![]() |
Re: The beginning of BWIII!
The Grey One, is it really Gryphin? what has happended to you? did you run out of Grecian 2000? what is with this "dont fancy playing with the little kitty today" lark? never stopped you in the olden days?
Have a beer on me and tell me why this persona change has occurred? |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Oi, El Phil and Strategia....
The Byzantine Mongoose horde is MY ARMY, NOT YOURS, SO HANDS OFF AND GO RECRUIT YOUR OWN LEGION OF MAYHEM. They are not for hire, and are currently located in the Members Bar and Chill Out Room, sipping some small bottles of decent ale and letting rip...(its the sauerkraut in their diet!) |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
I do have my own personal horde: The Assyrian Armoured Geeskat charioters!
They've realised that perhaps longbows don't cut it and so are now rearmed with adamntium serrated penguin beaks and those guns Chris Walken used in 'The Dogs of War'. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
I also have my legions; I even referenced to them, my Salagull ground forces and my Seamander flyers. YOUR Mongeese attacked me (think it was the guard patrol) (or rather - NA, who'd been surgically altered to look like me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ) when they saw me. My forces were powerless against them. After the attack, the Mongeese resumed their patrol again.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Of course! The air support: Spider monkeys, carrying naplam filled water ballons, riding gryphons.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Strategia, PLEASE stop using the cloning machine...
[i]Ashton puts up a sign in the bar, saying "Looking for army for skirmishes against the bar patrons. Free Eee shakes for joining."[i] |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
*cough* *spit* BLEAGH!
I thought this was TAPIOCA! |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
/me doesnt use a cloning machine, /me just altered NA's appearance to his own and placed him in the field of vision of a Mongeese patrol.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
I should start having clones of me walk around as cannon fodder. Lots safer. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Barman! A Brewski and pronto. My throats drier than the Sahara after a really bad drought
Re: The beginning of BWIII!
Joking around take too much energy. I used to do most of it from work. I'm too busy now, (new mashal in town, er, I mean a new boss). How have you been Great Cat? Be well, Steve - The Grey One |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Meh, you shouldn't clone other people. I don't want clones that I don't use walking around.
Ashton stays at his table, waiting for an army to show up for the free Eee shakes. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
The Meerese, having not had their contract renewed by El Phil decide to go into the contract mercenary game. They slowly approach Ashtons table...
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
The Meerese are quickly hired, along with full benefits. Work is begun on training this new army.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Thus raising the question: What is the exact relationship between the Meerese and Geeskats? Both the product of genetic engineering gone horribly wrong and raised in the same lab by the same mad scientists.
Friends or blood enemies? |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
"Well, look at my Salagull and Seamander forces! Both genetically engineered from the same two beasts, and they LOVE each..... oh, waitasec....."
Everybody (except Strategia) watches in amusement (Strategia watches in horror) as the Seamanders flyers pelt the Salagull ground troops with American beer, while the Salagulls fire back with their bread-pudding flak. "That's not supposed to happen....." |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Ducking behind the bar to avoid the El Phil and Strategia related shenanigans, GT steps out into real life a moment to speak to The Grey One.
"Gryppo old chap (for you will always be that to me), sorry to hear real life for you sounds a bit tough, but I am sure you will bounce back and be weirder and more furrier than ever - may be you just need a nice holiday to somewhere interesting and not American - Borneo is nice at this time of year, and if you die your moustache orange, you can pretend to be an orang-utang. I am well. Busy and hating work as usual, but fatherhood is suiting me very well (Alessandra is 7 months old now, looks alarmingly like me but I am sure she will grow out of that, and is the prettiest little thing on the planet (but then I am biassed). Life is OK. Salary is too low, credit card bills are too high etc, but we are surviving What's going on with the Boston Massiv? |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Life goes on.
Just doing my TDG, Trains, Dames and Games. BTW: I no longer have a mustache. It came off for my 50th. Good to hear about your daugter. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Strategia is getting bored, and decides to lob a party-streamer bomb in between the two men to attract their attention.
Ouch, won't be able to sit down for weeks..... |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
That wasn't nice. Can't we all get along? Here, I'll buy you a drink.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Growltigga tactfully ignores NullAshton and Strategia, especially as Strategia quite correctly now has a red hot poker sticking out of his rectum.
YOU SHAVED OFF YOUR MOUSTACHE? HOW COULD YOU DO THAT? YOUR MOUSTAHCE AND CIRCLING THE WAGONS (did we ever get to the bottom of that (if that is the right phrase)?) WERE PILLARS OF THE BAR & GRILL.... Hope you kept it, may be you can auction the moustache. I am sure MAc would go for it! |
Re: The beginning of BWIII!
Strategia spots the moustache quietly trying to sneak away and sends a team of Spec-Ops Salagulls to catch it.
When he has the squirming little bugger firmly in his hand, he runs like hell..... |
Re: The beginning of BWIII!
Too late Strategia realises that it isn't a moustache but is in fact the EWE
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Strategia tries to contain the E.W.E. and prevent it from jumping on his head, but it's too late. A pair of sunglasses and a white suit later, he's no longer himself and now the target of every weapon in the establishment.....
