

Xietor September 16th, 2008 12:47 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Ike was not a hurricane when it hit Ohio. With all due respect, it was not even a tropical storm any more. Likely just got some high winds and thunderstorms.

But if you thought the remnants of Ike was a hurricane, you can imagine what Texas
went through. Ike was a category 2 hurricane when it made landfall in Texas

But being without Power sucks, regardless of the cause. Glad you did not stale!.

Foodstamp September 16th, 2008 01:11 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I don't get why hurricanes are such a big deal nowadays. When I lived on the Gulf Coast I went through a cat 4 , cat 3 and cat 2 at landfall. It was a scary deal but not nearly as scary as a tornado. Now it seems like if a cat 2 makes landfall somewhere it is the apocalypse. Must be lower lay of the land in those areas or something, but hurricanes have really become a dramatic ordeal.

It used to be: If you lived right on the water you headed north. If you lived atleast 10+ miles inland, you boarded up/taped your windows and bought enough food to ride it out. When it was over, you cleaned up your yard and did whatever repairs you needed to do and talked about it with your friends for a few weeks.

Now it seems like people want to stay in their waterfront homes to show how tough they are, and the inland people can't cope with cleaning their yard up. Then it becomes a big media circus as people are rescued off the rooftop of their ocean front home.

I think the exception to this rule is Katrina. I don't think enough was done to warn people how bad it was going to be, a hurricane hitting a city in a bowl. But Ike shouldn't have been such a serious event.

Either way, I hope the people involved in Ike are able to get their homes/lives back in order when they get power on and get back in.

Zeldor September 16th, 2008 01:17 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

I guess it is about huge amount of people getting homes [even whole cities] where nothing should be built. Most of the times with hurricanes, floods etc it comes to situations like that.

Foodstamp September 16th, 2008 01:49 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I blame it on republicans. If we elect a democrat president hurricanes will stop.

Darkwind September 16th, 2008 04:01 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I remember my family said that someone on the news said (or perhaps someone heard that someone on the news said, or perhaps someone heard from their aunt in Mississippi that her friend in Connecticut had heard someone on the news said, etc.) Ike was a category 1 when it hit Ohio.

Upon checking Wikipedia, it seems wind levels in Columbus near where I live) were equivalent to that of a level 1 hurricane. Not much rain though, and Wikipedia isn't the best of sources (or so everyone I know says).

Jazzepi September 16th, 2008 04:11 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
There was no rain where I was in Columbus, but the winds were really bad. I lost a tree in my front yard, and near my mother's old house a woman lost half of her roof.


Xietor September 16th, 2008 04:31 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

This shows Ike was reduced to about 35 mph in the midwest. Perhaps when the warm Gulf air mixed with colder air you got some thunderstorm activity from Ike's passage. Thunderstorm's can cause high winds and severe weather.

DrPraetorious September 16th, 2008 04:48 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I was in Ohio when it hit - the wind was above 35 mph, and it was sustained, over several hours. Hardly any rainfall, at least where I am (Columbus.)

The damage to the power grid is fairly severe, but the reason AEP is having so much trouble bringing it back up is that they sent most of their teams down to Texas, not anticipating any damage this far inland.

Tichy September 16th, 2008 05:18 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Up in Milwaukee we didn't get wind, but all sorts of rain and humidity.

Hot hot hot...then cold...then hot again. Cold now.

Same with Chicago

Zeldor September 20th, 2008 04:11 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Are we putting back time on 24h from now or leaving it at that horrible 48 more hours?

Xietor September 22nd, 2008 06:12 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
We are approaching the 72 hour hosting period(turn 70). Reference the original thread.

JimMorrison September 22nd, 2008 06:24 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Originally Posted by Xietor (Post 639713)
We are approaching the 72 hour hosting period(turn 70). Reference the original thread.

Well, "approaching". ;) My turn says 56, so that's a month away from 72h turns, if we continue at 48h hosting for now. :p

Jazzepi September 22nd, 2008 07:06 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I'd like to hear people's thoughts on quickhost being turned off. I'm thinking about switching it back on.


