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-   -   The Star Trek Mod - v1.9.7.5 (Oct 07) (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=21042)

Black_Knyght September 21st, 2006 11:07 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
I know I'm certainly eager to give it a whirl....

Atrocities September 21st, 2006 05:14 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
Lets hope others are too. Or else I pretty much wasted my time. But thats would be ok, at least I know I made a fun mod.

Ludd September 21st, 2006 06:25 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
STM is great. I will definately be downloading the new version.

When will the SEV version be ready?. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif

Atrocities September 21st, 2006 07:07 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
A lot of newer players to the game have expressed a lot of confusion over having to install the image packs and updates. I have tried to make things easy for them but still its a lot to do when your first starting out.

Seems that most of them are not reading the help files and or are reading them but are becoming confused by them. How do you explain how to install the image packs in a way that someone with no computer skills what so ever can understand?

Black_Knyght September 21st, 2006 10:25 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
That's an interesting dilemma. I'll give it some thought to see how to best present that.

Caduceus September 21st, 2006 11:48 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
My experience (as a bit of a techno-failure) is getting support from this forum or from IRC. Folks have ALWAYS been helpful. Sometimes I was even doing the right thing, with unexpected results.

Black_Knyght September 22nd, 2006 02:44 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
Downloaded the Mod, and I'm starting a game asap. Didn't catch that you'd released it already when I was on here earlier.

Atrocities September 22nd, 2006 03:04 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
I started the upload earlier and had to leave. Hope it works.

Atrocities September 22nd, 2006 03:56 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
I could not log onto SE.net too post this news so it is going to have to be broken here first. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif Sorry Fyron.

The Star Trek Mod Version Deluxe
(29 megs)

The year is 2400.00 and the galaxy awaits exploration. Who could have ever imagine the wonders and horrors to come. Where peaceful exploration and diplomacy fail, conquest begins. Immerse yourself in the role of leader of a Star Trek Race. Explore the technology, build ships, and colonize the galaxy as you battle against other star trek races for absolute power.

This latest version is a major departure from the last version of the mod. Virtually everything has been modified from the way the technology has been laid out to how the AI works.

Major Changes:
1. Technology has been re-organized
2. All facilities have been replaced with the inclusion of expandable ship yards.
3. Racial Traits have been modified and now include free traits that give access to Infantry and Troops. (Seperated in an attempt to limit illegal AI designs)
4. The AI has been reworked as to improve the single player experience.
5. Virtually every component and facility is now divided equally into parts for each race. This will enable modding of individual races components and facilities without affecting other races.
6. Spaceyards build at faster rates than planet based construction yards.

Release Notes:
1. This mod is designed for long term play therefore do not expect a fast paced game by turn 30 as the AI is designed to expand and research at a moderate pace in order to emulate a true Star Trek universe.
2. The Star Trek Mod must follow the rules and physics of Space Empires IV. Therefore do not expect the mod to be pure Star Trek in any form. Although we have tried to make the mod as star trek as possible, some things such as warp drive and what not will not be like they are in the Star Trek universe.
3. Read the INSTALLATION and Before You Play documents before you play the mod. They Contains helpful information.

Please report bugs and other issues to my gmail account listed in the mods documentation. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the mod.

scJazz September 22nd, 2006 02:42 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Thank you AT!!!

Atrocities September 23rd, 2006 06:29 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Two issues have cropped up.

1. You do not need EMP files to play the mod. The game will generate the EMP files automatically when the game is started. You can save the EMP files by switching any AI controlled player to human control on turn 1 and then save that empires EMP file. Most players don't use pre-set EMP files and I wanted to make sure that there were no errors reported before generating the 60 + EMP files for this mod. I hate to have to redo them so soon after the release of the latest version of the mod. When setting up your own race, be sure to take advantage of all the free tech and choose wisely your choices for Adv Racial Traits. Don't forget to min/max your racial characteristic points as well.

2. Here is a link to fix the Federation error that many of you have reported. The error was caused by a numbering issue that I failed to see on the final build of the Federation General AI files. One out of 40 + isn't bad.

Quck start should work fine now and the Federation General_File error should be a thing of the past.

Link to Federation Fix

1. Simply unzip and place into your Space Empires IV Deluxe folder.
2. When asked to over write, click yes.

If you haven't downloaded the full 29 meg version before Sept 23, 3am, then no worries. Go ahead and download it, it won't need to be updated.

If you have already downloaded it prior to this date and time, then simply download the Federation Fix and install it as directed above.

