![]() |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
*SJ stubles in with a stein and a plate of saurkraut and bratworst. Just stopping by on a spare minute... Drove from Amsterdam to the hotel in Oberhausen the other day. Unfortunately, our rental car only goes 180 km/h, so we couldn't stay in the fast lane for more than a minute before people needed to pass us! Rode in a Porche up to 240 though, and got some video on the digital camera, I'll see about uploading it when I get back. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif Having all kinds of fun out here! - SJ |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
So anyone stil serve drinks around here?
For the true speeding expereince I can only recommend Finland. The only country where I've been in a bus that was stopped for speeding by the police. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Wouldn't surprise me about Finland. I got stopped by an overjealous policeman last night. He said I was doing 35 in a 30 zone. Let me off with a warning but how anally retentive is that!!!
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Odd... I don't actually remember leaving this place, yet it seems I'm back. Hmmmmmm. Ah, yes. I was on that stool over.... What in God's name is that smell?? |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Hey, folks;
Last day to get the free music up at the BBC: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/beethoven/downloads.shtml |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Those are some slow downloads...
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Well, considering that they're being slashdotted at the moment, the site being up at all is impressive http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
That is some good music.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
ah, we missed Tesco's B-Day, Soooooooo....
The old one walks up to the bar dance floor and makes the follwoing announcement Due to Missing The Old Snake's B-Day, we have decided to give the grey haired one (hehehe) a belated B-Day party. So everyone put on your party hats, break out the chilli and pizza, turn up the music, grab a FBW and lets get down and party for the newest aged one The Old Snake himself "Tesco", the old one walks over to several FBWs whispers in their ears , they smile and giggle and begin walking towards the B-Day boy with evil grins on their faces and silk scarfs in their hands........ http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Deceptive things, those scarves. They look so soft and lovely, but their high tensile strength will be the bane of our hero, Tesco.
Cheers! |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
As if his PBW starting regions aren't already bane enough for the poor guy..... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar and Grill
The bar and grill dies... yet again... DIE YOU STUPID &amp!
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar and Grill
Hmmm, so starting the Sofa King Tasty Steak Joint right now could be an idea?
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar and Grill
Nah, we still got the bar and grill. Anyone want some nice juicy steaks?
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar and Grill
The pork or the lamb?
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar and Grill
Technically both, but also mutated for extra flavour.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
The only steaks worth eating are beef steaks. Don't bother with those inferior pork or lamb (shudder)
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Mmm, bacon...
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
NA, you're looking very...black today http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
steak is ok, but give me some good old Chili........ and a brewski or two to go with it..... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Nacho's are the best!
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
A Brewski? In the Phong's Head?
What is the world coming too! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
This establishment is well known for its cuisine of various gendars of US and international Brewskis, why, we even have some from Canada. So if one is looking for that long sought after brewski brew they are so fond of, just ask the bartender or one of the FBW, they will fill your order with a smile, however, if you've been eating Chili and express yourself with the expulsion of certain polluted mixture of various air types, then, they may not smile but instead back off a little and present your brewski with a long pole .... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
As I recall that phrase is considered fighting talk around here. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Am I the only one expecting the phong's head to go monotone, western music to play and customers to start slowly move for their holsters? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
For you Mac, Bring in the Can Can Girls! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Well I was expecting a piano to suddenly stop playing and evertone to start staring at Renegade whilst reaching for their holsters.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Possibly saying "We don't want no trouble here stranger. He was just being neighbourly."
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar and Grill
**Noting the suddenly hostile looks from nearby patrons, Renegade makes a show of grasping the chilled bottle, lifting it to his lips and takes a loooooooooong drink!**
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar and Grill
Meanwhile the undertaker starts measuring him up for a coffin. He then realises that, given the clientele, Renegade is never going to get an open coffin funeral.
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar and Grill
I'll protect Renegade! Right after I get dibs on his arm or leg...
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
NA, you can have my arm. I have three after all, so I can do without one of them http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif Losing a leg would be...inconvenient.
