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UI missing
I recently upgraded from version 3.00 to 3.08, and have experienced a very strange bug since then. Every time a new turn starts, and I leave the messages to go to the map, the entire user interface disappears. The only thing I can see is the map and the background, but no more menus, map icons, armies, and so on. The icons and menus still exist however, you can still click on them and use hotkeys, you just can't see what you are doing.
If I kill the dominions process and restart the game, everything works fine again. When I go to the next turn however, it happens again immediately. The only time the bug doesn't show up is in the first couple of turns of the game, then it only happens about 1 new turn out of 5. In the later turns it happens every turn. |
Re: UI missing
Suresir - try deleting the 'key' file in your dominions directory. You'll then have to re-enter your serial number when you next play. Often this fixes the problem you're having (they key file can become corrupt somehow).
Re: UI missing
Thanks for the tip, but it didn't help. The UI still disappears at every new turn.
Re: UI missing
You would be surprised how many people miraculously have this bug fixed once they're told that this is often an issue with illegal serial numbers from pirated versions of the game and that usually it helps to enter the serial that's shipped with the manual. In any case, contact Shrapnel's customer support.
Re: UI missing
That was one hell of an anti piracy policy. Even starforce designer would wet himself. At least he makes sure the game is pirated BEFORE one plays it.
Re: UI missing
The thing is that the problem can appear on legit installs if the key file gets corrupted, so reentering the key from the manual will fix it for non-pirate installs, but pirate copies won't work.
Re: UI missing
From the shortlist:
error in unit
Tempest warriors are spire horn clan, but have stats for caelum clan. str and hp should be 10 each, probably others, but those were the big ones I saw.
Re: Strange Transformations
Further problems with the new and 'improved' auto site searching; when I set one mage casting dark knowledge and one augury, they targetted the capital. Oh well, I thought, I'll let them do the capital this turn, then next turn they'll get on with going through my other provinces.
No such luck. Every month they had to be reordered to cast the spell and each time they started by aiming at the capital. EDIT - I just found out that if a province is searched to even lvl1 in a path, the autosearch of that path won't work. Pretty annoying. Used to work I think. |
Eyes of God...
Does Eyes of God not care whether the caster is blind? I've seen an AI recast it the turn after Fate of Oedipus is successfully cast. Might be another caster, so perhaps something to check.
(Can a neither-has-nor-needs-eyes Void Lord cast it? Hmmm.) |
Feebleminded mages get their skills back
I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature. I'm playing Machaka and 2 of my black sorcerers got feeblemind. Afterwards I set them on the front lines with attack orders. As you may realise black sorcerers turn into great spiders when they 'die'. When this happened to both of my feebleminded sorcerers and they got all their magic skills back! They were able to cast during the same battle, then once the battle had finished and they reverted back to their normal human form, they had lost feeblemind and had all their magic skills.
Re: Feebleminded mages get their skills back
Transformation often cures afflictions. I put my hurt jaguar warriors as arrow catchers for this reason.
Re: Feebleminded mages get their skills back
Eyes of God has otehr strange behavior too. It doesn't go down when the nation that has it up dies, so it could be related to that. Johan has a savegame of the latter instance, so he is likely looking into it. If solved, it might take care of the "persistent global enchantments" (BHV SPELL Globals) bug.
Re: Feebleminded mages get their skills back
Horticulturalists (Hoburg Mages) are armed with sticks and firebrands. I am just guessing here, but they probably should not have firebrands.
Re: Feebleminded mages get their skills back
Known and reported.
Re: Feebleminded mages get their skills back
Boots of youth don't protect fully against Burden of Time. Unsure if there is partial protection or not, it's hard to tell. Might be intentional, but it doesn't seem unreasonable to let a construction 6 item stop a level 5 global, especially given how devastating Burden is for certain nations.
Re: Feebleminded mages get their skills back
Undead unit Mictlan EA hero has "old age" stuff on it. This is a bit quaint to affect him. He is just a fricking mummy.
