![]() |
Re: Seducing again
I believe the bug is that sometimes a unit is allowed to retreat from an assassination to a nearby province. The retreating to an underwater province was a fun side effect you discovered. EDI may need you to upload your game files as a way for the developers to further investigate. Otherwise we just have a fish story. |
Hybrid Troopers
Are R'lyeh Hybrid Troopers supposed to receive the dual wield penalty for having a spear in one hand and tentacles sprouting from their heads?
Re: Hybrid Troopers
Ich, please make a copy of that savegame so that we can have Johan examine it. That looks like something he would find interesting, hence it would also have a high likelihood of being fixed soon.
Re: Hybrid Troopers
Zath, I'm going to need to check that, but I think tentacles are supposed to be a bonus weapon.
Re: Hybrid Troopers
The same dual wielding problem occurs with the R'lyeh freespawns as well whenever they have a weapon and tentacles (e.g. the plain "Hybrid" on land). The problem with Hybrid Troopers is definitely of higher priority though, since they are national troops and the dual wielding penalty cuts their attack rating down to 6 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/eek.gif
Re: Hybrid Troopers
When one of Bandar Log's non-commander White Ones reincarnates, you get a load of squares instead of a name in the message.
Re: Hybrid Troopers
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Hybrid Troopers
1 Attachment(s)
And here is the savegame before turn generation...
The names for Japanese Males and Females which can be used in modding (133 and 134, or 134 and 135 or something) have been switched. If you use the number assigned to Japanese Males according to the modding manual you get names for Japanese Females and vice versa.
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
Ii have the following problem :
In black forest ULM, ghoul gardian seems sacred undead unit but cannot be blessed by anyone. Black priest and ghoul baron refuse to bless ghoul gardian, making them useless. Stelteckk. |
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
Due to some problems originating from the holy/unholy distinction of earlier Dominions games, sacred undead can't be blessed ATM. The problem has already been fixed, and will be included in the next patch... which, if you've seen the http://ulm.illwinter.com/dom3/dom3progress.html site, promises to be full of goodies.
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
A controversial "bug" - if all of the attackers in a Vengeance of the Dead dream aren't killed by turn 75, the victim dies, even if unharmed. Fair enough if that's what's intended - but is this WAD? If so perhaps the spell description should reflect this? ("If the victim cannot fight off all of the spirits by morning, they never escape their nightmare").
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
Apparently, a mage with twiceborn cast on it teleporting into an ocean of water to cause insta death does not count as having died normally, and the mage is not reborn. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. Occured in chinchilla when I teleported an archtheurg with twiceborn into an adjacent, high dominion province.
FeebleMinded Bug
Mindless units such as vine ogres can receive the battle affliction feeble minded. |
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
Issue shortlist roundup:
NT Jedi, I'll add your mummy H1 reanimation bug into the list next time, but I would like to get one more piece of information: What nation were you playing when that bug appeared? If it was MA Ermor or Lanka, the (currently unmoddable except for removal) #undeadnation tag may have some effect on reanimation and I would like to make sure I have all the info. If you can attach the savegame, that would be even better. |
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
1 Attachment(s)
Lifeless constructs get diseases.
see attched saved game. This happens to a mechanical man during a battle. See turn 9 of the battle in Werk Enum. I lost that battle so the mechanical man fell apart due to lack of leadership so you can only see it during the battle. This same turn also shows the drowning seduction bug and a bug where once in the water the seducer drowns instantly apparently, but the seduced stays to fight a battle before drowning. Very weird stuff. see the battle in lake puurple (71) to see a non water breather fight underwater. |
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
1 Attachment(s)
Also what about the other bug I recently posted: Mindless units such as vine ogres can receive the battle affliction feeble minded. |
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
Thanks, I'll take a look at that and see for myself.
As for the feeblemind on mindless units, I am loath to classify that as an outright bug. It's much in the same category as a wyrm getting a limp or some such where the results of getting a generic affliction are somewhat unusual due to some property of the unit. Most afflictions are general, i.e. most units can get them (limp, weakened, neverhealing wound etc) while some are specific (e.g. can't get your tail chopped off if you don't have one). So far as I know, feeblemind is a generic affliction. I have no idea if various unit properties affect the posibility of getting an affliction or giving immunity to it (blind units can't become blind or get eyeloss being the only exception to my knowledge). This is something that requires some developer input and may need some discussion on whether certain unit tags should give immunity to certain afflictions (inanimate, undead and demon to disease, mindless to feeblemind etc). It's too much of a question mark, so I can't include it yet. You DO make a logical point with it, so it at least merits the discussion. |
Modding nations
Addition to the shortlist, "MOD (monster/nation) Descriptions": The game doesn't crash, it just "forgets" other descriptions that come later in the mod. Mod nation descriptions seem to get added the last, so they're the first to get erased. Then the unit descriptions are cancelled out. The later a unit is created in the mod, the sooner the description is missing in case there are too many of them.