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
El Phil, seeing that Strategia needs help tries a desperate move. He fires up the jukebox and hits the random play button while selecting Shatner's "What's New Kahnn!!!!" Hopefully this will drive the wig away
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
For those of you who are not as familiar with The Grey Ones' furry fellah, please be advised that ribald remarks and general ridicule about Gryphin's moustache (and his sexual athleticism but we wont go into that now) pretty much were founding topics of the Cantina/Bar & Grill in all its various guises. In simple terms, that moustached is an icon, it is something to be treasured and worshipped, not abused and terrorised like some poor wild beast. Be kind to it. It has more experience of life than you do, and has probably seen more action than most of us chaps on the cantina all put together!! |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Ashton walks over to the jukebox, then plays something more relaxing, like the background music to SE4. He then grabs a oddly convenient hair spray cannon, and shoots the E.W.E. off of Strategia's head, where it promptly falls into the abyss, paralyzed by the holding power of the hair spray.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
GT, you forgot about his Custer hat and his symbiote wolly Bear who used to live on that lip of his http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif poor thing, wonder if he found a new place to live http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif Glad your back old Grey One, and ps. keep your hands off my pizza http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Wha...something going on...ah whatever.
Renegade fall back to sleep, face first on a table in the shadowed corner. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Hey, Happy Birthday Renegade!
There is a giant novelty cake outside... we couldn't seem to fit it through the doors though, sorry. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Is it Renegades Birthday? well if thats the case, Happy B-Day Renegade, the old one orders a pint of sassperella for the B-day young man, and has one of the FBW's give him a lap dance paid for on SJ's tab http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Yep, all gone, but I still wear a Custards hat and I would proactice "Circle the Wagons" but there is no one in my life at the moment to do so with.
Here's a current pic: http://us.f2.yahoofs.com/users/41c8b...Y_VcCBVjLUxfdx Sips my beer // Stairs at MACs pizza. Watches as it floats into the air and slowly moves toward the window |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
It's grey all right. Grey with a pop-up saying it doesn't exist http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Thanks SJ and Mac...especially for the cake and FBW!! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Officially an adult, it feels good. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
look! a link that works:
http://profiles.yahoo.com/grateful_grey_one cheers, everyone. draw off a pint of everyone's beverage of choice, i have a pizza to catch. *puke takes a flying dive out the window, and with a fierce battlecry, lands on Mac's levitating pizza* |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Still grey http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Ashton pounces on the 2 liter bottle of grape soda that conveniently is nearby. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Favourite quote: "I am open to almost anything safe, sane and consensual."
So what on earth are you doing around here? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Puke: Thanks!
Phill - You don't want to know |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
...Must resist temptation to ask.....
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Ashton guzzles down the grape soda, then pounces on some more.
Mmm... grape... |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Grape Soda?
Would that be fermented by any chance? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Nah, just has high amounts of hydrogenated sugar.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Hmm sweet sweet sugar. You can't argue with that.
See any more around here? |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
I saw some orange soda, thats good too. Grape is the best though, never get tired of the taste.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
hmm, i wonder what sort of foul thing would result if yeast got into flavored sugar-water. im sure it wouldnt be good, but it would definitly be quite alcoholic.
on the other hand, i think the sugars have to be metabolized in a certain way. soda probably wouldnt be digestable by the yeast. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Phill - Trust a very very young man born in '54.
If you do know the referance, then you do'n't want to talka bout it here and if you don't know, then you don't want to know. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Gotta love mystery. My most resent date said: "Chemistry? Well it is too soon to know but I would like to find out" Verbatum quote. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
The Old one watches as the Grey One ministrates movement upon his pizza, then, out of Nowhere, he sees a huge furry & scaled being land on top of the pizza, his heart stops a beat, he watches as a gratoitous fight ensales between the pizza and the being, who is that person the wize one mutters, he picks up a pair of binocs and cks out the fight, There lo and behold is Puke fighting like an oozing demon on top of the pizza, from this angle tho, it was hard to determine who was winning the battle, The pizza appears to have the upper hand at the moment as it pulsates pepperoni into Pukes nostrils. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif however, as he watches, the pizza and being are floating towards the open window and towards the thorn bushes he had installed for that pizza stealing, double cheese and pepperoni Grey One. This could get interesting he mumbles as he notices the Pizza letting loose with some melting cheese, covering Puke's entire upper torso.......
http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Renegade lifts his head from the table in the corner. All around him are writhing, twisting semi-clones of the renowned Puke, created from an excess of pizza and alcohol....
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
I dont like pizza much anyway - I only like pizza where it has no cheese on it (damn I hate mozzarella - what is the purpose of a skaggy tasteless rubbery ball of fermented cow's milk?) and then is heavy on the anchovies, jalapeno peppers and pineapple!
Pizzas are overpriced, greasy, fat laden, cardiac inducing smelly things unpleasantly brought to your door by generally unwashed oiks on motorbikes! I would probably eat more pizza if they employed attractive young ladies to bring them round (but cue ethical, moral and personal safety considerations), but then I doubt I would be using the service for the pizza!! |
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