Thank you all for the bug report and please keep them coming. I would like to have an update ready with as many bug fixes as I can pack in no later than the end of the month.

wildcowboy September 23rd, 2006 04:00 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Admittetly, I havent played this much until recently.....OK probably 2 years at least. This mod and the release of V are the reasons Im back. Though Im still skeptical of V and not real impressed with the demo. Anyway, reason for this particular post.

AT (or anyone else) what is the purpose of the structural integrity field? OK as a Trekkie I know, but the game stats list the abilities as none for this component.


P.S. AT, this is good stuff, last time I played your mod was probably 03-04, maybe longer...Im thinking they were just shipsets at the time!!!!

scJazz September 23rd, 2006 04:27 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Structural Integrity Fields give your ship extra HP which means that they might take damage and be destroyed before something useful like a shield generator or bridge.

Captain Kwok September 23rd, 2006 04:57 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
The SIF has the armor ability so that it gets hit before the other systems like SC Jazz mentioned.

wildcowboy September 23rd, 2006 05:03 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Thanks guys!!

Artaud September 23rd, 2006 07:05 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Atrocities, you are just...The Man. Thanks for the shipsets, the mod...gee whiz. You're The Man!

Black_Knyght September 23rd, 2006 07:26 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Started the mod, and I gotta say I am VERY impressed !!! Damn fine piece of work here, well thought out and well executed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

Very nicely done, <font color="red">AT</font>, very nicely done indeed. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

wildcowboy September 24th, 2006 02:44 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Wow, Out of curiosity have the Borg been tweaked? They have massivly out produced me even in the early going. Not saying over done, havent played enough to say, and the Borg is supposed to be very powerful anyway. Oh well, the Klingon empire has just been told and demonstrated to, Resistance is Futile!!!


PDF September 24th, 2006 07:04 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
AT, I have just started a dozen game turns (with Feds), some questions :
- I used a Quickstart, and the starting designs done by the IA had no warp core/nacelles and move 0 (this has always been the case with this mod IIRC)... Does that mean the IA is unable to build "moving" ships ?
- Browsing through the Tech tree I can't find how I can progress to Warp II+, Propulsion only helps sublight engines..Which tech is Warp in ?

Atrocities September 24th, 2006 08:07 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*

PDF said:
AT, I have just started a dozen game turns (with Feds), some questions :
- I used a Quickstart, and the starting designs done by the IA had no warp core/nacelles and move 0 (this has always been the case with this mod IIRC)... Does that mean the IA is unable to build "moving" ships ?
- Browsing through the Tech tree I can't find how I can progress to Warp II+, Propulsion only helps sublight engines..Which tech is Warp in ?

Send me your save game. All of the simulations I run, none quick start, the AI always uses the proper components in its designs. If it is not, then it has too be something that Quck Start is doing and I suspect that perhaps the quick start my not be using the Federation Design creation files.

So please either post your Save game file or email it too me.

Atrocities September 24th, 2006 08:11 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
Ok I started a QS game and I see what your talking about. I won't need that save game. I don't know why the AI isn't designing ships correctly. It must be a bug with how SEIV uses QS to generate the game. While the game uses other required components, it ignors most.

At this point I would say just start a game without using QS. I don't know what is causing QS to mess up but I will try and figure it out.


Atrocities September 24th, 2006 08:11 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
If any one is interested the Quick Start master game password is "master"

Atrocities September 24th, 2006 08:30 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
Ok this is very odd bug. It is most likely an SE IV bug and not related to the mod.

The reason I say this is because the AI is correctly designing the other races ships. I switched all of the other players to human control and verified that the AI had correctly designed their ships.

I did notice that on turn one only the Human player had ready to use designs while the other AI players did not. In order to see the AI designed ships I had to first run a complete turn before changing them from AI to human control.

What I observed is that the AI does indeed correctly design ships for the AI controlled players but since the Human player is starting the game with designs already loaded, the designs are flawed.

I was curious too see what would happen if I switched my human controlled empire to AI control. So what I did was choose a neutral AI and changed it from AI control to human control on turn 1. I then switched my empire from human control to AI control and then ended the turn. I ran the turn twice, once as the original empire to change to the neutral empire. Then as the neutral empire on complete turn. I then set the neutral empire back to AI control and set my original empire back to human control. I ended the turn and when my original empire loaded I checked my designs.

I checked "hide obsolete" and all of the flawed designs were removed. Only new, correctly designed, designed ships were present.

This told me that it had to be a bug with Quick Start and SEIV in general and not the mod.

As I stated, I checked all of the other empires and the AI is designing ships correctly.

