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Endoperez October 20th, 2008 01:14 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 646889)
So, more or less most of the time, the only time a hydra regenerates is when its down to 40 hp or less.

On the other hand, a knight hitting with a lance, or even spells like Gifts from Heaven or Soul Slay, won't deal more than 6 points' worth of damage, since the form changes after that.

It works out okay, hydras are now considered much more powerful than they used to be.

Edi October 20th, 2008 04:24 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by chrispedersen (Post 646889)
No, I'm not sure Ich. Now that I retry it, it seems to regen for me as well. But I was sure the base hydra was sitting at 36 hp (vs the 40 its supposed to have).

But even if it is being technically correct, can this really be whats intended?


Form 1: X heads. 6Hp 6 reg
Form 2: X-1 head 6hp 6 reg
Form 3: X-2 heads 6hp 6 reg
Form4: X-Y heads 40 hp, 12 reg

So every time the hydra takes 6 points of damage - it wacks off a head, which *willnot* regenerate.

The only use for the regenerate is if the hydra takes less than 6pts of damage.

So, more or less most of the time, the only time a hydra regenerates is when its down to 40 hp or less.

This is completely WAD.

vfb October 21st, 2008 12:38 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
Bah ... I just got killed by the IMMORTALITY 001 bug. Some extra weirdness happened when I had Phoenix Pyre up with my immortal Phoenix: the third time he blew up, he somehow made a copy of himself and there were two Phoenixes on the battlefield. I sent the turn to Illwinter.

Edi October 21st, 2008 06:44 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Originally Posted by vfb (Post 647095)
Bah ... I just got killed by the IMMORTALITY 001 bug. Some extra weirdness happened when I had Phoenix Pyre up with my immortal Phoenix: the third time he blew up, he somehow made a copy of himself and there were two Phoenixes on the battlefield. I sent the turn to Illwinter.

That's a good thing that you sent a file. The bug has been around for ages, but it's so rare it has been hard to catch.

fungalreason October 21st, 2008 01:11 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I'm just curious if this would consider this a bug/exploit. I equip a Jotun Skratti with a Black Heart. Sneak him in his wolf form to an enemy province, along with a scout to carry some extra items. (The stealthy form only keeps the two misc slots). Next turn, I change to a werewolf, transfer the items over and assassinate a leader.

I thought that after the assassination I would see him attack the rest of the PD and/or whatever army remained in the enemy province, since the werewolf form doesn't have stealth. However, nothing happened. At the beginning of the next turn, the skratti keeps the "hide" command and appears to be free to move away, assassinate again,or even stay hidden.

chrispedersen October 21st, 2008 04:27 PM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
WAD, in my opinion.

If you think about it, a stealthy preacher in a province isn't giving the 'hide' order - he's preaching.

Its my personal opinion that stealth is only checked at specific occassions. Off the top of my head, when you sneak *into* a territory, when destealth is checked by the province, and when new units take control of territory. Also, when you have a stealthy succubus, with stealthy troops, and she succeeds and flies off - her troops *will* be discovered.

It seems to me that on the occasions that the stealth check is made, that it just goes against the stealth rating of the unit.
Aka the Destealth of the province compared to the stealth of the unit - its irrespective of the order your stealthy unit is giving.

I've often thought it would be cool if a stealthy scout could use a lab stealthily....

vfb October 24th, 2008 02:46 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
More on the item slots bug:

I made an Abysian Warlord (#119) my Prophet, turning him into a War Master (#118).

He got a "lost an arm" affliction in the second month of the game. He wasn't wielding any extra equipment, just the 2 axes (#17) he gets by default.

But when he "lost an arm", instead of being reduced to attacking with just one ax, he's got two fist (#92) attacks instead.

But wait, it gets weirder!

In the fourth month, there was an arena tournament, and he beat up some poor old guy and won the Champion's Trident. Which is two-handed. But he's now wielding it. But he doesn't get a trident attack. He's got one fist (#92) weapon now, instead of two.

He does have the quickness bonus from wielding the trident.

rdonj October 24th, 2008 04:11 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
I encountered the bug with globals not going away after the nation is defeated today in an EA game against t'ien chi. A somewhat frustrating occurence of it as they had cast wrath of god and I only have lizard shamans for astral....

But anyway, they had cast it with the master with the iron crutch. I killed him at least twice in their territory. One of the times was in the capital, while I had it under siege and I don't precisely remember but I MAY have taken the fort on that turn. In any case I don't think it ever counted him as actually having died, though I never saw him again. Unfortunately I don't have turn files of that time period, I was figuring the global would drop when I killed t'ien chi off and just brushed it off. I must be too used to playing MMOs.

Edi October 25th, 2008 06:37 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
vfb, the item slots behavior with your Warmaster is, as strange as it sounds, WAD. That's because a battleaxe is a 2-handed weapon. You can assign multiple two-handed weapons to a unit during creation and it won't check number of arms until you get the Lost an Arm affliction, at which point it checks that for all of the weapons. Hence the two fists. And the Champion's Trident is also 2-h, plus it has hard-coded behavior, so you get the item but the checks apply to whether the unit gets the weapon. For a normal 2-h item, the unit could not even find it.


Originally Posted by rdonj (Post 647720)
I encountered the bug with globals not going away after the nation is defeated today in an EA game against t'ien chi. A somewhat frustrating occurence of it as they had cast wrath of god and I only have lizard shamans for astral....

But anyway, they had cast it with the master with the iron crutch. I killed him at least twice in their territory. One of the times was in the capital, while I had it under siege and I don't precisely remember but I MAY have taken the fort on that turn. In any case I don't think it ever counted him as actually having died, though I never saw him again. Unfortunately I don't have turn files of that time period, I was figuring the global would drop when I killed t'ien chi off and just brushed it off. I must be too used to playing MMOs.

Known issue, globals staying up after a nation has been defeated. I've sent files to Illwinter in the past, but it has not been resolved. The reason why the global didn't dispel when the Master of the Iron Crutch was killed in combat in its own dominion is that it's an immortal unit, hence it does not count as killed unless it dies outside its native dominion and thus globals it has cast are not dispelled either.

So this is possibly a confluence of WAD behavior and an existing bug.

vfb October 25th, 2008 07:32 AM

Re: Bug Thread: Discussion
It's not a battleaxe, it's #17, an Axe, and it's one-handed according to the DB (thanks for the DB Edi!). The Warlord (#119) in the DB is also listed as wielding 2 Axes: wpn 1 and wpn 2.

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