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-   -   Mod: Nation - Tomb Kings - v1.03 released (March 2009)! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=35201)

Koral February 20th, 2011 08:17 AM

Re: Nation - Tomb Kings - v1.03 released (March 2009)!

The gilded scorpion is really OP as a pretender chassis. Stats:
E1D2 Dom2 Fear+0+D Trample UD Lifeless PR100 CR100 Str/att/def 20/14/10 Prot 19 Enc 0 NewPath 40 150 pts.
You also need to remove the scorpion hero. (Or make him a summon) It is the same enc 0 trampler, but holy and priest. It won't have awe but regenerates without research after self-buffing and can get heroic abilities.

I got lucky in SP and got it on turn 1. Thats an autowin.

Ragnoff March 9th, 2011 11:00 AM

Re: Nation - Tomb Kings - v1.03 released (March 2009)!
A very minor request, but most of the other mods based on the warhammer universe are named Warhammer ArmyName, which makes them easy to find as a group.

Any chance of this one following suit?


llamabeast March 9th, 2011 11:45 AM

Re: Nation - Tomb Kings - v1.03 released (March 2009)!
Do you mean the thread name or the .dm file name?

Ragnoff March 9th, 2011 07:18 PM

Re: Nation - Tomb Kings - v1.03 released (March 2009)!
the dm file and folder in the mod directory, now that I think of it it is not that big of a deal, but I spent a while one time trying to figure out where the Warhammer - Dwarfs went! downloaded that sucker 3 times before I realized it was just called Dwarfs :(

Jack_Trowell May 1st, 2011 09:23 AM

Re: Nation - Tomb Kings - v1.03 released (March 2009)!
As a new warhammer army book for Tomb Kings is coming this month, is there a plan to use it as inspirations for expending this mod ?

Among the new units :

- Ushabtis with great bows (expensives and few in numbers, but with enough strength to kill an armored knight)

- Bone giant has with one version having a massive bow of the sands (think "moving ballista")

- hierotitan : a sacred construct boosting lich-priests nearby, and with its own bound spells (ray of sacred light, or soul slaying death spell)

- war sphinx, used as a mount for a King or 4 Tomb gards, will trample lesser infantry

- Necrosphinx, flying dispenser of death, a killer of monsters

- stalkers: serpent like constructs with a death gaze that transform their target into sand if not fast enough

- sepulcher knights: elite tomb gards mounted on cobra-like constructs

- new character: necrotect, repearing nearby constructs (small healing spell that target only lifeless being if it is possible ?), and giving their unit hatred (some king of onebattlespell giving a bonus to attack maybe ?)

WraithLord May 1st, 2011 12:17 PM

Re: Nation - Tomb Kings - v1.03 released (March 2009)!
yummy :)

Soyweiser October 6th, 2011 12:16 PM

Re: Nation - Tomb Kings - v1.03 released (March 2009)!
I think the asp bows are MR and not PR. My own undead PR troops got poisoned.

llamabeast October 6th, 2011 12:40 PM

Re: Nation - Tomb Kings - v1.03 released (March 2009)!
Wow, that's a bug. Well spotted.

Soyweiser October 6th, 2011 01:12 PM

Re: Nation - Tomb Kings - v1.03 released (March 2009)!
Also most of the undead priests cannot go underwater. While the one commander without magic and the mage can. A bit odd. (most troops can go underwater, except the watcher and the chariots).

llamabeast October 6th, 2011 02:15 PM

Re: Nation - Tomb Kings - v1.03 released (March 2009)!
Yeah, that's deliberate. The mummified units can't go in the water (it would get very yucky).

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