I think it would be a wise time to fade back into my corner, before I'm further rended limb from limb. **Renegade slips back to the shadows from whence he came (with his beer, of course), with only the greenish glow of his eyes to indicate his continuing presence.** |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Fyron sets about animating the bloated, defiled corpses of the hops and barley used to create that abomination into the living dead. He then outfits the newly risen horde with mint-flavored toothpicks and dented, used beer bottle caps for shields. After razing that most unholy of structures, the army marches tirelessly towards the Cantina...
Upon arriving, they find the incorrigible Renegade cowering in the shadows. Having powers far beyond those of normal hops and barley, the horde can clearly see his craven form in the darkness. The horde swarms about Renegade's feet, jabbing their tooth picks into his feet at every opportunity. Overcome with sickening weakness from having partaken of the Unamable Brew, Renegade quickly succumbs to the pain of the stabbings and tumbles forward, landing face first on the Cantina floor. The hops and barley horde quickly surround Renegade and impale their toothpicks into him. Foisting him in the air, they quickly carry the cattle rancher, now moaning like a girl, to one of the back rooms where the local pub brews are stored. They pry off the lid of an especially large keg and dump Renegade inside. The lid is then sealed back on, leaving Renegade to ruminate upon his crimes. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
David walks casually into the bar and pulls out a strange looking device. The room falls silent at the sight of the old pixelator and more than a little curiosity as to what he is about to do... Pfffffft Pop! He presses a button on the device and a large comfy looking ACME Inflatible chair springs out of thin air. David sits in the chair and orders a round of Drinks for the patrons,.. and says, "Could I get a table to go with this comfy chiar?"
Cheers! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Hmmm that sounds like change. We fear change around here.
However with drinks all round we'll let you off, just this once. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Change can be GOOD. Gimme one of those pixelators http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
**Renegade is bodily dumped into the keg and comes to the surface sputtering and coughing. The beer soothes the wounds sustained in the hops and barley massacre. Thankfully, there's a slight air pocket, and the keg isn't totally air-tight, so Renegade did not expire in the keg, as was undoubtedly the intent. Instead, the beer absorbs into Renegade's skin, creating a lumpy, swollen caricature of the once handsome cattle rancher's son (I'm no cattle rancher! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif )
After a short time spent recuperating, Renegade pops the lid off the keg and slithers out onto the floor with a sodden 'plop!'. Gasping on the floor, Renegade crawls to his corner...** 20 minutes later... **A sudden rumbling sound is heard from the vicinity of the corner. As horrified patrons watch, a dust bunny rolls out into the light. Then another. Three more. Suddenly dozens, then hundreds of the 3 inch diameter dust bunnies (freshly endowed with semi-sentience) roll out into the light of the Bar and Grill. Rolling like an unstoppable juggernought towards the victorious hops and barley, they engulf their foe in clouds of hundreds of dusty fuzzy balls of doom! The screams were horrible...** |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
The hops and barley horde struggled valiantly against the dust bunny onslaught, but their efforts were in vain. Whenever one managed to eviscerate a dust bunny, this simply caused the separated parts to continue the attack as smaller, more numerous dust bunnies.
After over half of the horde had fallen, a stroke of luck occured. Some absent-minded patron accidentally dropped his cigarette onto on of the hops that was engaged in furious battle with the dust bunnies. The patron was immediately sent to have a chat with Barry for his gross negligence. Being soaked in Unnamable Beer, though it be most foul, caused the hops to turn into a blazing inferno. Any dust bunny that attacked it immediately burst into flames and disintegrated. Seeing the effectiveness of this new weapon, the nearby hops plunged their toothpicks into the smoldering corpse of the martyred hops. The barley, being none too bright, instead opted to set themselves on fire and charge directly into the most concentrated pocket of dust bunnies. Against suicidal barley and fire-armed hops, the dust bunny army was routed. The hops and the few surviving barley set their sights on the Cantina corner, marching towards the soaked, bloated Renegade. Unfortunately, their numbers were few. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
**Seeing their ingenious plan foiled, the decimated dust bunny army beat a hasty retreat to their home base, to nurse their wounds and plot horrible revenge.
