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Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
OK im about to go bye bye. My last resonably defended province has been captured by yomi, i have one undefended province under my control and then i have my capitol which is under siege and practically empty.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
MA Agartha weeps the demise of their later brothers. Should Yomi survive to the coming days they can be sure they will not find friends among Agarthans.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Thank you, brother.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
EA Agartha also weeps for the fallen younger brother. Do know that we understand the difficulty our peoples face in gaining a foothold in this world under the sky. Things are much different than they were underground, where we ruled supreme. Many hard years and much strife awaits the remaining Agarthas I fear.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Hopefully, this will make EA Tir Na N'Og a good guy in the eyes of both MA & EA Agartha, should we ever meet in the future. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
When dealing with the Fair Folk: Accept No Gifts; Make No Promises; and, most importantly, Believe Not Your Eye.
Such is the wisdom carved into the walls of the ancient caverns of one-eyed ones. When we meet the Mist People we tread by the feel of the Land and follow the advice we read from the base Earth. Until then, we know not to make promises we actually can not keep based on the knowlege we actually do not know. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Let all know that LA Midgard has taken the bloody head of LA C'Tis's false god and made a paste from it. Their main army has been completely eradicated and it only cost us 45 of our bravest warriors.
Our werewolves will feast well tonight! Midgard is willing to offer amnesty to Man if they turn their armies around and leave right now, returning all territories stolen from Midgard. Otherwise we will have to obliterate their forces as well. (Added this link, as the forum upload feature didn't work) http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/b...pi/godeath.gif Jazzepi |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Do not worry about an alliance and meeting with EA Tir Na N'Og in a future path. We have been toying with them with our smallest army on the mortal plane but the people of Yomi now think that it is time to send them into the afterlife and wipe them off the face of the world.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Dear LA Midgård: Power tripping much?
Additionally, I can't download the attachment showing your moment of glory. Is something amiss? |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
attachements seem to be fried again.
direct links are a better idea |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
EA Helheim seems to be intent on wiping EA Vanheim from the map, as they have sent wave after wave of Helhirdings and Mounted Hirdmen to invade our lands and pillage our maidenfolk. Yea, since first contact hath been made between the two tribes, a war has errupted seeming without end.
Wave after wave of glamourous, sacred cavalry troops has charged, and wave after wave has been beaten back in disgrace. Not once has an EA Helheim force won a victory over an EA Vanheim force except when attacking unsupported provincial defenses. Twice, the hated invaders have succeeded in occupying Vanheim's home province. And twice they have been sent away by relieving troops combined with a sortie from the home castle. This last time, on the turn just played, the invading force of 80 Helhirdings came via sail, along with their prophet. A second cavalry force attempted to link up via land, but was repulsed by a force of Amazons assisted by eight Cave Drakes. This left the main force with no adjacent provinces to retreat to when they were beaten by the Vanheim relievers. The result? The death of every single member of the EA Helheim main army, including their prophet. Check the graph. EA Helheim now has the fourth smallest army in the game after losing half their total armed troops last turn. They are over-extended. And while they currently occupy more provinces than all but a handful of nations, they cannot expect to hold them with such a teeny tiny army. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Where are the other neighbors of Midgard? Strike from the mountains! Strike from the forests! Strike from the ocean! Now is the time to rise up and defeat the werewolves before the entire eastern continent is overwhelmed. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Somehow I don't see that happening anytime soon, especially since you are 3 people waging war on him.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Marverni doesn't count, we only have one unit. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif And it looks like all of Midgard's Galdermen are gathering on our border to come hunt down our Menhir, so pretty soon we will have zero units.
We've been effectively out of contention since oh, about turn 8 or so. And Midgard just said he's destroyed CTis's entire army. So it appears to be Midgard against Man, and you only need to look at the army chart to make a prediction as to how that will go. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Actually, I have better magic and I think I'll win. LA Midgard is a one-trick pony, he has werewolves and nothing else.
