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Cor2 September 22nd, 2007 05:08 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
How did you like those seeking arrows?

Burnsaber September 23rd, 2007 08:01 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken

Cor2 said:
How did you like those seeking arrows?

Let's put it this way. The score in the game of Seeking Arrows vrs my commanders is 0-6.

Cor2 September 23rd, 2007 05:24 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Thats sad. Maybe I should stop using those suction cup arrows.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 23rd, 2007 09:51 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Hey! Its Nerf or Nothing.

Szumo September 26th, 2007 05:11 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
So guys, any gossip? I'd love to hear what's happening in the south, for example? Sauromatia and Vanheim still fighting?

Burnsaber September 26th, 2007 08:45 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Well, in order to get gossip, one must also give gossip. And I'm now going to give others something to gossip about.

Recently we have had some diplomatic issues with Agartha. We won the race to the Caelum's capitol fair and square, but the greed of the Pale Ones is endless and vast. We, as creatures of gluttony (although we prefer the term "excessive consumer") could only watch in disgust as Agartha simply claimed, on no basis: "Give us the capitol, or it's war". Well, the people of Yomi are not completely unreasonable so even while offenced, we tried to reason with warmongering Pale Ones, but there is no reason that can be used against the greedy Agartha.

Agartha leads in every chart imaginable, but still they hunger for more. For the slighest moment were going to give in to their bullying, but then we realized that doing so would be akin to desecrating every Oni who gave their immortal lives for us to get so far. We are the undordog in the coming fight, but someone must stand against the Agartha menace.

We also advice his neighbours to strike now that his armies are divided. If he wins this war, my gold, gem income few kickass magic sites of mine will be added to his already amazing repertoire of weapons. He has apparently has found many indie magic sites and seems to have good if not amazing access to all paths of magic -> if we allow him to grow even a bit more he'll devour us all.

Come, fat and lazy ones, come from your thrones on damp caves and taste a real battle! Your bodies will make a great feast!

And now something completely different;

I'll be away this weekend from Friday to Sunday. Is there anyway that hosting could be delayed to say Tuesday morning, so that I could make my turn on Monday?

Szumo September 26th, 2007 10:13 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Ah, what a nice piece of propaganda, Burnsaber. Wouldn't be nice if you have mentioned all of the facts, though.
I'll add a few interesting things that change the perspective:

1. It was your inititiave to attack Caelum together and split their lands. Then, after i started the war with them, you decided to wait a few turns, then swoop in from the other side and take Caelum's land while they're busy with me. Nicely played! End result - you take all their provinces but two. Wondering why i'm not happy about that result?

2. On your way to the grab as much Caelum as you could, you even sent a group of stealth troops through my lands, without telling me about it all. Those troops were detected by PD, and then defeated it. If conquering my province without provocation, need or warning is not a violation of NAP 5 we used to have, i don't know what would be.

3. You say you won race to Caelum's capitol fair and square? The truth is quite different. Our armies got there on the same turn, and it was mine who was there first and got to fight Caelum's defense, while your forces fought with mine later. That definitely makes "the right" to conquer that province contested.

4. Your unwillingness to resolve this issue diplomatically to my satisfaction, and the rumours i hear about you asking our common neighbours to ally with you and attack me, made me convinced you're not to be trusted. I believe the truth is simple, it is the Yomi who got fat and lazy after devouring Caelum, and it is my duty to kill em all while they're too weak to defend their fresh conquests.

5. Other races you call are definitely advised to stay out of this business. I think they've seen that i'm willing to deal fair, you'll be the first and hopefully the last to learn my wrath after your betrayal.

Oh, and i'd still like to hear the gossip from other parts of the world http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Janlm September 26th, 2007 10:36 AM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
Perhaps you should have agreed on some terms before arranging an alliance against the poor Caelum. It seems to me, that a "race" towards nations capital to be the means of dividing conquered lands, can only end in disputes like this.

Well I will be happy to inform you that close by Argathan lands, Abyssian troops is fending off an unprovoked attack against the vile and evil C'tis forces. Lead by greed, and desire for destruction they are laying siege to one of our castles at the moment.

Lazy_Perfectionist September 26th, 2007 01:37 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I'd really love to hear from my neighbors down south, Arcosephale. I've moved my few scouts west to Abysia, and have settled for a simple patrol by freebie militia. I haven't heard anything from there. I have no clue whether they are in the middle of war or are on their way to wishing for Armageddon. Or Cthulu.

In Ctisian news, I'm attempting to lay siege to a mountain citadel, while they lay siege to a northern fortress of mine. Bit of defense there, though hopefully few troops inside. My swarms of lesser undead should help me tear down those walls. Either way, I won't hang around there much longer. I need to push deep into Abysian lands. I don't want to make the mistake of losing the initiative twice. Still, this castle is critical, because there is a site producing Enchantresses. Two nature, one astral, isn't significant for me with my shamans, but letting Abysia get ahold of astral magicians will severely hinder my plans. As well, this mountain citadel is much better than what I could produce- I look forward to claiming it as my own.

Although they are vulnerable to much killing, Falchioneers are great counters to Burning Ones- their relatively low attack (8 per sword) is countered by the elites' defense of a paltry 5. Bit lacking in penetration, but they're the best mundane option I have available.

I must conquer Abysia before their mages bridge the research gap. The spell of Darkness is an incalculable advantage, even when I have to spend 4 gems a battle, and even if I don't have undead. Even my regular troops benefit, since it hurts Abysian elites and mages much more than it hurts me.

Earlier, I had a force of 1 Bane Lord, and 14 wights. I sacrificed this force, in order to ambush an army of Ctis. I had expected them to live, thanks to darkness, but had overlooked the precision of banishment. Still, killing an entire army, and leaving their fortress unguarded was well worth it.

In other news, I purchased the services of Obscuro, the Hidden Master. Who, for utterly inexplicable (or obscure) reasons, has earth boots and a frost brand that I'm unable to use... A fragile air two mage, with boots that boost earth magic he doesn't have... And a frikin sword. WTF?

Abysia is raining flaming death on my forces. Interestingly enough, I prophetized my bane lord and am using him to raise longdead skeletons (of ctis) while I'm laying siege. Only produced a measly 14 undead so far. But it should help counter the loss of 20 unidentified soldiers from this flaming nation.

The pretender of Abysia, and ninety troops are near my forces. Can I guess their intentions?

Valandil September 26th, 2007 02:02 PM

Re: EA PBEM Doom Chicken
I staled turn 39. Because my spam filter kille the llamasever's message. I sent my new turn in, and fixed my email settings. Blurgh.

Argh. Gift of health?

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