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Baalz April 24th, 2009 06:16 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!

Originally Posted by llamabeast (Post 687723)
I see you conquered the shire though. :)

Well, I was looking for my ring!

GrudgeBringer April 25th, 2009 01:13 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Thanks....As I was smack dab in between Argatha and Abysia my whole strategy was to run one way and take a undefended province and make a show a force...

Then run the other way and take a undefended province and make a show of force...

And try and delay those two from hooking up.

Thanks to all for sending the Money, Gems, and Weapons.

Executor, you did a real good job of coordinating.

Truman, Statttis, All I could do was hear the sounds of you guys fighting, but you did it well.

Sansanjuan...thanks for filling in, you where a great asset.

And Finally.....Thanks You Baalz for not squashing me like a bug and making me the sacrificial lamb I thought I was going to be.

sansanjuan April 25th, 2009 08:30 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Had a really great time playing this game. The 30 Agartha cave drakes gave me fits until I was able to spam paralyze. Nice defense Agartha. I was not looking forward to fighting in the dark in your cap.

I really wouldn't mind playing again and switching sides (good to evil, evil to good).... we could also mix up the teams a bit if desired. The smaller map and player count made it really fun. Thanks for pulling me in Tru.


BTW for those of you that haven't seen it.. that is the best looking map I've ever played. Kudos to the original designer and Cleveland.

GrudgeBringer April 26th, 2009 12:58 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
I take it the game is over so I am not submitting my turn unless notified otherwise.

yandav April 27th, 2009 07:13 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!

Originally Posted by Trumanator (Post 687709)
Any thoughts on what allowed the good guys to dominate so much? It seems like much of it had to do with the game being much more of a blitz style than a regular one.

I (Patala) started in a corner, which is good, but my neighbouring provinces where exclusively deserts! My closest neighbour was new ulm which is quite scary in early game, whereas Patala only has elephants.

Tifone April 27th, 2009 10:32 AM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Hey there! Nice game all guys. Sorry if lately I'm not on the forum often, things are getting complicated (but no reason to worry). Please feel free to sign me in to an eventual rematch, Baalz was a great coordinator, we just had a very bad star in our evil sky ^^
Oh and gratz to Arco. You were great researching and putting in the field good magic counters for my troops, be it Banish spam, Paralyze and the like (well to be fair your troops sucked instead, all those yummy barbarians and elephants for my drakes and wights! joke ^^ ). I enjoyed it a lot and I think I also learned much, even if the game was short and I basically had 4 provinces in the maximum moment of my empire xD
Thanks again everybody!

sansanjuan April 27th, 2009 01:24 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!

Originally Posted by Tifone (Post 688121)
Hey there! Nice game all guys. Sorry if lately I'm not on the forum often, things are getting complicated (but no reason to worry). Please feel free to sign me in to an eventual rematch, Baalz was a great coordinator, we just had a very bad star in our evil sky ^^
Oh and gratz to Arco. You were great researching and putting in the field good magic counters for my troops, be it Banish spam, Paralyze and the like (well to be fair your troops sucked instead, all those yummy barbarians and elephants for my drakes and wights! joke ^^ ). I enjoyed it a lot and I think I also learned much, even if the game was short and I basically had 4 provinces in the maximum moment of my empire xD
Thanks again everybody!

Your wights and drakes did indeed eat many many barbarians. I made a very poorly coordinated attack acouple weeks ago where I attempted to teleport in my best four mages to join in a communion with others coming in by land. Amoung the communion master script was the 4th level bless fanatisism (attempting to overcome your very strong dominion and the ensuing barbarian routs) followed by juiced banishments. What actually happened was
1. my 4 teleporting mages arrived all by themselves :doh:
2. They were immediately eated by the drakes :hurt: as they attempted their scripts with no chaff in front of them (you'd think they'd realize "oh sh*t!" where is the fodder?!)
3. My Barbarian horde arrives in the next battle sequence with almost no mage support
4. The "Barbara Anns" ran away as soon as the drakes inflicted the smallest "owie"
5. My higher morale units were then eaten by your drakes ;)

This (above) was a four turn blunder on my part. Note to self: teleporters arrive before land movement.

They only way was I was eventually able to make the barbarians (and elephants) useful was touch of madness. They were my only units capable of melee damage on the drakes (minus a little trample damage contribution from the elephants). Fighting in your Caps auto Darkness would have been very very hard. Paralyze and large AOE spells are about it. Maybe berzerk elephants might have trampled some.

BTW In the last turn I was very very lucky to paralyze your Pretender. I got him on try #6 but think my odds were probably something like 1 in a 100.

I'm discovering these smaller games are *much* more to my liking. Impossible (for me) to do tactical scripting if I have more than a couple big battles in a turn. Also in the big games I can never emember what I was going to do from one turn to the next.


Trumanator April 27th, 2009 09:14 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Well, the game has been officially declared over, with Good as the winner by concession. Thanks all for playing, and see you all in future games.

Now I can delete all those messages from my inbox :D

Edit: I posted this game in the Victories thread, so there's a possiblity that you guys could get at least partial credit for a win! W00t!

GrudgeBringer April 27th, 2009 09:30 PM

Re: War of the Ring- Let the Battle for Middle Earth begin!
Good Job Truman

Good game all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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