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Kheldron October 9th, 2009 01:28 AM

Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Thanks ! :)

I actually had to add that part to make it work after deleting the rest. It wasnt too hard, even for me, after your advice...

#selectnation 73
#name "Skavenblight"
#era 1

Kheldron October 21st, 2009 05:09 AM

Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Sombre, I'm still testing the mod and you can't know how much I like it. I was a dedicated Skaven fan in my warhammer days and I feel like I just lost 10 years :)

2 things about the national heroes :
- they all seem to get random names despite the text description clearly identifying them
- if I may ask, why did you lock their weapons and other slots ? this seems a bit odd to me. I clearly remember equipping those heroes in my warhammer games (that may have been in older versions, I haven't played for 10 years at least so I don't know about any new rules) and they're the only heroes I know of in dominions who can't equip a slot they actually have...

BandarLover October 21st, 2009 09:25 AM

Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
If I remember correctly, you cannot actually mod names into Dominions or rather, you cannot give a specific name to a specific unit. The best you can do is create a list that the game will randomly assign to units as they appear. Just turn Renaming on when you start a new game...Voila!

I'll let Sombre answer why some heroes have no item slots. My guess is he desired them to fill specific roles and thus gave them items that are already superior to anything the player could craft for them.

rdonj October 21st, 2009 12:51 PM

Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
It is possible to give heroes specific names... IF you are willing to dedicate an entire nametype to give that hero a name. Since there are only, what, 2? nametypes available without overwriting any of the base nametypes, sombre chose not to waste an entire nametype on one name, and assume that in any game you'll have renaming on so you can easily rename your hero properly.

And yeah, in later editions at least heroes always have specific unalterable euqipment.

Sombre October 21st, 2009 06:54 PM

Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
Basically these guys already answered for me!

Since you can rename I don't consider the hero name thing to be an issue. It certainly isn't worth overwriting an entire nametype just because people don't want to go to the length of renaming them. I always rename them to their correct names, it's become a little ritual that makes getting them more memorable.

The equipment issue,... well let's take queek for example. He wields dwarf gouger and a sword. They're both magical weapons iirc and pretty decent ones. They are unique to queek. If I left him with hand slots and just a sword/mace, people would have him armed with a fire brand and a charcoal shield. Or, more likely, they wouldn't arm him with anything anyway, because he isn't actually a very good thug (being a mere size 2 noncaster). By giving him limited slots and replicating the effect of the magic items taking those slots (warpstone armour, dwarf gouger, warpstone charm iirc) he's better out of the box and only requires limited equipment to be something of a badass. Stick boots of quickness on him for instance, and he can kill thugs. Give him a horror helm and a luck amulet, he's better against chaff.

Kheldron October 22nd, 2009 04:47 AM

Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
thanks for the answers. I didn't intend to criticize, it just seemed odd to me.
Actually, I'm quite fine with them as the national heroes are really nice imo :)

Kheldron November 7th, 2009 11:03 AM

Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
I posted a guide to this mod there :

thanks again Sombre :)

HoneyBadger November 7th, 2009 10:44 PM

Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
I think it's great that people are posting (really excellent!) guides to your mods, Sombre. Yours are the "gold standard" of mod Nations out there, and you clearly put a great deal of effort and thought into each and every one of them.

I'll point out that putting in specific, unique equipment is actually a lot harder and more time-consuming than not.

Maybe at some point, someone will decide to go back to these Warhammer mods and add in sets of alternate sprites for the various units, so that the player could pick and choose what each (mechanically identical) unit should look like. That kind of graphic customization is just about the only thing Dom 3 lacks over real tabletop miniatures, other than the risk of lead-poisoning. :laugh:

Kheldron November 8th, 2009 02:48 AM

Re: MA Skavenblight 1.0 - get it while it's fecund
"Gold standard"

I couldn't have put it any better.

Sombre January 9th, 2010 01:58 PM

Re: MA Skavenblight 1.1 UPDATED
-- version 1.1

-- CONTENT - Tretch Craventail Hero added

-- TWEAK - Improved Pitbreeding now B2E1

-- TWEAK - Plague Rats now 5 for 7 (were 10 for 13)

-- TWEAK - Rat Ogres now use normal bite and claw and have boosted strength

-- FIX - Warpblades and weeping blades now magical

-- CONTENT - Doomflayer weapons team + summoning spell added

-- CONTENT - Arch Plaguelord pretender choice added

-- CONTENT - Keeper of the Pillar pretender choice added

-- FIX - Doomwheel summon no longer a commander

-- TWEAK - Eshin Shuriken +1 ammo (now 4)

-- TWEAK - Removed the 'mass production' versions of skryre spells and greatly increased magetime requirements

-- TWEAK - Warlock and Warlock Engineer picks made more consistent, warlock now +2 RP (was +1), engineer +3 (was +1)

-- TWEAK - Grey Seer leadership reduced

-- TWEAK - Basic commander/scout costs changed to reflect the opportunity cost of a fort turn

-- TWEAK - No more slave autospawn for chieftains

-- CONTENT - Warp Static 'buff' spell added

-- TWEAK - Moulder blood summons made more mage intensive

-- TWEAK - Packmasters now summon a pack of 10 rats at the start of battle, as well as training them via summon allies

-- TWEAK - Heroes stats further boosted, especially hp - numerous other minor tweaks

-- TWEAK - Single slaves now a recruitable option, with sensible bonus given to groups

-- TWEAK - Plague Rat now has same name as giant rat to allow fooling scout reports

-- TWEAK - Boneripper given recuperation and better prot + now autosummoned in combat + not unique means doesn't carry over injuries

-- TWEAK - Death Frenzy now mr negates to avoid frenzying your casters

-- TWEAK - Skyre troops have boosted mr to deflect death frenzy - slaves etc have less

-- TWEAK - Fortune Teller values brought closer to line with vanilla

-- TWEAK - Warplightning now greenish

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