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LDiCesare June 30th, 2008 03:04 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
I checked Aezeal's other thread when he looked for a sub:

Still need a sub for aquarium and bravenewworld else they'll have to go AI

I think we can make him go ai, as he specified he'd leave for 3 weeks, amounting to 10 stale turns...

Executor July 1st, 2008 02:22 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
To Jotinheim,
This war is getting interesting and I can't really think of what you got out of this war
By the way that was a glorious battle wouldn't you say?

Also, if anyone has sitings of what's left of Jotunheims armies, the intelligence would be appreciated.

Ossa July 1st, 2008 04:02 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Ahem... no, not interesting at the moment. I just need to figure out how to get enough nature gems to produce enough endless bags of wine for my giants. They get sick if they have to venture far without wine.

Executor July 1st, 2008 06:30 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Hey maybe I could sell you a couple I have like tree or four bags which you so generously gave to me...

JimMorrison July 3rd, 2008 04:21 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
R'lyeh is trading Earth gems!

Death or Astral are preferred, though we will take Water or Nature in trade as well. We have over 100 E gems for trade, so PM with your generous offers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

sum1lost July 3rd, 2008 05:30 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
The lovely nation of Mictlan is purchasing water gems and sundry items. PM for offers.

jimkehn July 3rd, 2008 10:13 PM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Jotunheim has deceived his ally, C'Tis. While C'tis was led to believe that his ally Ermor was almost dead, and that C'tis needed to divide the spoils, Ermor was far from dead. Therefore, a state of war exists between the nations of C'Tis and Jotunheim.

Ossa July 4th, 2008 02:14 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Thats a truly nice way of making diplomacy - once you see you neighbour on the loosing side you grab his provinces and now you claim you were deceived... tstststs.

But come on, we have no fear of little green animals who smell like fish.

jimkehn July 4th, 2008 10:46 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Well...maybe....just maybe....that was planned from the beginning. To lure Jotunheim into Ermor's clutches while I denied you access to Ermor's other provinces, all the while using the old hammer and anvil approach!!!

JimMorrison July 5th, 2008 04:49 AM

Re: Aquarium - MA game - PBEM - 10-15 player
Dun dun DUN!


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