Random event monsters MIX. Barbarian horde merged with Caspar's Troglodytes with Vampire count with a Vinemen horde is... strange. Though fun to rip apart if you have a good elite unit bunch and level 5 blood and fire mix. |
Re: Feebleminded mages get their skills back
JaghataiKhan, that is not a bug per se, but a function of the aging mechanics. Lifeless beings gain maxage boost from earth magic, not death magic, even if they are undead, and mummies are lifeless. The game looks up aging mechanics in he order of lifeless, undead, demon, other. It considers the first condition it finds and ignores all following triggers, which results in this problem with lifeless undead and death magic.
I've reported that, but perhaps it is time to take it up with the devs again. |
Re: Feebleminded mages get their skills back
Don't forget the piling indies. Let them fight each other if a barbarian horde attacks the province of a vampire count.
Re: Feebleminded mages get their skills back
Known problem, but there is very little that can be done due to nation mechanics. I suppose if barbarian hordes, vampire counts etc should be handled as one of the two special monster nations instead of the nation of independents, it could work, but then the events would still pile up after they whacked the indie defenders.
No matter which way you fix it, it would give you similar sort of complications in certain situations (such as Ghost Riders not working, for example), depending on the method used. |
Modding commands
Using the 'specialeffectalways' command doesn't seem to work. For example, when you use 51... you get morningstar as the effect.
Also, on a related note, are there plans to release all the available modding commands? |
Re: Modding commands
This isn't a bug as per say but rather an exploit - basically in a large late game a nation could easily overload another player's lab with crap items via messages making someone unable to construct items.
This could be fixed by making items from messages appear in your labs *after* forging or the lab size could simply be increased. I haven't seen this but another player mentioned it and I would like it put up as an official bug/exploit. |
Re: Modding commands
Battlefield wide spell Growing Fury=1_nature does not work. Icon appears on top right of screen yet no units are affected. |
Re: Modding commands
Re: Modding commands
Magic sites which generate unrest continue to do so even after all the villagers are dead. I had a gold mine I wanted to tax at 200, so I killed off the peasants. A brigand lair in the same province bumped up the unrest even though the population is at zero.
Re: Modding commands
Edit: Pointless post, removed
Re: Modding commands
Roundup of issues added to the shortlist:
Ritual of Rebirth
Ritual of Rebirth works on Tartarians, they get reborn as giant mummies. Siddhas get reborn as Caelian mummies (which look cool) and since they start with an age of about 4k and the mummies maxage is 500, they get huge old age effects (this was reported before, I think).
Re: Ritual of Rebirth
I'll take that one up with KO and JK. JK's not due back from India for two or three weeks, so it has to wait at least that long, since this is his territory.
Re: Ritual of Rebirth
New bug i believe:
When sieging a fort, the sieging commander (happened with dryad if that matters) gets the option to perform a blood sacrifice in command list (though the temple naturally belongs to besieged). |
UW Dominion bug
I'm playing with MA Ryle'h on turn 35, I was the only one with an awake pretender.
Even in my capitol the dominion level, that in the start was 5-6 (6 dom maximum) now is 2. Even with massive preaching I can't raise dominion in my uw provinces. No one of my enemies has massed temples on my shores, and most of the other pretender were dormant. Now in my capitol I have only 2 dominion and I risk being swept away by enemy dom. Another very strange issue, I have order 3 and, even when my capital had 5-6 dom (for about 20 turns) I never have seen any order level on its province. Strangely, my few land provinces feel my dominion influency much more than uw provincies, even the the order level raises somehow. I don't know if this is the "scales bug" previously reported, surely it is a deep red bug. |
Re: UW Dominion bug
Sure sounds like the scales bug, Beorne. It seems to hit certain nations far more than others and R'lyeh is one of the worst affected, so is Arco.
Szumo, yes, that's a new one. I'll tack it to the shortlist soon. |
Re: UW Dominion bug
Edi, can you add this to the shortlist:
Monthly casting of site search spell does not target provinces with 2 or more revealed sites and targets capitals with only one site. Strange behavior noted by many, but the actual pattern pointed out by Wyatt Hebert in the "We love Illwinter!" thread. |
Re: UW Dominion bug
Thanks, I'll add that.
By the way, in case people have missed it on the progress pages, next patch will see LA C'tis Tomb wyrm and Tomb Chariot reanimation restored to working order. |
Re: Bug thread
[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Bug.gif[/img] A unit healing a lost arm due to immortal ability may lose items on head, torso and feet slots.