Xietor September 22nd, 2008 07:17 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I have no problem with quickhost on, but you will have to micromanage it. When everyone but ma man has done their turn, you need to use the force host option.

Just make sure everyone has turned in their turn. Or you may want to ask llamabeast to unplug MA Man. they served their purpose, i think.

Zeldor September 22nd, 2008 10:13 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I prefer quickhost off, at least when we still have 48h timer. I find it easier to have the ability to submit unfinished turn earlier.

Xietor September 22nd, 2008 11:48 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
LA Tien Chi has departed Kingmaker. Good game Ossa. At one time LA Tien Chi owned 3 capitals.

!0/22 EA races, 9/18 LA races, and 8 /21 MA races remain. It appears the Late Age is doing best, at least in terms of percentage of races left standing on turn 56.

27/63 races left. Of those several are not looking like AAA investment stocks. Many of the same old stocks are still blue chip quality, LA Agartha, EA Neifelheim, Helheim, LA Marignon, LA Caelum, etc.

Some new entries to the blue chip index are EA Lanka, Utgard, and Formoria. Analysts say that MA Ctis and EA Mictlan stocks may alsobe on the rise, while cautioning against buying much Atlantis or Arcoscephale stock.

MA Ulm, MA Tien Chi, and LA Abysia stock has been downgraded and their CEOs caution that if a bailout is not imminent, they may totter into bankruptcy.

Lingchih September 23rd, 2008 12:55 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
No worries. The Fed will step in and bail out those countries.

DrPraetorious September 23rd, 2008 07:34 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
It appears that the LA Man player has vanished into the cosmic infidibulum. Assuming he doesn't show up - he gave me an e-mail address to contact him, which he seemed to create for this game, so I'm not sure if he checks the forums or that address anymore - is there any objection to my going and finding him a sub?

Xietor September 23rd, 2008 07:43 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
No objection from me, assuming the player harbors me no ill will:eek::eek::eek:

I am only one province away from having a border with LA Man and I have troubles aplenty with my naps dropping like flies near a Shell No Pest Strip.

Jazzepi September 23rd, 2008 08:26 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Originally Posted by DrPraetorious (Post 639944)
It appears that the LA Man player has vanished into the cosmic infidibulum. Assuming he doesn't show up - he gave me an e-mail address to contact him, which he seemed to create for this game, so I'm not sure if he checks the forums or that address anymore - is there any objection to my going and finding him a sub?

Tell me when, and if, you find a sub. Otherwise I'll set him to AI.


Zeldor September 23rd, 2008 09:10 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
HE is a big nation allied to DrP, maybe someone else should look for an ally? :D

But yeah, he does not check that forums, so you can contact him just only ingame messages or email. It would be quite bad to put nation so big on AI.

Xietor September 23rd, 2008 09:35 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
He has only staled 1 time. And given his consistent behavior over 56 turns i would certainly not set him to ai until he has staled a second time, and then a sub is looked for. I think he was an ally of Dr. P, so it is not unfair to let Dr. P look for a sub for him if he has gone.

Things happen. maybe his computer died(: Or his wife deleted Dominions from his hard drive. shrug.

He may not even be aware he staled. Typically when you submit a turn and llamaserver comes back up, it processes that turn. It is unusual that the turns were lost this time around. It is prudent to begin looking for a sub, especially if you are Dr. P, but LA Man may resurface.

Edit-actually that was his 1st stale in 56 turns. I would certainly be very cautious before setting someone to Ai that had not staled in 55 turns.

AdmiralZhao September 23rd, 2008 11:32 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
A quick note about EA Mictlan. While I have no information about EA Mictlan except their army graph, I have won a 30 person game with Mictlan before. When I did, my army graph looked exactly like that, since I was summoning one Onaqui after another in order to use them as free-spawn bat factories. The bats are fairly deadly and have no upkeep, and Mictlan will get more and more each turn so long as he's investing in Onaqui's. The Onaqui's are also very good in large games, since their cost has not been nerfed like clams and everything else. If you are neighbor of EA Mictlan, and you see giant bat armies flying around, you should think about stomping on Mictlan before their geometric growth gets too out of control.