Any ways the quick fix to over come this bug would be too do the following:
1. Choose your race and start your QS game.
2. On Turn one click on the menu and change one of the minor races to human control and set your race to AI control.
3. End the turn.
4. When your temp race comes up, end the turn without doing anything.
5. When your temp races comes up again, select menu and set it back to AI control and set your original race back to human control.
6. End the turn.
7. When your original race loads check too see if the designs are properly designed. They should be.

Let me know if they don't.

Xrati September 24th, 2006 12:16 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
AT, you were going to send me locations of the updated mod files for use in the playtest. When you get around to it maybe you can list them somewhere.

PDF September 24th, 2006 04:43 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Ok Atrocities, no big deal I had faulty starting designs, I scapped them anyway.
And about the Warp tech ?

Atrocities September 24th, 2006 04:55 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*

Xrati said:
AT, you were going to send me locations of the updated mod files for use in the playtest. When you get around to it maybe you can list them somewhere.

You can download the full mod now. Did you need something other than this? If so please let me know. The moment the mod was ready, ie. the game killing bug was fixed, I uploaded the mod for general use. I had only two players willing to test the mod for bugs so I figured that if more people had access to it, the more bug reports I would get.

Thankfully that was true as I have received several excellent bugs to track down and kill. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif There will be a small update by the end of the month. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Atrocities September 24th, 2006 06:58 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *updated*
Ok here is a quck way to over come the Quick Start Bug.

In order to have the Design Minister design ships that have all of the required components do this:

1. Once the game is loaded make all of the designs obsolete
2. Activate the Design Minister
3. Process the turn.

The minister will design correct designs for the next turn. This method worked for both minor and Major races including the Federation.

wildcowboy September 24th, 2006 07:41 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
While attempting to build a large resource ship for remote mining Ive realized I dont think the scale works.

26x Crew Quarters (10x of actual quarters max)
1x Bridge
2x Life Support
1x Warp Core
1x Warp Nacelle

This weighs in at 1665 Kt

wildcowboy September 24th, 2006 07:43 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
While attempting to build a large resource ship for remote mining Ive realized I dont think the scale works.

26x Crew Quarters (10x of actual quarters max)
1x Bridge
2x Life Support
1x Warp Core
1x Warp Nacelle

This weighs in at 2115 Kt

Ship Max is 2005.....
Unless Im missing something there is no way to build this ship other than to use it as an imobile base?


** http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif Sorry for the double post!!**

Dejavuproned September 24th, 2006 08:08 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
The new version looks great! Two things though:

1. When I tried setting up a game the manual way (new game) when I started with the federation I had nothing, no facilities and no tech of any kind???

2. Quick start gives you ai only cheat traits, you can see this if you go to the abilities tab on your homeworld at the beggining. - Edit - Gives you the ai tech researched as well, no sure what that does though.

Atrocities September 24th, 2006 09:00 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*

wildcowboy said:
While attempting to build a large resource ship for remote mining Ive realized I dont think the scale works.

26x Crew Quarters (10x of actual quarters max)
1x Bridge
2x Life Support
1x Warp Core
1x Warp Nacelle

This weighs in at 2115 Kt

Good catch. Will fix now and will be in the next update. Thank you.

Atrocities September 24th, 2006 09:05 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Here is the updates that I have completed so far.

Star Trek Mod v1.

1. - Fixed - Error with Heavy Shield Mount. Will now give correct bonus for shield Percentage.
2. - Changed - Added a new Q &amp; A relating to the Quick Start Bug in the Questions And Answer document
3. - Added - A Quick Start Game section to the Before You Play document.
4. - Fixed - Description in Supply Replicator III will now display correct Mount Scaling information.
5. - Fixed - Resource Gatherering Mount for Satellites will now show up correctly for use with only satellites
6. - Added - Satellite (Mining) to Defualt Design Types
7. - Changed - Small Fighter Engine description to read for use with fighters
8. - Changed - Small Fighter Engine tech requirement from Shuttles 2 to Fighters 1.
9. - Changed - Scanner Jammer KT Tonnage from 30 to 10
10. - Fixed - Large Resource Ship size is now correct for its requirements. Changed from 2005 to 2305.

Atrocities September 24th, 2006 09:12 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*

Dejavuproned said:
The new version looks great! Two things though:

1. When I tried setting up a game the manual way (new game) when I started with the federation I had nothing, no facilities and no tech of any kind???

You need to select the FEDERATION racial trait. You should also select the two free techs.


2. Quick start gives you ai only cheat traits, you can see this if you go to the abilities tab on your homeworld at the beggining. - Edit - Gives you the ai tech researched as well, no sure what that does though.

