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Ubercat September 3rd, 2007 12:42 AM

Re: Host delay?

Micah said:
Hey, Parcelt asked for an extension ahead of time and it's 4-5 hours til host and his 2h isn't in, so I'm thinking we ought to set the timer back. Anyone have any more info regarding that?

Thanks for the reminder. I just delayed it by 15 hours.

Sensori September 3rd, 2007 08:31 PM

Re: Host delay?
Heh, your ally removed the last vestiges of claims you had of our dishonorability by attacking us in similar fashion as we attacked you! Indeed, it has voided all your claims of anything dishonorable taking place, and all that is left is the fact that our armies are raiding within your lands, and they have absolutely nothing to lose. While we shall undoubtably die, and the Sauromatians will most undoubtably dishonor our dead, as is customary for their foul nation, at least we die knowing that we did indeed drive deep into the lands of the foul, traitorous Sauromatians, whom poison the very ground they walk upon!

Come, good Abysians, take over everything you can see! A bounty of provinces awaits you!

Baalz September 3rd, 2007 10:05 PM

Re: Host delay?
Yes, when you're known to break NAPs others don't tend to honor them with you, a hard lesson about consequences I fear you won't have much time to consider. Rest assured, I had no doubt from the moment you attacked that you lacked any interest in doing other than scorching as much earth as possible. Lacking the character and ability to do otherwise, monkeys fling poo....you have to expect distasteful behavior when dealing with your sort.

Jazzepi September 3rd, 2007 10:18 PM

Re: Host delay?
The grand people of Abysia see no need to honor pacts with pact breakers. We held our end of the NAP, gave notification, and then saw it broken against our neighbor.


Sensori September 3rd, 2007 10:36 PM

Re: Host delay?
Hmm, so you are saying that it is alright to stoop to the level of those whom you might consider dishonorable? Hahahahaha. More jokes! You sure know how to keep us entertained. No, it in fact only reinforced our point on that attacking on the third month of the NAP cancellation, even if orders were given on the second month, was exactly what should be done, as that is what your ally did as well! And you still seem to think that we might've actually had a chance against your and Abysia's combined power... Are you completely out of your mind? Have you been using some of those "natural drugs" of yours again?

And let's not kid ourselves. Even the most retarded markata child could see that you fully expected us to defend against the armies of Abysia which piled up on our borders while YOU would get all the good parts of our lands with practically no resistance. The fact that, even while starting to cancel the NAP and claiming that your armies would roll into our lands in three months, you failed to bring any proper forces to our borders, ever. Too bad your plan backfired as we managed to get the momentum instead of you, and now Abysia is reaping the benefits while you are reaping the damage. Indeed, your tactics are without a shred of honor and are readable as though a book, yet you claim to be "honorable"... Of course you consider us dishonorable because we acted in a way that displeases you, but was obviously the ONLY reasonable action we could take. Which part of that is so hard to understand? We know we can't survive in a war against you AND Abysia. You know that. Abysia knows that. And you still think we care about your views on honor, when you have none?

Please, stop this nonsense. Haven't you heard that a cornered animal is very likely to bite? And it is true for even most sentient creatures? And why do you call us "monkeys"? You are actually related to them, while we are of completely different pedigree. Or does the fact that we use them in battle confuse you? Because, we can assure you, we are not apes. You are.

Sensori September 3rd, 2007 10:40 PM

Re: Host delay?

Jazzepi said:
The grand people of Abysia see no need to honor pacts with pact breakers. We held our end of the NAP, gave notification, and then saw it broken against our neighbor.

Then you are even more stupid than we thought. If you expected us to hold true to anything which concerns either of you when you, two much larger nations than us, are breathing down our collective necks... "Pact broker" is such an idiotic term, especially when it is YOU two who wanted war.

Yes. You wanted war. You got one. Just not on your most optimal terms. Deal with it. If you ever thought that we would just go down quietly, you were stupid, naive and probably mentally retarded.

Papastoss September 4th, 2007 01:10 AM

Re: Host delay?
I got worked. Hard. GG

Jazzepi September 4th, 2007 01:38 AM

Re: Host delay?

Sensori said:

Jazzepi said:
The grand people of Abysia see no need to honor pacts with pact breakers. We held our end of the NAP, gave notification, and then saw it broken against our neighbor.

Then you are even more stupid than we thought. If you expected us to hold true to anything which concerns either of you when you, two much larger nations than us, are breathing down our collective necks... "Pact broker" is such an idiotic term, especially when it is YOU two who wanted war.

Yes. You wanted war. You got one. Just not on your most optimal terms. Deal with it. If you ever thought that we would just go down quietly, you were stupid, naive and probably mentally retarded.

I don't mind light in character joshing between nations, but you are just being offensive. This is your only warning; stop it.


Sensori September 4th, 2007 09:46 AM

Re: Host delay?
As an OOC reply to that... Yeah, I'm being offensive. Towards the Abysians and the Sauromatians. Whom, in the view of the Lankans, spout a lot about honor while going after weaker folks, which isn't very honorable. And then they go ganging up on weaker folks, TOO, because they're cowardly. If the other side doesn't have a fighting chance, it's kinda stoopid to start talking about honor or the lack of it when talking about the other side, when they're doing things that are obviously the best courses of action for them to take before actually dying.

Seriously, if you expect people to actually honor deals, don't go, "I'm breaking this nap rofl, and oh yeah, I'm bringing a friend too just so you really can't do anything." That basically gave me the justification to do whatever I want, because I know I'm gonna die fast anyway, so I don't really have to care about anything anymore, except causing maximum damage to one of you before I really go. Remember the whole thing about the cornered animal being the most likely to bite back? And that is works for humans, too? Well, that's what happened. ;p

Baalz September 4th, 2007 12:17 PM

Re: Host delay?
The thing you have to realize is that by behaving utterly loathsome both in and out of the game all you accomplish is making sure people don’t want to make pacts with you in the future, or indeed even play with you - and perhaps if you’re lucky annoy some people who are playing a game with you for no reason other than mutual enjoyment. Take this advice in the spirit with which it is intended, regardless of how you justify it poor sportsmanship and being a sore looser hurt yourself more than the people you’re trying to annoy. If you behave like somebody you’d want to play with you’ll have a much more satisfying game, and indeed life. Fight the good fight, congratulate your conqueror, and see if there is anything you can learn from your defeat.

By definition its strategy to avoid a fair fight. By definition it's poor sportsmanship to cause grief after you've lost. You decide the player you're going to be.

That’s just my opinion, so don’t bother responding with vitriol as that’s all I’ve got to say about it.

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