Spell descriptions seem to use another array for their descriptions, they don't interfere with unit/nation descriptions in any way. Don't know what the limit is there. |
Re: Modding nations
Starting a game with new nations via is not possible from the command line. This seems to be because the mod file is not loaded correctly, or something, Gandalf Parker wrote about this and may have further information.
During nation selection for a mod game, it says "Nation xx" instead of the mod nation name that was assigned to the nation, although that one is used once you make it to the actual server status screen with the flags in it. Makes it kinda complicated for people to pick their nation at first. |
Starting games from the command line
When creating games from the command line the game tends to always get VP provinces, even if you don't use them as victory condition. With manual creation, you can set the number of VP provinces to zero, effectively disabling them, IIRC. Maybe the other way around, but I have created a MP game without them.
Re: Modding nations
I also know a good bit about this last point, if more information is wanted. Spent a fair while fooling about with it.
Edit: I mean the thing about being unable to create mod nation games from the command line. It's unfortunate because it means the llamaserver can't run mod nation games without a degree of hassle. |
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
If given the choice anyone would choose being feebleminded over being mindless. |
Frozen seas - travel still possible
Did anyone experience problems with the frozen seas spell ?
I am in a SP game with MA Oceania as a neighbor and I casted frozen seas to avoid having to fight them, but I still get attacked by troops traveling from Oceania sea province to my land provinces. I thought frozen seas prevented that. Could it have anything to do with Oceania units having a different form on sea and land, so that the game mechanics make oceania sea troops vanish from his provinces and "teleport" land troops to my provinces, rather than walk from his provinces to my provinces ? |
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
In the case of feeblemind, it is from the game mechanics point of view a generic affliction, since as far as I know, it is NOT tied to the mindless flag on a unit. If it is tied to the mindless flag with some kind of a hook, that would solve the problem, but whether that is feasible is up to the devs. It merits discussion, but this is in my opinion a lesser problem than stone beings (such as gargoyles, staues tec) not being immune to petrification, which is another thing I need to add. |
Re: Devasura description; underwater devils; capit
Simply revealing a logical flaw within the game. This logical flaw is the same as a fire elemental being vunerable to fire. Whether or not either can be fixed doesn't change it from being a flaw. |
When you have a spy or are assaulting a castle, if there are any sites that have been discovered they show as 'magical site'... however in the F1 screen hovering over them reveals what the site is.
Re: Bugs
NT Jedi, no problem, I just felt we might have been talking past each other and wanted to clarify. Not angry at you or anything. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif
PurpleRhino, known issue, already in the list. |
Re: Bugs
On modded nations and game creation....
the basic problem seems to be that in multiplayer mode, Dom3 does not look at the mods until it comes to creating the game. mod changes (# of nations, AIs, name of nations, flag changes) do not reflect in the signup screens. This is also a problem with scenario maps that add AIs since players can be offered a nation which becomes modified or unplayable when the game is created (first turn hosting). The "workaround" is that mods work for manual game creation. So a game can be manually created by the host adding in all of the gods that were provided, and can then be RUN by internet connection. Two methods have been used to start games where the modded nations did not appear in the online selection menu. An email start where everyone used the mods to create their gods then mailed them to the host. Or, in the case of the mega games, using multiple onine servers to collect the gods then gather them together to create the first turn with the updated fatherland file. Once a game is created with the mods, the online menus did properly reflect the numbers of players, the proper nation names, and the proper flags that were set by the mods. Gandalf Parker |
What\'s this?
Having reinstalled my system from scratch, I receive these messages regularly after I quit from Dom3, and from this game only. What is this? Have I unlocked some debug functionality of the aRts deamon? Does the game leak somewhere?
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>warning: leaving MCOP Dispatcher and still 4 object references alive. - Arts::FlowSystemSender - Arts::ByteSoundProducerV2 warning: leaving MCOP Dispatcher and still 60 types alive. warning: leaving MCOP Dispatcher and still 7 data packets alive.</pre><hr /> |
Re: What\'s this?
