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FrankTrollman February 27th, 2007 10:36 PM

Re: Casual PBEM (looking for players)

johnarryn February 27th, 2007 10:46 PM

Re: Casual PBEM (looking for players)
At no point did I say I was not going to attack Ermor. Stop claiming that is what I said. As Marignon, I said something that misled you, potentially, but I certainly never said that I would not attack Ermor...

We all have complaints about what happens to use in the game. I'm sure Vanheim isnt thrilled you took advantage of him staling for several turns to prosecute a war against him.

I don't really know what you mean by my diplomacy being "suspect", but the other players will be able to make up their own minds, I think.

Anyhow, I would appreciate it if you stopped calling me a liar.

GameExtremist February 28th, 2007 04:16 AM

Re: Casual PBEM (looking for players)
Well, Marignon didn't make any formal binding agreements with Ermor (and please to stop this becoming personal - although it has gone that way a little we should use the nation names). I see the game (dom3) as having a heavy rp aspect to it - but hey thats me, one game I might be your bosom buddy if I think the RP is justified or the exact opposite i'll tuen on you like a stray dog...depending on the "feel" of that nation, the pretender and what my scales are.

As for Ermor being in a tight spot...sheesh! I subbed into this game in two turns I have a large undead force putting my back to the wall,(not ranting - just telling my side of things) Truely I don't think Ermor is in a bad situation at all if things go their way with Vanheim (that would be me : ( ).

Game on and have fun!

Morkilus February 28th, 2007 03:10 PM

Re: Casual PBEM (looking for players)
Frank: I can understand you being upset, but you have absolutely no basis to call a PLAYER a liar. If you feel the need to write insults, suit it up in a sufficient in-character diatrabe, sort of like this:


Originally posted by Ygorl
Ygorl's goodwill towards Suli-Krom, Vlesthrot, and the people of Vanheim had been magnificent. He set aside his own desires in an attempt to protect a path to the sea for the weaker nation, and even ceded to Vanheim one province in exchange for the right to keep another with Suli-Krom's "goodwill". When this campaign was unsuccessful, due to the rapid growth of Ermor, he relinquished his claim on that land as well. He did this even before the passage of the so-called "Safe Territory" amendment, under no compulsion but the compulsion of his generous hearts. Later, he supported Suli-Krom in his bid for Vice Chairwyrm of the Council, still under the belief that this wyrm had hearts to match Ygorl's.

Some time after the emergence of the dwarves of Vanheim, the great Lord Ygorl inquired if he might have a hammer or two from the short smith-folk in consideration of his past efforts and gifts on behalf of the fledgling Vanheim. Instead of the expected joy at an opportunity to repay past kindness, Vanheim sent an envoy bearing ugly words: "Past favors do not buy present gifts", he said. "Your temples on my borders offend me," he said. The entire nation of Man was thunderstruck... Such an entirely foreign notion was unexpected from their neighbors that until that moment had seemed nearly brothers.

When the beneficent Ygorl replied that he was not the only one with temples in the area, and that he needed his temples to ensure belief in his divinity against the potent faith of Ermor and the vile miasma oozing from the cesspool that was C'tis, and that in fact Ygorl's temples could serve to moderate the impact of these other temples on the faith of the questionable Einheres, Vlesthrot seemed able to grasp Ygorl's divne wisdom. He agreed that Ygorl's temples were reasonable. "Remember, though, your past kindness bought you nothing. Your good works mean nothing. If you want hammers, you will have to pay for them!" He offered to sell Ygorl two such hammers for four hundred pounds of gold; certainly a reasonable price, but hardly a just acknowledgement given all that Ygorl had done for Vanheim when Vanheim was still struggling to make it in this world.

Digging into the records, it seems that the magnanimous Lord Ygorl accepted. He had money for only one hammer on hand, and said that he was sending it immediately and would purchase the second hammer a month or two later. The first hammer arrived two months after Ygorl sent the money; two months later, Ygorl sent the gold for a second. The gold was returned, with a note from some insultingly low-placed peon in the Vanheim government saying that the price had gone up.