Meanwhile, Renegade heaves his swollen, distended body from the corner, and quickly squeezes himself even further into the darkness. In that very same darkness, Renegade's newest, fiercest weapon is prepared to be released. The hops and barley, though decimated, are still a formidable enemy, but this new weapon should even the odds. A low, familiar sound resounds through the cantina. As the first voice is heard, others join in, raising to a crescendo of sound that threatens to shake the rafters from the Cantina. Then the first shapes emerge from the darkness, and laughter erupts in the Cantina. The miniature cows march out in their dozens, to join battle against the hops and barley, which just happen to be very tasty to the mini cows. The battle raged over the floor of the Cantina, with hops stabbing their flaming toothpicks into mini cows, and the miniature cows eating the barley and hops in return. In the end, the hops and barley were annihilated, with the last individuals being consumed after attempting to run for their lives. Renegade orders the 6 inch cows to march towards the home base of the hops and barley, to attack their heinous master.** |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
RD peers over his bar, now dressed in typical western waistcoat and bartender ensemble, at the marching army of 6 foot cows.
"Woahhhh!!! You bring your livestock in here you cleaning it up, pardner" http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Does that apply to my cat heard? I've got ten thousand head of tabby that have to be over the ridge by the end of the month!
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
I've been debating for the last day or so whether to post this link or not. I at least find the game very interesting, Just watch out for the break dancing rapper bear with the gun http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif. It's called "Dad and Me" and consists of beating up other kids in the playground.
http://www.inflash.com/x.php?link_id=7785 |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
I got stung yesterday afternoon, and now my right eye is swollen shut and the entire right side of my face is a mass of swollen tissue. My face looks like a [censored] blimp! |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
the old one wanders up to the bar and orders a brewski and his usual, looks around, must say its quiet around here, what ever happed to old GT, he did liven up the place with his red hot poker.. hahahahahahah
the wise one settles back in his favorite chair in the cornor and watches the FBWs doing some new gyrations on the dance floor.... he oogglleess the new outfits they're wearing, well, he mutters, some things are still the same.... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
A dusty, slightly dishevelled-looking figure enters the Cantina, his lurching gait sufficiently unthreatening to prevent hops, barley, six-inch-cows and tabby cats from charging him. He stops two feet from the doorway, sureveying the ravaged battlefield and the fallen bodies of the barley, who sacrificed themselves, the hops, who were eaten en masse by the cows, the dust bunnies, who were flambéed down, and the cows, who simply fell down after having too much to eat.
"My my..... Some things never change....." the figure mumbles. Though soft, the sound of his voice is still recognized by a few patrons sitting nearby, who slowly turn their heads around to look at the new arrival. The figure moves to one of the empty tables, walking more upright than at first. Before sitting down, he brushes some dust off his long coat. As he sits down, the billowing coat reveals a brief flash of military attire, clearly outdated by today's standards, but quite imposing nonetheless. A pair of glowing green slits slowly emerge from the deepest darkness of the farthest corner of the Cantina, and Renegade can barely be made out, standing at the edge of the light, squinting suspiciously at the new arrival, who is looking at the floor, ordering a glass of mineral water. A low growl emerges from Renegade's gorge, rising in strength until it can be heard by the frightened patrons sitting nearby. "Well go and see if that is who I think it is!" Renegade growls at the nearest cow. Reluctantly, the peacefully masticating animal gets up and lazily walks in the general direction of the unknown visitor. Upon arrival, the cow looks up inquiringly. The visitor slowly turns his head and looks the cow straight in the eyes, which turn wide. A moment later, the cow collapses on the spot as a result of a fatal heart attack. Raging Deadstar's small retrieval-drones immediately skitter out from under the bar and take the cow to the kitchen. "Yes..... some things indeed never change....." the figure spoke, and stood up. Everybody in the Cantina froze. |
Re: Phong\'s Head Bar & Grill
"Yep the central heating around herea does need some repair work, hit by a rouge cow I suspect." El Phil speaks up from the corner of the bar. "Somebody chuck something on the fire, it'd freeze the nuts of a brass monkey around here."
A FBW delicately places an EEE on the fire and runs off a pace. The EEE slowly starts to shake before combusting in a stunning special effect, filling the entire cantina with an intense blue light. [i]The light fades and the cantina has warmed up nicely.[i] Everyobdy in the Cantina defrosted. |
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