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Saxon March 28th, 2008 10:45 AM

Re: Pause for easter?
I wouldn't mind 24 hours again, as things seem really slow now. However, I would stale less at 48 hours, so perhaps I should be quiet! Yes, please consider me a vote for 48 hours.

As a general comment, I am having a lot of fun and I hope you are as well. I have learned so much, so fast it is amazing. So thank you for playing the game with me, even if you are all trying to cut the undead heart out of my pretender!

Ylvali March 29th, 2008 06:00 AM

Re: Pause for easter?
I´m also having great fun! It´s amazing to have your first MP game. Totally different game. All your carefully plotted plans suddenly make a real difference.

cupido2 March 29th, 2008 12:19 PM

Re: Pause for easter?
Greetings from the Vice-King of Abysia. I hope I won't put Klagrok the Great to shame with my humble attempt to lead his realm.

And I would like to ask, if anyone could trade me some earthboots or a dwarven hammer. I'd like to forge Klagrok a nice welcome-back-present. PM me your price for those two things.

Cupido2, Vice-King of Abysia

Ray March 30th, 2008 08:50 PM

Need a temporary substitute for Man
I will have no access to email while I am on vacation from April 5 - April 13. Is there anyone who has been eliminated from the game that would be willing to serve as a substitute for that time? Or does anyone know someone who could do that.

Please post here or PM me if you have any suggestions.

By the way, I echo the others who have already said this, but this game has been both a tremendous learning experience and a lot of fun.

Saxon April 1st, 2008 11:07 AM

Re: Acouchi - MA game for new players (full)
Karlem is still active in other games, you might want to contact him.

Sounds like a nice vacation, I would love to get away from work emails for a while...

Hoplosternum April 2nd, 2008 05:30 PM

Re: Acouchi - MA game for new players (full)
Well it looks like I am about to be knocked out. Bah! Just when I could start making Tartarians too! I doubt they would do me a lot of good though, nothing else has!

But I would like to try out a few of my summons before I go as I have never got far enough to summon them before, even in sp, so I'll try and sell off a few of my items to stay in the game a bit longer. After all you can't take it with you - or so they say....

So if anyone has any of the following - Astral, Fire, Nature or Death gems I'll consider a trade. I'll even consider gold. Enemies included of course! I have on offer....

A Chalice,
A Hammer of the Forge Lord (used but still working),
A shiney Orb of Atlantis - never been used!
A nearly new Flying Ship,
Rings of Wizardry & Sorcery,
A Treelord Staff,
Sundry dwarven hammers, Starshine caps & Crystal Coins,
And many other, as it turns out, useless items....
A bunch of Blood Slaves (70 odd) & a pair of sanguine Dousing rods. Slaves untouched by man or beast!

I will want a reasonable price for these otherwise I think its only fair that I let my conquerers capture them where they fall. And I may want to keep hold of a few odd things for any Thugs I can produce.

Remember its all in a good cause, 'cause Agartha has a big army and will be looking for people to fight after I have gone and you don't want that to be you just yet do you? Not that my summons will necessarily be going against him....

And congratulations to Agartha for his campaign. I have never felt able to even contest his advance. He's totally outclassed my forces in size and quality. And he pulled a nice move last turn http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Saxon April 3rd, 2008 06:48 AM

Re: Acouchi - MA game for new players (full)
Can you post pictures of the blood slaves, I will circulate them amoung the Lictor's and Sages and see if there is any interest...

Darkstone April 3rd, 2008 07:44 PM

Re: Acouchi - MA game for new players (full)
Frankly, I'm a bit confused how selling your items of power is going to help, but I shan't protest. If I time things correctly, and the next move/trick you pull is what I think it is, you won't get a chance to use anything you get.


Hoplosternum said:
Bah! Just when I could start making Tartarians too!

It seems my reasoning and timing was spot on, then.


Hoplosternum said:
Remember its all in a good cause, 'cause Agartha has a big army and will be looking for people to fight after I have gone and you don't want that to be you just yet do you? Not that my summons will necessarily be going against him....

Such baseless fearmongering, it really doesn't suit you.

Besides, trafficking in blood items/gems and selling arms to a wartorn nation in need of peace, stability, and the gentle and prosperous rule of the Oracles (who will not overtax the population like you have done) is hardly a good cause.


Hoplosternum said:
And congratulations to Agartha for his campaign. I have never felt able to even contest his advance. He's totally outclassed my forces in size and quality. And he pulled a nice move last turn http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Thank you, it's nice to have one's efforts appreciated.

It's true that I threw a massive torrent of mages, thugs, and troops at you, and it seems with your constant spell attacks, assassinations, etc. had I done anything less, I would be the one asking for help and heaping praise upon you. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Ray April 4th, 2008 11:22 PM

Temporary Substitute for Man
Cupido2 will be subbing for me from April 5 - 13.

I will see you all in 1 week.

cupido2 April 5th, 2008 06:56 AM

Re: Temporary Substitute for Man
Greetings again. This time of the Vice-king of Man formerly known as the Vice-king of Abysia.

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