Apparently, the mighty Lord Ygorl replied in frustrated disbelief that a supposed "friend" could be so disgustingly duplicitous, dishonest, and greedy. Another niggling worm responded (apparently the prophet of Suli-Krom had better things to do than to converse with the "mere" Lord of Man) that we had been too slow in sending the gold, and that other nations been purchasing hammers for more than the price that they had offered us; and so they were rescinding the offer! They might sell some hammers for an increased price, but they wanted us to let them come through the lands we had given them and burn down our temples in our own land because they bordered the land we had given them! This makes me burn for so many reasons that it's not even worth writing them all down! They should be obvious to any decent readers, and any other kind of readers probably wouldn't understand anyway. Who makes a deal and then breaks it out of sheerest avarice? Especially in this manner, and with this kind of history behind it?

Aww.. I had so much fun with this game, though I learned very little about actually playing Dominions http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Manuk February 28th, 2007 08:39 PM

Re: Casual PBEM (looking for players)
It's been an incident so strange in one of my provinces (caelum). Seems that a large group of feminist activists, motivated but a known nation, atacked my province and attempted against the life our deity himself. Not only they dangered the life of that gracious creature but we had our female population reduced.
(the latter is even a more serious offense to many of caelian citizens)
Perhaps such malevolent creatures are asking us to pay them a short visit to civilize them.

FrankTrollman February 28th, 2007 09:09 PM

Re: Casual PBEM (looking for players)

Ewierl March 1st, 2007 02:09 AM

Re: Casual PBEM (looking for players)

Manuk said:
It's been an incident so strange in one of my provinces (caelum). Seems that a large group of feminist activists, motivated but a known nation, atacked my province and attempted against the life our deity himself. Not only they dangered the life of that gracious creature but we had our female population reduced.
(the latter is even a more serious offense to many of caelian citizens)
Perhaps such malevolent creatures are asking us to pay them a short visit to civilize them.

When I first read this, I thought, "Who's playing Sauromatia?" Then I remembered this is MA. Poor Caelians, losing their women to Imprint Souls, I imagine? Or am I still confused?

Teraswaerto March 1st, 2007 04:57 AM

Re: Casual PBEM (looking for players)
They were Maenads, but not sent by the leadership of Pangaea. We are half a world away from Caelum, and have no way of sending such a force there.

We assumed it was a random event, much like the occasional attack by Ermorian cultists, though we are sure most would find Maenads more pleasant to look at, at least, before they are torn to shreds by them. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I'll have to make a mental note on the effectiveness of Tangle Vines against high defense creatures though.

Morkilus March 1st, 2007 02:36 PM

So-called \"Casual\" PBEM

FrankTrollman said:

Frank: I can understand you being upset, but you have absolutely no basis to call a PLAYER a liar.

Why bother making inane comments like that. Of course you can call another player a liar.

All right, let me fix that for you:

You (FrankTrollman) have absolutely no basis to call johnarryn (the player) a liar outside the context of diplomacy within a game. I'm not sure anyone would agree with you that it's okay to sling mud at a player because you were outwitted and lost a game. Take your beatings and accept it. We have several conventions for "nice play" and your flaming in this thread goes against them.

As for what I understand happened in your diplomacy: This stuff happens all the time. Messages get lost, people make mistakes, and yes, they make attacks of opportunity and use deception to gain the upper hand. If you want to play a game where this doesn't occur, I suggest an Annonymous/No Diplomacy game or playing against the AI.


Actions have consequences. Being a tool when it profits you not is not something that we as a communit should reward.

With this I agree completely. Are you gaining anything with this, or are you being vindictive?

Micah March 1st, 2007 06:39 PM

Re: So-called \"Casual\" PBEM
I'm in the market for 100 supply worth of items (2 wine bags or a cauldron) PM me if you can supply such and we can make a deal.

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