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-   -   Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Game over, Atlantis wins) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=48650)

Valerius August 3rd, 2012 04:28 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
Sorry for the delay. Of course there's no call for Midgard to be holding things up and I won't after this turn but I just need to decide what to do. Sure, I know it's hopeless but I've got to at least try to be a small thorn in Atlantis' side. :p

Sadly, Midgard has fallen so I won't be vortexing my forces in order to consolidate them. Although, given my history with vortex of returning maybe that's a good thing.

Valerius August 3rd, 2012 05:32 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
$#&%! Completely forgot about that lone cyclops behind enemy lines. :mad:

So, how have SCs worked out in this game? I said early in the thread that my impression was that these mods ramped up the power level. From what I can tell they do generally do that but then there's some nerfs as well, such as to some SC HPs. Have there been any trends with particular units doing well?

Executor August 3rd, 2012 06:16 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
I'm quite puzzled with this mod. It's not to my liking at all. Very weird.
It's okay to have a F10, Heat 50, Fire Aura 30 Fire King, but somehow Zmeys are where they draw the line and nerf?

jotwebe August 4th, 2012 04:15 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
Yeah, I've found Zmeys to be a waste of fire gems in this mod. he nerf bat got swung a bit to hard; they'd be ok at 60 hp per head in my opinion.

The royalty is kick-***, but I don't think necessarily OP. Since my precious fire king was mentioned: the big difference to vanilla in practical terms has been that I could kit him for a fight AND have him cast Fire Storm, while in vanilla I'd have to chose. Don't think the massive fire shield has come into play yet.

Interestingly a lot of people took freespawn chassis. Admiral_Aorta certainly made good use of his sphinx-made dust walkers. My scorpion men have been less effective then I hoped for.

Admiral_Aorta August 4th, 2012 04:32 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
I've actually found the dustwalkers to be a bit superfluous, they are good but I don't get many of them and they don't synergize well with my other undead.

Amhazair August 4th, 2012 07:35 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
/nod. The elemental royalty is without doubt very good in this mod, but I wouldn't call them overpowered, by virtue of being unique. Sure, getting one is great, but you do have to get there first. The dynamic is very much like the race for artifacts, and honestly if I'd have to choose (in a void & without considering other implications) between several elmentaly royals or some key artifacts (Boots of the Planes!) Id probably still choose the latter.

Zmey... probably overnerfed, yes, though I still would't call them a waste of gems. Just have to be careful about when and how to use them. (And when to better use something else.) They have a massive hard-on for Zmey over on the SA forums though.

I really like the various summoning or domsummoning chasis. And of course since that's one of the more uncommon mechanics in Vanilla/CBM I get that many people wanted to try that out. I've been using a Frost Father myself, which doesn't give any freespawn, but does give me the option of summoning 5 Unfrozen warriors a turn. So I have all the utility of a rainbow, and when I have nothing more valuable for him to do, I get myself some tough troops that synergize well with my CR. I like it.

Amhazair August 5th, 2012 12:17 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
I haven't heard back from Soyweiser about finding a sub during his abscence. (PM'd him on both forums, but neither PM has been read, so he very well might be on a trip without internet access.)

Obviously I'll give it time at least till hosting time, but if I don't hear back by then we'll have to decide how to proceed.

My personal opinion still is that it's quite disrespectfull to the rest of the players to just expect us to pause the game for his entire 10-day abscence. (I know it never would cross my mind to ask for such. With the possible exception of the christmas-newyears week where most everyone has commitments.) So the three options are:

* Pause the game regardless.
* Let him stale. (Would probably be 2 or 3 stales. Not being involved in a major war this probably wouldn't hurt him terribly badly, but would still prevent him from developping further of course.)
* Find a (temporary) sub without his permission.

My choise would be the final option, but I'm willing to go with one of the others if a majority of the remaining players prefers it.

jotwebe August 6th, 2012 09:08 AM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
Personally I wouldn't mind Option A (10-day-pause).

Amhazair August 6th, 2012 02:05 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
Thanks for pitching in, (wish more people would say what they feel about things, makes my job easier) but I'd only consider pausing a game so long if a majority of the players were fine with it, so - since no one else voiced an opinion - I'll be going with my first idea.

Wraithlord agreed to keep things running during Soy's absence, (despite being of the opinion that I should just have let him stale as "it's not an admins job to babysit the players" - but I'd rather not have anyone stale myself, especially since he did give warning, unless I have no alternative.) so I sent him the turn and added 24h to give him time to check out what's what. Anyone who has diplomatic agreements in place with Gath should probably contact WL in that regard.

Executor August 9th, 2012 06:02 PM

Re: Awestruck. New Late Age game. (Started)
How about we end this charade already? I think there's really no point in continuing. Obviously Pythium can't touch Atlantis, not to mention myself. Ermor is a wreck of a nation (no offense Aorta) and Aby and Gath are not fighting Atlantis.
I don't really like fighting pointless half assed wars and I doubt things can be turned now.

Atlantis for winner.

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