Zeldor September 23rd, 2008 11:40 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I see slaves around there, billions of them. Probably as a food for bats.

AdmiralZhao September 23rd, 2008 11:46 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Whew, ok, that makes me feel safer. Mictlan, please forget what I said about Onaqui spamming.

Meglobob September 24th, 2008 07:35 AM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Thanks for your concern Admiral, but Ea Mictlan is not really any threat at the moment compared to several other races which should concern yourself and others much more!

I was already very much aware of the Onaqui and its useful auto-bat summoning ability btw but against some of the SC's already wondering around the bats have limited value. Even assuming I had the ability to cast weapons of sharpness/giant str on them.

Xietor September 24th, 2008 02:58 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
LA Man submitted a turn already btw, so it looks as rumors of his demise were premature.

Baalz September 24th, 2008 03:40 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Heh, bats are stealthy! Attach them to civateteos and nobody will see them until they darken the skies!

Meglobob September 24th, 2008 03:48 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Can we all just stop talking about bats please?

Why not chat about Niefelheim or Helheim or Agartha or just someone else.

Ea Mictlan, nothing to see here, except pools of blood running down from a bloody altar.

Zeldor September 24th, 2008 04:18 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
I would talk about that bastardas that put all that globals up. Lanka conquering Kailasa without any problem is something to talk about too. Big war coming in the east should be also interesting. Who will win there? And can Man-Niefel team stomp everyone? And what happens if Niefel rules the seas, as he promises to do?

Hadrian_II September 24th, 2008 04:35 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!

Originally Posted by Zeldor (Post 640226)
I would talk about that bastardas that put all that globals up. Lanka conquering Kailasa without any problem is something to talk about too. Big war coming in the east should be also interesting. Who will win there? And can Man-Niefel team stomp everyone? And what happens if Niefel rules the seas, as he promises to do?

Lankas Thugs > Kailasas Thugs
Also Kailasa just won a huge pyrric victory against Midgard. (On the time of lankas attack there where around 40 sacreds ready)

but you might try to stomp lanka now as they might be at least a little bit distracted

Xietor September 24th, 2008 05:21 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
This war has already been done in Perpetuality.

Lanka killed kailasa, and several other races, only to fall to the undead of MA Ctis.


Though you cannot see the Banelords, or the skelly spammers, or the Rigor Mortis, foul vapors, or shadow blasts,
MA Ctis's forces killed this Lanka attacking army pretty much to the last demon. If Lanka took a n9 bless, then history surely does repeat itself.

If you look closely you can see the mandahas, but not the constr 8 items they wore.

Zeldor September 24th, 2008 05:28 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Looks quite similar to what I have seen in last few turns.

Xietor September 24th, 2008 06:20 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Not surprising.

Lanka was played competently in both games. Though I think the n9 is a mistake. n8 would be better.

Xietor September 24th, 2008 08:24 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
On turn 57 Kingmaker waves goodbye to Revolution, who controlled MA Tien Chi. MA Tien Chi had a rough game facing a very tough first foe in EA Abysia, who had a e9n4 bless.

Divine intervention saved MA Tien Chi that time, but there was no saving him from the combined might of Formoria and Utgard. Double Ouch!

Thanks for playing Revolution. You had some very ill luck in opponents this game, but we were glad to see you. You did manage to curse most of those blind werewolves.

I was thinking of gating in and enslaving the lot of them, then i wondered, why I would want blind, cursed werewolves?:):)

Darkwind September 24th, 2008 08:47 PM

Re: KingMaker - let the Ascension War commence!
Equip spare Lycantropos Amulets on them? :)

Anyways, I tried to set up the Wrath of God. I failed. Sigh. 100 pearls down the drain. MA Ulm's hopes are becoming increasingly small, though at least our Astral brigade will hopefully soon rain down pain on LA Arco, or perhaps have pain rained down on it. Either way our troops get some relief.

On the plus side I've begun actually killing things (though very few things) instead of just wholesale slaughter. At a time I think the Ulmish army feared stray kittens, and these are tough guys in full armor.

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