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Gregstrom October 5th, 2009 09:02 AM

Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I've put in a 24h extension to allow time for debate. Based on what I've read in other threads, this is pretty bad news.

I think rehosting has been tried, but the turn file in question was corrupt after the rehost too.

That said, I'm okay with rehosting the turn if that's what people want.

Can I have opinions, please.

AreaOfEffect October 5th, 2009 09:19 AM

Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
This is bad timing in my opinion. This could have been mentioned three days earlier. I hope your not suggesting a roll back cause at this point it sets us back 2 turns rather then 1. Also, these turns are getting very important for me and others and I generally consider roll backs to be bad.

Even if you just rolled back and immediately forced host, it would still require everyone to redo their turns because of rerolled random events and battles.

I would be more sympathetic, I really would, but last I knew R'lyeh was not at war with anyone. Plus the fact he mentioned an error which could have been known half a week ago. If he is at war, then by all means I apologize, but I would still think this is bad timing.

cupido2 October 5th, 2009 11:55 AM

Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Me too am against a rollback, strange things can happen there. If the next turn file isn't corrupt, I have no problem with stalling this turn (although I AM at war, but those wars are not at a crucial point right now. And I have to admit that I already stalled twice during this game. I apologize for this). But the timing-thing I cannot let sit on me. I chose this game with the long host-times because I'm busy at work and home right now, so don't blame me to not look at and play the turns immediatly after the hosting.

Illuminated One October 5th, 2009 12:55 PM

Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I wouldn't mind a delay to sort things out.
A rollback would probably be bad though.

Gregstrom October 5th, 2009 01:20 PM

Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Looks like noboday wants a rollback then. That's fine by me, and I'll wind back the extension since there doesn't seem to be much that can be done about the corrupt file.

LDiCesare October 5th, 2009 03:39 PM

Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I'm in favor of a rollback personally.

AreaOfEffect October 5th, 2009 04:47 PM

Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
cupido, I mean no offense. I suppose people choose to play a slow game for different reasons. For me, it was so I would be forced to stew and think about each turn carefully. I often resubmit my actions an average of 2 times per turn.

Then again, someone also asked me if I would play in this game.

Agema October 7th, 2009 09:55 AM

Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I'm generally only in favour of a rollback if something absolutely crucial occurred you could make preparations to prevent which would cause severe problems for your strategic position. (e.g. a major fort was being stormed and you needed to prepare the orders for its defence.) It also has to be something so critical that it overwhelms the importance of everything else that went on - for instance, if two other nations had a huge battle, a rollback allows the loser to change tactics or avoid the fight.

I appreciate it's annoying to lose a turn by corruption - I've suffered it and probably anyone who has played plenty of games has - but unless it makes a vast, vast difference to your position, it shouldn't really be done.

Illuminated One October 13th, 2009 03:27 PM

Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Zhu Yi folds his hands and bows.

Really an awesome battle Algeanymph, and really close (at least in the battle bug view I get you killed my Golem at turn 70 or so) but never underestimate the might of the Celestial Empire. :D

Agema October 18th, 2009 12:14 PM

Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
A scout has reported back to Utgard HQ on that one. A mighty contest indeed, although even if the battle had occurred as per the bugged version it would have been a Pyrrhic victory for Ermor.

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