Yes the QUICK START games do give you access to the cheat traits because they are listed in the races General_AI file. So whatever the AI has access too in that file, you will have access too when it is used to generate a quick start game.

Dejavuproned September 25th, 2006 04:31 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
I coulda swore I did select that Federation racial trait, but ill test again tomorrow.

Black_Knyght September 25th, 2006 07:38 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Okay, three things....

1) - God I love this MOD !!! Damn fine piece of work, and I am enjoying the H3LL out of EVERY minute I'm playing it. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

2) - The Borg just stomped the H3LL out of my Tholians !!! (maybe if they'd had a different shipset*, they'd have lasted a bit longer....hint,hint,hint,wink http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif...)

3) Time to start again and get some payback !!! Here Borgy, Borgy... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

*No offense intended to Oleg here http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

wildcowboy September 26th, 2006 01:56 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
This is a great piece of work. I love it. After getting my but kicked by the Borg and even the Ferengi and getting hung up by several minor races I come to understand Ive got to change strategy. I believe the AI Min/Org/Rad bonus is what is getting me. Im being totally outproduced/out expanded even within the first 30-40 turns. Any ideas on combating this? Ive even bumped my Org/Rad back to over 100% with little success.

Once again, this is not a criticism by any means, afetr all I can just tweak the numbers down a little if it comes to it. Id rather play within the framework of the mod and its intent. Just looking for ideas.

Suicide Junkie September 26th, 2006 02:35 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Can you not use a lower AI bonus setting?

None = Fair
Low = 2x
Medium = 3x
High = 5x

wildcowboy September 26th, 2006 03:08 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
The AI bonus is not what is causing this.

1.) Maybe Im just not that good!!!

2.) As Ive messed with editing certain things ,i.e making some of the adjustments AT has mentioned will be in the next release. (thanks to the threads the modding experts have out there) It is a setting with the AI racial abilities to for min/org/rad harvesting. Im fixin to start a game with this halved to see how it goes. My intent is to make sure it is difficult enough so that I only win 20-30% of the time.

Ive grown to like this mod so much I doubt Ill ever go back to stock or any other at least for a long while.

Atrocities September 26th, 2006 06:11 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Remote mining will give you the edge. I wam working on a tech tree chart now. (Very basic but will help).

The AI doesn't re-act to quickly to mines. Mines can save off invasion for a bit.

Focus on getting energy weapons, shields, and combat support.

Remote mining is very important. As is using engineering, captains, deflector dishes, replicators, bussard collectors, SIF, and race armor.

wildcowboy September 26th, 2006 06:28 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Nice to see Im not the only one up at all hours!! Ill give the remote mining a run. As of now the 50% of your AI increase still has left me in last place after 65 turns. Ive always had a habit of jumping for the genesis torp idea and mining the planets due to resource depletion of remote.

Speaking of....one clarification if you please?

Your level II and up mines/org/rad facilities damage the planets conditions as in climate or value?

wildcowboy September 26th, 2006 07:09 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*

Klingon BOP mpount appears to only be available for DD class ships. Description states its available for Scout, FF, and DD. Have fixed this with decreasing min size to 220. However, how do you preclude the usage on the small transport?


Artaud September 26th, 2006 07:21 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*

wildcowboy said:
This is a great piece of work. I love it. After getting my but kicked by the Borg and even the Ferengi and getting hung up by several minor races I come to understand Ive got to change strategy.

I'm playing the DS9 Alliance and have expanded very quietly for some time. But last night I bumped into Species 8743 (I think it was them), and they have...DREADNAUGHTS!!! I've only researched up to light cruisers. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/shock.gif

Better start deploying mines real fast.... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

wildcowboy September 26th, 2006 07:55 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Here is another issue Ive just come across with resource ships. Someone else please see if they can recreate this.

1.) Design resource ship
2.) Upgrade same ship....it will say you need more crew quarters allowing you to add more mining components
3.) Upgrade again.....same thing...this allows you to place huge numbers of comp[onents on a ship that should not be able to carry the size.


Atrocities September 26th, 2006 11:47 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Thanks, I will check this out. Sounds more like an SEIV bug though than a mod issue.

Atrocities September 26th, 2006 11:59 PM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
FOund the bug with the satellite upgrade issue. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif Was a good catch.

Atrocities September 27th, 2006 05:19 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
Here is what I have done so far for the next patch that will be released on the 28th.


Star Trek Mod v1.