If Midgard is so convinced of victory - he should meet me fair and square on the field of battle instead of sending little armies skulking around in the back-country. My only concern is that EA C'tis appears intent on riding this out without getting involved. |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
You are 3 nations attacking 1 nation and you are complaing about fair and square http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
My god deserved a picture on the web http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Save this picture on your computer. It will worth a lot when Lombric will raise again to conquer all the known world. Meanwhile, my cold-blooded strategists (slow thinkers...) are realizing that a standard ctis army cant defeat 34786 werewolves. Probably war chariot would be better, but the art of making these is forgotten since Middle Era... EA ctis, can I burrow you some? |
Giant Lobsters have Giant Egos
Despite being under attack from the geneticly superior and much larger nation of EA Oceania, the gaint lobster hordes of of MA Atlantis have broken their peace pact with MA Oceania and attacked a second larger nation! Are they justified in their brazen belief that they can fight one war with their left hand and another with their right, or is it merely hubris? Only time will tell, but as we join together with our traditionalist cousins we will employ the knowledge of a secret weapon learned from the landlubbers- the points of our tridents will be coated with so-called "garlic butter" which provokes terror in the tiny brains of the lobsters!
Quick Question
What's the method of downloading your turn, playing it offline and loading it. I tried logging on enter password get turn exit (do not select nation) Play offline When I check the status page it still says unplayed, but when I log back in it says 2h file already loaded? When i'm playing offline, do i "end turn" or "save game and quit"? especially if I don't want the turn uploaded. Thanks |
Re: Quick Question
But if you do want to connect to the server to see who has or hasn't moved yet, then connect but enter an incorrect (empty) password for your pretender. Your turn will not upload in that case, but you can see the nation statuses. |
Re: Midgard
Ok, firstly, we said it would be impossible to know if Midgard and LA Arco would be able to defeat EA C’tis. Nothing was said about us managing to destroy them. EA C’tis would have probably been defeated by them, eventually, but we disagree that they would have done it as quickly as you seem to think. Also, while we are grateful for what you have done, no lizardman of EA C’tis is going to bend over and kiss any of your toes. “He immediately starts *****ing about wanting his territory back...” We checked our records to make sure, and just as I thought, are main reason for telling you this was so that our armies would not collide with yours. What is wrong with taking the buffer territories that EA C’tis initially had anyway? We were taking them from Midgard. Fewer provinces equals less gold. It does seem that we are fighting with different strategies though. You have a larger empire and, thus, larger armies more capable of taking on Midgard’s forces one-on-one. We do not have as powerful of armies, so we strike where we have a chance to win rather than where doom would meet us. We take provinces to lower his income so he can not recruit as many forces. “Anyway, it's obvious that the despicable little craven has no intention of contributing to the war effort.” Which is exactly why we own a province next to Midgard’s capital? Oh, and keep your fort that is two provinces from our capital, but we see it as nothing less than hypocrisy. |
Re: Quick Question
k, thanks
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Marverni is concerned. It seems Midgard has somehow managed to slip a Palantir into the hands of both Man and CTis.
Do not let the dark forces corrupt you and turn you against one another! Or at least wait until Midgard is dead first. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Do no repeat errors of the past...
this time, send a great eagle to Midgard capital and drop that f****** ring into the mount doom. It will be faster http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
Ha ha ha! It wasn't a ring this time around, but Lucky Pendants!
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I have no intention of attacking EA C'tis. I'm marching on Midgard's capital right now - EA C'tis is free to attack it instead, if he wants.
Temporary substitute for LA R\'lyeh
I have taken my last turn before i go away for the summer (i will be back around mid august). During this a friend of mine - folket - will be playing LA R'lyeh. He has been informed of all current deals, NAP, trade related info etc, so nothing will change. During this time any messages related to LA R'lyeh should be sent to him instead of me.
Re: Temporary substitute for LA R\'lyeh
When a naked, screaming barbarian rises over yon hill, a man needs only three things, even if the naked barbarian turns into a slavering wolf: a) A stout length of yew. b) A clear eye. c) A jaunty cap, with a feather in it. Oh, also, wind guide. As past experience has indicated, a mixed force of white knights and longbowmen make mincemeat out of Midgard's one-trick-pony of an army. I intend to conquer his capital this turn, just so everyone knows. |
Re: Temporary substitute for LA R\'lyeh
Sauromantia is going down, it seems that our probing assault broke through to their capital who was capitured without resistance. For the next time we advise them to fight us and not just to hide inside their capitol.
