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Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
I'll look into that, they are mostly used as researchers and casters anyway I'd guess so not that much of a problem I hope :D
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Well, two Enslave Minds is really good, and an essentially defenseless unit isn't. Without their attacks, I doubt the Brains deserve 500 gold, since a fairly high Astral power doesn't mean it's powerful enough for 500 gold. A unit that can Enslave Mind two enemies a turn, however, might (even though the two are essentially conflicting abilities). I'm not an expert, though (actually, I think it probably wouldn't deserve 500 gold anyways--that's a hefty cost for what's essentially a researcher that can double as a combat mage if it really needs to; seriously, 11 research per unit on a sacred, so it actually costs less upkeep than a mage Starspawn).
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Say, is the Ice Citadel supposed to have magic? It has #magicboost 53 -5, but no magic to un-boost. Same with the Terraforming Tower, I think (I haven't gotten to the Commonwealth yet, still working on the Orcs).
Same with the Builder too, it seems. And the destroyer. And the frigate. As does the Attack Form, Lightning Turret, Turret, and Defense Form units (wow). |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
I'm starting work on the Squick/Mi-Go's today, by the way.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Wait, but if the Mi-Gos (in name at least) come from Lovecraft, and assumign Aezeal keeps the R'lyeh nation, that's three Lovecraft-inspired nations (Aboleths, R'lyeh and Neoclidia). Wow. Lovecraft and space go together like peanut butter and jelly (even moreso since I plan on at some point creating an 'Ancients' race (the Ancients were alluded to in a few descriptions of Neoclidian units; more like the few survivors+assorted summoned goodies though).
We need a post (maybe even a thread) for all of the bugs. Seriously. This large of a project, it seems, comes with bugs galore. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Yeah, Lovecraft is cool...I was thinking yesterday that it might be really fun for someone (not me!) to do a Nation based around Fallout 3.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hmmm those commonwealth stuff you mentioned.. I copied them directly form amos mostly so... I guess there are reasons for that.. it doesn't seem like a bug to me it's intended and I don't see why it would be a problem either.
All bugs can be reported in here and I'll fix em though :D Lots of Lovecraft.. I saw that coming since I knew you all where working on those nations but you both seemed so enthousiastic and with different idea's that I'm not about to stop either of you.. I did mention it before to at least one of you (darkwind I think) and said that maybe you should combine it... but it's not a neccesity for me.. I'll just see what we end up with :D PS which other bugs are you referring too? |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Aezeal: Lovecraft, Dunsany, William Hope Hodgson, H Ryder Haggard, Mervyn Peake, etc. may be slightly less accessible than a more modern novelist, but I really think that it would be worth your time to explore the amazing literature they produced. Their writing, being before (or at the beginning of) the Pulps, Tolkienization, D&D, and standardization of Fantasy had a chance to homogenize, categorize, and-in a lot of ways-dumb down the genre, are often a good deal richer and deeper-and more strongly written-than many others. It's really the golden age of fantasy, and you're denying yourself a lot, by not giving it your consideration.
It may not be your cup of tea, but it's really, *really* good tea. |
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
hmmm I want to get some lovecraft and some conan actually but not that easy to get without paying huge transport fees from america. But I really doubt I'll find it actually better (Ghormenghast wasn't to my liking for example). My favorite books are the Malazan tale of the fallen, Wheel of time, a song of fire and ice, Dune though and those aren't standard Dnd pulp stories. New (to me at least) books that I've not read whole series of that appeal to me are The name of the Wind, and the Locke lamora books of scot lynch. Actually I'll have to say that even the drzzt books are quite nice and generally well written and I crash through them once in a while to get some diversion of the more serious works (pratchet does wonders for that too). I personally do want to write the works that originated many of the books i love so much but don't kid yourself.. it's evolution and the changes the genre has gone through is because it's improved in general. No idea why you'd be thinking it would not be my cup of tea though since I've never ever said something like that, just not read it because it's not available to me.
Re: Dominions 3000 v0.65 6 races total now.. Commonwealth latest addition
Continuing the OT: I used to like Wheel of Time, but don't anymore. ASoIaF is great, though.
On-topic, I've officially started another nation for this, Piria. Basically, it's Abysia. In space. Except, well, not Abysia. Their backstory is essentially thus: There once was a star named Piria. For whatever reason, it was sentient. It created a bunch of mini-starlings, the Firstblood Pirians, who were fairly large and overall awesome. Then Piria took a centuries-long catnap. The Pirians became weaker, leading to the Pirian's of the game's time. As Piria wakes up, more and more stronger ('Trueblood') Pirians are being born, who are overall more awesome than normal Pirians but little children compared to the strength of the Firstbloods. So, Pirians are humanoid balls of star stuff. They have fair attack but poor defense, and have a large heat aura (Put a Pirian next to a tree and it bursts into flame. Put a Trueblood next to a tree and a small forest would burst into flame. Put a Firstblood next to a tree in Haiti and trees will be bursting into flame in Canada). Due to being sentient balls of gas, they won't really wear much armor, instead relying on their natural skills to kill things dead (fireballs, anyone?) before they can be killed dead themselves. I'm thinking they won't be too much of a magic-oriented nation, focusing more on the power of their troops. i.e., Pirians won't have a couple mages spamming large fireballs. They'll have an army of Pirians spamming medium-sized fireballs. Though, they'll probably have almost only Fire, with some Earth and a tiny bit of Astral, so they'll probably have quite a few mages spamming Fireball too. Not to mention choice national spells, such as Giant Fireball of Doom(tm). Any thoughts? |
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