1. Fixed - Error with Heavy Shield Mount. Will now give correct bonus for shield Percentage.
2. Changed - Added a new Q &amp; A relating to the Quick Start Bug in the Questions And Answer document
3. Added - A Quick Start Game section to the Before You Play document.
4. Fixed - Description in Supply Replicator III will now display correct Mount Scaling information.
5. Fixed - Resource Gatherering Mount for Satellites will now show up correctly for use with only satellites
6. Added - Satellite (Mining) to Defualt Design Types
7. Changed - Small Fighter Engine description to read for use with fighters
8. Changed - Small Fighter Engine tech requirement from Shuttles 2 to Fighters 1.
9. Changed - Scanner Jammer KT Tonnage from 30 to 10
10. Fixed - Large Resource Ship size is now correct for its requirements. Changed from 2005 to 2305.
11. Changed - Description text for Shield Generator I - IX from Starship to Base for Base Shield Generator
12. Changed - Description text for Shield Generator I - V from starship to Weapon Platform for Weapon Platform Shield Generator.
13. Changed - Family number of Shield Generator I - V (Weapon Platform) from 11 to 211
14. Changed - Family number of Shield Generator I - X (Bases) from 11 to 311
15. Fixed - By changing the family names of the Shield Generators the shield upgrade issue has been fixed.
16. Changed The name of the EMC Cannon I - V to EM Cannon I - V
17. Changed - The Description of the EM Cannon I - V.
18. Changed - Changed family numbers for Remote Mining components to prevent upgrade bug.
19. Changed - Small Shield Generator family numbers to prevent upgrade bug.
20. Fixed - Repair Yard I - III will now scale correctly to the Repair Barge hull.
21. Changed - Description of component Repair Yard I - III
22. Changed - Description of component Ship yard I - III
23. Changed - Name of Point - Defense Disruptors I - V to Point - Defense Blasters I - V
24. Changed - Removed UCP race from Quick Start game options.
25. Changed - Description for BOP Mount. Should read 20% not 25%.
26. Changed - Lowered weapons damage for BOP Mount to 80%.
27. Fixed - BOP Mount now works with all three BOP class hulls.
28. Changed - All Organic Resource gathering facilities now provide a 1% bonus to Planet - Conditions
29. Changed - Descriptions on all Organic Resource gathering facilities effected by the change as listed in item 28.
31. Added - Three new Advantage Racial Traits; Mineral Mining Experts, Organic Farming Experts, and Radioactive Extraction Experts.
32. Added - Three new Dis-Advantage Racial Traits; Mining Slackers, Organic Slackers, and Radioactive Slackers

Atrocities September 27th, 2006 05:42 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*

wildcowboy said:

Speaking of....one clarification if you please?

Your level II and up mines/org/rad facilities damage the planets conditions as in climate or value?

The facilities list this:
Planet - Change Conditions

I am not sure but I think this might be climate. Value would be the resources.

Atrocities September 27th, 2006 05:47 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*

- Browsing through the Tech tree I can't find how I can progress to Warp II+, Propulsion only helps sublight engines..Which tech is Warp in ?

Physics lv (I) will open up Warp Technology.

I am working on a basic tech tree that will help aid players. It will be a lot like the ones I made way back in one of the eariler version of the mod. Too bad there isn't a program that will do this for me automatically. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Atrocities September 27th, 2006 06:21 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*
As you my have noted I have added a few new racial traits for players to use. This was in response to comments from players who wanted the option to boost resource generation as a racial trait but not one as great as the AI bonuses.

This change will effect any EMP files created for use with version of the mod. I am however going to add all new EMP files for use with the mod. Only the major races will have EMP files. (Including the extra federation sets but they will be in a seperate folder)

The players will now be able to take either a resource gathering advantage or disadvantage. They will also be able to take a research advantage or disadvantage as I am also adding in three new research disadvantage traits.

Before I generate the new EMP files I was wondering if there are any more requests for Racial Traits both advantage and disadvantage?

Please post your comments no later than this evening. Thanks.

wildcowboy September 27th, 2006 06:55 AM

Re: The Star Trek Mod - Deluxe *Released*

Atrocities said:

wildcowboy said:

Speaking of....one clarification if you please?

Your level II and up mines/org/rad facilities damage the planets conditions as in climate or value?

The facilities list this:
Planet - Change Conditions

I am not sure but I think this might be climate. Value would be the resources.

Thanks AT, also good call with the BOP mount. I found several destroyers were effectively taking on battleships with few losses. Will be interesting to see. And thanks for the tip on remote mining....has done the trick.

One question....Do % traits affect remote mines or just planetary facilities?

Forgive the questions, but your efforts have inspired me to learn a little more about the game mechanics and how to tweak it. I really dont have the time to consider an attempt at a full on mod but hope to help where I can.


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