Re: Temporary substitute for LA R\'lyeh
Re: Temporary substitute for LA R\'lyeh
Yeah, the position is indeed hopeless. If you each send 200 gold and 10 gems i belive the sub has a fair chance to make a comeback however. Come on guys its only fair for the poor sub !
Re: Temporary substitute for LA R\'lyeh
Well, enjoy your summer! Don't hurry back.
Lost in time and space again...
Another void gate summoner lost to time and space! It's like keeping help at a fast food place! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/stupid.gif
Re: Lost in time and space again...
Niefelheim is still hanging in there http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
Re: Lost in time and space again...
As is late agartha.
Re: Lost in time and space again...
Midgard's light in this world is fading. We will not go without a fight, but no one nation can fight against four lined against them. We will return our items to those who donated them to us, and provide as best we can to those who offered to help.
We also curse MA Eriu for staling the last three turns. As well as the four cowardly nations of LA C'Tis, MA Man, EA C'Tis, and EA Maverni. Jazzepi |
Re: Lost in time and space again...
Hold on a sec, items?
Don't you think you should give public thanks to your benefactors, so that we can all admire their magnificence and generosity? Considering that you attacked two of the four nations aligned against you on your own, you're hardly in a position to complain. Hoisted by your own pitard, we might say. Filleted by your hook. Made to look ridiculous by your own overextended metaphor. Oh, the delicious irony, it takes like blood. |
Re: Lost in time and space again...
Finally, had Maverni's avatar not fallen from the sky one turn later, or Midgard's mages not been so poor in their aim, it would only be three nations. Jazzepi |
Re: Lost in time and space again...
About the "cowardly" thing: our Menhir has been flying at your 200-strong armies on his oddy knocky, and you are the ones who are always doing the running away, fertilizing the fields in the process. Our bard has even plagiarized a song about it: Brave Midgard did run away. Bravely ran away, away! When danger reared its ugly head, They bravely turned their tails and fled. Yes, brave Midgard did turn about And gallantly they chickened out. Bravely taking to their feet They beat a very brave retreat, Bravest of the brave, Midgard! They're packing it in and packing it up And sneaking away and buggering up And chickening out and pissing off home ... |
Re: Lost in time and space again...
For all this doom and gloom, Midgard is still not out of the running.
The nation of Midgard shall rise again XD Jazzepi |
Re: Lost in time and space again...
You *could* have ignored C'tis' calls for war, or fought a defensive engagement only in the unlikely event that he invaded you himself.
Instead, you proceeded to invade him - so I attacked you, duh, as indeed I said I would if I thought you were doing too well in that war. What did you expect? |
Slight update
Seems I will have access to dominions for another 6-7 turns, after that folket will take over as previously mentioned.
Re: Lost in time and space again...
Man should only be so lucky that they have a lackey in the form of EA C'Tis who will endure such abuse from a nation whom must be filled with commanders with no grasp on strategy. And, to top it all off, Man actively pretends to have "warned" the mighty nation of Midgard that it would attack. As if Midgard defending itself agaisnt EA C'Tis has somehow brought the attack of C'Tis and Man down upon it. The reality is that MA Man only offered vague excuses about an alliance with LA C'Tis when an NAP was asked about, while EA C'Tis gathered forces on our border. No where in that accord was "we'll attack you if you do too well against EA C'Tis" mentioned, but the people of Midgard are sure that Man would love to have the moral high ground. Anything, really, to make the notion of four nations against one seem more palatable. Jazzepi |
Re: Lost in time and space again...
Damn, man... is it normal that there are so few water sites underwater (I currently have an 8/turn income, and 4 of that is from my capitol), or am I just terribly unlucky? On the other side of the spectrum, I find (way) more kelp castles than I know what to do with.
(This is the first time ever I play a water nation, so I'm not yet familiar with the normal site distribution patterns underseas) |
Re: Lost in time and space again...
I have actually been somewhat lucky with water sites this game compared to you. As to your question I would say that finding a good income of earth and nature is pretty common underwater - They are almost more frequent than water sites.
Re: Perpetuality - The 60 Player MegaGame (Signup)
I'm switching MA Caelum and Eriu to AI if I don't hear from them by the end of the day.
Re: Lost in time and space again...
Re: Lost in time and space again...
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