Whats more, if an artifact is lost this way, it is considered made and thus unavailable for reforging. Reloading the game brought it back available, though. Unit in question was a wraith lord kitted with a frost brand, black steel helmet, Monolith Armor, flying boots, luck pendant and amulet of antimagic. Arm popped back, helm, armor and boots popped off. Since I seemed to have continued playing said game (single player game), no save game is available. |
Re: Bug thread
That's an interesting variation on this bug. It's been reported wrt armloss and helmets behaving oddly, this is more of the same but in more detail. I'll ask JK to look at it when he comes back.
Re: Bug thread
"Rozuls Red Raptors" don't give a discount for EA Caelum. Shouldn't they? Or is it the wrong age?
Re: Bug thread
I found a province with special defenders. Large amount of Ichtyids (both netters and shielded version) companied by a Starspawn with a Ring of Sorcery and a Cloak of Shadows. There also were some Ether warriors.
Not that odd, but when I conquered this LAND province, recruiment screen shows only; Triton Guard/Trooper, Shark Knight and Triton Lord. Wasn't there a similiar bug with Kappa provinces? |
Re: Bug thread
Umbral can get "Lost one eye" affliction. Should be "Lost only eye."
-Max |
Re: Bug thread
The shortlist says, "Undead H3 reanimators can reanimate longdead horsemen correctly, at least a reanimator killed and coming back as a wight mage can." My H3 LA Agarthan Tomb Oracle only has the option of ghouls/soulless/longdead. No longdead horsemen.
-Max |
Re: Bug thread
Looks like the reanimation lists need to be rechecked then. The tomb stuff for C'tis works in the next patch, but there seem to be irregularities with the normal reanimation. If somebody could test this more with various undead H3 reanimators and various nations, that'd be great.
Re: Bug thread
> My H3 LA Agarthan Tomb Oracle only has the option of ghouls/soulless/longdead. No longdead horsemen.
Hmm, I think we need to fix it so that horses can't be reanimated underground. Actually I'm not sure if anyone is supposed to be able to create horsemen. I think it's a national ability. And that should work fine now. Got to check when I get home. |
Re: Bug thread
Page 70 of the manual says that H3s are supposed to get 5 longdead horsemen per reanimation. No mention is made of it being national.
-Max |
Re: Bug thread
No. I didn't think it would. In dom-ppp only ermor had priest skill high enough to reanimate horsemen. Later on C'tis got it.
To keep nations unique we made ermor the only horse summoner. Part of this was because the other reanimation nation, C'tis, shouldn't get horses. I'm not sure, but we might have discussed allowing horses on all after that, but IIRC the horses are restricted atm. The manual reference is there to tell how many horses you would get if you reanimate. It also includes Lictors, which is also Ermor only. It should perhaps include a note that not all nations can reanimate horses or lictors. But I've not really given horse reanim any further thoughts. |
Re: Bug thread
Good to know, thanks!
-Max |
Re: Bug thread
In Dom2 at least you could reanimate longdead horsemen with Mictlan if you got Mictlipoctli, he had high enough unholy for that. Now that he has changed to holy but being undead, he might still pull it off.
Re: Bug thread
No, Mictlipoctli's not able to reanimate Longdead Horsemen. I even gave him the Sword of Justice to bump him to H4, and it doesn't make any difference. He just gets Ghouls/Soulless/Longdead Warriors, like everyone else in Mictlan who's H2/H3 and demon/undead (including Bune, the Civateteos and Tlaloques etc).
Must be a nation-specific thing. Bune can reanimate Longdead Horsemen if he belongs to MA Ermor, but not Lictors. If Bune belongs to LA Ermor, he can reanimate both Longdead Horsemen and Lictors (if he's bumped to H4). |
Re: Bug thread
That's nice to know. So it must be nation specifics, as Kristoffer said. So, everything seems to be in order. If the horseman thing in the shortlist, it won't be there for long.
Re: Bug thread
Some horse heavy nations like sauromatia might deserve a horse reanim ability, should they get an undead priest (Sauromatian got one with the new hero, Skögu's immortal spouse, but she is more likely used to summon her partholonian longdead allies than to reanimate).
Re: Bug thread
I suppose LA T'ien Ch'i would perhaps be another one? Can't think of any other nations with a lot of horse units.
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