Visual bug that is present both in map editor and in game when using 'province neighbours' filter (yellow lines):
Only 20 neighbours, those with lowest numbers, are drawn. Example: 25 provinces. Province 25 is set to be neighbour to every other one (1-24). No other neighbours are set. When active province is 25, only lines to provinces 1-20 are visible. When active province is 21-24, line to province 25 is visible. This might be the source of one-way province travel route illusion. |
Odd mummy assignment
A prophetized, HOF'd, deceased Helheim Dis was reborn as a... cold-immune winged mummy with an Ice Blade (Caelian mummy?).
Re: Odd mummy assignment
Re: Frozen seas - travel still possible
Re: Odd mummy assignment
Re: Odd mummy assignment
Hi gentlemen,
here is a bug, or a en error in the manual : I'm playing Mictlan LA and the underwater province defense is not the Atlantian Militia + Atlantian Shield Wearer anounced. Instead, I have plain old standard warrior with a tribal king, not really confortable at fathom five http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...es/biggrin.gif |
Re: Odd mummy assignment
Are you sure the province is underwater? On some maps, provinces that "look" like water provinces are in fact land provinces.
To be sure look at the info bar in the upper left of the display. If it is an underwater province, the bottom right of this bar will have small blue waves (which if you mouse over, will say either "sea" or "deap sea"). |
Re: Bug thread
I have a bug with map editor in 1.08, mac os version.
when I want to save a map, the game crash just after I have confirmed don't know if it's a known bug. |
Re: Bug thread
Sure you don't have another map already present with the same name? Could be that dominions is trying to overwrite it and failing. That kind of thing often kills it.
Re: What\'s this?
I presume you're running Linux with KDE? Is that correct? Does anyone remember the command line switch to disable sound? I don't. |
Re: What\'s this?
Re: What\'s this?
Late update, two spell issues
Apologies for my sporadic participation lately. I've had quite a bit to do and I've been suffering somewhat of Dominions fatigue, what with the bug list, FAQ, Faerun map in need of updating, the upcoming task of updating the Dom3 DB. If any issues have been left out of the list, you can probably chalk them up to that. |
Re: What\'s this?
You have every right to be sporadic for a bit Edi, the amount of contribution you make to the Dominions community is incredible. I'm still in awe of the database.
Re: What\'s this?
I have a thingie that might be bug but might be as you all want it..
I'm currently summoning tartarians and my battleground is in waterarea's MOST tartarians are (undead as they are) able to enter the water.. the "female" tartarians in the blue dress cannot do that (I'm sorry no unit number I'm a 100Km from my game comp atm) |
Re: What\'s this?
Apparently artifact the Sharpest Tooth isn't Armor Piercing, althought the game has it printed on uhh.. white on darkish-red?
I have a save game where my Strenght 19 Arch Devil with the Tooth duels with prot 33 Earth King for like 20 turns. The Earth King didn't even take a single point of damage from the Tooth (how do I know? He didn't take even a single point of poison damage in the fight). Hitting the Earth King wasn't an issue. |
Re: What\'s this?
I think the prot 33 Earth king is buged. I just saw him fight a arch devil with a infernal sword. Somehow the arch devil did not hit the Earth king for 15 rounds, since a hit would banish him to Inferno.
Re: What\'s this?
Re: What\'s this?
The bug with the sharpest tooth seems like the poison not working on poison immune creatures like it says it does. The armor piercing seemed to work just fine given the amount and frequency of the damage over the battle in question. Plus I'm going to err on the side of the oddball mechanic being broken as opposed to the fairly standard AP tag.
The Infernal Sword allows an MR roll according to the weapon DB, so the chance of it banishing my SC was fairly low (as it should be, given that it's a 10 gem item, and an irresistable banish would be much more on par with the 65-gem Mage Bane) |
Re: What\'s this?
And now a couple of new bugs:
The Tartarian Monstrum (unit 776) has no misc. slots, which is just weird. Normal manticores have the misc slots. Attacking golems (unit 471) die due to the 50th turn auto-rout function. (Or if given a retreat order at any time) This may be WAD, but it certainly seems like a bug to me. I'd imagine it would apply to any other mindless commander (via GoR, etc) as well, but have not tested it. |
Voice of Tiamat always target same province
When casting Voice of Tiamat by several casters in the same turn, they all auto target the same province, whereas other search spells (Voice of Apsu, etc.) target a new province. |
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