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shatner November 4th, 2011 09:51 PM

Re: Morla MA noob game (running)
Ah, vengeance of the dead (http://dom3.servegame.com/wiki/Vengeance_of_the_Dead). To quote the wiki:


This spell can be controversial because every time the target commander survives a Vengeance of the Dead, the number of souls that returns on a subsequent casting increases until the commander simply cannot kill all of the units before the 75 turn limit. After 75 turns, the commander automatically dies, making the spell a guaranteed kill if cast enough times over enough turns.

triqui November 5th, 2011 06:47 AM

Re: Morla MA noob game (running)
Yes, the ghost killed in dreams count for the spell as well. I find it kinda silly too, but that's how it works. We had a long thread about it a couple of years ago I think, and it was not a bug, it was the way it worked.

Harald was an awesome foe, but as I said, a little bit low in MR. He is strong, but vulnerable to Mind hunt+Soul Slay or Vengeance of the dead, specially when casted by a high level astral mage with penetration effects (as Beleren). However, there's no way to build a SC that is completelly undefeatable, all of them have some weakness, even if it's small. Otherwise the game would be a rush to find a SC, and nothing else would matter.

My original plan was killing him with Stellar Cascades spam. In my tests in Single Player against that exact SC, it worked 100% of the times. However, he moved away from my capitol, and Grand Thaumaturgs have map move 1 :(

triqui November 5th, 2011 09:13 AM

Re: Morla MA noob game (running)
The sphinx can't teleport? Is this a CBM change? :(
There goes my plan to instantly kill tien chi gift of heaven army of doom :(

triqui November 5th, 2011 09:15 AM

Re: Morla MA noob game (running)
The sphinx can't teleport? Is this a CBM change? :(
There goes my plan to instantly kill tien chi gift of heaven army of doom :(

Olm November 5th, 2011 09:38 AM

Re: Morla MA noob game (running)

Originally Posted by triqui (Post 787875)
The sphinx can't teleport? Is this a CBM change? :(



triqui November 5th, 2011 09:42 AM

Re: Morla MA noob game (running)
Big building mistake then :/ Should had been an oracle or something.

What a mess :/

Olm November 6th, 2011 10:33 AM

Re: Morla MA noob game (running)
So the Ermorian Empire has shown, that it still has teeth.
This opens up better options for Us, than watching Ermor been eaten without being invited to the party.

As of now the nation of Man will support Ermor in its struggle for survival.
This means We hereby declare war on Jotunheim and T'ien Ch'i.
Since T'ien Ch'i has been a rather good neighbor We will wait one month with open hostilities. After that period Our troops will march to the relieve of Ermor.

shatner November 6th, 2011 12:53 PM

Re: Morla MA noob game (running)
Unless you wish to be named a pact-breaker, you will observe our NAP-3 and refrain from invading for a full three months. Is your imperialistic fervor really so strong that all other concerns, such as past agreements, are forgotten? That is a pity; we had mistaken Man for an honorable and civilized nation but are now shown the folly of our trusting ways.

Furthermore, there is something perverse about nearly going to war several times over not getting to conquer enough of Ermor (despite showing up awfully late to the party, I might add) and then suddenly declaring yourself the grand protector of Ermor and riding out to their defense.

If you are going to war on two nations who have treated with you peaceably and done you the service of striking down your greatest rival, at least have the dignity to declare it as such. We, the masters of T'ien Ch'i, find your justifications flimsy and your rhetoric both craven and self-serving.

Man has long shown themselves to be an impatient and hostile people but it was our hope that that was merely the subsiding bloodlust from their slaughter of Marignon. We see now that they are a nation ruled by naked ambition. We entreat all other nations to join Jotunheim and T'ien Ch'i in crushing this literally unholy alliance of the damned of Ermor and the unworthy of Man.

SpaceViking21 November 6th, 2011 01:04 PM

Re: Morla MA noob game (running)
So the nation of Man finds peace so intolerable that they now ally themselves with the corpse they had already planned to scavenge? This greatly amuses us.

shatner November 6th, 2011 03:28 PM

Re: Morla MA noob game (running)
To the nations who are not currently the target of Man's ambition, make no mistake that Man will come for you the moment it is expedient for them. For several seasons Man has spent words entreating us to war on their enemies and turn on our allies. And in turn we have sent diplomatic messages by the score urging tit-for-tat for peace and patience. And through all of our dealings, MAN WAS AGREEING TO PEACE, THAT THEY WOULD CURB THEIR AMBITION AND ACCEPT T'IEN CH'I AS THEIR NEIGHBORS. In other words, for the last couple of turns they were offering us peace and suddenly this turn they call for our extermination.

...Let that sink in for a moment...

At best it means that Man is so fickle that their decisions mean nothing as they will change on a whim. At worst it means all diplomatic messages from Man are only so much noise sent to distract and mislead so the recipient is less prepared when Man inevitably betrays them.

Ermor's motive in all of this is both clear and reasonable. They were the premier power that has been brought low and now lives only to spite their successors. Ermor allies with Man not because Man is honorable and worthy of alliance, but for precisely the opposite reasons. Ermor knows it will not conquer or thrive ever again so it allies with a vile and unworthy force such as Man for the sheer expediency of punishing T'ien Ch'i and Jotunheim. For this, we do not blame Ermor; nihilism and spite are the only friends left to the mighty once they have fallen.

However, this... inexcusable and laughable farce of a casus belli that Man has invoked shows that Man does not listen to diplomacy. This is the moment when Man makes its nature and ambitions known. If you are a neighbor to Man, they will come to conquer you. If you are a neighbor to Man's neighbor, they will come to conquer you. Ulm will face an invasion by Man, Pythium will face an invasion by Man; it is only a matter of time. The only way to stop this is for everyone to resist Man and Ermor in whatever means are available to them.

If Ulm fails to rally to this cause, then they are condemning themselves to subjugation. Are the proud lords of steel really so short sighted, or are they merely afraid? If Pythium fails to rally to this cause, then they too shall follow Ulm into oblivion; their hydras slain and their theurges used for archery practice.

Those who will not go meekly to their graves, please PM the masters of T'ien Ch'i. United, we will be divvying up Man just as Man was divvying up Ermor not one turn ago.

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